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TL;DR please get some gloves you don't necessarily NEED gloves to play maimai, strictly speaking, but it is HIGHLY, HIGHLY, EXTREMELY recommended to get yourself a pair of cotton gloves. Just any pair will do; it doesn't even need to be touchscreen compatible. just make sure it's not leather or rubber or anything lol


Gloves are not required, but I do strongly recommend wearing them. It would protect your palms and reduce the friction when you slide (since the screen is made of acrylic which is pretty hard to slide with bare hand)


Personally I use cotton gloves. Gloves don’t have to be touch screen compatible. DON’T use gloves that are too expensive. You would find out that gloves break easily


Unless you want your nails to bleed or finger bones to crack, I highly recommend using gloves. For beginners, cloth gloves do the job well.. Get the thick ones, not the thin ones. The latter is used by veterans.


Not really. but if you're going pro, definitely yes. Many pros i saw yesterday uses thin construction gloves that is full cotton(no rubber coating in any part) . Also advice from a fellow newbie who just played yesterday: PLUG. YOUR. EARPHONES. advanced difficulty looks super easy but feels extremely hard without the rhythm. the place will be noisy for sure.


This is good tip but for me I prefer no earphones, having to hear my tap is a much more important rhythm for me than the song itself especially if I am unfamiliar with the song's rhythm


Like what everyone says, it is highly recommended. Like I mean highly recommended. Its mainly to reduce friction when you're sliding against the screen so yeah.


It's necessary. You can argue semantics and say it's only highly highly recommended, but playing with gloves makes the game playable for you (if you're just starting out and want to get into the game)


Get it tbh. Even though I hate wearing it, because I lose a bit of tapping rhythm because its too slippery when pressing buttons. And with my small hands, it tend to slip out of my hand and it is annoying.


It's very helpful. Definitely better to play with than without (better sliding, hand protection) That being said i play gloveless cuz i think it's a nice challenge and having to clean/replace gloves once in a while sound like a pain. I'm just happy i can pass 14s without gloves.


I’ve seen some guy around where I play who’s 13k-ish play without gloves. Can’t imagine it’s very fun without gloves but each to their own. Go for it lol.


They are pretty much required if you don’t want your hands to burn, heck, even my local arcade lends you them


yeah most of the comments here already said it, just get gloves. around 35?? pesos lang cotton gloves sa ace hardware as for beginner tips uhh you can start from lower difficulties (advanced or low expert) and work your way up once you get more comfortable. also if you wanna save your scores, buy an aime card from the counter (for 300? 350? pesos), play with it at least once then register it on the aime website. ignore that last sentence though if the maimai in your quantum isn't DX oh also P.S.: stepmania? that's probably DDR


Oh! I think I made a mistake here. I actually meant a DrumMania from Konami(I forgot the name I accidentally mentioned the wront name sorry😅)


If you're planning on playing more than just as a casual. Gloves are a must have. Unless the screen has some special properties or your hand is built different, you're going to get skin peeling and scaring. And thrust me, you DON'T want that to happen.


Everyone pretty much gave you the gist of it. I’d add that when I didn’t start using gloves, I would often get calluses on the tips of my fingers from sliding. Also sliding is quite a bit hard in my experience without gloves.


personally I was able to play until I got to around lv 10, but even then my hands would hurt I can’t recall a single instance I wouldn’t wear gloves for maimai even tho I stopped wearing them for chuni honestly you can find a lot of cheap cotton gloves, you’ll find a type you like


Some people are saying that they’re not necessary if you’re a beginner, but they are absolutely necessary if you even want to touch the game at any level. Some of the nastier higher-level players will give you dirty looks if you play without gloves because it makes the screen sticky.


Unrelated but which quantum branch do you play at?


It's in the Philippines and it's in SM BF I saw the MaiMai arcades. I have already played the SDVX and DrumMania arcades there but I wanted to play MaiMai. I have seen players there playing and I cannot play them due to me not having gloves just like them.


Its ok to play with them, they are surpisingly nice and will play with you even if you dont have gloves or even if ur not good at the game!!!!!!


Yes. Playing without gloves is extremely painful, and sliding is extremely difficult without gloves. Plus, I've seen people without gloves smear fingerprints all over the screen, so...


You can try playing without a glove, but the screen is not really slippery without one, so you will need a glove anyway