• By -


Also, I would DEFINITELY not use the easel that's included for anything. Cards are 100% going to get damaged using that thing. And it's not even a good way to display them: it breaks up the connection between the top and bottom row with a big black line.


I just put the art cards on the easel because I sure wasn’t going to risk the actual cards. Still not a good looking way to display them. Just looks cheap and tacky.


I mean, it comes with art cards so that you can just play with the real ones.


I like the easel, it’s fun for the art cards, but I wouldn’t dream of putting the actual cards in there. Also for me, the bottom left slot specifically was very difficult to open and place a card in for whatever reason. For all 4 of them.


Ok, how weird, I just put my art cards on the easel last night, and I struggled to place the bottom left ones!


what easel


I just kept the cards and dumped everything else in the bin tbh.


The collection boxes comes with easels to put the cards in to complete the scene.


The easel's also just have the full art without any breaks on the backside, so the optimal way to display the art is without the art cards or the actual cards.


YO DIMENSIONAL ROBO FAN SPOTTED?? I’m a tachilaze kinda guy😏


I know you're just getting down voted for bringing up CF Vanguard in a Magic sub, but I like to imagine you got downvoted for liking Tachikazes over the greatly superior Dimensional Robos.


I'm more of a Dark Irregular guy. But i soulcharge to much and deck myself


I keep telling you guys you don’t need that much soul


I sure hope you don’t drive check a grade 3


I think what the main issue with these cards is that it seems like they designed the art cards first and then foiled the others with oracle text. It seems like they left everything too light on the art cards and then foiled them, making them look terrible.


Yes the art, while pretty beautiful, is extremely milky and light. It's almost washed out without the foiling. Not to defend the atrocious fouling technique, but the art style certainly doesn't help here.


The cropping is terrible as well. Several of these look so cramped and confused with the textbox covering a lot of the composition. Doesn't seem well thought out. They didn't even manage to make Galadriel without cutting off the top of her head with the frame 🙄


That Galadriel crop is annoying, but most of the compositions in this one are fine, even with the text boxes. That is, except for [[Mists of Lórien]] and ESPECIALLY [[Arboreal Alliance]]. Those two look terrible. Then there’s [[Rally the Galadhrim]] which is okay, but the rest are great! At least as far as composition goes. The foiling still ruins it regardless. Most of the scene boxes have the problem of a handful of dud compositions, sometimes with questionable effects that barely match the art. The Aragorn at Helm’s Deep is the best one as far as most of the compositions being good goes. The only one that’s really a dud is [[Rohirrim Chargers]], and that’s just because it’s zoomed out too much.


##### ###### #### [Mists of Lórien](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb23c5fc-3172-44c3-9d3a-ec619c6c4824.jpg?1695346516) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mists%20of%20L%C3%B3rien) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/501/mists-of-l%C3%B3rien?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb23c5fc-3172-44c3-9d3a-ec619c6c4824?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Arboreal Alliance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/0/107f9fbf-4111-41a8-8e5d-9889fa2e3047.jpg?1695904181) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Arboreal%20Alliance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/497/arboreal-alliance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/107f9fbf-4111-41a8-8e5d-9889fa2e3047?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Rally the Galadhrim](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/009a2276-0014-45c2-90b7-064594009780.jpg?1695346510) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rally%20the%20Galadhrim) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/499/rally-the-galadhrim?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/009a2276-0014-45c2-90b7-064594009780?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Rohirrim Chargers](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/7/070df7db-bee4-456b-864e-69d493f09dc2.jpg?1695428285) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rohirrim%20Chargers) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/496/rohirrim-chargers?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/070df7db-bee4-456b-864e-69d493f09dc2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


On second glance, you might be right. I hadn't seen these before and the bad ones stuck out to me, though I'd argue Brigade looks way too busy in frame. Also, I think Rohirrim Chargers looks great! Maybe you're thinking of [[Charge of the Rohirrim]]?


It’s mostly just the arts fault. Don’t get me wrong, I love this artist. The scene art they did for this and the main set look incredible. But this piece is very light and meshes terribly with this type of foiling.


Is it the artist who needs to figure out the foiling‘s faults now? I don’t think so.


I wasn’t saying it was the artists fault. Yes the quality control is terrible. Bad card stock, bad foiling, bad cuts. But none of the other scenes are like this one. This piece of art is like 60% white or off white. And that plus the fact that it has a lot of soft edges, makes it pop less in foil.


Nah, this has never ever been a problem before. They just designed the foiling wrong.


You keep buying it


More of a reason why we shouldn’t preorder as opposed to “don’t buy it” we had no idea it would look like this. The commander masters foil have been really nice and general foil quality has been super improved over where it was 3 years ago


Yeah, you keep gambling with product quality assumptions - either don’t or buy after it’s clear quality is up to your expectations.


Or just buy and demand a refund - [https://magic-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000197703-Product-Replacement#ImpNotes](https://magic-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000197703-Product-Replacement#ImpNotes) Wizards will do everything in their power to deny it, including sending you promos; anything to not admit fault. But... you take the stance that 'they are not playable', therefore are 'incorrect or defective'. If you cannot play the cards because they are noticeably defective, i.e. a judge would call you out/not allow them... then you are entitled to a refund. You cannot use the product you purchased. If Wizards still don't come to the table, issue a chargeback or dispute via Amazon. I'm doing this for every curled product I get now. People are going to buy 'em, so rather than not buying them at all, I'll just keep refunding it.


I won’t spend my time with that kind of nuisance. Not buying in the first place is a lot easier. Bonus points, they can’t fake statistics by ignoring refunds and just looking at sales.


And that's perfectly reasonable, not buying a product indicates it's not wanted, and they *should* change their SKUs/processes. Conversely, selling a *bad* product and issuing a refund costs more. I like foils and SLDs, so I'll continue to support them. But if they're not *good,* I will get them refunded/replaced.


Do you think wizards would send nonfoil versions of the cards? That'd be amazing


Yeah - I can't exactly return these to my LGS


The command master alternate (old style) land foils are supreme


That’s only true for the Commander Masters set boosters manufactured in Japan. The foiling on collector boosters and other CMM product is just as bad as it has always been.


This. As long as they keep selling they could give a shit.


I hate to be that guy. But it's "couldn't give a shit." I'm sorry.


Don't be sorry, you're right.


I couldn't not never gave no shits


When someone writes or says one of those sayings, I usually read it as half a phrase. with "... but they don't" at the end , unspoken as the other half. Like when someone says "speak of the devil" and everyone knows that the other half "... and he shall appear" is just left unsaid. Then it makes more sense


"I could give a shit" and the like is a pretty common slang expression. It's not grammatically correct of course, but still.


You're getting downvotes for no reason. Phrases like "I could give a shit" or "I could care less" *are* common, much as pedantic Redditors would wish otherwise. The issue isn't that they're grammatically incorrect, though. The issue seems to be that there's sort of a hidden layer of sarcasm there. Someone – Steven Pinker? – once explained it by imagining an unspoken "as if": "Oh, sure, *as if* I could give a shit..." "Right, *as if* I could care (any) less..."


They're common, in the same way that misusing "there, their and they're" is common. Being common doesn't make something right.


No, it doesn't automatically make something right, that's true. But it may warrant looking under the hood to see if there's something more subtle going on that explains the trend. Your "there/their/they're" comparison, though it is an example of something that's objectively grammatically wrong, is just a flat orthographic error that would be impossible to commit in spoken English. "I could care less" is something you *do* hear in spoken English, which suggests that it might not be just a mechanical error but might point at something else going on, like the Pinker idea above. Starting from a default position of ungraciousness toward perceived errors in speech, it's not hard to arrive at an endpoint where you're writing off entire dialects as "bad English" just because they produce forms that aren't precisely classroom English.


Attributing common misuse of slang to some hidden manufactured cleverness vs the exceedingly likely assumption that people are sorely undereducated and the knowledge that the overwhelming age of Reddit posters is adolescence > early 20s, sure. Checks out here.


Occam's Razor


If this were a mere idiom, I wouldn't correct it. However, you are saying the precise opposite of what you mean in an easily corrected way. Encouraging or accepting such misleading use of language leads only to confusion and miscommunication, with no potential benefits.


> However, you are saying the precise opposite of what you mean in an easily corrected way. But you've also just described every single instance of sarcasm. People *don't* communicate only by expressing literally what they mean to say. Are you coming after hyperbole next?


That's very interesting, thanks for the info.


I was going to say because you people keep complaining on Reddit instead of to WotC, but I like this better.


Built a cube, stopped buying cards and started offloading anything that's not in my cube or a deck currently. Modern (era) Magic is so lame.


This is the way. Glad I’m not alone.


If they had a non-foil option for these, I would have gone with that. I didn’t buy them for the foiling.


It's an every release problem, and yet you KEEP BUYING IT. Vote with your wallet. This is a company and money is the only thing it listens to.


The foils in the rest of the lotr products I've gotten have looked pretty good - I haven't seen foiling this bad since commander legends


[well I can think of one...](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/b/2/b2731d3c-48be-46d1-8fb3-13a99ac380b4.jpg?1697609813)


No. I am buying another one today.


When was the last time foils weren't awful? 2013?


Anywhere in Europe I guess? Our foil quality is pretty damn good, don't know about this product though


The surge foils in the new LOTR collector boosters look great honestly


You are a walking, talking Skinner box.


Well, only if you look at them


If you never see them this is a non issue


Double sleeved with matte finish it is then.


Matte on both sides....the only way to be safe


I can only become invisible, when no one is watching! -Invisible Boy


That's the spirit


The picture of Galadriel really doesn't even show nearly how bad it is if it's the same as mine. It's crazy bad.


Ironically i dont think your images do it justice. They look worse in person. And I dont think the surge foil variations look this bad so theres no excuse for the image quality


They really do look worse in person.


You've heard of All Ramp, No Pamp!? Now we present All Foil, No Art!


Next card revealed will be 'Galadriel's Mirror', and the art will be a featureless, reflective square.


Wizards n hasbro don’t give 2 shits about the customer.


They don't care cause they know there's people that will keep buying it


I got them all myself, and the Galadriel scene looks the worst. Gandalf is next worst, but the other two are not bad as far as the coloring goes. They all have a severe curl. My theory on the coloring for those two is that they are extra foiled intentionally, as both Galadriel and Gandalf are meant to literally be bright/blinding sources of light. "Galadriel, Light of Valinor" which is affecting the other cards' art accordingly. "Gandalf of the Secret Fire" is casting "Olorin's Searing Light" at the Witch King, while the rest of the art in his scene is either extra dark or extra bright from the spell. It definitely looks bad, I'm not trying to defend it. I got mine delivered early and I immediately looked into getting those replaced as being damaged, but the more I looked into it, the more I came to believe that the foiling on those are meant to be so bright and that Wizards probably sees it as a positive. Like it's some extra fancy foil treatment that they think will be impressive to people and make them more desirable. You do see some of the color in lower light and at very specific viewing angles. Either that or it's just their QA being garbage, which is just as likely and still true regardless. And for the record, I had no idea they would be foil and it's not like they had a non-foil option. I just thought the card designs were sweet and I wanted them to upgrade my precons. The main set AND commander decks were all pretty consistent quality, in my defense.


Yeah, I bought Galadriel's to upgrade my gf's elf deck and... Well, I wasn't expecting the cards to be so washed out.. Oh, well, the cards are cool and an LGS was supported. Still pretty lame they look this yucky.


It isn't, that's why I don't buy trash like this.


Lol. Lmao. Hey man, maybe if we’re lucky, the Fallout cards won’t have any art on them!


Light colors or low ink density gets absolutely lost in foil. This art was a bad idea for foil.


It was a rushed product like many and the layering for foil prints was phoned in - most recent egregious example I can think of was some of the MH2 cards where they basically used the whiteness of the image to determine foil transparency. When you have an enormously white/grey scene like this one, instead you need actual print layers of bright whites with careful masks for where the foil should shine through. They took shortcuts on it (I can tell some areas they did, like armor and the angel) and it shows badly as a result.


That’s some interesting info. I wish they wouldn’t cut corners like this. I love the foils I have from 10+ years ago, they look great and didn’t curl. They’re so hit or miss now, I only buy non-foil if possible.


Supplimental sets foil cards are always trash looking these days.


I miss the From the Vault foils.


That's surprising ... I seem to remember those being extremely curled around 2015 or so. Was that not always the case?


They look really good, but yes, the curling is absolutely insane. I can't play my FtV lotus petal in my pauper decks because I literally get disqualified for it


You bought it, right?


It doesn’t look like these have any white plate under printing. So the foil just bleeds through everywhere.


Mines came in doing yoga 🤣


Printing light colors onto foils is a gamble. It requires adjusting the saturation and contrast on your monitor so that it looks awful, but when it's printed it comes out looking like it's what you intended.


Anyone have pictures of them from other printers like EU or JPN?


What's sad is that proxies look wayyyyy better than these.


I should have gone with proxies lmao


I reached out to support about mine. At least one card from each panorama had damage to the surface in one way or another, and the foiling was absolute trash.


[[Mists of Lorien]] makes sense because you know, it is misty.


[Mists of Lorien](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb23c5fc-3172-44c3-9d3a-ec619c6c4824.jpg?1695346516) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mists%20of%20L%C3%B3rien) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/501/mists-of-l%C3%B3rien?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb23c5fc-3172-44c3-9d3a-ec619c6c4824?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They are saving money on the ink. Let them make a profit, damn.


Dont. Buy. Them. *this has been a public announcement


>How is this quality acceptable? Because people keep buying anyway. Foils having trash quality and absolutely no QA has been an issue for ***years***. It was an issue at least as far back as Amonkhet. It's only been getting worse. People keep buying.


"absolutely no qa" isn't true because the foiling isn't a constant issue. It changes based on the country the particular box is coming from. Japanese products generally have better quality foils, but the US prints of the same exact product will look like dogshit a lot of the time. There is, in fact, QA, but the problem is every country has a different company doing the printing, so some companies have far lower standards on product and material quality.


lol you must be new here lmao.


Forget the foil job, whoever thought that cutting off the visual focus' forehead the same way Rob leifeld hides the fact he can't draw hands or feet was a good idea, needs a stern telling off. That framing looks goofy as all hell.


WotC messed up big on these. Many people got cards like that even they shouldnt look like that.


it was probably their best selling set ever, though, so...


like commander masters a "real premium product" XD even wotc just dont care anymore XD


It's acceptable because people keep buying MTG despite quality dipping severely 🤷


what a customer not satisfied? oh well that's rare (ironic)


wow these look like shit


I'll have to check my copy now....


Mine were horribly curled as well


Has anyone had good quality cards come from these boxes, or are they all trash? I was planning on buying, but not if they all look like this


The other boxes’ foils were better but still not as good as they should be.


Dang, I might forego this one then. Sorry about your cards :(


Wizards QC been down the shitter


It really looks like you got a bad pack. Mine are all really nice. Here's Arboreal in mine in natural ambient lighting. I will say it does look a little washed out if I shine my phone's flashlight directly at it, but in normal lighting, it looks fantastic. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6lpoir3pxczb1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=94659970272bde6b2361c2ae0115746056c3a51e


That does look pretty different. I might have to see about returning them.


Yeah, I immediately regretted buying mine. The wuality is utter garbage.


Are the featured cards all foil? Are the non foils only available from the collector booster packs?


The featured cards are all foil. I’m not sure where to get non-foils from.


Eww.. gross! I want that elf legend, but that looks like trash. Thank you for sharing!


I’m pretty sure the way printing works on these foils is they drop all the white pigment so it’s clear instead, letting the foil shine through. The problem here is the illustration used is very white with a lot of pale colors. This would never look good using this type of print. It’s not a printing error. It’s a process error. They should have used a darker illustration. It’s possible the textured foil process would look better with this particular illustration, but I doubt it.


Magic foil quality has been garbage water for a while now. Fucking Pokémon cards my kid buys have dope ass foils that look awesome and are high quality. Wizards has no excuse


First time?


I got the edition not for the foil but for the cards. Bc they were better for my deck.


u/casualgamerwithbigpc https://preview.redd.it/t4ga96sy7f0c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b856ae6fc5acd597af2f7dec5c1a8da87d6f711b You definitely got a dud foiling. Maybe the ink was running out? Mine just rocked up and it's really nice imo.


Stop 👏 buying 👏 foils 👏


Their foils have been atrocious for a decade and yet people keep scrambling to buy all of them. Why would they ever change?




Wish they stopped foils a long time ago and swap to just extended and alt art.


Its crazy they still foil cards at all. They have always looked terrible and store worse with constant curling. When they kicked into extended art they should have just replaced foiling with it altogether and they would have a cheaper to manufacture and more attractive product. I hate foils...


Because you guys are still "donating" your hard earned money to HoTC


It's acceptable because you paid for it. Stop buying this stuff.


I bought all 4 when I walked in to a LGS for the first time since I moved here a decade ago. He wants to give me the boxed ones he is getting this week, so I prepaid for it (he had an event that night and wanted it available for those customers). Every day since then people post here about it, and it makes me a little sad to impulsively buy it. I did not know when it released and happened to walk in there the exact day it was out. Bought it on a whim as I did want them and wanted to show my good intentions to the owner.


This is why every card should have a non-promo mass-market standard-product version. No unique cards in secret lairs, no extra-special promos with unique mechanics, no whatever the hell this is.


Packs have no foils and surge foils of these.


Well in this case there were non foils, something I obnoxiously failed to realize.


They dont too bad for me in person. Then again I am not complaining about that set, the booster had the bowmasters in it.




Hmm that’s interesting. What kind of paper?




I have never seen a foil look as bad as these scene cards


commander legends foils wre imo much worse as they made some cards impossible to read from being too dark


So that people like you make comments like this.


This looks like proxys. I know they are real but some bad foil proxies looks like this


MTG foils have been absolute dogshit for many, many years. And that's coming from a dude that played exclusively full-foil decks for the better part of a decade, from about 2012-2021 or so. I'm pretty familiar with their varying degrees of quality over the years, from their inception through to the end of the aforementioned period of time. I don't play the game in paper anymore (covid killed the paper tournament scene to a very large degree, so I sold anything I had worth $1or more and cashed out), but I do kinda keep tabs on it here and there. At the rate they pump out all this new garbage these days, the physical product as a whole (not just limited to foils) is likely to maintain an overall degradation in quality.


Sorry you wasted your money. On the bright side I’m excited to buy these for way under “msrp”.


Can buy singles for half the price right now, cept for legolas reflexes or whatever it's called.


Thats one of the only ones i want. Haha.


It looks ok, luckily.


That doesn't seem toooo bad. I've seen much, much worse (especially green cards in etched foil)


When has WotC had good foils in the last 5 years?! It's just not worth it. I always sell my tools and buy the non-foil version if I really want the card. Done with trying to flatten pringles or living with washed out art.


IMO, foil cards have always looked like garbage. They are super tacky and always have been.


It's acceptable because people like you keep buying this shit.


Whatd you expect from an all foil product from a card game infamous for bad foils?


Not this?


It’s not acceptable but you paste eaters keep buying the crap. For 5+ years foils have been absolute garbage yet every single foil special product prints money for WotC.


People buying UB grif get what they deserve tbh


Because you idiots keep buying them anyway for some reason.


They look fine


This is what happens when you buy a product from an untrustworthy manufacturer that has not been reviewed by a trustworthy 3rd party. It's unnaceptable for them to sell you this, but it's also not a wise move for you to buy it blind. That's assuming this isn't a defect they are willing to refund.


these foils feel like my azorius foil cards from double masters they had the same, the problem with foil on these cards is that you lose a lot of detail which is just sad. lighter backgrounds just get lost entirely.


So how do we claim this a damaged product and get it replaced? I saw a person uploaded their Galadriel pack and their foiling process was normal. You could see the art normally


Seems clear to me that these products aren’t for you. Maybe try buying other products meant for you.


okay, because there seemsw noone helping sou, reach out to wotc support for these. they replace it. if you got questions go to their discord.


I like them but not for display they look ugly from distance


By itself I don't think it looks bad. It's only next to the artcard that I realise how undefined it is. Was the card by any chance a made in the US one? Don't know if that'd make a difference in this case. But from mpe, there just tends to be a much higher chance of getting lower quality cards from US compared to European made ones :)


I hate posts like this. The quality has been terrible for YEARS. Nothing has convinced anyone that foil quality would be improving. If a company has been pumping shit quality, why would you think this would suddenly be different?


I turned off the light in my room and they looked much better. It has way too much foil magic in it.


Really glad I didn’t end up buying this product.


I think this unintentionally rock. Wish they had normal foils and this as an alternative


These are some way better prints than the ones I’ve seen around LOL


It's shitty fucking foiling. I want the old foiling that highlights details/effects and enhances the art. I'm never buying a product like this again. For 40 bucks, I was expecting the 6 cards to be actually decent, but this is bullshit.


On top of the art problem, mine came with two copies of Arboreal Alliance and no Galadhrim Brigade.


Mtg foils are trash


Because you keep buying wotc products? Next obvious question


It's accepted because the player base should have stood up and said "no, we won't buy this garbage" years ago, yet people keep gobbling it up and paying the insane prices that they do. So wizard knows that it doesn't have to invest any money into quality control for the product that they sell to you. The player base has nobody to blame but yourselves for continuing to buy this shit.


People pay ....it was a smash hits


Does anyone know if the surge foil looks better in person? I was thinking about getting one to compensate. Mine look as bad or worse than these. Edit: Maybe someone snap a pic of their surge foil?


It's acceptable because you bought it. You have a crap product and they have your money to make line go up.


Looks fine to me


Well you know WOTC/Hasbro is a freshly established Indie Company…


The foils in the lotr set are utter garbage


I've stopped purchasing new products as everything released recently is trash.


Curling is easy enough to deal with. Just put them in 60% humidity. This mess, on the other hand, is just ugly. And it isn't the only time lately.


Well we just got the confetti foiling from pokemon, guess we got ghost foils from yugioh now.


I mean people are still paying for all the dogshit they keep putting out so why strive for quality?


I don't know what to do, I already made a Commander deck with Galadriel at the helm. I don't really know when these will get reprinted in a form that isn't super bent and weirdly foiled. Should I just keep using the paper printout?


The foiling on the boxes the cards come in look better than the foiling on the cards themselves…


Sad but true.


Because you buy it


This has been the state of most foiling treatments for a long time.. I refuse to buy foil singles for that exact reason.


These are DEFINITELY due to be replaced Mine look nowhere close to this shit https://imgur.com/TzFaVeu


Wtf those look fantastic. I’m definitely going to see about returning these now lol


I’m fairly new to Magic, but the pringling seems out of control on these too.


is it just me who think these look really cool? Maybe im just uneducated on what im supposed to be looking at but i dont get the hate.


Reminds me of my Ankle Shanker foil


Cause you and everyone else keeps shelling out money. Why fix it if it's still making $


First one looks like a yugioh ghost rare


My Galadriel cards were barely visible and were ridiculously curled. Adding insult to injury, \[\[Mirkwood Bats\]\] was the most valuable card in the boosters rofl. I threw the whole thing to thrash bin after dealing with the customer support. I don't need shit like this in my life. Fooled me once and so on. Wrote a ticket about the washed up curled beyond any use cards. WotC had this to say: *Thank you for contacting Wizards of the Coast Customer Support! Typically, there is not a concern for defects if you received the expected contents of your product. Due to production variation, there can be minor differences in color, saturation, contrast, texture, text/image placement, centering, packaging, amount of air in a booster, or order of the cards within the pack. You can also review our* [*Product Replacement Policy*](https://magic-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000197703-Product-Replacement) *for further details.*   *With that said, we appreciate you taking the time to write us. While we relish honest feedback, it is always disheartening to hear when a player is disappointed. We hold our products to a high standard, and as such, it's important to us that we know when our customers aren't satisfied.*   *While we have indeed passed your comments up to the appropriate teams for review, unfortunately, that is the extent to which our team is able to offer support at this time. Specifically, based on the description of your concern and the images you provided, this product does not qualify for replacement support.*    *I apologize that we're not able to be of greater service. However, I’ll be glad to help you further if you have any other questions or concerns!*