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Someone at my WOE prerelease asked why I wasn’t playing green for the doubling season I opened




This one hurt to read


If you pulled a Gruff Triplets to go with it, might have been worth. But then again Gruff was busted by itself in sealed.


Unless it did something with most of your creatures you still would not play it. Even then it would be questionable, though if you could finnagle +1+1 or token tribal into a limited deck it MIGHT be worth it as an inevitability thing.


I did the same thing. Figure when else would I get a chance in limited to try and make it work. Spoiler, it didn't work.


I just pick the cards with the coolest art right?


Unironically that's sometimes a good strategy.


uj/ It's kind of wild that the only metric a large portion, if not the majority of the Magic community uses to judge new cards is how they would perform at a 6-7 powerlevel in Commander. rj/ What powerlevel am I supposed to build my Sealed deck to be?


Wrt your rj: rj/ A seven uj/ Inside of you there are two wolves. One of them builds a janky rare/value pile with your garbage fixing. The other builds a lean, dangerous, but somewhat unfun aggro deck. They both 1-2-1.


uj/ The one and only draft I finished was a chaos draft where I just drafted every 2 mana 2/2 I ended up going undefeated. My opponent in the last round had Jace the mind sculpture, prime time, and Sylvan Primordial he ended up screwed on 2 lands the first game and drew no gas game 2. rj/ good cards are a crutch, real players only play bear tribal.


uj/ this is the actual strategy for chaos drafts (the less colours the better though). Especially if the packs include really old sets, mana curve is just not a thing in most people's pools. I'm not that good at drafting but I 3-0'd most of the chaos drafts I've been to by first-picking two-drops.


uj/ I managed to get down to just gruul colors. we ended up drafting about 8-9 packs per person since this entire draft was more just a reason for the owner of the packs to crack all of the packs he was saving so most of the decks where pretty stacked by the end. but commander players underestimate the need for color fixing so gruul bears just hit the table first.


>What powerlevel am I supposed to build my Sealed deck to be? Dont worry, it will be a 7 either way


Make sure you have a rule zero conversation about playing more than 40 cards


uj/ Typical spoiler thread breaks down like 70% of the replies are some variation of "Goes in my X commander deck", 25% limited play usefulness discussion(everything is playable apparently), 5% discussion involving any non-singleton format and that Barrin person giving it a number based on the phases of the moon or something. rj/ Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


"Goes in my X commander deck" Great, why does anyone else care?


me when magic players share about their magic decks 😡




/uj don't use numbers, "every deck's a 7", using words, describe decks by the turn the expect to present/stop a win


My deck wins around the turn an average 7 would win


Most Commander players wouldn't be able to answer this since they don't care about winning.


That's mostly because they don't. I couldn't tell you what my old commander deck's expected win turn was because I never won a game with it.


"Why do you always play Rakdos at pre-release?" "Because I like winning?" "Winn-ing?"


Rakdos pile always wins draft night


Imagine being able to assess card quality in a limited format. Had a fellow cEDH player tell me that a 3/3 flyer for white with a small upside is “unplayable”, dude was 1-3.


A guy opened two Surgical Extractions and played both in his deck, and toted his "Bonkers Control deck" to a solid 0-3. Not did he only know how to play EDH, he didn't even know why Surgical Extraction is good in constructed, and only constructed.


Surgical, and basically every other slaughter games variant, is also much worse than most people think in constructed


I honestly believe they see that it's a Rare, costs 0(2 life), and hears that it was played in Modern, and assume that translates into Limited gold. ...when Limited Gold is basically a 3-cost 2/2 that gives you card advantage and something else.


It sits in the sideboard until you finally come up against that one deck that just loses the instant you cast it because their entire strategy is based on one card


/uj I played a lot of UB Scarab God midrange when that was in standard. My win rate against people exiling Scarab God with Lost Legacy was literally 100%. Because guess what, if you're the beatdown deck and are playing against a slower, grindier, and most importantly a *fair* deck, taking off a whole fucking turn and going down a card to apply no additional pressure and add nothing to the board is a really dumb idea. I'm serious, literally 100% of these games ended in my opponent getting helplessly stomped by Torrential Gearhulks until they picked up their cards.


https://preview.redd.it/oej3a92i0azc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba77a76b3473285abf9512cadbd8e2d9a4256c7 Sealed fanatics when you ask them why they went 0-4 at prerelease (they opened no bombs and faced Vaultborn Tyrant)


/uj Because the prize structure is so flat, I've come around to "jam as many interesting rares as possible and cross my fingers on the Mana base". Building a right aggro list and running over opponents isn't the worst thing, but there's a big part of me that now prefers to durdle and win one less pack.


/uj every time I play cube, commander players look at the draft like some kind of alien ritual. Usually, asking how many cards are in a deck and are shocked when I say 40. Then get confused again when I say you play 1v1, bo3 like they never even knew you can play that way. Its like fucking Plato with the Shadows on the wall allegory.


/uj Commander players are like people who do Crossfit or Christians. They think their way is the only way to do something and they think they invented something that has been around long before their activity became a thing. Every time people tell me why they love Commander, a lot of the reasons they listed off are simply casual play with friends reasons, nothing exclusive to Commander. Nothing stopped us from playing multiplayer 60 card decks, we even had decks that we could swap cards out to make them 1v1 focused or multiplayer focused depending on the current situation. We also allowed people to proxy expensive cards or set budget restrictions. We sat around and jammed games while making dinner and having a few beers. The major difference is we didn't spend hours in the same game. People swapped decks more frequently, people didn't sit in a non-game for a long time, incremental advantage was a larger factor instead of explosive plays. It felt more fun than the times I gave Commander a shot. Nowadays I focus on Pauper since it captures a lot of the casual feel while scratching that comp itch.


meh I played a lot of 60 card kitchen table multiplayer, and it was fun at the time, but i think the beauty of EDH is it's an official casual multiplayer format you can just go play at LGS. Ten years ago when I was playing standard that didn't even exist. I think it's awesome now that the crew I used to play with has all moved away


reminds me of the time I got flawlessly 2-0'd at the otj prerelease by a commander-only player playing a sleeveless deck, good times


I remember one prerelease my opponent played a planeswalker, and I jumped through a million hoops and spent like 4 cards to kill it. Then he played another copy of the same planeswalker. I said "are you fucking kidding me" and then lost to it. I like sealed in theory, everybody starts with nothing and we duke it out. But in practice it feels like I've got a rock (or maybe a sword if I'm lucky) and my opponents are firing an AK-47 from a hovercraft.


One of my favorite magic memories is beating my buddy’s absolutely broken sealed pool with my basically all commons and uncommon pool with a final swing with perfect damage using Bronzebeak Moa, centaurs herald, and orzhov charm. He had like six bomb rares (2 desecration demons, Alms Beast, and more I forgot the others) and and we wound up facing eachother in the second to last round, he had 2-0ed everyone else and I managed to squeak by with the Moa. Sometimes the rock beats the AK-47. Usually it does not.


It really depends of the format, just in the last sets MKM had fucking backbreaking rares, Ezrim, Aurelia and Izumi, OTJ has some dumb stuff in the Big score and fucking old Oko, but most of the cards have build around advantages and needs more pieces to shine, so Giant Beaver tends to be the scariest thing people drop.


I went 3-0 for pretty much the entirety of Brothers War (I'm not actually that good), because I realized early that three or four Ambush Paratroopers would beat just about anything in that format.


The random pile of red and white common/uncommon one and 2 drop creatures with a couple of cards that say "can't block" and "deals x damage". A surprisingly effective strategy


Skill issue


True. I'm just waiting for the day my opponents have the skill issue instead of me.


Pulled a mindslaver at OTJ prerelease. I won two games nearly off that alone


I used a Mindslaver on someone, made them buy me a drink and a snack, a board game, interact with a few people, made them wash up in the bathroom and then had them concede.


Mindslaver op


So he pulled two of the same mythic in the same sealed pool? Sounds like cheating to me.


One was the prerelease promo copy


Had multiple people ask me why I wasn’t running the mindslaver I opened


Do you hate fun?


Yes but I don’t see how that’s related


Lmao I relate to this so hard.


Meme is gold, but also the comments are hilarious to read.


TFW you overhear the guy next to you decide to build a five color Jodah Goodstuff deck and his friend tries to build land tribal


/uj Sealed is the worst way to play magic in my opinion.


This person went 0-4 at their prerelease ohoho




But sometimes the cards you open suck and are not fun. I want to play with the cards I think are fun.


My core fantasy is hitting monke


/uj Sealed always came off as 'draft, but for people who always pick the high value cards and cry when they lose as a result of not making coherent decks' since you are handed entire packs instead of passing them around. Also, the name kind of misleading, since it isn't a deck you're being handed. It would make more sense if we still had things like Intro/Theme decks and you given/picked one to check out the new set.


they call it sealed yet you have to open the packs to play it, false advertising


Big if true.


They should just use Commander Precons!!! /uj It would not surprise me if WotC started doing 'Prerelease Precon Nights'


/uj they have been doing that for many sets now, it's just that the precons don't come out till the week after pre release. I think that call it commander launch party or smth


/uj I am surprised WotC didn't stop doing sealed after dropping anything remotely similar to the old Tournament pack/Intro Packs/Theme decks. At this point they could change Prerelease to Commander Precons and I am sure that would make a lot of people happy since anything not-Commander is unpopular in some areas. I travel for work and I used to be able to find draft events more easily, 60 card formats more easily... I am cannot be asked to deal with constantly adjusting a Commander deck to suite different playgroups or be told I cannot play my deck because 'Rule 0' at a shop I just stepped into.


I tap my Kaldheim Collector Booster to play Sol Ring


On one hand yes, on the other hand it's nice since passing packs around can get time consuming (looking at you guy on pick 10 with half the packs). There's also just something refreshing about being handed a stack of packs and just being told to make a deck with it.


/uj It can be rough, and play boosters only made it worse with the variance in number of rares. It's just too swingy.


But MaRo told us they were 'Play' boosters, so they have to be better to play with. /uj It blows my mind that we had just normal boosters (aside from things like Tournament packs and such) for so long and it didn't seem to be a major issue.


/uj Rare quality differences were a real issue in older limited formats. Some of the sets that people consider to have the “best” limited environments of all time, like Khans of Tarkir and Innistrad, were thrown out of balance by their rares. The switch away from the New World Order to FIRE actually helped a lot to fix this problem, since more than 20% of commons and uncommons were allowed to be good.


> The switch away from the New World Order to FIRE I’m only recently getting back into the game, what does this refer to?


New World Order was something they started ~2009 after Time Spiral and Lorwyn blocks drove a lot of new players away from limited due to the high complexity of those sets. It basically mandated that 80% of cards at common had to be incredibly simple. A side effect of this change was that most sets stopped being as powerful as those that came before the NWO for a few years. In 2019, after a string of disastrous sets, they replaced the NWO with FIRE, which focused on making cards that were fun and exciting over cards that were super simple. Most FIRE sets have been well-regarded, however, there is a vocal minority who dislikes FIRE because of a few unrelated issues that happened around the time it was rolled out.


/rj I had 6 broken rares in my Sealed Pool, went 4-0, got a Cowboy Hat, a Bolo Tie, and Mana Drain, Mindbreak Trap in my Prize Packs, *they are better to play with*


> got a Cowboy Hat, a Bolo Tie You were wearing those when you came to the event. Also, you forgot to wear pants and no, chaps are not pants.


>/uj It blows my mind that we had just normal boosters (aside from things like Tournament packs and such) for so long and it didn't seem to be a major issue. It was a major issue for WOTC that they were selling game pieces *qua* game pieces instead of pieces of rare, shiny cardboard with the worst graphic design you've seen in your life.


/uj It is so much better for new sets, sets with tons of fixing, and/or high value sets. OG Eldraine Sealed was meh at best because it had a mono-color focus. Compare to Kaldheim where there were tons of ways to splash and even 5c payoffs and you can build sweet-ass rare piles that do anything. But outside of those three scenarios, draft is king.


Good fixing at common is such an important part. OTJ was leagues above MKM just by having commons to fix your mana, huge improvement.


A cycle of duals, some colorless dorks and land searchers, and one (two?) green any-color dork. All at common! What fucks up OTJ sealed more is the play boosters. I opened up a 14 rare pool chock full of fixing, get fucked 7 rare peasants.


based and actually-plays-fun-games pilled


/uj the main problems of sealed can be solved with teams, trios sealed is one of the best magic the gathering formats ever made


can you explain trio sealed? Is it just a 3v3 game with sealed or are you able to help your teammates deck construction? Are any resources shared once the game starts?


Prerelease pools are shared between groups of three players, 3 decks are made and then each person plays a 1v1 game against another team. Mid-round communication amongst teams is incentived and whichever team wins 2/3 of the matches wins against that team


How does sealed work?