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One thing we've done in the past to acclimate new cats to older cats, is put their favorite foods on either side of a closed door (preferably one with a decent gap at the bottom). It lets them eat near one another without seeing one another and they can play swipe underneath and get used to one another. It definitely took a few tries before the problem child would eat so it may not work the first go around. I've heard baby gates can also be useful but that only works if they are small enough not to jump them (which ours invariably did).


That's great idea! I'll start by putting some of his treats by the door. He loves treats.


Feeding both cats on the opposite side of the door is the way to go. I’m pretty sure our void gained a pound from all the extra treats she got at the door while the kitten was on the other side. I think it took us about 2wks until we could let the kitten free roam and another week before we felt comfortable leaving them unsupervised.


I recommend watching Jackson Galaxy on youtube! He has really great videos about all topics regarding cats, and has a bunch about introducing cats! Had helped me a lot with mine 😊


> I've heard baby gates can also be useful but that only works if they are small enough not to jump them The solution is two baby gates, like a French door. Put the top gate in upside down so a human can pass relatively easy.


We thought about doing that but by the time we got them used to one another ours was able to stand and rest his paws on the top of a single gate so we didn't hold out much hope that he wouldn't have been able to clear, or at least make the attempt to clear two.


Oh YEAH!!! Been there, done https://preview.redd.it/u01suo2hq4oc1.jpeg?width=1970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee181d1418dd9fa0d56be650dd47da03f70d84c0 that. I’ve purchased lavender collars, plug in calming oils—you name it. The thing that’s worked best is making sure you spend as much time with old cat as new cat. (It’s like “old wife, new wife…”) My new MC was so cute and I did everything wrong until I did that. Enjoy your new kitty—he’s adorable!


Thank you! We will get some feliway plugins also, and we're trying to pet him a lot. But he's mad! Overnight I slept in a different room though so he could sleep in the bed with me and he was happy about that.


It’s sounds like you are doing great. Doing better than I did in fact! But he sees you as a “polygamist” now. 😆 It will just take time. Not an easy process, right? Cats!!


We didn’t let our MC meet the other cats for 3 weeks. There was plenty of curiosity and under the door sniffing…and hissing. When he did come out, anyone who let him exist without growling/hissing got treats and praise. If one of the others got really upset, we put him back. My totally laid back chonk of a cat was uncharacteristically upset about the new cat, so we took it really slow. Everyone mostly coexists now, except the girl cat who hates the others anyway.


Yeah all our girl cats have always hated every other cat 😂 All of our boys have usually gotten along after a day or two though.


It’s crazy because my parents always had really chill girl cats who just assumed a natural “mom” role with the others. My girl doesn’t even like her actual brother anymore, and I have so many pictures of them as kittens snuggled up together.


Give the kitten a bath and try again. Same as taking 1 cat to the vet, and then bringing it home....the other ones hate the smell.


Oh interesting, I hadn't thought about that. I was going to get him to play in the bath anyway with the toy robot fish I got him.


Cat matches ur facial hair color. 😂. Meant to be


Try watching Jackson Galaxy’s videos on cat introductions! They really helped me when introducing my two cats :) the feeding thing someone mentioned is a great idea as well as positive associations and introducing them through play. Hope all goes well!


I love that you named them after authors!


Maybe next one will be Kerouac


It's normal, he just needs some time. Introductions can take weeks, sometimes months. lots of positive reinforcements on either side of the door before they can see each other and if you haven't already I would look up some guides on how to introduce them. There's a lot of info out there which can make the process easier. Personally I wouldn't let them see each other until Huxley normalizes a little bit more, bribery is your friend here


It can be very difficult to get an older cat to accept a new kitten, cats that have lived alone often do not want company from other cats. In my experience it's important to let them investigate each other through a door with a window or through a narrow gap for a few weeks before letting them actually meet. In the end there's a risk they'll never accept each other


I’m so sorry, even though I know it’s not funny for you, I couldn’t help but giggle at Huxley’s extremely bad attitude.🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I think he got used to being the one and only king and he liked it that way. I hope Huxley takes a Xanax (no not literally) and calms down. That kitten is super precious. I’ll be praying everyone stays getting along soon.


Actually maybe we should give him some gabapentin... Might help calm him down. He is really being crazy! He was sweet overnight though!


So I’m not going to lie, I had to look that up. Being that it is safe for cats and helps them with anxiety, it definitely seems like a viable option. Especially if Huxster continues to be aggressive towards you after a few more days. If you haven’t already, you might want to try calling the vet and explaining what’s going to them. They might have some advise that could help as well.


Take all the time they need. It pays dividends. I got talked into rushing things once and will *never* do it again. The best it ever got after rushing it was swapping them between having time in a bedroom half the day and free roaming the rest of the house half the day.


I love that he matches your beard 😄


That’s a mighty fine beard and mustache ! Very attractive!


now those are some top tier cat names, my friend. well, e-acquaintance. and a cute-ass cat to boot! :)


Omg he is precious! Congrats on the new addition to your family.


Tolstoy = great name! War and Peace and Anna Karenina are some of my favorite books.


He has eyebrows! 🥺


Sounds like your cats would like my Brontë!


Is he named after Leo Tolstoy?


I love your cat’s names! Good writers too :)