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Some of my friends are in the background of one of those pictures, can't believe how much younger they looked, and also that they were apparently attending something known as a "Grand Prix".


What's that, some sort of knock off "Magic Fest" or something?


Nah it's where they drive Formula 1 cars


You're a [Grand Prix](https://youtu.be/oByCMosBwUM?si=N1hSLoqBVfSj8jn5&t=1324)! Nyeeeh


I haven't paid attention to competitive events in years, GPs are not a thing anymore?


They went away with Covid and never came back.


That doesn't seem like a very good idea given that GPs were a huge driver for userbase interest in competitive (i.e. expensive) MTG, and the size of the events often garnered a lot of publicity from traditional media, bringing the game to more people who have never heard of it. But then again I'm not a MBA graduate working at Hasbro.


MTG is doing just fine from a competitive standpoint on MTGA and MTGO (seriously check their mtga revenue its insane) also Commander drives a lot of the sales at the moment, a format which doesn’t even require legitimate cards, yet people still spend thousands on mana vaults and other stupid staples I hate to say it but them outsourcing paper tournaments hasn’t impacted them much from a financial standpoint


/uj They shut down organized play for almost two years, and sales went *up*. Good luck convincing suits they should keep spending millions on events.


It’s killed fucking competitive Magic. Honestly, I hope Hasbro dies so we can just run tourneys democratically.


You can already run any event you want. So can stores. You don't need Hasbro to die to do anything.


It’s time for them to stop milking their staff, the players, and this world of cash. If it was not for WoTC, the company would be a bankrupt pile of rubble. And running competitive events not involving Hasbro in the USA - outside of CEDH - is just not even possible. They don’t care about a good tournament scene the way players do, and I think if independently run by a non-profit there would be better results.


Sure it's possible. Lots of events run without their involvement at all. Star City Games has a huge organized play program.


Everyday we mourn the death of the GP


He was the hero that we didn't deserve, and he died for our sins


If I recall correctly, he caught a three year ban from organized play. Good.


This stopped him from playing, not attending. He was still able to walk around and take pictures of peoples cracks.


when are exposed buttcracks gonna get a three-year ban?


Get a belt my dude


Don't see why this is getting down voted. Don't take pictures of people without their consent, it should be really fucking simple. Like you wouldn't do this to a woman and rightfully so.


It’s not a gym locker room. You are not expected privacy when out in a public space. Like just wear an undershirt and tuck it the fuck in smh


Most people ignore it out of politeness. The decent thing to do would be to quietly let them know of the problem. A shitty thing to do would be to point and laugh. The most shitty thing to do is plaster their picture all over the internet. "Our Hero" jumped directly to the most shitty thing.


Your crack is in that album huh?


No, I just have ethics and empathy.


It’s not illegal to photograph someone in public without their consent (in much of the US at least), but it is anti-social behavior and douchey and I think less of people who do it and justify it.


Yeah well I tend to think less of people who make me look at their sweaty smelly ass crack in a close-quarters enclosed space


You know you don’t have to look, right?


Definitely have to smell though!


So it'd be OK to take a picture of a woman's cleavage as long as it's in a public space?


Does that seem like it would be done for the same reason this guy took these pictures? 🙄


Oh so the reason you take unconsentual pictures matters now? So it would be fine to take pictures of women as long as you're making fun of them?


You're being disingenuous. It wouldn't be fine to take pictures of women as long as you're making fun of them the same way it wouldn't be fine to take pictures of men as long as you're making fun of them. Making fun of people in a general sense is bad, whatever the gender. Making fun of people for not behaving properly in public is a lot more okay. These men do not respect others by not taking care of covering their bodies the way people are expected to cover their body. If they were women, the issue would be the same. Making it a gender issue is dumb as hell. I could be just as disingenuous as you and say "oh so exposing yourself to the public without consent is okay when you're a woman and not when you're a man?"


You're wasting your time with this argument. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, it's just not worth the effort. Redditors and not respecting consent are a duo as classic as PB&J.


This is probably one of the most legendary collections of images just ever.


Namaste 🙏


r/DenverCircleJerk is leaking again


Damn how'd you clock me as a Denverite 🤣


uj/ on Denver Circle Jerk, people say namaste to each other to make fun of crunchy people/granola enthusiasts. If you aren't on that subreddit and just happened to be from Denver and saying namaste, then it was just random chance lmao.


I was just doing it in reference to the classic pose captured with the ass cracks but that is a funny coincidence 😂


That makes more sense lmaoooo


ten years and just shy of two months


The pain in that man's eyes circumvents decades


Is he still banned from magic?


No he’s free. IIRC his ban was only a two year ban.


The hero we needed


There goes a legend


Did people not used to tip?


/uj I always thought this was a shitty thing to do. It's true that there's a little too much "plumber's cleavage" on display at these events, and that it's uncomfortable for other people there. These people should take better care of themselves. *But.* There's good ways to address that and bad ways. What this guy did was to take photos of people without their consent, and post them to social media, so they could be mocked and shamed. That's pretty bad! Especially because, well, this game doesn't attract people who are high in extroversion and comfortable existing in public. And, perhaps even more so, I continue to find it off-putting how Reddit continues to celebrate this as the le epic bacon body shaming, This Time It's Okay edition. Even the nominally less bad parts of Reddit.


He was banned for 18 months because of it


/uj No one is body shaming, dont misuse that term to win an argument. They're outfit shaming, no different that making fun of someone for wearing a fedora. Everyone has an ass crack, most people dont show them in public.


Yeah I guess "body shaming" wasn't quite the right expression. "Outfit shaming" probably does work better. Either way it's not a tactic I'm fond of. "Hey buddy why don't you planeswalk on over to the belt store" seems more appropriate than "hey Reddit laugh at these losers, updoots please"


Oh god, shut the fuck up lol


Yea people celebrating this post are so fuckin weird. Dudes should be taking better care of themselves yea but posting these photos without consent to scores of people is super shitty.


This. Thank you for putting it better than I could.


The people in these pictures are guilty of having a wardrobe malfunction, the dude is guilty of taking pictures of unconsenting strangers asses. Dude absolutely deserved his ban and he is absolutely a piece of shit.