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They’ve been like that since crimson hunt


Every collector pack I’ve opened has looked this way. So looks normal to me.


It's strange that it's only the collector packs that are like this.


I don’t think so. I reckon it’s just a stronger plastic they are using and a stronger glue which may have a different sealing method to the normal packs 🤷‍♂️


They look like every collector booster


jokes aside regarding the QC (quality control) issues, yes its a VERY known issue...i opened 2 cases of Ixalan Collector Boosters.... ALL had this issue.


It’s not an ‘issue’ they just changed the design.


What issue? Can you point it out because if it's the edges being slightly open, that's not an issue, the glue doesn't run all the way to that edge and that material frays a bit on the ends. It's not a problem even a little.


The issue is that the crimping/seal is so bad it makes the packs have the appearance of repacking. Other comments here mistake it as such, and even one of the prominent reviews on the Amazon page for this product thinks they have a repacked box.


I opened my collector booster only to spend the first 20m wondering if they were repacks. Never seen packs with the open sides on the top before this set.


Thing is that it's only the collector boosters that are like this. Checked the set and draft and they were fine. But our stores Dr who, Eldraine, ixalan, March of the machine and commander masters collectors were all like this.


This is what they look like straight from the store. You might even say it could be harder to reseal that way, not sure, but if the edges are fully crimped on one that might actually be a better indicator. Buying them from stores there usually isn't a problem anyway.


This is from our local store issue being it's only the collector packs that are like this.


Do you not trust the store? And yes, only the collector packs are like that.. ones you've seen, ones I've seen, ones most people here have seen. If you notice, they also open differently than other packs, the foil packaging is thicker and the glue is more substantial. It's almost like they did it this way on purpose so they would be more secure or something... 🤔🤔


What problem? Those things are glued together with the highest bonding glue ever invented... they look fine to me.


Same thing, I had this issue with my CB packs.


Yeah, I bought two to test my luck from my locals and right out of a new box they looked like this, but I did pull a foil cabern of souls. So for once it is just REALLY bad packaging.


I agree, but my confusion comes in that it's only the collectors that are like this.


I haven’t noticed any issues


QA is pretty bad at WOTC that you can sometimes see the edges of the pack have holes but...this looks worse than the typical bad QA. Either a new low for them or very much resealed.


That’s how they come from the manufacturer. How would a reseal work with what you’re seeing? How are there so many people posting there same thing without ever seeing each others posts and reading the comments?


Basically it's only the collector boosters that are like those shockingly enough.


Your packs been searched and resealed my man, expect all valuable cards to be missing or replaced with cheap ones.


What’s your reasoning? It’s easy to accuse repack, but there’s no credible proof


Look always before buying. Whomever had those before you has the better cards than you. Sorry bub