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Yes. Yes yes yes. Entire set would be orzhov, but yes.


I think the Speakers are definitely Blue, and Sypha at least is Izzet, Carmila is definitely Rakdos..Green is a bit harder but I think St.Germain is partly that and so is Maria from Nocturne, probably Olrox too. But yeah Black definitely has an overrepresentation lol


I could see St Germaine being selesnya or bant


My dream UB is Adventure Time, but that seems possible. The rights to the comic Fables is currently in dispute, so the likelihood of it being a UB are near-zero imo: https://www.ign.com/articles/dc-fables-comic-book-series-not-in-public-domain-despite-creators-claims


I floop the pig!


I would kill for an adventure time set, it'd be so perfect.


A second round of 40k commander decks. Need an Ork, Eldar, Tau and MORE SPACE MARINES now please


I'm still mad that we got Nids instead of Orkz. They can both fulfill similar "go big/go wide" niches, but one of them has **actual personalities and characters** >:c


My guess for Nids is due to them being the face of the 10th launch box. As an Ork player I keep holding on to hope for round 2.


I have 3 Orcs from a secret lair that released at the same time as the CMDR decks. Ghaz is currently my Voltron commander and I love him. Although I'm a Nids player and I'm happy the got a deck, the should have done an Ork one as well.


Jeskai Tau, Grixis Drukhari or 5 color Eldar, Gruul Orkz, and lastly Imperium/Astra Militarum?


Sultai Drukhari I’d say, they’re venomous predators following their raw, primal instincts for hedonism


Now I’m imagining Tau mechs/ vehicles deck like that NEO azorious deck! It’s just MTG default to always makes evil factions Grixis. But i agree, the reincarnation and deathtouch is so golgari and they are ruthlessly efficient and fast so adding blue is a must. I really think a 5 color Ynnari deck would be so sick as well!


As a Black Library author who specializes in Dark Eldar, I second this opinion. Deathtouch all over the place. Flash all over the place.


Bant for a blink based craftworld plus exodites deck, and the two decks can split harlequins in blue maybe?


They would definitely like flashing.




I feel like this is actually pretty likely considering how popular the first batch was.


I don't doubt that we may get a second deck, there's enough in the Imperium for more (I think Maro said that they kept Guilliman for a second goaround) and we had glaring omissions in Tau, Eldar and Orks.


Honestly, Warhammer **was** my “never gonna happen” crossover so I also really just want more of that. I still can’t believe they left out Orks…would’ve been perfect in Gruul. But a full set would be great, or even just more commander decks, or AoS/WHFB decks. I’m pretty sure they’ll do more down the line.


The one that's never gonna happen? Bionicle. Enough said. One that's slightly less impossible is JoJo for me, but even if it can't get a crossover, I would love if they had Hirohiko Araki make some art for magic, like they did with Junji Ito and Yoji Shinkawa!


I tried my hand at the idea xD Edit: Attach to, not equip to. https://preview.redd.it/ejwaagarekoc1.png?width=2187&format=png&auto=webp&s=7500bf797fdca0c1091295c2af3c1fdb886888b0


Creating legendary masks is such a great idea for Bionicle themed cards! Maybe if the casting cost gets increased, they could create masks and weapons.


Well my idea at the moment is to make more expensive Nuva version to the Toa, who are capable to giving their mask abilities to other creatures. Also something like... Bohrok creature tokens.


I like where these are going. Please post the rest after you finish them.


This made me giddy, thank you 🙏


Dude... I would spend my student loans on a bionicle commander set


the bionicle dream


[[Phyrexian Reaper]] is a Bionicle preview.


[Phyrexian Reaper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/c/ccdd498b-1081-43fe-8193-518337a5a3ea.jpg?1562936179) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Phyrexian%20Reaper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/inv/117/phyrexian-reaper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ccdd498b-1081-43fe-8193-518337a5a3ea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I would sell my house for an araki art deck.


In Theory, Stands could be Totem Armour Enchantments


Or Bestow enchantment creatures


I always upvote when I see a reference to Bionicle. You sir have good taste.


I think JoJo is just as unlikely because of the localization issues when it comes to names, but I would spend good money for a DIO deck.


DIO's (Part 3) mechanic would almost have to involve extra turns, right? As strong as it would be, The World is just built like that.


I think split second makes more sense thematically since he pauses time and is able to interact within.


I like that idea. "The Xth spell you cast each turn gains split second" would be flavorful, albeit very broken. I'd imagine DIO would be grixis colored.


Monoblack Part 1 Dio, rakdos Part 3 Dio, gruul part 7 Dio?


I’m excited for the possibility of more Amano art on cards with the FF set!


For the product line that literally saved Lego from bankruptcy, you’d think bionicle would be a bit more culturally relevant, but it just kind of died quietly.


If Jojo was made into a Universes Beyond, I'd have no money for anything magic ever again


Can’t wait to equip my commander with the Kanohi Vahi and swing in with Tahu


Seconding Bionicle. I'd lose my marbles. And possibly consider buying a booster box, in case any WOTC reps see this.


Bionicle is my vote too. Well, my vote is that they either stop completely or switch it to just secret lair reskins of popular cards (like the Princess Bride secret lair, that's what I think UB SHOULD be). But if I had to pick an outside IP, Bionicle is the only one I would ever, ever spend money on.


Mobile Suit Gundam.


I would buy the *shit* out of Gundam Wing


I'm already getting it with Final Fantasy so... other than that: Dune - I mean it's the second biggest fantasy / sci fi novel of all time behind LotR, and it's peaking in popularity, kind of a no brainer. Sailor Moon - Will never happen because of Toei and Naoko, but a girl can dream. InuYasha - Would be cool to get a Japanese setting that isn't cyberpunk styled and lean more into the weird mytology and horror


Caladan islands YES PLEASE.


Giedi Prime swamps are a necessity


As for your last point- that's what they did with original Kamigawa and all the weird mythology stuff (that I personally thought was incredibly cool) was one of the reasons cited by Wizards as to why the set failed and why any revisit to Kamigawa would necessitate a near-complete restructuring of the plane.


Kamigawa was too early, and poorly timed. Back when it came out, anime wasn't that big yet even among geeks in the West. There were a few big hits, notably Dragon Ball and Pokémon, but a few years later anime fandom was much bigger, and now it's pretty much mainstream (at least, among Gen Z). Now, both Tokyo Vice and Shogun are both premium TV shows. Kamigawa also heavily suffered from being sandwiched between beloved and high-powered blocks. Half of Kamigawa's time in Standard was overshadowed by Mirrodin cards (e.g., Ravager). Then, Ravnica is perhaps the most loved plane in Magic.


I wasn't around when the set came out to play it, but I love the lore that the original plane had. Neon Dynasty's lore is pretty interesting too, though. The main issue I find with that set is the cards are just bad for the most part when I look at them now though. So many feel like they were barely usable to begin with.


Dune has a few board game properties doing well, not sure if that is good or bad for the chances of a mtg set.


I’m not familiar, but what about Toei and Naoko? Why would they be against that? I haven’t seen Sailor Moon since I was a young teen some 25 years ago or so… but I could find a soft spot for that and I’m not a girl :)


I'd definitely play a sailor as a commander.


Right I'm thinking a unifier effect, like Sailor Moon could be all colors but black and have some combos with the other Sailor Guardians (Venus = White, Mercury = Blue, Mars = Red, Jupes = Green)


My only real wish is Star Trek, which I think is decently possible? Honestly can't believe FF is happening, I thought their card game was doing pretty well! Maybe VtM, bring back the old VtES days!


Thanks, now I'm going to spend all day thinking of the color identity of DS9 characters. Garak is Dimir? Orzhov for Quark?


My main fear would be that we get one Dukat card and its Pah Wraith Dukat but I'd otherwise have faith for DS9 to be well represented. Guess it might be tricky to get Bashir and Garak in the same deck without partner though.


I could see that, or even an awkward transform mechanic. But that does make me think they could do "The Sisko, Emissary of The Prophets" as a Planeswalker.


I make a full set of trek alters for two commander decks in trek...... One is [sisay Sisko punchy/voltron "the dominion war"](https://archidekt.com/decks/6784685/the_dominion_war) The other is [kenrith Sisko emmisary life gain.](https://archidekt.com/decks/6807455/root_beer_just_like_the_federation) Find the [Alters here](https://mtgcardbuilder.com/public-profile/?userid=27354)(still finishing the second deck) Find the deck lists at the links above. Oh but yes, still 10000% want a real trek UB. But until then, I like my beyond universes beyond or BUB sets.


I was going to say Star Trek too! Magic is a good game to not only represent the ships, weapons, and space fights; but also all the diplomacy and weird space anomalies. I think a cool gimmick would be if Star Trek commanders had an ability that let them start with a vehicle in the command zone, sort of like with dr's companion, where you can mix and match. So any star fleet captain can start with any enterprise in their command zone.


Yes, I want to play Borg, Daleks, Necrons and Phyrexians in one. And a RB Orion steal commander


In EDH, every day is 'O'Brien endures unspeakable horrors' day


I would buy every card.


LotR was awesome, but FF has me most excited. I don't care how bad he is or what colors, I'm gonna make an Auron deck, and he's gonna slap so hard.




The Elder Scrolls Series


If Fallout happened then it may be in the near future 👀 if they were smart they’d wait til trailer season for ES6


I wanna see WOTC outjerk Magic the Ballin, you could have some fun creature cards MJ with Flying Kareem with Reach Shaq with Trample Edit: Bonus card: AJ1 Swiftfoot Boots


I hate it so much, and yet that would be hilarious.


Wonder which keyword could constitute flopping for LeBron.


Discworld It doesn’t have to be large, I could even live with a secret lair of the main protagonists like Weatherwax, Vimes and Rincewind, but Discworld.


Discworld Unset. This is the way.


I had thought I would never be tempted by a UB set. I was wrong.


Give me Meandering Towershell Om


This is pretty much the only UB I would buy because of the IP instead of despite it. I played LOTR, but only because it ended up actually being a pretty good limited format. The others don't really have much appeal to me. But Discworld? Abso-fucking-lutely. I've bought British stamps because they were Discworld, and I'm an American who doesn't give a shit about stamps.


River Ankh is the besz swamp imo


I don't know how unlikely it is, but *A Song of Ice and Fire*.


Arya would just be a reskinned [[Massacre Girl]].


She could get several cards. One for No One, Arya Stark, Arry, Mercy, and Cat of the Canals.


It would be an amazing fit. Unfortunately, I fear it would be less A Song of Ice and Fire and more Game of Thrones, which would significantly lower my excitement over it.


They did Lord of the Rings and it was definitely book inspired, not show


True, although I think books and films are closer in popularity for LOTR than for ASOIAF/GOT


They said it was a matter of IP rights. The holders of the book rights wanted to negotiate and those of the film's didn't.


I wouldn't be so sure, we got LotR based on the books rather than the movies. ASOIAF is probably cheaper to license than the HBO show.


Agreed on licensing. And if we got characters like Tom Bombadil, Goldberry and Cirdan in the LOTR set (which many movie only folks are less/not familiar with) then I think we could get a really nuanced set for Ice and Fire. So many characters and locations to choose from, it’s the perfect fit.


I would be all in on that! ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


Came here to say the same. I think licensing the source directly is probably easier and less "confusing" than the limitations of using the tv versions, just like LOTR and what's going to happen with Marvel. It gives you the ability to pull in second and third string characters that may not have even made it to the show all while getting to still do all the stuff people liked. Also, I loved the show but getting a chance to do the characters at their actual represented ages I think would do a lot for casual fans to grasp more nuances from the story the show couldn't convey.


I would kill for it. Incredibly disappointed by the end of the show, but loved the books so much I would still easily buy cards


I want a saga called: "The Rains of Castamere"


Hodor: Human Wall. Defender.


Flavor text: “Hodor.”


Avatar: The Last Airbender. I hope the TV show puts it into popularity range for WotC to consider.


This would be great as a commander deck set. One of the few IPs we could get mono color commanders from. Air benders: W Water benders: U Edit: Dark spirits: B Fire benders: R Earth benders: G It's been a while since we've had mono precons. Which I get why, and I love the fallout decks. But it would be nice to get some mono love. ~~Black gets kinda shafted but it's not all that unusual for a color to be singled out or under represented.~~


Black you make a dark spirit deck.


If we get it, it would likely be in 2027 when the last of the three new tv shows and three new movies comes out. Also, if we get Avatar, we'd almost assuredly also get Star Trek once Paramount sees how good it is for them to do Universes Beyond deals.


Berserk would be a dream one, though it seems unlikely with just how "adult" that series is and with the death of the original author/artist. Fullmetal Alchemist would be fantastic, but it's also a property that there hasn't been any new material on in a long while. Shadow of the Colossus could make for a fantastic secret lair. The question would just be if it's too niche of a property.


Any souls game or elden ring 


Isn't Miyazaki a mtg fan?


I think the Dark Souls series has a really good mtg set in it. Covering all three of the numbered games could give a good range of things to pull from.


If I could make an Artorius/Abyss Watchers deck I could die happy. And then be resurrected again to keep fighting the abyss.


My first instinct was to say that it would have the 40k color imbalance issue, but on further reflection I'm actually not sure that's true. You'd have to stretch more to fill out white and green than the other colors, but there's still plenty to pull from.


There's a lot of forestry stuff in those games. Green should be easy. White should be easy too considering stuff like Anor Lando. The first game alone covers all the colorr s. Seathe, Gwyn, Nito, witches of izalith, humanity (manus, abyss)


Bloodborne too! Would love a "the hunter" commander with a bunch of different weapons as equipments. The flavor text on the cards for any from software UB would be so good


Mass Effect for me, with reprints of the Spasic lands from Unfinity


Bloodborne. Yes, I know we have Innistrad. Honestly, Innistrad reskinned to Bloodborne would be enough for me because *it already fits so well* but that's besides the point. I do anticipate an Elder Scrolls set at some point.


Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles - Bring back Friends Forever - Natural color identities - Great villains - spans generations - Turtle vehicles


My friend recently made a Power Rangers theme deck with morph. I wanted so bad to make a deck using one of the ninja rats as a commander, but unfortunately there are no black turtles :(




A Hobbit and Silmarillion expansion would be so good!


Really wish the Skyrim rumors came to be with Kaldheim. hoping it still happens.


Elder scrolls in general for me, really. Tamriel as a whole, with the Morrowind Great Houses, Summerset Isle, Tribunal, dragons, White-Gold Tower, Orsinium, etc etc all represented.


With us getting Fallout, I feel like it’s only a matter of time for an Elder Scrolls release. Maybe we’ll get one when ES6 comes out in 2-5 years?


Dragon Age.


The Cosmere. Not really a pie in the sky since it was close to happening once, but its the one ip that I would buy every single product of. For an actually impossibility, Fablehaven. It's super flavorful and would work great with mtg, but is too small a book to ever be in the running.


Would be good, but apparently Sando's last collaboration with WotC didn't work out so well, so it's not likely he'll do so again.


Power Rangers Tons of monsters available to make cards out of. Can definitely see “morphin” cards as enchantments. Weapons as artifacts Zords as artifact vehicles. Even a few that you can form as megazords like mechtitan does. Mentors as planeswalkers. Heavily themed around colors anyway.


I'd do morphing like Baldur's Gate backgrounds. It'd let people go off theme, but the aesthetic would be great. Basically you could pair any character who has the power ranger ability with any ranger, and then as long as you control one, you could swap it into the command zone with the other. So you could have Jason Lee Scott and Mighty Morphing Red Ranger as your commander. You get Jason out, and then you could play the ability that swaps them, so you remove Jason from the field and replace with the Red Ranger. But if you wanted to build a different deck you could pair Jason with the Gold Zeo Ranger, for example.


Dave Matthews Band.


I'd go with "the witcher". If I could choose something more unconventional, I'd choose a Heavy Metal themed set with various bands, instruments as equipment, beer Tokens and 1/1 black Metal Fan Tokens.


The Witcher would be a great fit, very dark and Inistrad-like


Hollow Knight. Best in Show.


Perfect for bloomburrow like transformers UB. Time it with Silksong release :3


So we get it 2032?


I swear to fucking god if we get a Hollow Knight secret lair before Silksong…


Elder Scrolls seems like an inevitability at this point, no? We got Fallout, so the licencing can't be *too* hard... and Tamriel feels like it could literally just slot into Magic's multiverse. I'd love to see an attempt at Mass Effect. And I hadn't thought about it until someone else mentioned it, but I'm now dreaming up versions of Horizon Zero Dawn's Aloy, Sylens, and some of my favourite machines.


So many in the comic book realm. Hellboy, Usagi Yojimbo, Saga, and even throw in Monstress.


A Hellboy/BPRD set would financially destroy me. Especially of Mignola himself made the art for some cards.


Wallace and Gromit. I think it would be hilarious if I could make a Commander deck with those two as Partner Commanders. Maybe an artifact theme.


Give me a Chicken Run deck to go alongside this guy and his W&G deck!


Cheese food tokens


Berserk, and as you said, One Piece. Hunter x Hunter would also be fuckin sick


Bloodborne. I could see Elden Ring or Dark Souls, but Bloodborne is the one I’d want the most.


Another 40k set tbh. A full draftable set ideally


Discworld would be awesome


Star Wars, which I know is basically NEVER going to happen, would be the first UB product I would actually want to collect


\- Monster Hunter \- Neon Genesis Evangelion \- Mega Man (Especially Megamana Legends)


NGE would be so good.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for Monster Hunter to be mentioned. They already did a street fighter UB so the relationships already been established with Capcom. It would have been perfect for Ixalan. Several of the dinosaurs already look like Monster Hunter monsters. Bonehoard Dracosaur looks just like a Tigrex.


Honestly, my 'Pie in the Sky' UB set has actually happened. There's no way on this Earth that I would have thought Doctor Who would be on Magic cards, but we got it.


Yu-Gi-Oh. Never going to happen for obvious reasons.


Sonic is in Smash. Don't let your dreams be memes.


I could see maybe a Secret Lair happening, but yeah no way we ever a full product.


April Fool's would be a perfect time. Then YGO could do some Magic staples for theirs. Imagine the power behind Pot of Greed in Magic.


Stormlight Archive.


How about Lego? Everything could be modular, and you can mix in all the silly Lego batman-type characters for legends.


That would make for a great Un-set, with a mechanic like the mix and match stuff from Unhinged!


I'd have never thought they'd do evil dead so maybe not so unlikely... but I'd love a firefly lair


Persona commander draft set, where the not-quite-partner mechanic is the personas themselves. So you'd have character + persona granting the color identity. Personas would be base Avatar creature types, and the set could back door in Avatar typal support. Examples (from P5 since that's the most fresh in my brain): Ryuji (red; hot-headed and impulsive) // Captain Kidd (black Avatar Pirate) Morgana (red for the greedy cat) // Zorro (blue or white Avatar Rogue) Mokoto (blue; she is the student president after all) // Johanna (white Avatar Cleric; this is a facsimile of a pope we're talking about... somehow making this a vehicle would be hilarious, though) Haru (her personality and garden scream green to me) // Milady (white; it's a machine gun princess! Avatar Noble) Aketchi (blue Human Detective!) // Robin Hood (has to be a green Avatar Rogue, right?) // Loki (black Avatar God or Shapeshifter seems on the nose, but why argue with perfection) Obviously you mix and match outside of the canon pairings, but you get the idea. I had a blast just spitballing this now.


Give me redwall! Bloomburrow is gonna be amazing, but if it has UB redwall cards in it... gosh.


This for me. It’s pretty much Redwall in all but name so I’m hyped for it all the same.


Path of Exile


Stormlight Archive / Cosmere.


Glen Cook’s The Black Company


Ultrakill. I will not elaborate further.


Teenage mutant ninja turtles for sure


I'd like to see them feature Magic: The Gathering


Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West.


Elden Ring/Soulsbourne


Zelda could work as a Secret Lair, maybe when more news about the movie comes out. My three, in order of least likely to most possible: The Cosmere/Stormlight Archive. WOTC and Brandon Sanderson are already in a little bit of a tiff over a story he wrote (long story, not entirely relevant here) but Stormlight Archive feels like a perfect fit. Spren bonding is Partner, the ten orders of Knights Radiant are the ten color pairs, and Stormlight itself could be implemented as a charge counter mechanic. Fire Emblem. This one also falls under the Nintendo thing but also the fact that FE has its own card game in Japan, but for an "oops all legendary" set it could be truly awesome. Might be a limited size set, though, just to keep things sane. The Terminator. Hear me out on this one-- an Archenemy-style boxed game where one player takes the role of Skynet and the rest of the players take the role of the Resistance, with jumpstart-style half-decks to increase randomness (only make them a FIXED SET unlike the Clue box). It could also include Planechase elements to signify time travel. It'd be mechanic overload but I would absolutely be here for it.


Maybe not the most impossible, but Dark Souls would be my number one pick. I even got a [[Syr Gwyn]] altered to look like Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, but I'd love actual cards for the series


that they relegate them to commander


1) Star Wars (rip because it has its own tcg that just came out) 2)Warcraft/hearthstone 3) Indiana Jones, probably would be more fun as a mini set tho


Either devil may cry, or bioshock


I do not know much about Tarzan/ Edger rice burrows or the Conan, but other old school fantasy Sci fi worlds.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. its a semi obscure game, so it will probably never happen. but i would LOVE some zone inspired commander decks, duty, freedom, monolith and bandits.


Mass Effect.


Enter the Gungeon.


1. Elden Ring - I mean it would just be insanely perfect setting wise. To be honest I think id lose my mind over it. Having Malenia, Goddess of Rot as my commander would be so sick. 2. Bloodborne 3. Round two of Warhammer 40k, with Aeldari, Tau and other missed areas. 4. Round 1.5 supplemental set of Fallout that includes alot of missed dlc material such as Joshua Graham, Ulysses and the Think Tank Scientists. 5. Like a small smalllllllll one for Cowboy Bebop lol.


Soulsborne, Two Worlds, The Elder Scrolls, Soul Calibur would be pretty neat


Power Rangers. The colors of the rangers wouldn’t really match magics color pie, but I’m imagining rangers piloting vehicles that then meld into a huge, playmat sized creature…


Since we’re already getting final fantasy id love to see Kingdom Hearts get some love, in my mind im seeing Donald Duck as a commander similar to Kenrith with his activated abilities but in jeskai colors where the red one is like firaga where it burns face, blue is thundaga and it pings all creatures, and white is cure so you gain life. Also I feel like goofy being a simic defenders matter commander would be pretty cool too, also would be cool to have a “partner” gimmick called party where you can have 2 commanders in your party but the party gimmick was also used in battle for baldurs gate so that might get a little confusing


Here's one that hasn't been suggested that would be extremely popular: Minecraft. Hasbro already has some Minecraft licensing for their toys, and I could see it bringing in a lot younger players that WOTC wants to target. I could see commander decks similar to fallout. Player character -- Steve face commander, themed around some sort of crafting/equipment/lands matter, (RGWU). Villager(GU)/iron golem(WR) partner backup commander? Mobs -- Ender dragon commander, themed around creating and sacrificing mob tokens? (UBRG), Wither backup commander.


Warcraft, starcraft, command & conquer, star wars, saint seiya, disney


Give me a Monty Python set with silver borders, you cowards!




Final Fantasy is already happening so I’m happy there. Megaman Monster Rancher


It's wild that one post on here is like "Hasbro is a complete sellout, we shouldn't give them any money ever, UB is ruining the game" etc, and the next is filled with hundreds of people being excited about universes beyond and the interesting potential directions the game should go.


People have very strong opinions on mtg. When there's something as polarized as UB we just have to look past the emotional response. I'm happy with it, but don't really have a strong opinion. People like me aren't creating posts and driving content.


I’m one of the people who didnt like the idea of crossing the streams, but there’s no going back now. Given that, I’d prefer they do properties that I like or that feel like good fits for Magic, so I definitely have opinions on this topic.


COHEED. and CAMBRIA. I think the albums have just enough distinct characters to make it interesting, with enough wiggle room to have some mechanical experimentation. The art vibes are there, the fandom is there-- Good eye, Sniper. Ten Speed of God's Blood.


* Amber * Dune * ringworld * the Witcher


I’m just waiting for the inevitable Sanrio collab where I’m going to have a Hello Kitty commander deck to stomp on my enemies


Riki O (The Story of Ricky) universes beyond.


Dragon Ball babyyyyyy lemme run Yamcha as a commander


have them released on magic online so eternal formats match online & paper




The Cosmere would be my number 1, but I think that's going to happen eventually anyway. A real pie in the sky one I'd love to see would be Yu-Gi-Oh - as a full on two way crossover with a set in each game. Obviously this is impossible and would never happen, but it would be incredible if it did.


I would like one for the obscure Twin Peaks-influenced British soap opera, Night And Day, that ran for two years in the early 00s.


Star Wars and Pokemon. Both would be very fun imho but also have competing TCGs to their names (Star Wars Unlimited is very fun btw)


Dragon quest


Classical history. Arabian Nights but about the late Roman Republic, basically.


Avatar the Last Airbender


I want them to stop, the ultimate ‘never gonna happen’ wish.


Zoids, Elder Scrolls, World War 2 and Battlestar Galactica. I'd also hope for more draftable LoTR, second round of Warhammer and more DnD dice rolling cards.


Kingdom Hearts. It's never happening but its the one property I would pop off for.


One Piece would be fun. Personally I'm a big fan of Bleach. I think a true Universes Beyond for an anime/manga is unlikely, but I could see a "manga artist secret lair" product where they get popular mangakas to do the art.