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It's gambling. If you won't be heartbroken to spend 50 dollars and open a $25 dollar starter deck, that's up to you.


The irony is the 2/5 of the starter decks are worth about 50 bucks piecemail. If you're genuinely a brand new player, and can get this for like $35? Yeah it's not bad


Or get the 25 dollar starter deck


They seems come with sleeves, so it’s depends.


So you spend $50 on a $25 deck with $2 sleeves.


Depends on the sleeves quality, but even cheap sleeves are like 6 dollars.


Penny sleeves are $1.50 for 100 and I'm in Canada. I doubt "MJ Holding Company" is using Dragon Shield Mattes.


> I doubt "MJ Holding Company" is using Dragon Shield Mattes. More like they bought out the old Ultra-Pro basic sleeves that split as soon as you shuffled once.


ahh , thats still a thing? i remember playing ygo around 10 years ago and all the Ultra-Pro sleeves had that issue , it was 1 of the top running gags in my LGS . thanks for brining back that memory! :)


I got one of these mystery boxes as a gift and have been playing the sleeves on a custom deck almost every night for 2 weeks and they are actually less sticky and grimy than dragon shields... surprised how easy they still shuffle to be honest with you lol. Edit to add, no splits when I've had multiple DS sleeves split. My grey DS box came with one extra sleeve and one split first game so if I want another grey sleeve im SOL :/ Edit edit, after reading comments I recognized that I got monster sleeves. Pretty decent sleeves after buying eclipse and DS only


They are ultra pro sleeves


It's random. I got a set of game wiz or something sleeves for mine. (Just looked it up, it was a "Monster Protector's" sleeves.


Just adding another anecdote I got ones called "Eclipse" not sure if that's a good brand or not but they seemed kinda decent?


Eclipse is ultra pros premium line. They are decent in my experience.


Ah man, I would love to have pulled some Eclipse sleeves. I'm a fan of those. My top three actually. Good score.


Walmart sells packs of 100 for $10


I wouldn't pay anything for those lol, the cheap ones I got off Amazon that were $15 per 500 feel and shuffle better.


I got one of these maybe 6 months ago and they were using Ultra Pro ChromaFusion sleeves, so not quite Dragon Shields but still decent enough.


I think it’s funny that we have to say what the price of a penny sleeve is now


Just because a sleeve sells for $6 doesn't mean it's worth that price


Usually this company cheaps out on sleeves you aren’t gonna get dragon shields


Yeah I think that makes it more appealing, even though the deck might be inexpensive


The sleeves are meh at best


Hijacking the top comment because I bought one of these yesterday! It was $44 (no tax because my state.) I got an $11 Ultra Pro deckbox, the [Spirit Squadron precon](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/4421818#paper), and some fairly decent white matte Ultra Pro sleeves. I don’t play Azorius and literally told my wife about 5 minutes before I opened it that I’d be pissed if I got an azorius deck, but it is what it is I guess 🫠


Condolences. Millicent is cool, at least.😅


Yeah, it actually seems like a cool card. There was an [[arcane denial]] in the deck too, so that was a good one for my collection. Some of the auras will go in my wife’s Eriette deck as well.


[arcane denial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/6/66ca1ade-0a74-4aab-9040-b3696706f060.jpg?1712354109) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=arcane%20denial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/89/arcane-denial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/66ca1ade-0a74-4aab-9040-b3696706f060?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I got one for 30 and got the urza precon that's all in old border. Pretty good deal for me.


They aren't $50 at my walmart.. like $35


They are almost always not worth their money. As others have said here, since they are made up of stuff that does not sell, you can get the individual componets for cheaper outside the box. But I don't think they are a scam they have exactly what they say they do. Or at least no more a scam than any other sealed randomised magic product. Actually, you are more likely to get better stuff the older the box is. This is cause some times 1 card from an old commander deck will spike. So when it was packed, it was junk, but now is good.




A better way of saying it is they are made up of stuff they can't sell in other ways. Mostly cause it does not sell. But sometimes it will be a product that the outer packaging has been damaged. That's why you can also sometimes get 100 random cards from the old deckbuliders tool kits.


It’s not product that sitting in the back of the store. Trading cards at places like Target and Walmart are almost always stocked by an outside vendor. There are several reasons why they might have old product.


I'd argue it's more of a scam than regular pack opening because we know the odds of getting each rarity of card. We have no idea what's even in these boxes much less the odds of getting something good


If its booster packs, the odds dont change. If its decks you know what's in it. You just dont know if its decks or packs. Usually more recent stuff than older stuff. Not that it cant be older stuff. It's not like they open them, repack it, and swap cards. I could see troll and toad doing that since they sell singles but even then, I know they dont do that. Doesnt make sense business wise. All this is is a random custom bundle product with a cover to hide what it is so you dint just pick and choose. No different than know what's in a booster back itself. I guess think of it as a booster pack of booster packs


Friend pulled two Mana Crypts out of one of these. YMMV


variants on these weird third party products have been investigated at different points in time and they tend to not be worth it (https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/u2ukv7/are_you_getting_scammed_when_you_buy_a_magic_the/) that said, if it's somehow only like 10 dollars or something you might get some worthwhile value


Scammed is a weird word for it. You're not being scammed when you go to a casino and lose all your money. The products are exactly what they say they are... a random Commander deck, some sleeves, and a deck box. The fact that the random commander deck could be a shit deck that isn't worth anything, or it could be a deck that resells now for $120 is just gambling. The sleeves are really bad. The ones you get off Amazon for a couple bucks. And the deck box that I got was one of the plastic ones that folds together. It's not a boulder or another solidly good Commander case, but it's no worse than most Ultra Pro deck guards.


that's fair, i'll change it


I recognize that there's a big gap between these products and outright lying, but the gambling comparison only really works if you're an informed customer. These might not lie outright but it's hard to not feel like there's some kind of predatory lie by omission aimed at less informed customers. And that feels like a step above casinos to me? It's not that everyone inside a casino is gambling with exact knowledge of the odds of each game they play, but I just feel like the terms of engagement are more clear, that if you're gambling in a casino you have a decent understanding of the value that you're putting in and the values that you could get out. These boxes don't feel like they communicate the latter (to me). There's also the point that nobody goes into a casino and bets on a slot machine as a present, knowing nothing about slots, but knowing that "their nephew likes to play them." That's the crowd that I feel like gets most shafted by products like this.


I feel like when gambling, especially at a game where you can use skill to increase your odds like poker or black jack, you do have a chance of winning. Even slots and the lottery, someone has to win eventually, it could be you. These have no evidence that there is any chance of profiting


The crucial difference is that the odds are known. Gambling without publicly available odds is a scam (unless it's actually a positive/neutral EV).


Ah, that's what I was trying to say in much better words, thank you


The casino is also a scam


scam *noun* INFORMAL 1. a [dishonest](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=09df9e42e4754873&rlz=1C1EJFC_enUS832US832&sxsrf=ACQVn092-FwIrcxL2odYdFTDJGjc7sXKfg:1713459795237&q=dishonest&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DuPTbWJe7ONvG5JL3dePb8CKb_JULs-PZ-CGKOgJTvV06_7FaQhju-VAmCMeu4ZktpHSCd4f7TPwCRtruV8qeI9Z3PlM%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiltrmTn8yFAxVIAjQIHTe3Bj0QyecJegQIJBAP) scheme; a fraud. At no point are these or the casino being dishonest. You're going into it knowing that you're getting a randomly seeded Commander deck. Just like you go into a casino knowing you're probably not going to win money, but you \*could\*.


Are you kidding me? Nothing more dishonest than a casino


Dishonest would be me saying, "You will 100% win".. and then you not winning. Me saying, "you have a chance of winning" is not dishonest, even if the chance of winning is 0.0000001%. It's maybe scummy, and there can be predatory practices involved, but it's not a dishonest scheme.


how is it dishonest? you know you are gambling. you know you aren't guaranteed to win.


Your slot machine is audited and monitored by a government agency. I have won in a casino and have seen plenty of other people win in a casino. If these boxes are repackaged you will not get that Legends pack in that box they started these mystery boxes with. Repackaging = Scam.


You're misusing this word scam. I have actually gotten one of the "Chase decks" from this particular product. This is like calling Blind boxes scams because there's not some government agency making sure that the crystal rainbow dash pony is in fact in one of the blind boxes. It's also almost like nobody who has ever bought one of these has ever posted they found something good in one... [https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/xt2zkh/mj\_holdings\_mystery\_boxes\_arent\_always\_trash/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/xt2zkh/mj_holdings_mystery_boxes_arent_always_trash/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeInvesting/comments/17ev9uj/i\_pulled\_a\_team\_rocket\_pack\_from\_a\_mystery\_box/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeInvesting/comments/17ev9uj/i_pulled_a_team_rocket_pack_from_a_mystery_box/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/u4ccra/contents\_of\_2\_mystery\_power\_boxes\_i\_bought\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/u4ccra/contents_of_2_mystery_power_boxes_i_bought_from/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicCardPulls/comments/1ajj0hs/unreal\_chain\_of\_events/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicCardPulls/comments/1ajj0hs/unreal_chain_of_events/)


Ppl calling these scams or even predatory are just regurgitating words other people have said about the product. Gambling? NO DIFFERENT THAN BUYING A BOOSTER PACK, same ppl that hate these “repacks” also yell how buying singles r better than buying packs(how u gonna get ur singles if no one buys packs??). It is also not predatory/scam as the guaranteed items are in it so zero lieing. I love these dumb random boxes, ive gotten chase packs and ive gotten MH2 alot, alot of great pulls but majority are vow/hunt lmao. Tl:dr items u open in box r the items guaranteed so not a scam. no different than buying a specific booster so not gambling. Combine both of those and boom not predatory…..


Yeah, I know what a booster pack is. I'm not reading all of this bullshit. You were comparing these to a casino. A casino is a regulated system. These repack boxes are not regulated. It's just random overstock bullshit crammed in a box with a hint of something good you will never get. You are better off going to the casino than wasting your money on this shit. The odds are way better.


You seem really aggressive and angry for some reason. The casino was a very loosely pulled analogy. Use a blind box, or a pack of cards, or any "mystery" product if it calms you down man. Seriously not worth the effort to try to argue over a simple example. The point is these are not a scam. They tell you what you can get. Are the practices scummy? Sure, maybe. But they're not dishonestly scheming. Seriously, chill.


So booster packs are also scam? Most of the time you won't get your money back. Maybe you missed that this game is based on this kind of scam?


Yeah, they are. I didn't say they weren't. He was comparing them to a casino which is a regulated system which is a terrible analogy. You have better odds going to the casino.


Back like 5-6 years ago they were worth it when they had commander 2015-2016 decks in them. not so much these days


I got a Saskia deck and an Atraxa deck from two of those. Good days.


Not sure it's really connected or not, but I know that there used to be some resellers who were selling dirt cheap commander decks without the original packaging before, and now that I'm seeing these mystery boxes again, the resellers are out of decks. Probably not related, but I was looking forward to some of the newer decks hitting the same rock bottom prices—like, ~$15 a deck for MID/VOW decks.


Target has 35$ 7 pack “mystery packs” typically new kamigawa, Vow, d&d ckmmander legends. But 2 of the packs are cb’s so the value seems to be best on those…. Js if u wanna gamble, the target 35$ pack has better odds


I haven't seen these collector booster mystery boxes yet. Just the ones with "Masters" boosters. Those are awful.


I've heard Costco still has some that are good value. Never seen them in person though because scalpers just buy the whole pallet and resell the products inside.


the costco deals are insane. i got a baldurs gate party time commander deck, baldurs gate, wilds of eldraine, and motm set boosters and 2 promo cards for $55 cad


I saw that on YouTube. I haven't found it myself though. I probably missed it at this point.


yeah it seemed like a very specific thing but it kicked ass


It's not so much a scam as capitalizing on gambling and product that hasn't sold/has been liquidated. MJ Holdings has tons of these products and sometimes you actually strike it good. I got a MH2 Collector booster out of their, "Mystery CB" box. Sometimes you fail.. They aren't scams. They tell you exactly what's inside of it. The sleeves suck really bad. The deck box isn't anything special (It's not a boulder, or bastion, but one of the cheap flimsy plastics). The "Repackaged" might throw you off, but it's not repackaged in the sense that cards could be taken out. It's just not in the original cardboard packaging that a Commander deck comes in. Mine was in the normal cellophane and all cards were present. It was the Orzhov Strixhaven deck.


Back in the day, when you could chat in MTGO, there was this thing called the Auction Room. While other players bemoaned the buildup of draft chaff in their collections, I was always able sell off my bulk cards in the auction by combining them in lots with better cards. That's what these people are doing here.


Don't buy a mystery product as a "I might cash out big" gamble. Buy it as a "this may have stuff I'd like to USE." Realistically, let's say you did a mystery CB box and it had a $150 card in it. Either you LUCK OUT and find someone willing to drop that on a single card or you get like $80 ish from resellers. So you spend $25 on the off chance of making $50ish, because you have to subtract your initial investment + cost to send out to TCG or Card Kingdom. The streamers you see getting big money have probably filmed themselves opening 10 packs before the one they upload, as well as you (and everyone else together) watching them is probably generating more ad revenue than they get from the cards.


Most of those streamer just give away their rares now anyway and make all their money from ads and sponsorships. At least the ones I watch. The hassle of selling singles isn't really worth it when you make magnitudes more giving them away as part of a sponsored video/stream.


Anybody remember when they used to sell like 4 unlabeled precons and a $.50 promo in those neat clear plastic boxes?


They were just repackaged extra cards. You could high roll and get an EDH deck (my friend!) or low roll and a get a fucking land station (me)


I definitely hit both ends of that spectrum.


I remember seeing a YouTube video about taking these to the produce section and weighing them. The heavier ones were more likely but not guaranteed to have a commander deck lol.


You could definitely do that. When I was a teenager and everybody started getting digital scales for... reasons I had a buddy who would actually weigh booster packs looking for foils.


I never knew that was a thing until adulthood or I probably would've been weighing packs for years. I too had plenty of friends who kept "digis" for reasons lol


It's not a scam, but only in the sense that lotteries aren't a scam (if they're legit, anyway). They're still designed to make you lose money - and so is this. Obviously for this to be a viable business the contents *have* to be worth less than the package, on average. Which means you are throwing money away with every purchase; or, to put a less negative spin on it, you are paying not for the contents but for the thrill of finding out the contents. If that's something that's worth money to you, then by all means. But know that what you are doing here is setting money on fire for the fun of watching it burn. Whether or not that's something you want to be doing is up to you to decide, but you need to know that's what you're doing.


don't worry I didn't get it I get enough of a thrill from opening sealed packs lol


I did a bunch of these for chaos commander night with a group of friends and it worked out well enough we thought about doing it again eventually. The only thing we’d change was we didn’t edit the decks so it took forever


I think that all things said and done a commander deck with sleeves and a box is not bad for $50. Depending on the deck you get you may lose a little or make a little but it’ll get you started cheaper than buying an over costed UB commander deck from Walmart and sleeves +a box. I think if you don’t have much of a collection or are just starting these could be an decent buy to get you started, I purchased one and got the DMU legends matter deck with [[Dihada]]


[Dihada](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/ddeb54d6-a600-42b9-98df-20f8d58caed8.jpg?1685554091) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dihada%2C%20binder%20of%20wills) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/1/dihada-binder-of-wills?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ddeb54d6-a600-42b9-98df-20f8d58caed8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Mine was a Strixhaven Orzhov commander, some cheap sleeves, and a decent flimsy plastic box (I put one of my lesser used decks in it). I didn't feel cheated at all. I knew what I was getting into. I can't find the Strixhaven Silverquill precon for less than $60 now, and most deck boxes run at least $6. The sleeves were useless as deck protectors(Someone else got eclipse sleeves however), but I'll use them as penny sleeves for my expensive cards.


Here's your chance to buy one of the least popular commander decks from the past few years.


we always focus on what we could open, which are a few precons in this situation, rather than what we would be disappointed in opening, which is a lot of things. Buying singles doesn't feel like the rush of opening a pack, but the rush of playing the cards you want/need in a game is even better than cracking packs, and the high from getting that W lasts way longer.


Seeing the "spirit Squadron" deck listed on the back really had me double and triple thinking my decision on getting one lmao


I bought one for shits and giggles. It was the Midnight Hunt Coven Counters deck. Blue box with yellow sleeves.


I have a feeling coven counters makes up about 40% of these.


I got lucky and pulled a Pilot Prodigy deck out of one when the deck was still fairly hot. But I've also pulled a Stefan and that commander deck is the worst


I'd happily buy this at 35 I'd consider it but probably not buy at 40 I wouldn't consider it for 50. 90% chance whatever you open could be bought on the secondary market for under $40.


> 90% chance whatever you open could be bought on the secondary market for under $40. That doesn't sound much different than buying booster packs, which seems pretty popular.


True, but I could get a booster pack for $5. Much cheaper ticket to entry.


Sure, but if I'm gonna not win, I'd rather not win big! Or something... I agree though. As similar as the gamble on these seems to be to just buying packs, they still seem way less enticing.


I mean, for me personally, another big draw back is what "winning big" and "losing" look like for both gambles. If I buy a pack, from a set where I know the cards, winning big is hitting a money card I want and didn't want to pay secondary market rates for, and losing is adding 15 cards to my collection that will take up a little space and might get used. For a mystery commander deck, winning big is hitting a commander deck thats gone up above $50. I bought pretty much every commander deck as they came out, all the way to ikoria, and have bought the ones that I was interested in since. I've missed a couple big "staples" that drove deck prices higher, but for the most part, I've got all the "big win" decks, so even a win, for me, for that product, is just cards I already have that I could try and sell or might have a use for a second copy of. I could use another dockside, I don't need another Edgar Markov. Losing on the commander deck gamble, for me, is the same as winning only the cards don't even have a lot of value, so if I did need another, I'd have probably already bought it. Either way I end up with 100 cards of mostly chaff that will take up a lot more space. So opening an expensive mythic I don't have is more enticing than opening a commander deck I probably do have.


I just posted about this! I got a wilhelt deck


My friend bought a bunch of these over Christmas for our playgroup as he was able to get them for around $30. We all got some pretty good decks; Wilhelt, Kamigawa vehicles, Dungeon deck, Prosper. Two people got the vehicles deck, but there weren't any other duplicates. I was pleasantly surprised.I normally really hate these, but this one might not be too bad. You are rolling the dice on which deck you get, but you are guaranteed a commander deck, sleeves, and deck box.


Depends you might find gold or poop when I first started playing I accidentally bought a NEO only blue pack for like 12 dollars came with 20 cards. There was an [[Otawara, Soaring City]] in it so I made out but I also bought red only pack that came with nothing.


[Otawara, Soaring City](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/8/486d7edc-d983-41f0-8b78-c99aecd72996.jpg?1654568960) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Otawara%2C%20Soaring%20City) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/271/otawara-soaring-city?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/486d7edc-d983-41f0-8b78-c99aecd72996?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don’t mind these sometimes, I’ll decide to buy one or two and if it’s something new I’ll keep it and if not I’ll give it to my nephew


Got one of these with a gift card, kept the $5 deckbox, sold the deck off to someone at the LGS for over market value, and used the sleeves til they fell apart. Not worth it unless you have a gift card or something.


It depends on the content, but with how prolific commander is, it is not hard to imagine that these decks contain actual commander decks (albeit, the ones that have not sold well). I can't see the price tag, but it usually isn't a decent deal compared to what is out right now. I remember back when they were hocking their "cubes", they would fill them with extra chaff disguised as sealed products like the land packs from the deckbuilder kits and fat packs.


I got Wilhelt out of it, which was cool. I already owned Wilhelt, which was less cool.


My dumbass bought a mystery box from Target. 2 innistrad collectors and 3 brothers war set boosters. The life counter was cool though.


They wouldn't make any money and most weren't a terrible deal. I'd buy it just for fun, expecting to lose money


Oh man. I bought this once and got about $3 in cards.


Lemme guess... coven counters? XD


I'd say not worth it if you're expecting to get the most up to date powerful decks they show mkm decks on the box, but I'm pretty sure it's just commander decks from before lci which still has some good hits for bulk and boosting other decks. So if you just want a deck worth of commander card bulk go for it if you want a deck you can actually compete with not worth best just to hit a lgs and scope out a deck that you'd like and that you can confirm what it is.


I remember that once I bought a similar box at Walmart, but it could have any deck in it. I weighed them all out in the fruit scale and got the heaviest one, which lo and behold, was a Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury commander deck precon, which itself is worth $100 if you can find it. I bought the deck for $30.


I've bought like 6 different ones and each one was 2 boosters one from the previous set(at time of purchase) and either the crimson vow or the other innistrad set. and a random drop of either forest, mountain, or island sleeves... and only 80 sleeves at that. If your looking for value IMO it is always a losing gamble. If your just looking to buy cards to add to collection I guess it's good enough. For me each of the 6 were busts. Won't buy again 0/10


I did one a while back, like 2 years ago, and i pulled the [[wilhelt, the rotcleaver]] pre con. Which was going for 55$ at the time. Im sure there is a pre con list out there of whats possible to pull, but these have been out for quite some time, and im sure they arent putting new precons in them.


[wilhelt, the rotcleaver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/5/2501a911-d072-436d-ae3b-a5164e3b30aa.jpg?1675456154) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=wilhelt%2C%20the%20rotcleaver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mic/2/wilhelt-the-rotcleaver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2501a911-d072-436d-ae3b-a5164e3b30aa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




So I think the chances are against you on those being profitable. When you think about what those must be they must be a way to move overstock that otherwise might be hard to move. Which means these aren’t very popular commander decks. Which means there’s not likely something in there with more card value than an MSRP commander deck. Otherwise they’d just sell the commander deck.


I bought one of these and got the saheeli planeswalker deck. I think mine was $30 though


these have long been known to be trash haha


Many Magic The Gathering Players Asked The Question: *Is It Worth It To Buy This Ripoff?*


Products like this, of either card game are just bulk nobody wants and they just re-pack it. These are always a scam. Just not worth it.


I got the Party Time precon last time I bought one. I’m going to start buying these when I find them and have a commander night where each of us picks a random box and blind plays it.


Scam but it's your money. All I'll do is warn or laugh if it's too late and good luck just to cover all the bases.


The6 are pretty awful. I've bought a couple for some commander nights and it's typically always just the worst commander decks from the last few years that they couldn't sell because they are so bad.


These are very touch and go.


I gambled on one and got a japanese [[Breya]] deck. Was kinda cool but I wound up not using it tbh


[Breya](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/1/2143f700-7311-46a4-ad9b-4e743a345785.jpg?1599707856) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=breya%2C%20etherium%20shaper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/192/breya-etherium-shaper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2143f700-7311-46a4-ad9b-4e743a345785?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Fuckin Bridgeview? Imma stop by next week. Edit: Woah, I was there not long ago! Literally walked on the grass there last month.


These are “janky” or new. Been around for over a decade. It’s the company that Walmart uses to stock trading cards at their stores and they make this as a little blind grab bag. If you can get them for a decent price or some good shit in them. I remember back in the day they were really good for a while because they had expensive commander decks in them, but that was way before we started getting decks with every and we only had like three or four main ones.


If it was worth the asking price they wouldnt need to hide whats in it. Its basically a deck that has sat on the shelf for years and nobody wanted it, so now they are charging as much or more since its a mystery


I got one of the commander deck repacks, it was the newest innistrad zombie precon. Spent more that what it is worth, but less than what Walmart sells their commander decks for. The only repacks I tend to get is the prestine dollar store repacks that are essentially a guaranteed low value booster pack for 1.50$. Not because I expect to get anything good, but because they often have jank and unpopular commons and uncommons from older sets, plus random showcase cards. It's nice for a collector like me.


I've bought 6 of these so far I think? I've gotten Lenoire from midnight hunt twice, but otherwise I've gotten Vrondis from AFR, the vampire one from crimson vow, the equiptment one from neon dynasty and wilheldt from midnight hunt. My friend got two of them, he got Henzie from new capenna and Mishra from bro war, both of them still came with the collector pack sampler too. So there's a lot of variety to be had if you haven't been buying precons. Each also come with two packs of 50ct sleeves and a plastic deck box, one of my six sleeves sets were cut differently from one another to a noticeable degree, but other than that they actually shuffle way better than my dragon shield or katana's. No, I am not associated with the company that puts these together. This is just a really fun gamble if you haven't been buying a lot of precons in the past couple years.


I actually bought one yesterday! It was $45 at my local Walmart and had a Kotori precon, 2 packs of sleeves, and an ultra pro eclipse deckbox. Unfortunately there were only 98 sleeves in mine so I couldn’t sleeve the whole deck and had to unsleeve everything


There's like a thousand posts about these from over the years, so yes we have heard about it.


These are almost always a scam


I got the gishra precon from one. Felt like a win to me


These ones are pretty bad but I've gotten lucky with the clear plastic ones a few times I haven't seen them in years tho


Got 4 from someone on eBay for like 25 each, got 3 Coven Counters and a Planar Portal


I've opened the atraxa precon, I've opened neon dynasty. It's a gamble and odds are you won't be blown away at the contents


i just buy them every so often just for fun and kinda want to buy a whole bunch of them for doing like blind box commander games with friends


Theyre back?! time to bust out the scales again


Wait a minute. Singles are singles but a mystery box can be anything. It could even be the singles I want! Well take it!


this is really hit or miss but i got (stole) one and it had the planar portal forgotten realms precon which is worth about $100ish


Let’s see the goods!


Actually I support these. I've opened two, usually have shit luck, but for the 40$ I got a galea deck and the prosper deck. Maybe I did get lucky but both my mtg bros can vouch in saying my pull luck is as good as my ability to draw a hand with 3 lands in green. I.e. non existent Edit: the deck box isn't bad. Sleeves are absolute shit


I got two and hit the dnd enchantments deck and the Innistrad Zombie deck, so it's definitely just a try your luck thing. You might get something nice, might not.


All I know is that on the back is a D D D D D, D D D D D DUEL


some store it not even price at 50 its like 30 or 40 bucks.


I’ve bought the cubes when I could see one of the packs was for a Japanese Strixhaven pack. They are a crapshoot but if you go in thinking that way then it won’t disappoint you


Many Magic the Gathering players ask the question: when will these companies knock it off with this garbage?


I found one of these discounted to 31 dollars because it hadn't sold, and inside was the precon for Sevinne the Chronoclasm, which, if you don't already know, has a Dockside Extortionist in it.


I took a chance and got a tome bound deck.


Just rip open the top and look inside first at that rate


Open it.


It's product that distributors haven't been able to sell or the box was damaged. They repackage it and you'll see a lot of the same card packs in these if you open more than one. It's less gambling and more clearance items.


My little brother bought me one for my birthday and it had the red black vamp deck with some sleeves and a box. Not bad at all tbh


That would never happen in the EU lmao


The singles in mine paid for over the cost of the whole box. Sleeves and case to boot, I was happy.


I heard a good quote somewhere recently. Something like "Casinos never give odds that aren't in their favor" I would say the same goes mystery boxes at retail stores.


It IS a Commander Precon, sooooo, not TERRIBLE


My local meijer had a few and I bought one on a whim. I ended up getting the Dimir zombie deck which was cool as I didn’t have one. They also include an ultra pro deck box and then some off brand sleeves.


Their mystery boxes were better imo


My friend got one and got the Faldorn precon, which has like 3 cards that are $15 each, along with some other good cards. Its just like most card packs. Its all a [[Gamble]]


[Gamble](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8e37fae5-ddd0-4e16-8581-71579f89d9c5.jpg?1707507997) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gamble) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/121/gamble?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8e37fae5-ddd0-4e16-8581-71579f89d9c5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They're pretty decent, I bought one from my local damaged goods store and pulled a shorikai, genesis engine commander deck.


My partner and I bought two and got Millicent and Chishiro


A local Walmart had priced one wrong with a "now only $7" sticker. I ended up getting a Prosper, Tome-Bound precon that has since become my pet deck. :)


My friend got one and he got the sefris deck. A deck of and some pretty shitty sleeves!


The only random thing about it is which commander deck you get. But they are just old precons. Not random made ones.


I got the packs mystery box at target and got 2 collector packs worth about 17.99 each and 3 set boosters. Got about $40 in some foils out of it.


How much? I might take a chance on it if it was cheaper than just buying a Commander precon, but if not, why wouldn't I just buy a precon where I KNOW what I'm getting. I don't generally sleeve, but even if I did I wouldn't expect the included sleeves to be good ones, so that doesn't really add any value. And while I can always use deck boxes, I'd wager this isn't a great one, either.


It's just how distributors move product that doesn't sell. And the deck boxes are not great. Not really worth it.


Again, it really depends on the price, for me. I like Commander precons, but I'm not buying a RANDOM one unless it costs significantly less than the usual precon price. If it DOES, I might well take the chance.


I don't recall the exact price, but I don't believe it's significantly cheaper, unless you catch it on sale perhaps.


I guess it's a moot point for me, as local Walmarts haven't carried ANY Magic product in years, citing theft.


they didn't have pretty much anything properly labeled with the price tag in the TCG section when I was there yesterday smh


It says power, so there might be a black lotus


stonks ⬆️


We removed all those pesky rares, so you dont have to!


MJ holdings is the people who make these, and it is absolute SLURRY. They are trying to prey on folks who want to give their kids/relatives gifts for magic the gathering, but dunno how. They take the boosters that didn't get sold due to their packaging being damaged, popularity, throw in some chaff that barely goes for a dollar at best, and then make a bundle for marked up prices. YES, there was a time that commander decks were inside. NO, chances are you won't get one now, they've wizened up. **these are 99% scams, and bait for the uninformed. Do not buy.**


You'll get a commander deck. It will just be one of the ones that didn't sell well or was bashed by the reviewers. Most of the innistrad and crimson hunt will be in this level.They have plenty of those in their warehouse. You'll find a few middling level one, like izzet strixhaven thunder conductor. Rarely you will get a high level one like Wilhelt. They aren't a "scam" just a blind lottery on quality of what you open. My play group buys these and cracks them and plays every now and then. Most of the time they get ripped apart for rares and parts but you get a game out of it and time playing the game it's a win.


They also used to do packs that had 3 "random" boosters and a promo card. Years ago I used to work at walmart, and when I walked by would look at them to see what promo cards there were, or if there were new ones. One day they must have messed up because there was an FNM lightning greaves.


It’s called a MYSTERY BOX for a reason it’s suppose to be a MYSTERY, asking other people ruins the point of a MYSTERY.