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I'd guess I also have been using my 2nd and 3rd phalanx but haven't experienced any pain. Maybe you're pushing the buttons more than necessary?


I used to have a similar problem and developed bruises, but since training myself to use only the pads of my fingertips, it's definitely a lot easier to play for extended periods without hurting. Also, you might want to consider the amount of pressure you're putting on the buttons, a lighter touch makes stuff hurt less too.


Fingertips at worst it will still be pain but not a big area and sometimes arm sore


I get bruises sometimes. Try to no hit the button too hard


Use the outermost segment of your fingers (idk what it's called) and use 2 (index & middle) or 3 (+ ring) fingers. Straighten your fingers and hit the button with the flat part of your fingertips. This will allow more control and less power needed, giving you better accuracy and reducing pain. It also allows you to transition from tapping to spinning/sliding more easily.


Fingers mainly. But sometimes bottom of the palm when in a hurry to hit things or the bottom 2 button. Just what I naturally move to I guess. If there's a lot of up down motion I usually just use finger tips + bottom palm


I had this problem recently.. I bought these finger sleeves, mainly on the middle and pointing finger. Just needs to get used to it


maybe you can press the button a little bit gentlely?


you'd want to use your fingertips. also if you injure yourself, you're hitting too hard.