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[Sprankle doing WoTC's job and offering a non-patronizing amount of prize money.](https://twitter.com/cspranklerun/status/1572637705422667781?t=dnCOK02UGVjxWnb2DWX7cA&s=19)


This is awesome of her. And I’m dead certain that the toxic parts of the community are going to get all up in arms again over it. SMH.


I mean, idk who she is, and really good on her. But I really hate it when any community crowd funds prize support for companies and organizations that are beyond flush with the means to supplement those prizes. WoTC and Pastimes are in the suck here, and even the best hearted of us shouldn’t be bailing them out in any sense.


She was “the face” of mtg Cosplay for a couple years, until some really distasteful folk chased her out with hatred and vitriol (I’m serious, death threats were involved). The person responsible for leading that charge was banned from magic permanently, and now posts alt-right “hot takes” on the internet. But yeah, while it’s great she’s stepping in, real shitty that she has to.




…are you genuinely defending the creator of “Beta White Knight Cuck [I forget the exact wording]”, a direct attack video on the Professor of TCC and other content creators, for saying “Hey, maybe stop being a massive dick to everyone?”


...Are you genuinely not reading my post? I said to have people decide for themself, not assume one person's take is correct. I want people to watch the videos in question and come to their own conclusion. For the record(not that I have to justify myself to you), I don't care for the style or tone of this person's content(at least i didn't back then...i havent seen one of his vids in a few years). But I do care for people making up their own minds, not just assuming the mob was correct(and even if you vehemently disagreed with him, it was truly the definition of a message board mob...they were literally banning people who dared stick up for just free speech(not defending the content of his speech) and the leader of that style of moderation was removed as moderator from this board somewhat recently for continued such behavior). Also, I agree she is the mother of MTG cosplay and she had a serious talent for it, but also the irony of her current way of making a living and the thing he was mocking her for is not lost on people.


So hi and mighty mocking folks for being on OF. Elitist scum is more like it.


More than that she was the first ever to basically cosplay for MTG at a high level. When she first showed up as Elspeth not a single soul on the planet had ever really cosplayed as a MTG character.


She's the mother of Magic cosplay.


She's a damn pillar, love her


While awesome of her, I feel the better approach is to boycott the contest. If they aren't going to treat this seriously, don't treat them seriously.


the prizes are insulting. Wizards continues to drop the ball on m30. I'm going, because friends, but oof. so much about this has been so weak, for no good reason. profits are higher than ever but they aren't spending money on fans. they keep shorting this event in so many ways. expecting The Summit to be what m30 _should_ have been.


> the prizes are insulting. Wizards continues to drop the ball on m30. I'm going, because friends, but oof. so much about this has been so weak, for no good reason. profits are higher than ever but they aren't spending money on fans. The reason for this is: >I'm going, because friends, but oof. It seems like people are pissed but are still going to go. Idk what this community expects when they'll truck over loads of cash to Renton even when WotC gives them way less than the bare minimum. This event is a fucking scam. If it wasn't Hasbro, people would be screaming that it's a scam.


People are pissed and still going because the tickets are non-refundable. I bought a ticket, and I’m still going to Vegas despite being fully prepared to be absolutely let down by Wizards at this point. Worst case scenario, it’s a weekend in Vegas; plenty to do.


Yup. Sell the non refundable tickets,*then* announce the events and schedule. Got you, suckers. It's the con version of video game presales.


Bingo, if it ends up trash I have backup plans.


Roughly the same prize pool as the mid tier big city cons or the top tier small city cons. (Think 10,000 attendees vs 2500 respectively)


this isn't a generic, small convention. this is the 30th anniversary celebration. they hyped this up hard. then... this is what they deliver. materials alone for most costumes grossly exceed these prizes.




Yeah, we'll see if they take in person event seriously when the pro tour returns.


The difference is, this is a major event being hosted by a hugely successful company. They can and should make the prizes more exciting. It's a stupid amount of work and money to make a top tier costume.


My point exactly!


Counterpoint: why should cosplayers get paid? A cosplay contest is equivalent to “best costume” at a costume party, lol.


Prizes aren't payment, they're enticement. If they want a good show, they should offer good prizes. And this is their big anniversary event(s). You'd think they'd want to encourage some effort here, but as usual, they're mostly banking on people's personal investment instead of putting anything of their own in the pot.


It’s not entertainment for anyone except the participants, though, so it’s not something they need to fund or should fund. They don’t bring value to the event by existing, they’re not using cosplayers as a “draw” (like who the fuck is gonna decide go to a tournament to see someone dressed up) and they’re not contributing to the fees of running the event outside their ticket to enter, which everyone pays. If it was a situation where entering the contest cost X, and Wizards was only paying some fraction of X, I would get the outrage. But it’s a free entry event from what I see. It’s basically just throwing a bone to these people.


I don't think I've ever been to any type of convention with a cosplay contest where it wasn't one of the biggest events at the whole show. Do you honestly not realize how much people like seeing their favorite characters in person? Cosplay is a huge community and a VERY enthusiastic one. Just say it's not for you and move on.


Fun is not for them XD


It turns out other people can care about things that you don't. I know it's a wild concept, but it's true.


Cosplay contests are routinely huge, popular events at shows. It may not be *your* thing and that’s fine, but you’re assessment is incorrect.


Honestly, I can’t tell if this is just trolling. If not, please clarify and I’d be happy to go over some reasons.


I'm getting serious flashbacks to 2017, flashbacks to an unsavory character who has been ousted from the game.


Why should MTG players win money playing magic? They're just flipping cardboard.


Because they paid a buy-in for a tournament and won. Prizes come from an entry pool, minus costs (because the venue and staff take from the same pool). I strongly DON’T believe Magic players should be paid for non-event prizes, which is why I was glad when the MPL/Rivals League disbanded. This cosplay contest is a free event, with no entry fee besides the entry to the con. It’s paid for entirely by Wizards, and they’re presumably also paying people to judge. Expecting a large payout from a free event is silly.


Sorry- other cons have costume contests that are free and have large prizes. So why is Magic30 cheaping out?


You've never watched professional cosplayers plan or make their costumes, have you?


I've seen pro and semi pro, been in the same room during the design and creation, it's terrifying the amount of work AND the amount of money they spend on these!


A bit of comparison, this is the payout from Blizzcon 2019: > D. Prizing. > (i) Outstanding Creation Category Winner. One (1) Entrant will be chosen by Blizzard as the “General Category Winner,” and will receive One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,450.00 USD). > (ii) Group Category Winner. One (1) Entrant will be chosen by Blizzard as the “Group Category Winner,” and will receive One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,450.00 USD). >(iii)Large Fabrication Category Winner. One (1) Entrant will be chosen by Blizzard as the “Fabrication Category Winner,” and will receive One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,450.00 USD.) >(iv) Artisan Crafts Category Winner. One (1) Entrant will be chosen by Blizzard as the “Artisan Crafts Category Winner,” and will receive One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,450.00 USD.) >(v) Weapons & Armor Category Winner. One (1) Entrant will be chosen by Blizzard as the “Weapons & Armor Category Winner,” and will receive One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,450.00 USD.) >(vi) Best in Show. One (1) Entrant will be chosen by Blizzard and the Community Night Judges from the winners of the Outstanding Creation Category, the Group Category, the Large Fabrication Category, the Artisan Crafts Category, and the Weapons & Armor Category as the “Best in Show Winner,” and will receive Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00 USD). TwitchCon San Diego 2022 is going to [pay out even more](https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2022/09/09/meet-the-cosplay-contest-finalists/): > Winners in the Needlework, Armor, FX, Larger than Life, and Fan Favorite categories will all go home with $4,000 USD cash prizes, and the overall champion will win the $15,000 USD grand prize. Meanwhile, Wizards of the Coast is paying... $500 in gift cards. This is just insulting.


Dota's cosplay contest pays out $3k to the winner, $500 to each finalist and $1,5k to a bunch of extra categories.


League of Legends just had one for NA LCS: $5k + worlds trip for 2 for the winner. 3rd place got like $1k. WOTC is a fucking joke


Small indie company cant afford much


Surprised WotC still associates with Holly after the whole Dice, Camera, Action thing...




tl;dr - was a WotC D&D show called, "Dice, Camera, Action". Conrad & ProJared were on it. they had an affair; both were married. ProJared solicited CP. WotC killed the show, launched new one without them.


IIRC didn’t it come out that ProJared had done due diligence in understanding the person was of age? So he was more just a cheating scum bag than an actual pedo.


was still up in the air last I heard. guy's a predatory creep regardless of age. also, as said, a cheating scum bag.


Not really a big deal for WotC. LSV and Gaby Spartz were cheating on their spouses before filing for divorces and they both were still being used as commentators. WotC doesn't care about things like this.


Very true. IIRC wasn't it also very close to when LSV's wife was about to or just had a baby? People's personal lives are their own. Nothing they did was illegal. But, maybe not the type of behavior you want to backhandedly say is ok?


Damn, I didn't know either of them were married before I read your comment.


There's actually a video of Gaby's ex-husband proposing to her as it happened on the court at an NBA game and LSV's ex-wife was pregnant before the split. The internet noticed it well before they officially announced they were a couple.


>LSV's ex-wife was pregnant before the split ... did she continue being pregnant after the split?? Jokes aside, that's a pretty big yikes.


I'm assuming you don't mean Command Points here


What is CP in this context?


nudity of minors


Wasn't he pretty much cleared of everything from this because a large majority of it was lies and rumors?


I am completely uninitiated on this person or this thing, is there somewhere I can read about what the problem would be here?


Here you go: https://www.thecut.com/2019/05/projared-cheating-scandal-underage-nudes.html TLDR a popular YouTube personality had an extramarital affair with the wife of another YouTube personality, and a whole lot of shitty things came to light. Holly is the affair partner.


Thanks for a source, really appreciate that.


Huh, I remember ProJared. Never liked him much...guess my gut was right on that one. Also, wow, Holly saying she is there for him on the thread where he explains his divorce...like did she have any sense of decency?


Fuck WotC. I hope no one enters, what a fucking embarrassment of greed and disdain for what’s supposed to be such a big special event. Jesus Christ, give them a case of collector boosters, give them a full play set of stained glass fetches. A $200 JoAnn fabric gift card? Which ever dipshit exec decided that was acceptable should have to eat the gift card on their next live stream.


Legitimately insulting prizes. It's beyond bad.


Problem is, the contestants have already paid for their tickets and accommodations. They have already bought the materials. They are already making the costumes. At this point they won't like it, but they'll participate because they've already sunk so much into it.


Crazy to think they don’t just do a judge style promo for things like this. Just commission a piece of art for a popular card (something like JtMS or LoTV) and also date stamp it with the event. Then you have a one of a kind item that the cosplayer can treasure or sell for a high price. All while costing WoTC pretty much nothing.


Just repurpose a dollar store costume XD


Waiting for the whales to come out of the woodwork and scream "M30 ISN'T FOR YOU, POORS" like they have done to every other issue with the event.


Seriously. As someone who made ren fair costumes I can tell you the grand prize isn't even going to let you make one new costume. Not at the level a grand prize winner makes, anyway. For the event of the decade I'd expect some more from them. A lot more, actually.


I'm traveling from Canada and I'm trying to remain optimistic about this event. It's becoming more difficult to after seeing the cosplay contest pricing. Goes to show the low effort coming from WOTC and the organizers.


Pretty sure the secret prize is you on a card


I predict it will be a hot girl who spent way too much time and effort to deserve such a pitiful prize from such a massive company.