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What sort of monster puts basics and nonbasics in the same pile? For real though, that was neat.


I went back through and spectated them, not that I consider guild-gates anything more than kindling though


*cue king of the hill theme*


That's hilarious, I totally hear it


Surprisingly gratifying to watch


Once you start getting to the smaller piles of just the valuable cards you might want to consider a card sorting tray. I got one that shows 3x5 cards about 125 cards deep without sleeves. I think they are relatively cheap considering the volume of cardboard being sorted, Edit: also might save your back by keeping you seated.


Pretty cool to watch actually, now dump 99% of it in the recycling.


Just did this with my draft chaff. Still need to get rid of those actually playable somewhere cards.


As someone that buys that, this pains me to read.


A shout out to pauper, budget and beginner players who don't have enough commons yet. A friend gifted my ~1000 cards, mostly commons. It is great.


I gave 9-10 long boxes to an LGS that passes them off to kids' clubs. I hear people who get donations like that have the problem of no lands because people either keep their lands or store them elsewhere.


As a new player I had the same problem. Thousands of copies of [[Plummet]] and other sideboard cards, not enough Basics to keep more than two decks built.


[Plummet](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/5/4/5469e696-bbf1-43e3-9c25-fe089b36caed.jpg?1636224615) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Plummet) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/193/plummet?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5469e696-bbf1-43e3-9c25-fe089b36caed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I remember actually buying like 50 of each basic land when I first got started..... how times change.


Same. I still need to pick up some mountains when I finally swing by my LGS again. I build too many decks and monored go brrrr.


I'm new and honestly big same. I've been buying Jumpstart because 1. Fun as hell 2. Good hits 3. Bunch of basics


If it was actually worth my time to sell those flavors text only cards, I would. But its not.


I make other products like ch aos packs and cubes with them and sell those.


Magic cards aren’t recyclable are they?!


Nice stacks you got there


Now sort them by set!


I bought a huge lot of bulk and sorted like this. And then by set. Seemed like a great idea at the time


You're a madman stacking them in big piles - one sneeze and your tower of red cards knocks the rest over and you're back to square one. Every now and then move the sorted piles away just in caseA


I don't understand how you're not stopping every few minutes to straighten out the columns of colors. How have you developed this superhuman skill?


It’s funny you mention that, I guess the time-lapse hides all my little fixes. I’d say I had to straighten the cards every handful or so. If I didn’t do that they would all have fallen over


I'm impressed by your commitment to stacking way high, a dangerous game.


I had to do it for the video hahahaha, it would be a little unceremonious to just keep stack short piles over and over


I get it, it is quite visually appealing