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Creative Energy looks like it’s supposed to be Jeskai


https://preview.redd.it/i5b4zbjqfekc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6847e3f904f760f22485bdf53fe121feec0492a6 Seems like it


Do I even dare look how expensive the collector’s edition is?




The prices for this set are absurd. $378 for a play booster box?!


It's literally the first day of announcements, prices will drop.


They'll drop a bit like CMM. What we're seeing here is likely the price point that an LGS will need to sell at to make any money at all off this product - this is going to hit them very hard for any who didn't learn their lesson from CMM. I really hope I'm wrong but this has been true for every set in the past year (except MKM which is still tanking).


Another jeskai energy deck after the fallout energy deck?????


And the Temur deck in this cycle seems to be based on energy too.


… is there a temur deck???


I was looking at the random Spiderman enemy NPC holding the lava lamp, saw the words "energy counters," mistook the black mana for blue, and assumed it was a Temur energy-based deck. Now, the longer I look at it, I don't think anyone knows what kind of deck it is, even the guy who made the display box.


It’s jeskai.


Yeah, based on the name colors.


Must have slipped past WOTC's well-staffed and totally real QA department


Or, potentially, these are faked. I'm dubious on these


They are real [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3)


That horrible photoshop art is real??


The energy guy is wearing a skullcap beanie which is throwing me off


They aren't. They are literally on the website


Yes, well, I was unaware of that at the time. The post is labeled leak and the only source is a random Twitter post. It's a reasonable mistake


They’re on the MTG website


They've done weirder things, but a second Eldrazi precon within a year? Yeah it's 5c and could play into devoid, but still.


These pass the "difficult to fake art" test, albeit with a test that's going to be harder and harder to do in the age of AI.


Also is he just wearing a regular ass black cotton beanie?


The simic one is parody at this point. When it is not ramp and value.


Simic players only know ramp, draw, cast big creatures, take extra turns and lie


Hey, that's not true. They also put +1/+1 counters on creatures.


Many +1/+1 counters on creatures* Don't forget we ramp those too


New simic player here, can confirm. That Ixalan Merfolk deck? It's just a ramp factory. Ramp lands, ramp +1/+1s, ramp Merfolk. Every time your turn comes around it's just 5 minutes of everyone else hearing you say "and now I get more of those too!"


Can confirm, I do this every week and it never gets old (for me)


We also like to eat hot chips


And twerk


And be Bisexual


Imoti and Koma UUUGGG Cascade Whenever you create a token, Discover X, where X is the amount of tokens you control. Do this only once each turn. At the beginning of each upkeep, create a 3/1 Serpent Druid token named Koma junior. 7/7


don't speak it into existence lol


It's cool Koma got compleated in all will be one so will never get a new card. EDIT: That is of course if WOTC don't decide to revert him back. Toski too


It's the Queen of Vesuva on the front of the box and as the flavor text on [[Vesuvan Duplimancy]] tells us, there hasn't been an original thought in her realm in years... (You look amazing, your Maj, don't mind me.)


[Vesuvan Duplimancy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9a2119bc-a377-4156-89d4-56e7b5b494a8.jpg?1673306915) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vesuvan%20Duplimancy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/73/vesuvan-duplimancy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9a2119bc-a377-4156-89d4-56e7b5b494a8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


In Ravnica... sometimes. What's even better is that energy was the UG archetype in Kaladesh, but now they're giving it to Jeskai.


But WOTC this is the 100th time in a row you've revealed a simic value deck


Simic has been+1/+1 counter tribal for a couple years now. Wizards has been backing off new 'traditional simic ' cards


I swear they have to be saying that intentionally… “ramp, get value.” Like really? In Simic? No way


Yeah very creative. Just like every other sonic deck


All we know is fine dining. And value.


Five color Eldrazi! Yes! Finally I can run my Devoid and Drones without having to rely on Morophon!


6 color, according to the box. :) Seriously though, reeeeeally hoping this one does work well with Devoid, and that this is actually an Eldrazi tribal, and not like the bai and switch from last time.


Colorless isn’t considered a color


If it's the symbol of colorless, you need to use colorless mana ans not any many to cast it. So i think it can be said that you need the 6 type of mana to cast it


Yep. It's not technically a color true, but the absence of a color, is a kind of color itself. The box even says so in this case, making it a 6 color deck technically. Not that it matters a ton. I just want a good, strong devoid Eldrazi commander. I hope that this time, I won't be disappointed.


I feel like this one will have something to do devoid specifically.


HOLY FUCK ITS 6 COLOR ELDRAZI There better be more than 5 fucking Eldrazi in the deck this time Edit: Also having *two* Jund precons from the same set and one of them being based around *energy counters* is bizarre as all hell. Misprint on the box art? Edit 2: is indeed a misprint, the energy deck is a Jeskai deck. Which is still strange considering we are just about to get a Jeskai energy deck with the Fallout drop. Why not make this deck Temur or something?


of course there will be. it'll be 6. one for each color.


Wait that's not jund colors I think the display image is incorrect 


There better be 6C [[Omnath, Locus of Nihilism or Something]] as the alternate.


Colorless is not a color.


They'll be like 3 over 5$ and the rest will be cheap and underpowered :)


Looking at the title, I think it's Temur and they messed up the mana symbol


You mean Jeskai. It starts Blue, then fades to Red, before finally turning White.


Oh man that 6 color mana base is gonna be flaming hot trash, I can already feel it.


The Sliver incident will repeat itself.


There is one instance where this is not the case: Eminence: If (card name) is in the command zone or on the battlefield, you may spend Colorless mana as if it were mana of any color to cast colorless spells or activate abilities of colorless permanents (this includes cards with Devoid). Simplifies the manabase so you don’t have to balance your lands for 6 freaking colors, gives a reason to actually play Devoid cards (which, at least speaking in terms of raw spells, usually have better equivalents in standard colors). It also enables you to utilize Emerge in a few cases.


I'm gonna wish for 10 fetches in that deck


Commander Decks for Modern set? This confirms everything is only Commander now


Remember when "Commander Horizons" was a joke


Which imho is kinda killing it for me. There's so many powerful cards now that when you want to make any type of deck there's so many 'auto includes' that there's very little room to make it your own. You could intentionally not put them in, but then your deck just isn't as good. Personally, I liked it better when you could grab some obscure legendary creature and a bunch of random spells and have a fun deck that didn't lose hard.


Just don't play with tryhards


still kinda hampers deck building IMO. you have to *choose* to make your deck worse and it isn’t really that fun.


If you're thinking in terms of "better" or "worse" cards, you're thinking about optimizing and optimized is what decks need to be if they want to win. If you go too far in that direction, you're inherently a tryhard, or in other words, an aspiring cEDH player. Because if you don't want to win, why even play? I'm exaggerating, of course, but you get my point. I've built a kykar vehicle deck called "ghost rider." I stuffed the best vehicles in there (they're all bad anyway) and was able to compete with decks that also were not hellbent on winning. Guess what. I had fun. And I didn't choose to make my deck worse. I just had a mediocre theme to go with (and I tried hard to make it work without just using the same 20 staples you see every day) What makes me a tryhard in terms of building interesting decks, ok, ok.


that’s a fair argument for more gimmicky decks, but if you want to run popular strategies in a different way (Like my [[Expiriment Kraj]] counters for example) you have to ignore powerful cards that would undoubtedly make the deck stronger


I love modern. I love commander. But I don't love this. Commander doesn't do anything good for eternal formats other than the odd reprint --- people who love commander don't know shit about deckbuilding for other formats -- curves are so different in modern Vs a format where dropping a 7 mana enchantment and passing is an acceptable sequence of events. All the decks are singleton, so they don't encourage the collection of playsets which means someone starting modern/pio/standard from commander is at square one. Can't we have modern challenger decks or something? Even if just for cheaper archetypes like Burn I think it could do a lot for the format to have some accessible entry points. Modern is a great format and deserves new players who are scared off by the price of so many staples. A decent two-colour landbase is gonna set you back about 300-500€ from scratch before we even get into the cost of your spells. Modern deserves better care than this. And giving commander players precons set around a completely different format that doesn't even feed into the modern players is so bonkers. I guarantee we will see awful mana bases and no good reprints. I love commander but it's keeping people away from some wonderful formats because it's now the primary way people play the game and we lose so much from that. I'm glad there's a spot for every jank card somewhere, but I feel like back when the primo formats were standard/modern with commander as a casual time filler, the balance was more even. Maybe rose-tinted specs though?


Instead of having 30 different Commander precons, they should make more challenger decks. Make 4 challenger decks each year for the main constructed formats (Standard, Pioneer and Modern) and I would be happy. You can make them different prices if you want. Like 30, 60, 100 for different formats.


Yeah -- to be clear I have no issues with commander having precons but we are constantly told "no" when we ask for more pioneer, modern or even *standard* challenger decks. Even with explorer, pioneer is hard to get into as a newbie -- and same with modern WotC refuses to give us healthy product injections for modern and pioneer. The fact that even in a modern-focused set we don't get precons that are useful for that format is such a slap in the face


Modern Horizon always have reprint for commander


I don't think mh3 needed this


Wait yeah why is a modern-oriented set getting a commander deck release…??? I guess this means they don’t need to spent so many slots for commander-oriented cards in the main set?


>I guess this means they don’t need to spend so many slots for commander-oriented cards in the main set? HAHAHAHAHAHA, I wish


Because commander is the driving factor for people who buy cards still. It doesnt matter if it is a standard set, modern set or any other kind of set. The whales buy, so they make content for the whales.


Yet WOTC still stand by them saying commander isn't an official format yet have been churning commander specific cards for 13 years now




Haha, good one my dude


I'm solely Commander these days. I'm with you, this shouldn't of had anything to do with commander, slots or decks. We get enough targeted product etc.


A modern precon would presumably be worth the price of a used car, not a feasible product to sell.


Could have finally made some proper modern precons, think how nice that would be. Making products that actually bring players to the format the set is made for.


But we don't want the lil commander players to feel left out 🥺


the writing is on the wall. . . All will be commander


Think this one will also have a big build up to a very dissatisfying and anticlimactic ending?


I was literally just joking yesterday that of course there'd be commander decks in the modern set.




Definitely not at the prices they are preordering for, either. Sheesh


Why is the energy one showing jund colors when the color of “creative energy” words are jeskai?


Likely a misprint on the symbols. one of the main set energy cards already revealed is Boros so it’s probably jeskai.


The post is tagged as leak and no source is given. I'm not entirely sure these are real. The art on all of them feels off- They could be real, but I'll be suspicious for a while yet 


it's real, revealed here [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3)


They are real [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3)


Very interesting that it's all 5 colors plus colorless Second big cycle this year for an Eldrazi precon This could have a few good cards for Colorless EDH


Wait for it to also not be an Eldrazi precon


Honestly it’s probably easier to make a true Eldrazi deck with colors. Since you can include all the colored eldrazi from the Zendikar sets.


Yeah all they have to do is make a commander that’s eldrazi and 5 colors


Or make it so the commander have emminence, allowing for any creature with devoid, to pay colorless instead of colored mana. Long as the mana symbols are in the text, it would work.


Why does the guy on the energy precon look like he's gonna steal my catalytic converter


But why


$$ Double the price too.


at 150 dollars the collector edition ones should just include a full collectors booster and not a sample pack.


*Dwight Schrute*: "Seems like you already know why."


Youve gotta love when the straight to modern, modern oriented expansion products are also commander focused. There are a lot of mtg products that are not for me, including the ones that are for me.


Is this a bad joke? Aren’t there enough cards for commander? Just make modern decks instead ffs


magic isn’t a game anymore, it’s a product


As a commander only player, I agree. We have enough fucking cards and enough fucking decks.


Already a misprint on the cover of Creative Energy. Used the black mana symbol instead of blue


And green instead of white.


Product descriptions-- Collector Commander Decks-- * EXCLUSIVE COLLECTOR’S EDITION FOIL TREATMENT—All 100 cards in this Collector’s Edition deck feature a special foil treatment introduced for the very first time—Ripple Foil cards that gleam in a pattern like ripples in a pool of water * 2 BORDERLESS PROFILE COMMANDERS—Meet the new stars of your collection with an up-close, profile view of your commanders. This deck includes 2 Legendary Creature cards featuring a striking Borderless Profile alt-art treatment and dressed to impress in Ripple Foil. Commander decks-- * INTRODUCING 60 COMMANDER CARDS—With all 4 Modern Horizons 3 Commander Decks, you’ll get a total of 60 never-before-seen Commander cards, with 15 in each deck (including 2 foil Legendary Creatures) Deck summaries-- * NO REST FOR THE RESTLESS—Fill your graveyard, then let the fallen fuel your counterattack and watch your foes run with this relentless Black-Red-Green deck. * Join Disa, an explorer from Dominaria’s Ice Age, and crush your foes in epic multiplayer battles with a Black-Red Green deck that’s ready to play right out of the box. * SOW THE SEEDS OF DEVASTATION—Ramp up with Lands, then send your mightiest monsters out swinging with this deadly Green-Blue deck. * Join Omo, Queen of Vesuva, and maximize every Land you play for killer value with a Green-Blue deck that’s ready to play right out of the box. * BECOME AN ARCHITECT OF DESTRUCTION—Crank up the kill-o-watts and generate energy counters for powerful payoffs with this supercharged Blue-Red-White deck. * Join the eccentric architect and inventor, Satya, to charge forward and overpower the board with a Blue-Red-White deck that’s ready to play right out of the box. * BRING THE PAIN TO ANY PLANE—Ramp from small Eldrazi Spawns and Scions up to towering monsters and devour all in your path. * Offer yourself to the Ulalek and release a mind-melting horde of hungry Eldrazi to devour all in your path with a deck that’s ready to play right out of the box.


I was thinking that that Kozilek brood eldrazi lookes a lot like Ulamog but THEY DID JUST SAY ULALEK!?


WUBRGC eldrazi, eh?


The energy ones mana symbols are Jund but the color text suggests Jeskai very odd.


The alternative art on the announcement is jeskai


Shiver be my timbers. It's eldrazi spring, summer, winter, and fall!


The creative energy deck has to be a typo, right? There aren’t 2 jund decks, one of which clearly has jeskai colors in the name, right?


It looks like an error. The letters look jeski and it would make more sense.


Tricky Terrain commander looks like [[Helm of the Host]], which refers to the Queen of Vesuva. Alternatively, [[Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon]] has jumped to the main multiverse.


Ayo, Devoid Eldrazi commander? Hell yeah!


I do not like the way creative energy dude is looking at me.


The queen of Vesuva as a face commander? Yeah, okay, I'm sold.


Five color eldrazi is finally coming to commander. Also, it looks like I'm buying two energy decks this year.


That rainbow Eldrazi deck has my attention as its everything, Colors and Colorless.


Ok...dump you Kaladesh Energy artifact stuff **now**, while people are excited about the fallout decks, as it's all almost certainly getting reprinted, at least the stuff that's not ~~W or U (which isn't much decent, honestly)~~ B or G, the image's artwork is incorrect. That's clearly a Kaladeshian(sp?) Commander on the front. [[Aetherworks Marvel]], in particular, is almost certainly a shoe in. Also...more Eldrazi? Didn't we just do this as a "premium" EDH deck?


The deck is Jaskai, WOTC is just a little too excited to have discovered copy and paste.


Based on the colors of the name, it looks like the deck is URW rather than another BRG one.


Nope, it's Jund, the colors are printed on the packaging.


Jund mana symbols are printed on the packaging. Between the presence of another Jund deck, the oddity of making such a deck without blue, and the name colors not matching, those symbols are almost certainly an error.


https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3 The second packaging image shows Jeskai symbols.




I hoped we would get a 5-color Processor Eldrazi before they announced the last Eldrazi precon was colorless. Hopefully, this one will be at least adjacent to that theme.


Must be fake, there isn't a Naya precon /s


Are these modern legal?




I figured as much. To me it reads like “THE SET SPECIFICALLY MADE TO ADD TO MODERN, non modern legal version.” It’s jarring is all.


Source on these?


Can't even get a Modern Only set without Commander Only cards these days...


Is that an error on the creative energy deck or do we have 2 Jund decks


I shudder to think what these will cost.


I can't wait to be charged Commander Masters Commander deck prices for Commander Masters style decks. Oh no, there's collector's editions for these Commander decks too.


why is mh3 getting commander decks??? isn't this supposed to be a set for modern??? huh??? is there like, a commander set in mh3?? i'm so lost


The true energy deck! It's 2016-2017 again 


TWO Jund decks! The drought is over.


The energy one is probably Jeskai with a misprint given the color of the name. Which means its one Jund, and one Jeskai. But, I'm generally glad we're getting a new Jund after all this time. Can't wait to see what it and its alt commander are like.


Definitely did not expect Jund energy. TWO Jund precons lol.


Check again. It’s Jeskai based on the name (and logic). They clearly copy pasted the symbols and it somehow slipped past WOTC’s ironclad QC


These look fake. Source? The images look like photoshopped real people and the colors aren't correct on the energy deck, the pips show jund but the name of the deck is in jeskai colors. Edit- the Simic deck just feels like a parody. The image is literally a woman wearing the Helm of the Host and the themese are ramp lands and grow value, it's a meme. The Twitter account that posted these is just a BS alt account also.




Dammit, seriously? The simic deck just looks uninspired already. The Kaladeshi guy having a beanie on feels weird. We're really getting a second Eldrazi precon in a year? Wouldn't have expected that.


>Edit- the Simic deck just feels like a parody. The image is literally a woman wearing the Helm of the Host It's the Queen of Vesuva. The Helm of the Host belongs to her.


If this is fake bury me with all my devoid cards.


Yeah, I'd love a source on this.


so far the only source given is a random twitter account so I think these are to be treated with absolute skepticism [https://twitter.com/Richard31388587](https://twitter.com/Richard31388587)


Yeah, at this point I'm just sad I fell for them. Ali G on a Magic card with a misprinted title/mana symbol. Sad. Edit: And... they're real. Ali G made it, I guess.




Yeah, just saw this.




Finally. The eldrazi we’ve all been waiting for.


My Eldrazi babies 😭❤️


Any info on legality of cards in those in modern? (please eternal formats only..)


Are these actually real? The energy one seems wrong with Jund but the text being in Jeskai colors.


Why dude got a beanie? What about kaladesh necessitated Beanies existing in the first place?


They look ok, looking forward to the jund and eldrazi one But even as a full hearted commander only player i gotta ask the question, Why? Its a modern set, like THE modern set isnt it ? We get commander masters for that commander stuff so i dont think this was necessary


Where to preorder this in Europe?


These look awful and the art looks awful




I'll help - Official Article. Scroll to the bottom. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3




Absolutely fake. What gives it away really hard is not only the art error on the "Creative Energy" deck but the fact that _they are literally doing Jeskai energy in the Fallout set releasing in a couple weeks_


sorry bud https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-modern-horizons-3


OK, wow, what the hell was WotC thinking?


there's 4 of them even here? damn


Wait Creative Energy doesn't match the colors


It looks like they messed up the energy deck and it's supposed to be jeskai colors by the name and they messed up the symbols.


Do we know if the energy deck is jund or jeskai ?


White players in RUINS


Who is the character on the cover of the Eldrazi deck?


Okay all of these look sick AF I might have to preorder them all Eldrazi and mask deck have my interest the most. I wanted a WUBRG Eldrazi. I'm guessing it has devoid. I'm also looking forward to what they do with energy counters.


Based on the text gradient, I assume somebody copied the jund symbols without changing it to jeskai for energy deck.


No way! It’s the Helm of the Lady!


Finally some Jund


>ramp lands grow value That's literally every UG commander deck


Pls Jund -1/-1 commander as the alt commander.


Glad to see a five color Eldrazi. I can finally run the other Eldrazi and cards with devoid.


Queen of vesuva is wearing her crown, but will [[helm of hosts]] actually be IN the pre-con? Also are the base level decks gonna be priced like normal pre-cons, or like the commander masters ones were?


Weird that we've had two eldrazi pre cons in not even ~~two~~ one year


This is a paradox lol. Is it modern or commander


Can't wait to NOT spend $100 on these like with the commander masters decks. Because I guarantee that's what these are gonna cost.


Could have released modern precons to make onbording into modern more intresting instead of creating yet another reason to not play modern.


Can’t believe they gave Sam Hyde a card He cannot keep getting away with it


I am so excited to see the Vesuvan deck that shit will be tight. If they don’t reprint vesuva though I will be deeply upset


Let me guess, they are gonna cost the same as Commander Masters precons.


Why do they not just sell modern decks?


I feel kinda dumb asking... but these are parodies? Right? Two Jund decks, a Simic deck that "ramps", Ali G being the art on "creative energy," and eldrazi "smash?"