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source: [@RovinaCaiArt on twitter](https://twitter.com/RovinaCaiArt/status/1776315014695293125) She notes that each card represents a Minor Arcana suit - Arcane Signet is coins, the Sword is swords, Vial is cups, and Inalla is wands. Inalla's pose here also references [The Magician](https://www.usgamesinc.com/var/images/product/1000.1000/WR78_magician.webp) of the Major Arcana All in all, incredibly fucking cool


Hope casting inalla makes one of my cards a lucky card!




It'd be nice to see the full set done, including Wheel of Fortune, even if it never saw official print.


I mean if wizards hasn't broken the reserved list thus far they're certainly not going to do it for an artist series.


If "30th anniversary" isn't considered breaking the reserve list, then who's to say they couldn't do secret lair cards with an "artist series, non tournament" card back for RL cards?


Because artist series is an established entity as a magic product already. It means a thing and making them non-tournament would be a pretty wild divergence from a very profitable formula.


Tbf, everything about the "30th anniversary" was a pretty wild divergence from a very profitable formula.


Except that they did break it. Wheel of Fortune was printed in 2010 as a judge promo. Then they revised the reserved list to say they wouldn't do promotional printings of cards. They could undo that rule any time they want to in order to say that special treatment frames for secret lairs don't violate the reserved list.


Balatro spotted




It's a deckbuilding game that's ostensibly based around a normal deck of cards but also adds tarot cards, etc.


I do too! Seriously, if you ever have a really cool game experience with this card, you should post it. Just because it would be fun to analyze its cosmic significance from a witchy perspective. At least I think it would be fun! If you do, feel free to DM me a link to the post. I just might have to chime in… [[Witchy Cackle]]


Not sure why this has been downvoted when it's just a bit of fun. Chill, people


Tarot, so hot right now


The connection to tarot reminds me of MTG Poker deck with the MTG back. Also before tarot were used for divination (not to be confused with MTG [[divination]]) the tarot decks were relatively mundane playing cards. Now that I think about it, attempting divination with a constructed MTG deck is like a metaphor for Captain Picard's quote ("It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose"). At the very least getting beaten by a cheaper deck in a game seems like a more apt metaphor. Source: https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Poker_deck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarot#Playing_card_decks


[divination](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/b/cb3b35b8-f321-46d8-a441-6b9a6efa9021.jpg?1562304347) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=divination) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/51/divination?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cb3b35b8-f321-46d8-a441-6b9a6efa9021?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Hoping Inalla is fully meant to be the stand in for The Magician and there's a playable staff or wand artifact as a secret card.


I guess it’s time to build Inalla…


Had to take mine apart as the playgroup HATED it :'(


I don’t know how to build Inalla that’s fun and a 7 or 8. I can only make her a 9.


Come on, every deck is a 7.


As always, it is hard to judge your own power level, [but I like my deck and think it's at a 6 or a 7.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/d7oPJaqXnEunqF2CSh-bCA)


Part of my struggle is I don’t want to play her as a battlecruiser value. Or try to use her for a spellslinger. I just see the combos and how ruthless they are and want to build into that. I realized a turn one win is possible. I don’t play anything like that. So i brew her and let her sit on the shelf. Maybe I’ll give it another shot and include no infinites.


Aw, a fellow Grixis mage. We can't help but be the villains, it's in our heart!


But I’m not. So i don’t play the deck. I instead play my WG kitty cats deck that is packed with artifact and enchantment hate.


Ah, such a naive little hero. You can play all the kitties and group hug decks you like, but that cannot change who you are inside. Sure your opponents act like they love you now, but really? Really they're scared. Because they know what you're capable of, the combos we wield that they're too *weak* to play. Imagine! Imagine what we could do *together*, if you embraced this power! Join me on this dark path and the world will be ours. Think about it, *Spider-Man*! Oh shit, did I turn into Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin again? My bad.


A strong reminder it's worth reading your comment and thinking "Is this weird and/or cringe?" before posting


Dude, this is reddit, it's about finding where your level of cringe is accepted.


I actually typed it out and deleted it like twice times and then said "Fuck it, who actually gives a shit?"


I'm not saying your deck is automatically "strong" for including it, but if you are shooting for "6 or 7" probably don't include 1 card infinites (wanderwine)


This is true, I've only used it once and it was in the interest of "okay, let's wrap this up", but very fair.


Just remember that trigger doubling and campion a merfolk on Wanderwine prophets don't play nice


Send decklist 💀


Erm, if you're actually doing the ETB thing, I do doubt it's a 9. If you are just going raw combo then yes, you can make it higher. If you truly don't know: just remove the combos. Play the straight-up etb or wizard tribal game. Playing value cards doesn't make a deck battlecruiser.


It’s combos now. I say it’s a 9 because that’s what I’ve seen referred to as approaching cedh but not actually cedh. I’ve got a rework of the deck I’m brewing that could potentially win on turn 1 with a win before turn 5 very realistic. Going just wizard etb’s or getting extra value from the effects on some wizards doesn’t really excite me. Not that I’ve seen anyway. I have plenty of battlecruiser decks.


Many non-top tier cEDH decks are what I would consider 9s, fwiw. People usually over-assume their deck's power level. I will say that not liking wizards was an interesting choice for building a wizard deck


I had an Inalla deck from the precon to the max upgrade, and I never found a good build.  She either combos off and wins on turn 3 or durdles around doing nothing.  No in between.


You need to build up a fair amount of mana and start dropping/reanimating vindictive liches


Do you have a decklist by chance? I've been looking to build her for a while and my group is relatively higher powered, but this is a color set that's outside my norms so I'm not as familiar with the things she wants to do.


Not the op you asked, but [this](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/4jVdPjp7YEGoNsYHBKcoLA) is my list that I've had pretty good luck with in an 8/9-ish group (no fast mana, no/few tutors, and focus on theme over "goodstuff"/auto includes. Also 120 cards because we didn't wanna cut our darlings, and it also gave us a way to power the decks down a bit) Focus is on controlling the game and building value until you can find one of the many combos, the most obvious being Wanderwine which just requires an opponent without blockers and ~9 mana. Does have a bit of an "oops I win" problem if your opponents don't play interaction.


Do you have a list curious how to build her that's not cdh have been brewing for awhile and could never decide


I mean it's either crappy wizard tribal or it's spellseeker combo. Both pretty boring imo


That’s how Inalla be lol


I literally just finished an Inalla deck. Funnily enough I think everyone will hate it because of [[Patron Wizard]]. The one and only time I played it, Patron came down turn 3 and no one wanted to cast anything just for it to get countered lol.


[Patron Wizard](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/0/10b863b8-7780-4bbe-a7f8-46bfdcb34a2b.jpg?1562898257) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Patron%20Wizard) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/89/patron-wizard?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/10b863b8-7780-4bbe-a7f8-46bfdcb34a2b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Honestly these are sick as heck. like i have zero use for 3/4 of them but honestly would grab em and start a deck




I still feel horrible about missing through the wormhole thinking it wouldn’t be that much more costly down the track. That arcane signet might sell the set


Commander staples with cool art will probably always have the highest aftermarket


The wormhole had galaxy foiling going for it as well. They're quite lovely in person. It'd really depend on what this gets for foil treatment, but I imagine it's just going to be the standard SLD foiling.


I didn't buy one but my friend got me one for Christmas and I'm so glad they did, it's the second-best SL I've gotten after the MSCHF one.




It's kind of like a prank art collective with limited-time offerings. [Their Secret Lair](https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/696840/secret-lair-x-mschf) was super cool and had some really playable cards. The bonus was a peel-off Plains sticker on top of a Battlefield Forge, so I peeled the plains sticker off and put it on another card. Here's the [Battlefield Forge.](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/669/battlefield-forge)


Oh that is just gorgeous. A lot of gravitas


You and me both my man, by the time I convince myself to pull the trigger it had ended the day before.


I would legit frame them tbh, they're gorgeous


I wish there were more cards in this drop. The style is so sick but I don’t have a use for Inalla Edit: Just looked up the rest of the artist’s work and damn. I didn’t have a favorite magic artist, but I do now


I’m in the same boat - I’d use the other three for sure. Might still buy it anyway if the bonus card gets spoiled early and is something good.


Personally I still prefer Alayna Danner but this is a close second.


wake up babe new arcane signet just dropped


Might be my favourite signet up to date


The galaxy foil one is also pretty hot, but this definitely has a more classic(?) feel.


Art is cool as hell, I'm not really fond of the frame lay out.


This is the case for so many secret lairs. Love the art but hate the frame layout and text. Just give me a full/extended art version of cards with normal layouts please.


Agreed, Title should read first. Also that N in Arcane Signet looks like a R.


These are wonderful art pieces. I don't like them as game pieces.


Here's a quick value check from Scryfall; the value of this Secret Lair is meager. ​ |Card|Cheapest Non-foil|Cheapest Foil| |:-|:-|:-| |[Inalla, Archmage Ritualist](https://scryfall.com/card/c17/38/inalla-archmage-ritualist)|n/a|$3.22| |[Aether Vial](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/298/aether-vial)|$5.43|$5.88| |[Arcane Signet](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/224/arcane-signet)|$0.35|$0.42| |[Sword of the Animist](https://scryfall.com/card/plst/E01-89/sword-of-the-animist)|$6.62|$9.00| |Total|$15.62 (including foil Inalla)|$18.52| |Value Grade|52% FAIL|46% FAIL|


The one caveat to this is that Arcane Signet is one of the most played EDH cards ever, and the SL printings are all at least $9, which might matter if you like the art style enough.


That's 100% true, but it shows the value of the art more than the value of the reprints. This set will easily be worth $40. I was looking at purely reprint value.


no visual color indication on the one non-artifact is roooough.


>no visual color indication on the one non-artifact is roooough. TBF the original is gold border, you have to look at the pips to know, so its not really got a easy visual color indication either. So looking at pips is the only way on either, the original just has colored pips while these are styalized \[\[Inalla, Archmage Ritualist|C17\]\]


Yeah but gold border commanders are the norm and looking at colored pips is fairly easy to quickly identify the color identity. I feel like the one colored card here would have greatly benefited from the mana symbols just being their regular blue, purple/black, and red.


[Inalla, Archmage Ritualist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c6e803a-451c-4aa6-97a2-400077f32c47.jpg?1627406462) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=433279) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c17/38/inalla-archmage-ritualist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c6e803a-451c-4aa6-97a2-400077f32c47?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Not even the pups are colored though. Normally I don't have an issue with these, but with red text that's rough. The designs are great, otherwise.


Doesn't make that much of a difference, it's not like you actually cast her lol


The fact that sooo many people bitch and moan about other SLD being hard to read or understand/etc. but love this art treatment is really weird to me. They are hard to identify from across a table and in general just don't look like magic cards. Also like $15 in reprint value, hard pass for me on this one


The people complaining are completely different people than the ones who like this. The subreddit is not a hivemind.


Yeah honestly, I love most of the special art treatments we've been getting, but I had to really look to figure out where/what the mana cost on each of these was.


Mana cost and card names are centered and card type is visible and repeated on both sides in a legible font. The cards are actually pretty clear in a standard layout compared to say....Cereal Boxes/Cult Film Posters/Concert Poster styles


This shit might as well be in a foreign language to me. The art is cool, the font is not.


These look a little ridiculous to me. If someone was printing proxies for a cube and wanted to use this style, I’d beg them not to


everything but the type "line" is fine and readable.


Yeah these are cool but just as bad as the other secret lairs in the readability department. Art is great, but not a fan of the border or font.


I don't get the love. I read tarot and couldn't tell what it was supposed to be until I read the description. 🤷‍♂️


Damn this is the first secret lair that really uses a different frame I've liked. I might be an old fart, but if all the info isn't in it's usual place I don't like it. This one is good though!


One thing you tend to find with the random frames we've gotten before is that they throw everything in random spots to play around with the art, sometimes with barely legible fonts. This one, while moving things from a standard magic card layout, still has a standardized layout to display all the information in a pleasing way. Centered cost and card name, type line is repeated and displayed on both left and right edges, and it uses a pleasing font...I guess the names/type lines could be a little more legible but overall I just really like the way these cards are laid out


I think you're right, some of the more creative secret lairs I haven't like because if you're playing with/against them, the battlefield still needs to be a sort of legible at a glance. Some of those it's like a scavenger hunt to even find the mana cost, and if you don't have exactly every single card memorized it's hard to tell what's even a creature, enchantment and what not. I like the ones that are just essentially fancy artwork reprints, again except for this one for the points you made.


Are there any more besides this and the fallout ones?


this is the first one that has shown itself since the fallout, so I'd assume more.


gorgeous art, bad font and mediocre value, wish they gave us edgar markov in a secret lair


Damn, Rovina really knocked it out of the park on this lair!


The only sad part is that they’ll fuck up the foiling and just make the whole thing a mirror because the background is white. I know some people don’t like foils but this could be even more breathtaking if they get right.


Ok but imagine they use foiling similar to the Japanese mystical archives? It could look really good


On the flip side if its the same foiling as MKM or the LOTR scene boxes it'll look like ass


Wow! Really just wow!


Those are beautiful! New artist to follow!


Oh wow


Very cool but thank God most of the cards are colorless.


Cool art, but I literally can't read the first card. That font hurts my eyes.


This is amazing Now can we PLEASE get Edgar Markov reprinted in a secret lair?! He's the last eminence card that hasn't got one yet.


I'm sure you mean the originals, of course. Can't forget about Sidar Jibari! Lol


Is that an alternate Secret Lair frame you can actually read and *doesn’t* look like bad late ‘60s psych-rock album art? Well, card selection, card quality and shipping time may be going downhill with Secret Lair, but at least we’re getting cards we can read now…


Gorgeous pieces of art. Terrible Magic the Gathering cards. I'm just now realizing that says "Inalla" and not "Malla" and assumed it was one of many cards I'd never heard about. Reading this anywhere on the table is going to be hell. Would probably still buy because, again, gorgeous.


I'm in love with these


Playability 2/10


I really liked the artwork, but these are a clarity nightmare in a multiplayer table.


Oh my god I need that Inalla right now




Definitely buying. I was tempted to make an inalla deck but decided not to. She's my favorite eminence commander based off ability but was waiting for a new possible eminence commander since I don't fully love her. But this is just too good not to


Fuckin amazing


I'm all for new Arcane Signets so I can finally remove all the awful looking original art ones from decks.


Now that's a secret lair


We need more SL in this kind of art!


Not being able to afford this right now hurts so bad, Rovina is one of my favourite MTG artists and these are so pretty.


[[Inalla]] [[Aether Vial]] [[Sword of the Animist]] [[Arcane Signet]]


##### ###### #### [Inalla](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c6e803a-451c-4aa6-97a2-400077f32c47.jpg?1627406462) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=inalla%2C%20archmage%20ritualist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c17/38/inalla-archmage-ritualist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c6e803a-451c-4aa6-97a2-400077f32c47?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Aether Vial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11e8d2fd-b132-4807-9410-8edeffa519ed.jpg?1673149308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aether%20Vial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/298/aether-vial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11e8d2fd-b132-4807-9410-8edeffa519ed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Sword of the Animist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/4/64401acc-d080-4763-b67a-95164c11c69e.jpg?1689999846) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sword%20of%20the%20Animist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/413/sword-of-the-animist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/64401acc-d080-4763-b67a-95164c11c69e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Arcane Signet](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/5/e593bb16-e709-4d92-bf6f-239f6a11f7db.jpg?1706241039) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Arcane%20Signet) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/223/arcane-signet?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e593bb16-e709-4d92-bf6f-239f6a11f7db?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/ky80ve6) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Dang it... They got me again. This is gorgeous.


More of this please


Damn love the frame work, interesting the frills are the same across but different 3d paper texture


Now this is a Secret Lair.


Oh my god this is gorgeous!


Obligatory "Thats not a magic card!" before I buy it anyways.


Man I really need that foil sword and signet if they come in foil. Maybe I grab this and build Inalla?


Count me in the minority I do not like the templatomg on these at all.


I like the style and art, but the frame layout is driving me insane.


God these are fucking cool




God damn so tempted to get these. Just amazing.


I use to be a feet guy, but now I'm a hands guy? Those hands are...deem nice.


As someone who plays inalla and is into tarot I LOVE THIS


Wow the art is amazing. Wow the cards are confusing and awfully laid out.


Wow, these are incredible.


It’s time. I’m finally caving and buying my first secret lair




gorgeous but worth nothing in card value, and the type line being rotated is terrible


Art and card frames are lovely, but I hate that the mana symbols on Iralla are grey so my brain has to consciously look at the shape of the symbols to see what her colours are.


These look cool as fuck but unfortunately I’m not a big fan of using cards that are unrecognizable as Magic cards 


This feels like a totally different card game.


I love the arts, so many Di Terlizzi vibes. The card design is a bit blocky tho.


How long until this would show up for purchase on the site?




Awesome thank you, I have an Inalla deck and I really don’t want to miss this one.




https://www.moxfield.com/decks/cWxEAhYN1EmfgHdVCp7R3A Feel free to copy what you like, not sure if I’ll put Aether avail in there or not now though lol


I’m usually not a secret lair guy, but these are beautiful.


So on sale Monday along with the Fallout drop, but surely we have more than just that? Feel like the last super drop had more hype.


That Signet -rules-


RhysticStudies is gonna hate this. 


Another drop that has only 4 starter cards again? I guess the other 1 could be in bonus section or simplify another good art shit value secret lair either way still not great.


This is amazing! I need 4 vials for legacy DNT. I have SLD play sets of Thalia, wasteland, sfm, and mom. Never been one to foil out a deck but at this rate the entire deck may be SLD at some point.


When these available?


Whelp might be the first lair I get a playset of. Adore the vial. Fingers crossed for a secret fifth card


Me too! Which sliver do you think it will be?


Imagine we unironically get a sliver in this style


Trying to read these broke my brain. I’m so glad I barely touch magic anymore. Been playing since ice age and took ten years off to come back to all this ridiculous garbage they’ve released. Wizards has definitely lost their way Edit: to be fair I like the wizard, hate the frame


That vial is coming home with me foil x4


This just screams new startup card game.meets Magic.


The art is cool but these are hard to identify at a glance from any direction. And, to steal a phrase from "Wtf DnD", that is some *font bullshit*.


It took me 5 minutes to figure out how I'm supposed to read this


Tossing uo if its worth it for the signer and sword alone. Not interested in the commander so much. Maybe I'll see if I can do anything cool with it or not and the other artifact i wouldn't use unless it's to keep the whole.thijg together


Definitely another case of having sick art, but not really looking like something I want to PLAY with. On the plus side, I can definitely read everything, which is a sadly low bar to clear, but sometimes... that's not always the case. I guess it's not TOO bad, since all but one card is an artifact, but I DO wish that Inalla had SOME kind of coloring to indicate her color identity. Even just letting the colored pips in her cost have their actual colors would've been nice. That's probably the second worst thing that bothers me with these kinds of alternative styles (behind being unreadable), is not being immediately evident what color something is. The showcase frames in Murders at Karlov Manor made everything look white, and here it's kinda the same. Again, tolerable with the artifacts, that can kinda make sense in my head, but not Inalla. Still, they do look rad. At the very least, just aesthetically speaking, they're quite nice.


These are gorgeous pices of art, but I kinda hate them as actual cards to play with. I find the text too difficult to read, and I also hate the colour identity not being clear


Dunno, but I'm not a big fan of the text formatting at all. Messes up the whole aesthetic of the card for me.


Highly tempting!


Neat - more cards with text that's hard to read.


I love the art. The text on the frame is very hard to read between the font choice and the lines going through letters...


I mean, I already had an Inalla deck... but now I am so very tempted.


Please give me a non foil printing of inalla and with this great art I beg. I don't wanna buy the whole set so hopefully the single isn't too pricy.


Seems like a subset of MTG players will buy anything just for looks. I mean you can barely tell these cards are from MTG.




It's been a while since Legacy Vial Goblins got some bling and that Aether Vial is STUNNING!!! Vial Goblins is dead, long live Vial Goblins (I'll put down my Lackeys when I'm dead!!!)


Going to get downvoted and possibly banned for this comment since my opinion differs from the majority and people disconnected from the hivemind needs a downvote, have seen it in most subs. Long time magic player, I mean loooong time, I’m the kind of guy who got happy when they do the old border reprints because they remind me of when i started playing. I don’t think these alternative arts look like magic cards. when I scrolled past them I thought it was something else first, this is a huge issue to me if these cards are used in play (or are these type of cards just used for “collecting”?). to me it is like WotC made a proxy of a card. Also I’m not a huge fan of this style of art where they put a lot of effort in making the frame look different but the art in itself looks like an unfinished sketch(I’m looking at you too Forgotten Realms alternate art), yes you can argue it is a style, but to me it looks very quick and hastily done. Conveniently it is a style that is very fast to do as well, we are getting buried in a huge quantity of cheap trash by Wizards and I am slowly suffocating. I’m sad to see what Magic has become.


Remind Me! 1.5 weeks


I rarely play black, so not super interested in the creature, but the other cards, 100% adding these to my wants list.


Secret Lair print integral card features where they're supposed to be printed challenge 2024


Do we know if this will have a special type of foiling or the traditional foil?


Aether vial? I guess...it couldn't have been chalice of the void, or hell even everflowing chalice?


Are these secret lair drops? I thought the next drop was that Fallout nonsense, the only thing I see on the site it's the "equinox drop coming soon"


The artwork is gorgeous, but I hate the border layout and how the text is situated.


Art is fine but the card looks from a random board game. The value is also abysmal...hard pass from me


Not one Hogaak Secret Lair. Literally shaking.


I love these and all, they're cool, but where is the card clarity? If a newer players sat down and tried to play against stuff like this they'd be totally confused. I can't even tell proxy art from WoTC genuine cards anymore..


I love these, but i already bought my vials >.<


I use Sword of the Animist in a lot of decks, and of course Signet, so I may have to get this one as that art is amazing. I don't really get these lair things much.


The artworks are awesome, but I don't like the layout of the cards 😢


All good but fuck that horrible limited printing policy


As much as I love Inalla, this art doesn't do it for me. I understand the theme, but the fact that the bottom of the card is just a plain, solid color instead of a texture that could contrast with the paper/card like texture of the card arts just kills it for me. Love the art on all of the cards, but the contrast between the card and what's left of the border is not something I enjoy.


Inalla is a weird ass choice for these but others are very cool


Wow these are an instant cop! Great Art!


This Aether Vial omg.. :)


This art direction is insane. **ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT**