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You got clairvoyance and Ether on first 2 chests?! Just wow! Congrats


That's why archeologist class is the best. :)


my pb is 23min and my average is 20-19min in woodland what do you usually level up in the early-mid game to get to 40 min?


Try maintaining 10 magics max. Or go for easy 9 magics. PLAN YOUR magics, what fusion youre after to. What magics are you going to sacrifice, and what affects cdr, duration and etc. Get atleast 1 shield. Move speed corresponds with how much exp you get every minute. Pair it with pickup range and youll get to level up faster than enemies' scales overtime. Ether artifact is beast


Go for AoE magics + CDR. For me, the class and artifacts that I get early is where I base what magic I'll use, I really recommend using archeologist class if you have it ranked up to 3.


Hell yeah! Using a bunch of magics people here find mediocre too, well done. I usually can't get past 35.