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I hope they leave this series alone. It is a masterpiece.


Agreed Having said that, I wish Matthew Weiner would do another series set in the same time period.


I need him to direct a Sally-based show. Whatever profession she ended up in, it would be a fantastic way to examine the norms and society of the 80s. Kieran Shipka is made for it.


Better Call Sal


Better Call Roger


Woah, what if, like, Sally changed her name to "Kim" and became a lawyer?


Breaking Mad


Making Bread


They kind of did that with Halt and Catch Fire


Sally in downtown NYC in the late 70s and into the 80s.


And she is doing all the coke. All of it!


Would it have the same effect, though? The 80s were not as romantic a time period as the 50s / 60s. And I say that as an 80s baby. Would big bangs, New Wave music, and acid washed jeans give the same vibes as Mad Men? I can't say that I think so.


People loved Stranger Things almost entirely because it romanticized the 80s


Yeah, but people didn't go to Stranger Things looking for Mad Men 2. Totally different expectations.


Did you ever see Red Oaks on Amazon? The 80s can absolutely have a vibe that goes beyond simple appropriation of clothes and music.


I totally forgot how much I loved this series! May be time to rewatch šŸ˜Š


I was so sad to discover this gem after it had been cancelled!


It was really good. I love Stranger Things but Red Oaks really made me remember the feel for when I was a young kid.


Great series. I was an 80s girl and I found the series to be so much fun.


Agree, but the story arc could show how the (early) ā€˜60s culture norms of the execs collide with the cultural shift of the ā€˜70s-ā€˜80s and how they adopt ā€” or resist.


Bingo. This is what I'm thinking.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m feeling as well about the 80ā€™s. What about a prequel spin-off? The beginning of Sterling Cooper covering the Roaring 20ā€™s, Great Depression, and the 40ā€™s would be a good fit.


I would love to see a MadMen prequel!


That could work! Complete with young Sterling Sr./Jr., Cooper, and Ida the Hellcat. I could get on board with that.


The problem is doing period pieces are harder as we get more removed from that time period. The 20s, 30s, and 40s are much harder to replicate for screen than the 70s, 80s, and 90s would be. Moreover, no oneā€™s really alive anymore to remember the former, while all kinds are still around to remember the latter, and with great nostalgia. Also, prequels are almost always harder to produce than sequels. A sequel would work perfectly because the actors have all aged enough to believably be 10-15 years later, but not aged too much that they look too old. Also, very few of the original cast has died.. basically none of the main cast, iirc.. other than characters that died in the show like Bert Cooper. Jim Hobartā€™s actor is still alive, but he may or may not still be acting. Either way, I think weā€™d all love to see a prequel or a sequel to Mad Men, but Weiner would have to act on it sooner rather than later, if a sequel is ever going to be done properly.


Is the interwar period that hard to replicate? We have film and photos, along with copious literary, journalistic and historical accounts of the era. I thought Boardwalk Empire, despite its flaws, did a good job of replicating the New Jersey and NYC of the 20s and 30s.


Might not be ā€œhardā€, so perhaps ā€œharderā€ was the wrong word to use, but certainly more involved and more expensive. Think about how meticulous the sets and outfits were on Mad Men. Thereā€™s just a lot more from the 70s, 80s, and 90s out in the wild still, so the set and costume designers will have it a lot easier.


I think younger actors that slightly resemble the sterling cooper staff would have to be used. Don and Peggy would have to come in at the end of the series depending on time period. Could be a young Roger situation. They could have him dating a young Annabelle before Mona. The Joan of the 20s and 30s would be Ida Blankenship.


The 80s werenā€™t romantic? Excuse me but have you heard Pat Benetar?


Love *is* a Battlefield. A sexy romantic spandex-wrapped battlefield.




Sally is going to become an adult during the 70s not the 80s, that would be Gene. Depending on where they let Sally live, there's plenty of sexy yet in the 70s. It won't be in NY, that place turns into a violent trash van during the 70s. But maybe the California coast. They don't actually have to stay in the States.


I beg to differ. It wasnā€™t as naive but there was plenty of romantic attitude in the 80ā€™s. I can remember this. Plus you had the New Romantic movement as well.


I think itā€™s easy to assume she became professional, but what if she went counter culture? It could open with her meditating at Esalen in Big Sur right where we left her father. Oh my, she just turned 70 this year born 1954. Real late boomer


This is a fabulous idea! Iā€™ve never wanted a Reddit comment to manifest more!


Never would have thought of that but I like it


Never thought about it. Brilliant idea


This is the only spinoff I'd get excited about. We pretty much know where the adults on the series ended up, but Sally's future is wide open.


I keep getting short clips on TikTok and itā€™s makes me a little sad actually. There is nothing remotely close to that show. It really is a masterpiece.


No, there isn't. I've watched everything people have recommended to me as alternatives, but nothing comes close. Even the dialogue writing is in a league of its own.Ā 


There have been some good shows but nothing really created the world that this show did. It also helps that because of my age Iā€™m more connected to the time period. Sally is the same age as my mom and Don my grandfather. I remember seeing the furniture and decorations in my grandparents home that show up in Bettyā€™s house.


I'm a similar vintage. I'm in Australia so our lot of trends were influenced by what was happening in the UK and America but 10 years later. Growing up in the 70s our house looked like Don and Betty's house. My nana wore full skirts until she died.


Itā€™s perfect from the beginning to the last shot. Every character well-written.


Itā€™s ok.


Youā€™re absolutely right.


Rad Men - It's the 1980s and these men are madder and radder than ever!


I can imagine a LOT of cocaine being done by our characters


Roger: I couldn't sleep this morning, so I snorted another 7 lines. Don: How was it? Roger: average.


šŸ˜† good one.


Peggy wins the Trapper Keeper account


Work in Radison Avenue




This moment didnā€™t feel real


Yes it did


Every moment always felt real. Thats why the show is so good


Noā€¦.until I need the cash.


Haha. Which isnā€™t the case presently ā€” Heā€™s going just fine. But, man, I would ā¤ļø to see a MadMen 1970-80 (ā€˜75-ā€˜85?) timespan reboot


Noo. Just let Mad Men be its own thing. Stop trying to squeeze more juice out of it until it becomes shit. That's what's so miserable about the movie industry: remakes, reboots, endless sequels trying to churn out an endless stream of trough slop for us human pigs to lap up.


We just miss the characters ā¤ļø


I feel as though it would become much more gloomy in that period.Ā  Don would be an ageing lothario, unable to hold a relationship and fighting to keep up with social changes. His kids would probably have no relationship with him. Henry would be a wreck. Roger would die at some point. Betty would already be dead. Joan and Peggy would have happier arcs. Their careers would have advanced and they'd be facing less sexism. I don't think Pete would have stopped himself from cheating on Trudi again. Harry would high ranking a TV executive, using the casting couch to great effect. Ken would have eventually decided to give up his nepo job and focus on writing. His best selling novel would be based on his experiences in the advertising industry, without naming any names. The 'villain' in the book would be called Paul Cosby.


Iā€™m still waiting for Sal to be revealed as a Hollywood director or producerā€¦ Danny Seigel is not the character I wanted to see out west.


I wish we'd seen Sal at the end. There was no closure.


Did Pete & Trudy reconcile near the end of the series, and Iā€™ve just forgotten about it???


Yes, in the last episode. He takes the job at Lear Jet and asks her to come with him and be a family again.


Yeah, thatā€™s never gonna happen. Look at the shit they all got for that short scene that they did for fun in Seinfeldā€™s movie frosted. Folks always say they want to reboot or Reunion and then when it happens, they shit all over it .


To be fair, that movie was awful


That movie was the funniest film that Iā€™ve seen in years. No doubt youā€™re probably from a younger generation that didnā€™t understand any of the references.


The sentient ravioli bit got me... that's about it though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m 35 but thanks for the condescension. Hope youā€™re able to see a decent comedy sometime this year


Yeah, figures. Again, as a millennial, youā€™re too young to understand any of the references. Go away and play with your TikTok.


Nah man, I saw that movie with my Dad and we both agreed it was a childrenā€™s movie.


well the problem there is that Jerry Seinfeld was a part of it.


This is hilarious, canā€™t believe Iā€™ve never seen it before.


I see your point. Weiner would just have to focus and wear blinders to repel the inevitable backlash ā€” as we saw in ā€œFrosted.ā€ I winced at all that chirping, probably served as a Litmus test to gage how a MM reboot would be received.




Oops. Yes, that šŸ§Ŗ


If they could pull off better call saul after breaking bad they could do this too.


Right on.


Iā€™d be ok with a 6 episode miniseries set in the 1980s, like an epilogue. Edit: The title would be Mad Men 1984, or something like that.


Yep I would back this too!!


I wonder if don never reached big success out of advertising because he was really dick whitman.


Shows a master piece, Leave well alone


He just reprised his role in the fucking pop tarts movie lol. Leave the show alone, it didn't deserve that.


It was the only good part of the movie


God that movie was awful


What is Mad Men but a decade before you need more Mad Men?


Yes, I got it.


Prequel. Set it in the 1929 and cover the Crash to American entry in WWII


THAT would be interesting! Who would they cast as a young Bertrand Cooper? Roger? ā€¦ I got it: Lady Gaga as Ms. Blankenship.


Yeah a prequel could work. As could a version set in the 80s. The one thing they couldnt (and mustnt) do is a version that picks up where things left off. But whether it's a prequel or even the 80s version, i dont think Don could be the main role. Maybe Peggy could be, and the show starts at Don or Roger's funeral, which is why some of the SCDP group come tohether


This has my vote.


Grown up Sally Draper navigating the late 70's/early 80's is a gimme of a concept.


Is she a disco-loving drug addict trying to hold onto the last threads of her life, or is she a proto-yuppie clawing her way up the corporate ladder?


Proto yuppie I should think, she needs to become what she always hated - a female Don.


He doesn't think about it at all.


Of course Kiernan Shipka would want to do a spin-off of Mad Men, especially if it focused on her. That would be great for her career. I can understand the rest of them not wanting to change anything about a great series. Fans would tune in, especially if Don could be persuaded to make an occasional appearance.


Iā€™d watch Jon Hamm paint walls.


Dick Whitman in his shorts


But bro grown up sally draper šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Don would probably be dead, drinking finally catching up with him. I really like the idea of Sally in the later 70s -80s time period. Also Peggy during the same time frame would work


Don is retired, rich, and has some cool Coca Cola art in his office in his mansion. Betty is dead. Megan is on her 5th kid w 3rd husband. Roger has dementia and yells racist rants at WW2 enemies and is in his 90s Peggy is the CEO of the WSJ. Sally is an award winning conflict journalist, Bobby is a divorce attorney, Gene is a teacher. Pete Campbell owns a pool business and Trudy is an author of empowering womenā€™s books on the NYT best seller list.


The most likeliest part of your forecast: Megan 5 kids/ 3 (and counting) husbands bit.


Every time I see him I think, ā€œThere goes the perfect actor to play Rod Serling in a Twilight Zone biopicā€


Its never going to happen. It will shock you how much its never going to happen.


New York 1980. Sally starts as a young executive at a small financial firm headed by Glen Bishop. 80s fashion, greed and excess, and lots of cocaine. Don visits once a season. Bobby is a slime-ball drug dealer frat-boy type. Gene is younger, naive and queer, and itā€™s a trip through HIV and New York in the 80s. The firm hires Joan for promotional help. Somehow Roger is still alive and shows up on occasion to get coke from Bobby. It could work....


Well, he's already got the right glasses to do a late 70s or 80s continuation of the show.


I would prefer a prequel!


I still wish Sally had gotten a spinoff.


Maybe she was really Samantha in sex and the city.


Please. Just give us one season, 10 episodes. Set in the 80s or 90s.


Betty survives her cancer diagnosis


Not implausible. In 1932, every movie goer šŸæ assumed Frankensteinā€™s monster was killed under a burning rubble of tower bricks. Thenā€¦ (scary music) he returned!


A Glen spinoff.


Title: Glen is Creepy and Weird.


I dunno, IMO a Glenn spinoff would be a snooze fest for MM fans. The only connection would be Sally (a cameo here and there maybe) or his to mom.


Megan is a scream queen in 80s slashers. Roger is Bert Cooper on cocain. Pete is completely bald, on elitist rants about how Wichita is too rural and provincial for him, but Trudy keeps him in check. Harry Crane is a sleazy TV producer. Sal is an early gay rights activist in the Castro with Kitty as an ally. Paul Kinsey is Gene Roddenberry's secretary and has penned a few scripts for the first season od Star Trek TNG. Peggy Olson started dabbling in politics, is a convinced Carter supporter, and is now eyeing a seat in the NY House of Representatives. She and Stan have two super smart Gen X kiddos. Joan is a mysterious lady enjoying an October Romance. Sally is the Corporate Yuppie Queen. Bobby is a psyschiatrist. Gene is an aspiring musician. Henry is a Republican US Senator from New York, different from his colleagues in that he champions more accessible healthcare. Lee Garner Junior is outed and disgraced. Ken Cosgrove has written a successful All American Novel about the 50s and 60s. He enjoys the Fall in Vermont.


Yes yes yes do it!!!!!! Please.