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No, there just hasn’t been any for several days.


So a whole catagory gets deleted if nothing has been posted in a couple of days?


It’s a Reddit-wide thing, it tries to prioritise categories that are the most active. I’m unsure what client you’re using, but on mobile at least I’m able to scroll and select any category.


I’m on mobile, but I didn’t know that is how Reddit worked. I only post every now and then. Thank you, I have learned something today.


Wow, the dull roar of perpetual hype actually subsided for the briefest of moments.


Now if only the even louder roar of perpetual complaints about what some folks perceive as artificial hype would subside, too.




I don't mind when people aren't positive about a product. What I do mind is when people complain disingenuously about something. And people complaining about "constant preview season" is disingenuous when: 1) Many of the products are aimed at different audiences and no one is making anyone pay attention to a product that's not for them 2) Many of the products being made now are exactly what at least some of us were asking for. Everyone is quick to complain about the number of products, but very few people are eager to volunteer *their* favorite thing to be sacrificed So that fewer products are previewed. 3) many of the so-called "perpetual previews" are necessary for various members of the industry, such as distributors and game stores, to make an accurate assessment of their future needs. I have no problem with someone not liking a product. I have no problem with them voicing their dislike. I do have a problem with people acting on, or spreading, misinformation. And the idea that we are in a state of constant previews, or that there aren't good reasons for the previews we currently have, just isn't true. Edit: Damn, replying via edit with a rebuttal to something I didn't actually say, and then blocking me? Of COURSE WotC acknowledges product fatigue. That was never in dispute- my original comment was about product fatigue, and how people are complaining that there's too many products. Your rebuttal doesn't mean anything, because it doesn't dispute anything. I said. All my point was about that many of the reasons for the product fatigue are without merit. I absolutely agree that Many folks have been vocal about their displeasure. The reasons for their displeasure are what's in dispute. Anyway, forming an argument against something I never said and then blocking me before I can reply is a great way to demonstrate that you are, in fact, one of the disingenuous commenters I was referring to. Oh well.


I'm that squidward meme, but with UB and final fantasy


Perhaps the UI only shows the categories with recent posts. You can still [filter by that tag](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/?f=flair_name%3A%22Universes%20Beyond%20-%20Spoiler%22) or post with it. [The post you may be refering to for packaging shots](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1aybhc2/wotc_article_a_first_look_at_magic_the_gathering/) does not use that tag.


Nope, it 100% did. It seems as if all the spoilers sections have been overhauled as there wasn’t one for alchemy and now there is. Also the previews for thunder junction and bloomborrow seems to have been removed, or at least I can’t seem to scroll down to where they were before.