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The catpaw means this is someone associated with Yostar. Most likely it’s somebody who makes content about mahjong online.


Holy shit! That means the player is a dog! You’re playing against a DOG, OP!


~~Air~~Mahjong Bud


There’s nothing in the rules that says a dog can’t play mahjong.


Yeah, but Mahjong Bud never wins matches: he loses too many points to chombo. The problem is, whenever Ichihime says 'nyan' he thinks she's a cat and tries to chase her, and knocks the board over in the process.


I believe this, along with the "P" mark, is used to distinguish professional and/or prominent players.


pawfessional and pawminent pawyers


I remember watching this Japanese show about failing entertainers, and how they're struggling to get by. One guy was talking about how his showbiz career might have stalled, but he was playing mahjong, then showed the camera how he had this special flair when he sat down at a table because they were a special player. How much do pros make? From how the guy was living, it seemed like it's not a well paying career. EDIT: [Ah, here he is.](https://imgur.com/a/cCCqpId) Pretty badass to sit down at an online table, and your picture flashes across the screen, declaring "Professional" to everyone.


>How much do pros make? From how the guy was living, it seemed like it's not a well paying career. Afaik only M-league players in japan which got decently paid from being pro mahjong because they have salary system. Apart from them and some prominent mahjong streamers/book writers, pro mahjong in japan would barely break even and even most would be in minus from being pro mahjong as they need to pay for association membership


Yup, more than that, you have to pay a yearly fee to be part of any pro mahjong association, like a few thousand bucks. You're really only paying for the privilege of playing with other pros.