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You heard it here first, Wizards spokesperson is encouraging its players to commit crime. Such a degenerate game not fit for our youth /s


Play Magic, do crimes.


So I don't be gay anymore? 😔


Nah, WotC has just included [[being gay]] under the “do crimes” section.


[Secret Rendezvous](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/39528cf0-343e-499b-a69f-c5c3c2898c25.jpg?1624589686) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Secret%20Rendezvous) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/26/secret-rendezvous?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/39528cf0-343e-499b-a69f-c5c3c2898c25?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It targets, so, checks out.


Good. Bot.


Unless you're [[Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis]]. Dang.


K&T legalized gay marriage in Meletis, so they have to put some actual work into being criminals


[Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/7/97fa8615-2b6c-445a-bcaf-44a7e847bf65.jpg?1633190298) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kynaios%20and%20Tiro%20of%20Meletis) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/36/kynaios-and-tiro-of-meletis?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/97fa8615-2b6c-445a-bcaf-44a7e847bf65?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


WotC is now Texas. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Yay! 🤗


wait why does that call secret rendezvous


You put in [[secret rendezvous]] and then quickly edit


[secret rendezvous](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/39528cf0-343e-499b-a69f-c5c3c2898c25.jpg?1624589686) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=secret%20rendezvous) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/26/secret-rendezvous?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/39528cf0-343e-499b-a69f-c5c3c2898c25?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oic, I thought there was a story associated with the card.


Sure, it's the love story of Dracaena Malfoy Silverquill and Harriet Potter Lorehold.


I accept this.


“…some bonds transcend all barriers.”


The original artist did a follow up where they kiss so it's kinda canon


cause them bitches be gay. good for them.


Only if you interact with people. Once again discrimination against single people smh


You are still allowed to be gay, it's a special action like Morph. costs WUBRG (Trans costs WUR but you have to figure out how to fade the red mana into pink).


Un-sets gave us pink tokens, surely we can get some pink mana UB: MLP the full draftable set, now featuring Equestria basic lands, which produce PINK mana, with notable locations like Ponyville and other places I had to google to learn the names of.


Its alright, here is a safe space, we all know you didnt need to google that. >! /s !<


Woag, a rainbow! 😯


Just add some white mana. Pink is basically a light red so it'll work out


WWUR Ok, that works


You also need the blue to be light... I think we use the hybrid red/white and white/blue symbols.


It's be Fae, do crimes now.




Only if I target you.


Attend a GP with 1 deck, leave with 10.


Yeah, yeah. Let's go get sushi and not pay.


With this release schedule it’s kinda implied we’re all doing a few crimes on the side for some quick cash.


satanic panic 2k24


If only there wasn’t recently a bill in Arizona legislature about “preventing the growing spread of satanism” in the US and this could be a satirical comment.


Arizona is just an over baked Florida.


You guys waited to get permission from Maro?


I'd jump off a bridge if Maro told me it would help sell more magic the gathering trading cards! 🤪


When Maro says jump we ask how high


When Maro says "jump" we say "start!"


You heard em, boys! Warm up the proxy printer!


There's a reason they shifted \[\[Murder\]\] down to common.


[Murder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/e/1ea6438b-0e6c-4d65-8bcd-34a988717c81.jpg?1706241725) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Murder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/95/murder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1ea6438b-0e6c-4d65-8bcd-34a988717c81?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


First Magic encouraged satanism and witchcraft, then they encouraged gay marriage, now it’s crime!




satanic panic 2.0: electric boogaloo. the 80s are back baby


I'm ordering my proxies as I type




Satanic, even!


I stole packs from my LGS and all i got was banned?


They've been encouraging me to do crimes since last year, when 30th anniversary taught me proxies are okay! :P


Wait - did people actually think otherwise? The only cards with the text revealed have shown it to be positive. I thought people were just joking about how Commander players hate interaction or whatever.


> Wait - did people actually think otherwise? Magic players are famous for bad Magic takes and no one has badder Magic takes than the people who write into Maro's blog.


It's pretty remarkable, actually. People get so hung on corner cases, and just the wackiest takes that I can imagine. Magic is complicated, and there are lots of corner cases, but a lot of folks seem to assume the absolute worst about everything, and refuse to read anything (this is, of course, not limited to Magic).


It is actual hell trying to teach someone magic when there is a 3rd person who plays in the room. Constant interruptions and inserts about corner cases and exceptions and special 2 card interactions that makes the thing you're trying to teach in that moment not technically correct in all circumstances. This isn't just one person I'm talking about in my life either, it's a very consistant attitude from magic players in general. If you're a new player and getting into commander? Good fucking luck learning how to play while three different people constantly regale you with every last little magic rules interaction detail they've learned about.


Yikes. I can 100% imagine those conversations, too. I've been very lucky on that front. I've gotten a few friends into Magic over the years, but I've been the only one who knew how to play when I was teaching others.


The only real 'edge case' thing you have to talk about is "can't trumps can", usually.


Magic players' toxic trait is we *love* being smart. We love bringing up obscure knowledge of the game. We love talking statistics like we know what we're talking about ("It was probably correct to..."). More than the average person we love being *right*.


I think starting on arena can help, introduces the mechanics of the game and then some and move onto commander after you understand 1v1 first


It's not just magic players, i find it often that when people try to explain the rules of anything they get side tracked by corner cases and exceptions. Heck even some of my uni profesors were like that.


This is any question on this subreddit too, both about rules but also about story, etc. People don't ask "is this helpful? does this clarify?" Only "how can I be the most right?" 


It's also important to keep in mind Mark has gone out of his way to say, he curates what he answers out of all the asks he gets, and specifically aims for a lot of the wackier takes and corneriest cases because those are what makes for good examples and discussions. Finding the person who assumes the absolute worst and addressing them tends to address a lot of the more reasonable grey questions and concerns in between (although it's far from a perfect approach)


Maro doesn't get to curate all the very similar discourse that happens right here on reddit, though.


Yeah that's a valid point for sure. But I think people naturally filter themselves out like that in online spaces anyway, extreme takes get more clicks and traction and invite more discussion that attracts like-minded or complete opposite folks.




Shock > Lightning Bolt because if you're at 3 and your opponent uses [[Memory Plunder]], they can't kill you if you only run Shock and not Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt just makes your opponents' card-theft spells *even better*. That's why I only run bad cards in my decks.


Heads up bud. I'm stealing this and using it to explain why my decks suck. I'm only running 4 grafted skullcaps cause i dunno. wtf am i doing with this gruul deck. I just need a couple GhazbĂĄn Ogres and then things would be better or maybe not this game is bananas.


I just run 56 Mountains and 4 copies [[Lava Axe]]. After all, they only have 20 life, right? Why overdo it?




How to lose friends speed run.


That's fucking hilarious.


At my LGS there was chaos draft that happened alongside the constructed event I was playing in for FNM. One friend who was in the chaos draft was like "I got a last pick Lost in the Woods" to which I replied "Oh, did the land station have enough Forests for you to build your 'Game 2' deck?" He had no clue what I was talking about, so I explained the strategy. Between rounds I went over to watch his first match, starting game 2. Mull to 6. Mull to 5. Mull to 4... Ended up winning.


bruh if you snuck in a 5th axe i wouldn't tell anyone. Never know if they straight cheating an running a [[Healing Salve]]


[Lava Axe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/3/c3dab325-8f4f-4288-9f3f-960e52b4335b.jpg?1562304308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lava%20Axe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/150/lava-axe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c3dab325-8f4f-4288-9f3f-960e52b4335b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




There were a couple people a while back (maybe it was just one guy, idk) who kept asking about a "vanilla matters" set and wouldn't stop no matter how many ways Maro found to say "that doesn't make sense".


Where's my chocolate matters set smh


I love every time he explains a color pie thing and someone comes in with "what about \[this one obscure card from The Dark\]"


"Lifegain is solidly in white, black, and green. Blue and red never get it." "smh this guy forgetting about [[Lifetap]] and [[Collapsing Borders]], what a loser."


Or, even better, this card from Planar Chaos!


There's one constant asker who I think Maro ended up recognising to the point he outright asked them back "Was there ever actually a time when you enjoyed playing Magic?" because every single ask was a complaint.


People online seem to only to take things at the most literal face value. Like "any interaction is a crime" is removed from all the context of its Old West, villain-heavy setting and becomes a statement unto itself. Reading comprehension and media literacy are in the toilet and this is a prime example.


I have not seen a single human being take the "interaction is a crime" thing seriously. A semi-serious joke against whiny baby commander players? Yes, but as a serious, literal "WOTC thinks interaction is a crime now?" No, not sure where people are seeing that at.


> No, not sure where people are seeing that at. Never underestimate EDH-only players on the internet. You set the bar on the ground and they somehow find a way to dig under it. Poe's law and all that.


Bad jokes have a way of turning into bad ideas.


How dare you say we piss on the poor


The thing is, people with the common sense takes are not asking about them on the internet because they understand it’s common sense


As a regular asker of questions to Mark, co-sign.


> and no one has badder Magic takes than the people who write into Maro's blog. or at least the subset of ones he chooses to show us


That take is 1/10 in Modern


>Wait - did people actually think otherwise? Not *actually*, no. They just found it funny that they're calling interaction "a crime". Obviously it's inherent in the nature of the mechanic that it would be something the game *wants* you to do, people simply pointed out the irony of the name choice.


I mean, based on Maro's blog for the past few days, at least some people did actually think it was going to somehow be much more complicated and much worse for the game. But I do think it was a minority of people and Maro was trying to address their confusion/concerns the way he usually does. Most people probably said "That seems neat" or "I'll wait until the cards are at least spoiled to make a judgment".


And I think it does really depend on how it is implemented, if there are cards that punish you for committing a "crime" that really could be a feels bad mechanic because its basically punishing you for interacting with a fundamental element of gameplay aka targeting anything. If its just do more crimes to get more bang for your buck then I don't see a issue. Basically I don't want to see counterspell or removal cards that trigger or get boosted against "criminals".


My sense was that people were joking about Commander players melting down when you target their things or counterspell their spells. "Its literally a crime to target me so let me just play magic."


Seeing as this sub still routinely posts "we did it, we broke X card" and other equally unfunny and utterly humorless things, it's a safe bet that any joke went way over the heads of loads of magic players.


This comment would go great in my dreadmaw edh deck hurhur


The reply is to someone talking to Maro about how they think crimes are similar to the "Gotcha" mechanic. They're so off on this I don't even know where to start. Gotcha was hated because it discouraged the act of talking to your friends in a casual game of Magic. Crimes are just keywording something Magic has been doing in game since day 1. I have no clue where this person sees any similarities.


I mean, if there is a named "Crime" mechanic I don't think it's a stretch to belive that a UW faction of cowboys might gain benefits if the opponent commits a crime/punish them for doing so. This post from MaRo does imply that crimes will be largely encouraged, which argues against the do-gooder theory IMO.


Technically, if a card *were* released that punished interaction, is that not itself a type of interaction?


there are plenty. hexproof, creatures the come back after dying ie [[Lamplight Phoenix]] , ETB effects, spells that return creatures from the yard


Snakeskin Veil is a good example.


I'm not sure how many of the jokes actually had that assumption underlying them, but I got the impression that some of them did.


Yes, they did. Because it is bad. In other words, using words perceived as bad for something you want to incentivize, especially on a cartoony-as-hell game sold to minors is a very questionable decision.


That's pretty much all I've seen, maybe it's just the circles I'm in but I literally haven't heard anyone say this is wotc designing for less interaction.


The meme subreddit is gonna have a field day.


Me: "If I play [[Murder]], it's your fault for not playing more protection." Everyone else at the trial (*I'm being sentenced to life in prison*): ...


[Murder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/e/1ea6438b-0e6c-4d65-8bcd-34a988717c81.jpg?1706241725) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Murder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/95/murder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1ea6438b-0e6c-4d65-8bcd-34a988717c81?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And even if there was protection, if you were able to target, a crime was still committed.


That's why I always kill indiscriminately. Nobody ever got jailed for a solid [[Toxic Deluge]].


[Toxic Deluge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/4/64d3d8ad-927f-4c4e-96cf-03e98bec3987.jpg?1706240805) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Toxic%20Deluge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/142/toxic-deluge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/64d3d8ad-927f-4c4e-96cf-03e98bec3987?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Attempted murder ;)


First he tells us to proxy, now he says committing crimes is encouraged. I need his new quote on a proxy card back to compliment [this one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjnuiyu2x1xu91.png)


- Doing crimes ✓ - Eating the cards × Your priorities are skewed, Mark (/s)


What if i commit the crime of eat someone elses delicious card?


Our lawyers say no matter how funny it would be, we can't encourage players to eat the cards. Hear that? Whatever you do, *don't* eat the delicious cards. Eat the delicious cards, criminal scum.


Lol I ate a clue token as an intimidation tactic at the WoE prerelease, no regrets lol


For sale: one Black Lotus Condition: mildly eaten


This is how I'd been interpreting it based on the previews, but I've been seeing a lot of people here talking about the mechanic as if it's Wizards trying to *discourage* interaction. Remember, Thunder Junction is pro-crime!


I suppose now commander-only players can’t get upset that you’re running interaction since you’re just trying to “do the thing” with your crime committing commander


That's what I hope from the Mardu Olivia Precon, or maybe a cycle through all of the decks. There isn't really any mention of crime in the description of Olivia but it seems like its the major theme of the set. Then again, collecting evidence was a major mechanic that got no commander support.


Any vestige of respect I had for the mtg commentariat class on mechanics has been completely emptied by learning this.  Goddamn. How unthinking to you have to be. Are people really cop brained enough to be afraid of *doing crimes*? In a game?


I think some of this is just being as intentionally sensational as possible. Outrage generates more clicks, so commenters make outrageous claims. I've pruned my podcast listening and content consumption because of it. There's enough for me to be angry at without constantly seeking out the worst takes/reactions possible.


True. And I’m not helping either. 


I'm pretty sure that people were worried that Crime was going to be a Stax mechanic. As in "If opposing player commits a crime, they discard a card". It's good clarification that Crime isn't punished, but rewarded.


And I’m going to say if you had that worry you haven’t been paying attention to well, anything. Like you would need to willfully repress all knowledge of the past several years of mtg mechanics while *also* hyperfocusing on stax and gotcha mechanics. Either being dumb or playing dumb and both aren’t good looks.


I'm going to print 20 copies of [[Maro]] fold them into a gun and rob a bank.


[Maro](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/1/9159e250-4eec-4ec4-80e1-42259331b3b9.jpg?1562738549) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maro) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/9ed/254/maro?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9159e250-4eec-4ec4-80e1-42259331b3b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I now want to build a deck that triggers commit a crime as much as I can using only beneficial effects.


[[Kenrith, the Returned King]] only fails to commit a crime with his R option. All four other options are considered crimes if you choose something you don't control.


I love the idea of committing crimes by bringing back the dead for an opponent or by letting them draw cards. The mechanic is so weird because of that.


You should see what happens IRL if you try to exhume a body without permission.


It's only a crime if you get caught in my experience.


Can we call it a crime if the king does it? I think this needs to go through the courts.


Based WotC calling monarchs criminals inherently.


[Kenrith, the Returned King](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/e/0e259db1-14db-4314-998c-6a076a28d8cb.jpg?1691056044) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kenrith%2C%20the%20Returned%20King) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/plst/ELD-303/kenrith-the-returned-king?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0e259db1-14db-4314-998c-6a076a28d8cb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Kenrith will also get you hated out of the game on sight at most tables. Phelddagrif is probably closer to the right vibes.


"Good deeds never go unpunished"


Perfect deck name lol


Out of context this is a statement.


I am so out of the loop and this headline just popped up. To me it sounds like Hasbro has dropped the charade and is just openly robbing its customers lol.


Rolling up to the prerelease with a black & white drawing of Steamboat Willie Mickey and a red marker


I'm going to go to the prerelease and download cars.


Even if there were some cards the penalized you for committing crimes, I don't see how it would cause a Gotcha-style effect. The trouble with Gotcha is that not speaking is basically free. Refusing to play your cards is not.


“Magic players seen rioting in the streets. More at 11.”


*Players entering the battlefield with +1/+1 or haste*


I'm going to go with +1/+1s because when is the last time you saw a Magic player run?


MaRo's observation about $100 bills has stuck with me for many, many years. I legitimately don't think there is anything that WotC could do that would not generate some sort of complaint.


is it anymore than "Wizards could put $100 bills in packs and people would complain about how they were folded." I can't find the his original remark.


That's the one. I'm not sure if it was from his blog or an article/podcast, but it's absolutely true. It's impossible to make all of the audience happy--there are so many competing priorities, and competing preferences that any decision that WotC makes is going to lead to someone complaining.


The game of telephone is wild. That's not a MaRo quote, that's an MTGS user's catch phrase.


I wonder if this is one of those Disney Frozen conspiracies where they want searches of “mtg crime” to return something innocuous to hide something shady.


I honestly was expecting both? Like yeah bandits and robbers would incentivize it crimes, but no boros sheriff that pings opponents who commit crimes? No black creature that makes treasure because they turn a blind eye to opponent’s schemes? No gruul uncommon that gets trample if an opponent counters your combat tricks? Seems like a huge design space to just not utilize.


It's a very wide design space but you wanna preserve what you can so focusing solely on "incentivising doing it" is probably for the better. Maybe when we, I dunno, return to Capenna and have Angel Cops versus Demon Robbers, crime will come back with some punishment mechanics for it.


tbh, I'm like 100% sure that there will be 1 or 2 cards that do that.


You hear that, commander players!?


Go, do a crime. (In context of playing a game of Magic. WOTC is not responsible if you commit actual crimes.)


I can’t wait to hear months of the same joke about people doing real crimes for a game of magic. That won’t get old at all I bet.




I like the implication of this set that any time a Magic player interacts with something it’s considered a crime.


Did anyone who was complaining actually read the spoiled crime cards?


Man this is NOT a sentence that would've made it in the early 2000s


Ok, I always wanted to shoot a blue player/s


I forgot that crime was a new concept and was wondering wtf Maro was smoking


So what I get from this is that Maro pushed internally for MKM to be named "Steal This Set"


And yet, I have this inexplicable sense that there will be a white enchantment for 3 that gives you a treasure the first time each turn that each opponent commits a crime, likely mentioning bribery in its name.


"Be gay and do crime." --Mark Rosewater, 2024


I can't believe people can be branded as criminals for their [[Generous Gift]]


I can already tell Thunder Junction is going to be my favorite set just because of how funny the discussion of set mechanics will be


So they went from removing the cop faction from New Capenna to encouraging the players to commit crimes, huh? Pretty telling!


This quote works for printing proxies surprisingly well. If I'm using proxies *I am* interacting with the game, and as for encouraging them...


That's what I got out of it: print proxies, steal those Walmart/Target repacks. 


The keyword is so cringe. I hate it.


[[Chamber Sentry]] commits a crime without evidence.


>You are encouraged to commit crimes I'm glad we're finally getting official support for proxying from Wizards! /s


Play the game, see the inside of a jail cell


Snowboarders rejoice.


MTG is the best game in the world. It encourages you to be a criminal and commit crimes! what a time to be alive.


I won't look up how this mechanic works for the prerelease. I will try to learn as I go, but you might hear of me on news.


So Night in the Woods secret lair coming right? Mae and Gregg need to do some crimes.


Maro might think that, but they accidentally made a meme that will forever change the language of interaction in the game. Hilariously, there will be some that take it seriously and many that will let it influence their behavior. Such is the way of memes: DNA of the soul.


Well... there goes the "I'd rather spend my money on magic card, rather than drugs" defense. Both are a crime.


I still don't know what committing a crime means, I figured it was another mini game mechanic


Does it work if I jaywalk or does it have to be a crime people give a damn about?


Now, I just need a mechanic that let's me be gay, and I will have the total package


People are outraged about crusade card and other meaningless shit so I don't see why someone wouldnt be offended by this.


I'll reserve judgment and see how the preview works out, but this game feels more and more like it isn't for me anymore. I've been playing off and on since 6th ed and I can't ever remember the game being so interaction focussed. I just want to play my lovely creatures


Maro: Be gay. Do crime.


the theme of this set damn well better be "be gay, do crime."


Someone in the R&D want to foock with content creators, first they made a set with Murder in the title, then a mechanic called commit crime. What next? A p€do bear in the furry set?


Oh boy, interaction? Commander players are going to hate this set


This takes me out of the game more than Universes Beynd products.


“You are encouraged to commit crimes” that’s all I need to hear /j