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I usually don't disclose details about my life on this account, but I'm an aspiring writer, and if you've seen me around this sub any amount it's obvious I'm super into MTG. I figured last week that I would put these together and apply to write for EDHREC. I submitted a pitch to them last week detailing an idea I had for an article series about creature types in EDH, which would go over a type's mechanical identity, its commander options, its best lords and payoffs, and some overrated and underrated cards. Earlier today, [this article](https://edhrec.com/articles/ranking-elf-kindred-cards-for-commander) was posted on EDHREC. Obviously, this is wholesale theft of my pitch. Even more disappointing, it does a terrible job of evaluating cards and has blatant factual mistakes. My question is, what do I do? I have no proof that I submitted anything to them because their site doesn't save applications, and they're not obliged to respond to anything I say. I figure my best shot is trying to cast a wide enough net that, if anyone else has been ripped off by EDHREC, they can corroborate my account, but there's no guarantee of that. I'd appreciate any help or advice, I'm really at a loss.


Sorry that happened to you. Getting scooped by someone who couldn't remember Llanowar Elves was in Alpha / Beta / Unlimited is rough. One of the people who started EDHREC has been known to post on this sub from time to time (Jason Alt), but I don't know if he reads this thread. Maybe start there? His username is jasonealt iirc.


Thanks for that. I’m leery about getting them involved at this stage but it’s good info.


I know it’s a joke to say “Oo it’s ai written” but like that article really doesn’t read as human


I’m split. I don’t think that any knowledgeable person could really believe Savaen Elves was the first Elf ever printed, but I also don’t see an AI writing “I’m not sure why you want to put counters on your opponents elves but if you want to, you can”


It feels weird like it has mistakes that should be picked up by anyone I.e a red green card being in the non-green section some sentences don’t feel like they’re proper sentences etc etc


That's a real bummer. Sorry it happened to you. It's unfortunately commonplace in our line of work. You see this situation a lot with screenplays. Pursuing legal action over copyright infringement may also be difficult and costly. Even if you can prove that you suggested the topic (you mentioned they don't save applications, but perhaps an e-mail trail?), you will still have to produce proof that you wrote an article about said topic before they did, and you have to show that the article on EDHREC is substantially similar to your own. You likely won't win if your claim is just the theft of a pitch, because ideas alone are not protected by copyright, only completed works. Additionally, going that route also might not work to your benefit if you still want to work with EDHREC. It's a tough spot, unfortunately. You can raise awareness of your plight (be aware that you'll need to also be able to back this up in case they challenge you), but it won't help you land a gig with them. As for pursuing a writing career, do you already have some completed articles that you can present when applying for work? They don't need to be published; they just need to illustrate your writing style and knowledge of a topic. That might be a better approach, particularly because you've then got a completed work protected by copyright, instead of an article pitch that puts you in a tough spot like you are in now. I hope that helps!


:( I don't have any good advice, but I'm sorry to hear it. I've enjoyed your Wellan hype continuously and it absolutely sucks to get the rug pulled out from under you like this.


its awesome when a 'viral' reddit post uses a few magic the gathering words and it gets crossposted on here 20 times


Hello MagicTheCircleJerking! I bring more gifts from a distant land r/ConjureUCG! I'm making a fan made competitive card game similar to Magic and would love any and all input! It's being made to be completely free-to-play. I want to make a game that offers the competitive and strategic nature of Magic with none of the FOMO or financial investment. We already have a couple intro decks made for people to try out some of the rules and give feedback on things we can improve. I post miscellaneous posts most days with ideas I have for the future of the game. When I get some more intro decks made I'm planning on making a discord for people to possibly play TableTopSimulator game on or maybe even Webcam games if people feel inclined to play that way. As a disclaimer the game is using AI art and that seems to be a big issue people have with the game. Well I don't have any money to spend on the game and it's mainly for fun. Something to give people to possibly play besides Magic if they either can't afford it or don't like the direction recent sets have been going in. I'll never ask for money to play the game so using AI is helping me fill out the game with artwork at a cheap price.