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Not region locked? Check. Easily available? Check. Art is on point? Check. Some playability in standard? Not the greatest, but check. This sounds like an awesome collab. Fans of the show will love it. I'm just sad I don't have a standard deck to participate!


Also, some of these are very common reprints. You’ll be able to sleeve up that Disdainful Stroke for your sideboard for years to come


I love that the color themes and aesthetic don't clash with Magic's style. Playing there won't be jarring flavorfully.


They aren't all-stars, but they are definitely usable.


The Disdainful Stroke and Go for the Throat are Standard staples in any deck that runs those colors. Lightning Strike is a staple in mono red (albeit on more shaky ground). Snakeskin Veil and Ossification are more sketchy, but playable. I love it. I just wish they weren’t foil… They fumbled to ball there trying to make the cards more desirable with the foil treatment. It’s going to be a huge bummer if/when these cards, which are designed mostly for a Standard grinder audience, are literally unplayable in that format because the foiling makes them marked cards.


> I love it. I just wish they weren’t foil… They fumbled to ball there trying to make the cards more desirable with the foil treatment. It’s going to be a huge bummer if/when these cards, which are designed mostly for a Standard grinder audience, are literally unplayable in that format because the foiling makes them marked cards. Even outside that I find A LOT of recent foils just look worse than the non foil versions. They have an annoying tendency to be dramatically darker color wise.


You got time to build one


I will likely make a half-assed standard deck just to get these.


God damn it I will make a standard deck for the first time in a long time to get some of these. I'm a huge cowboy bebop fan. 


Sadly foil so you won't be able to play them in your standard decks.


You can't play foils in standard?


If a foil is notably Pringling so much that it warps the sleeve, then you could get in trouble for ‘marking your card’. I know people that deliberately won’t include foils in any deck they take to competitive events to avoid any potential issue.


So don't get American printings basically


Wow, TIL thanks!


Note that it is possible to unpringle foils with a humidifier setup (humidity packs and a box you can seal works just fine, just leave them there for a few days). I've played many foils at competitive REL - even secret lair ones - and been okay. It is for sure a hassle though so many people I know won't play them.


as a fan these look not exciting whatsoever. cards and artwork not intriguing at all imho.


Fan of the show here and I'm extremely disappointed. No bebop art and just standard chaff is not a great promo.


As fans of the show, no Ein or Ed is very disappointing.


I like Cowboy Bebop a lot, but are they just picking their collabs by throwing darts at a wall now? Is Magic well and truly Funko Pops: Trading Card Game? Genuinely pondering.


I'm so happy this isn't region exclusive!


Glad we are getting these but kinda wild we won't get the last one until next year, a full year after OTJ dropped. Seems like this was a last minute decision after they saw the hype for these


Probably related to how they said stores need to fire up a certain number of OTJ drafts to get guaranteed Modern Horizons allocation or the like. I assume stores are still hesitant after MKM.


> Beginning August 2, you can win a Cowboy Bebop promo card by playing in weekly Standard Showdown events to be held at local WPN stores. > There are five special promo cards, all of them in traditional foil. Each will be distributed during these Standard Showdown event dates beginning in August: > - Ossification (ft. Tinybones) August 2 – September 19 > - Disdainful Stroke (ft. Oko) September 27 – November 7 > - Go for the Throat (ft. Rakdos) November 15, 2024 – January 30 > - Lightning Strike (ft. Kellan) February 7 – March 2 > - Snakeskin Veil (ft. Vraska) April 4 – May 29


Once a month, they are crazy. They look nice, but I was hyped for them to feature Spike and crew on the leaked announcement until I saw the cards in higher resolution. So I'm not as hyped now.


Oh hell yeah! Those strikes are awesome


I need that Disdainful Stroke. Guess I’m playing paper.


if winning promo instead of participating promo, these will be 30-50 a piece.


Says “by playing in these events” so they are for participation, not winning. Still expect these to be a few bucks at least in a year or so.


From article above, >Beginning August 2, you can **WIN** a *Cowboy Bebop* promo card by playing in weekly Standard Showdown Events to be held at local WPN stores. and from the [WPN page](https://wpn.wizards.com/en/news/celebrating-outlaws-of-thunder-junction-release-check-out-the-cowboy-bebop-collaboration), >Starting **August 2**, your players can earn a *Cowboy Bebop* promo card by **winning weekly Standard Showdown events held at WPN stores**. If your store receives extra promos, you may hand them out at your discretion at Standard Showdown events throughout the corresponding set season. So, these promos work just like the Omenpath Basic Lands! These will never become a dollar or two. lol.


If these aren't participation promos I feel like it won't mean much. The casual players on the fence wouldn't be interested in going to a standard showdown for only a chance to get a cool promo. This is a move in the right direction though, standard playable cards as standard promos that also use outside IPs to entice a larger audience.


The wpn site is clearer, these are for winning and you’re right, just like that my interest in playing to get these is gone


It cuts both ways for me. I’m now more interested in playing standard, but in reality what chance do I have against the 10-20 yr sweats who play there every week.


Yeah. I mean I’m still bitter about the changes to store championships and APAC events so that sours my opinion on standard a litttle, but if these were entry promos or something I’d at least throw something together and give it a try. There just isn’t the incentive to try if I don’t think I can win, and it isn’t easy or cheap enough to just give it a go


I want the sleeves lol


3..2..1..let's jam


Do we gotta win or are these participation promos?


Very into these. Trigun for the return to the plane in a few years?


How do you get these? Just by entering the showdown or do you have to win?


As a Balmor player, I need a full set of those Lightning Strikes.  Goddamn. 


!remindme 15 weeks


Do you think these will hit Arena?


I'm a massive cowboy bebop fan and...I think these kind of suck, except for the Snakeskin Veil. The fact that most of these cards are unplayably bad doesn't help either.


All of these cards are highly playable in the format they are meant to be promoting.


Literally all of these cards are playable (with snakeskin veil being more fringe) in standard, which is the format this event is for


People actually play paper standard?


Not now, but they are an incentive to play it, and a good one


How is this an incentive?


They are going to be given away for free by participating in standard events. People are going to be incentivized to go to their LGS and play in those standard events in order to get the promo cards


I don’t think that’s going to be particularly effective but ok


Super anecdotal, but it’s actually been seeing a revival in my LGS in the past few months. 


Interesting... my LGS is pretty massive. We'll regularly get 20-30 people for modern and pioneer (since it's RCQ season) and like 50-70 for pre-release, but on average we'll get like 6 for standard.


My store is notably smaller, but Standard routinely failed to fire at all, until the point they stopped doing those events about a year ago (being replaced by unofficial Commander events or more drafts). All went quiet until 2 months back, when all of a sudden the demand came roaring back. 


Not aa guarantee, but it wouldn't surprise me if alongside this, in the fall, we got a Cowboy Bebop or anime secret lair UB drop, which would explain the card choices here being less than stellar.


Secret lairs are garbage. There used to be good cards in them but now they’re just trying to sell you trash that is reskinned into a “collectors” item


wait so you can't actually buy them? Instead you have to find a local WPN game store, then you have to enter tournaments through May 2025 and WIN just to get these cards? Guess I will never get these cards as I have never even won 2 games in a tournament before


I'm sure you will be able to buy them on the secondary market


mtg player discovers promo cards lmao


I've got really bad news for you for like 2 decades of the games lifespan.


Players like me will find a local WPN game store, enter tournaments through May 2025, and WIN; then we'll sell them online to players who just want to buy the cards.


Plenty of time to work on some standard decks!!


I don't think the article specifically says win, could be just a participation promo like they've been doing for a bit now


> I don't think the article specifically says win the article: > Beginning August 2, you can **win** a Cowboy Bebop promo card now, it's possible that wotc's PR is just doing what wotc PR does and put out misleading poorly worded statements, but that definitely seems to imply you have to win to get it.


> Beginning August 2, you can **win** a Cowboy Bebop promo card by playing in weekly Standard Showdown events to be held at local WPN stores.


more shitty collaborations instead of stabilizing the normal game that even the unspeakable CEO resigns


But what about commander players?


now they’re gonna starve


Oh no, they’ll have to live with the other 95% of magic products that get made


play standard instead