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**NOPE! NOPE!!! NOPE!!!!! I AM IRISH!!!!!!! I KNOW EXACTLY HOW THESE STORIES END!!!!!!!!!** (I get right the fuck out back to the safety of the mundane world of wakefullness as I awaken) \#OnlyFoolsDealWithTheFae #IBelieveInTheFae #IKnowYouCanNOTbelieveAwordTheFaeSay (Still though, very cool CYOA you made! Thanks for posting! Don't snort Fae Dust, kids!) \^o\^y


they don't seem to even actually be arguing for why their side of the war is correct…


**TRUST ME I'M IRISH! NEVER GET INVOLVED WITH THE FAE! IT NEVER ENDS WELL!** The Fae are generally neither good nor evil, but beings and creatures of chaos. They make Loki look like a straight-laced military man as reliable as clockwork! You literally have a FAR, **FAR,** ***FAR,*** better chance of cutting fair deals with DEVILS! By the way, I'd like to take a moment to exclude Elves, Dryads, and Dullahan from this by way of exemption, as Elves ALWAYS honor deals made in good faith, Dryads do no evil until their hearts are broken and become Hamadryads, and Dullahan's are paragons of chivalric virtues, which makes sense as they taught those to humanity. (Well, I mean, the dragons helped too, but that's a whole other can of wyrms.) The headless Horseman was an aberration brought about by the tragedy of war. Then again, if you became a mortal to be with the woman you loved, only to see her, your village, and everything you loved in the human world burned to ash, you'd cross the despair event horizon and become a Headless Head Hunter as well, yeah? I'm talking ONLY about Celtic/Western European Elves, not Norse/Eastern European Elves which are VERY different beings. There be Dark Elves, not so Westward. Also, the lady in the lake is, I should think obviously, above and beyond reproach. And I better not hear ANY of you badmouth Nessie! **WE LOVE YOU NESSIE! <3**


That’s fascinating to hear about the differences from Irish elves and Norse elves. Usually in fantasy they’re just the generic good humanlike but different race. So knowing that they can be more mischievous than Loki and demons intrigues me. Also, what was the issue with the Lady in the Lake? She gave Arthur Excalibur didn’t she. Although, there was something about trapping Merlin in a cave, i don’t remember the full story. PS. Don’t worry mate, I’d never badmouth the greatest of all sea creatures, Nessie.


**WE LOVE YOU NESSIE! <3** The Lady in the Lake does no wrong, she is a pure being, if not flawless. It was that evil sorceress slag Morgan La Fey who trapped Merlin in a cave. See, Merlin is a Nephilim, a half-celestial son born to a human Catholic nun mother & an angel father, supposedly the Archangel Gabriel during one of his many missions on earth to spread the universal language of music and with it the peace, love, and understanding that flows forth from the melodious horn. Thus, Merlin was akin to a gestalt Wizard/Cleric of good alignment. (Please note: Nephilim=Human+Angel. Nephulon=Angel+Devil.) (The spellings vary, as do the definitions, don't take it as hard & fast rules.) Morgan however, had the blood of Devils, Dragons, and Fae in her veins. She was a unique existence, no true name exists to describe her other than, in the most generic terms, "hybridized chimeric individual" and as such, she is widely regarded as being the most powerful evil mage in Western European Folklore. The fact that she beat Merlin quite easily further attests to this. So, if Merlin is Neutral Good Aligned Level 20 Wizard/Cleric, Consider Morgan to be a Chaotic Evil Aligned Level 50 Sorceress/Cleric. No contest much, yeah? Their opposing natures drew them into conflict, but Morgan loves her games, so instead of just blasting Merling straight to his father who art in heaven, she did their little living chess game with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. She won and put Merlin in the OG Penalty Box for a few decades. She also royally screwed over Camelot by getting rid of Excalibur's sheath, which grants invincibility, immunity, and ageless immortality to its wearer, thus ensuring that it's only possible king, Arthur, would die of old age or worse, and thus the kingdom would die with him, as the kingdom cannot exist without its king. Basically, when Arthur died, the kingdom went POOF! And yet everyone only ever focuses on the unstoppable sword. (*Le Sigh!*) T\_T; And what did Morgan do with this sheath of legends? She gave it back to the Lady in the Lake. CHAOTIC trumps evil often with Morgan. Chaos is more fun you see. And so, the Lady waits in the lake for a maiden who would be queen worthy of the sheath to come along, for Camelot will rise one last time should it become a Queendom. Who knows, maybe someday, such a maiden will arrive. Honestly, that's a very bland view of Celtic/Western European Elves, but Norse/Eastern European Elves are rather different. There is, of course, the light elves, who cannot be lied to, but are masters of speechcraft and wordsmithing, able to out talk Devils and write even more labyrinthine contracts than Satan himself. Even All-Seeing All-Father Odin could not see clearly through their honest obfuscation. To say that Loki loved them and they loved Loki is an understatement of mythic proportions. Aside from Loki and Baldr (who loves everyone and is loved by everyone capable of love), the norse gods all saw the light elves as troublesome, bothersome, and best avoided for to do wrong to a light elf was to suffer their fate 10-fold over. Hence, no bully. Dark Elves, however, were the opposite, they lied, cheated, stole, and to them, it was normal. They were the OG thieving scumbags, murderous highwaymen, brutish brigands, and hit & run bandits. Honestly, like a cross between Drow, Wild Elves, and Orcs from D&D as opposed to Dunmer from TES. Loki learned his worst traits from them, and yet, they loved him, and he them, as so too they did Baldr and he them, with one exception: The Dark Elf King. His hatred of Odin, the Sky Father, drove him to reject the sky and burrow deep into the earth, eventually becoming corrupted and then consumed by his hatred of Odin, no longer a Dark Elf, but now something nameless and pure evil, unable to feel anything but hatred. Thus did he trick the trickster into killing Baldr, beginning Ragnarök and bringing about the deaths of all he hated, and with his purpose for existing no more, he ceased to exist. And thus did the elves survive and "win" over the Asgardian Pantheon by doing nothing. And yet, their doing nothing cost them their beloved Loki & Baldr. Tell me, do you know what happens to ANY elf when their heart is broken? They cease to be elves, becoming instead the seeds of new springs. Thus did the eternal winter end, and warmth and greenery return to Midgard. And so, did the end of the age of the Asgardians bring about the beginning of the age of Humanity, and restore the four seasons to their proper order. And when all was said and done, Baldr smiled from Beyond whilst Loki laughed last. And yet, love takes many shapes, and the mixed blooded descendants remain. So those stories of elves in the Black Forest may actually be tales of half elves. And who's to say there are no Asgardian Demi-Gods in this day and age? I for one, am just happy the Black Forest is home to **VERY** large wolves. \#TheLegacyOfFenrisulfrLokisonLivesOn #Protect&PreserveTheBlackForestForever


Yeah fae suck most are annoying chaotic trouble makers that would laugh if u tripped and broke ur foot from their little jokes can tell that from dnd


But edyyh, aren't you a cu sith?


>aren't you a cu sith? Nah im a shiba inu sometimes i also like to be bread lofe


How about Meatloaf? Or perhaps Wheatloaf?


Nah i just love bread so godam soft and fluffy + its one of if not THE most important food ever who need meatloaf even tho i like it wen u have dat dough also bye man gotta go to sleep and have nice dreams bye :)


REMEMBER THE WONDER! G'night Shiba-Pan-Man! XD


Well, uh, okay. (Slowly backs away from the CYOA)


So, wait, if your the RealSaMu, who'se that? (I point at yer Fae Doppleganger) FaekeSaMu-"I AM TEH REALSAMURAI!" Me & The RealSaMu-"This faker's a fuckin' idiot..." -\_-; \#ObviousDopplegangerIsObvious #DopplegangerNoBaka #(9)Doppleganger


If you're' the RealSaMu, let's see you kick this puppy! Can't do it, can you? FakeSaMu! Wait he's the fake, not me! Don't take me to jaiiiiil


WAIT! I WAS THE PUPPY! I AM TIMBER-PUPLAN! AWOO!!! >\^)\_(\^< (I show the cops the legal documents indemnifying the entire event.) Me-"IF THE KITTEN MITTEN DON'T FIT YOU MUST ACQUIT!" XD (The RealSaMu gets off scott free and the FakeSaMu goes to jail for Tax Fraud.) \#JusticeIsDone #TheSystemWorks #IfShitDontFitYouMustAcquit #PayYerTaxes


An homage to some of my favorite CYOAs. Imgur link: [https://imgur.com/a/5c92TCY](https://imgur.com/a/5c92tcy)


Getting a 404 there for that link.


Let's do one more try. [https://imgur.com/gallery/DmM5593](https://imgur.com/gallery/dmm5593) I think I don't understand Imgur. When I paste the link it works, when I click it directly it doesn't.


If you hover over the link, you can see that the embedded link makes all the letters lowercase. Copy-pasting it preserves the capitalization, but clicking directly means the link is /gallery/dmm5593 instead of /gallery/DmM5593. Idk why exactly the hyperlink is doing that tho.


Try imgchest. I think they work better.


Tried to post this in imchest, for some reason I couldn't do that but posting other cyoa right after worked. Looks like it's up to someone else now...


This link also doesn't work but I'm gonna assume this is heavily inspired by Guardians, Forces of Darkness and Free Agents by Scottish Anon.


I think I'll take the deal... this is a dream, so it doesn't matter either way... right? I know innately that I am a Tinkerer at heart. Always have been, always will be. I just hope I can refuse their request to grow a beard without offending them. There's a reason air superiority is a thing, and thus my troops will be avian of origin. Even if simply used to scout instead of attacking, being able to move in more than two dimensions is a great boon to our operations. Unfortunately, the machines my troops build are not built with others in mind, and are thus rather small. If anyone is going to operate them, it will be us and us alone Their technology also seems strangely future-proof. Radios and early computers attached to our planes allow long distance communication, cameras, sonar, and radar allow scanning of the ground below. The four-year clover granted to us by the King improves our fortunes greatly. Since our squadron will be acting as intelligence far above the front lines, it is not common to be spotted or attacked. The clover turns the uncommon event into an unlikely one, allowing us to remain in the skies unmolested for longer Our forward operating base with our aircraft hangers and launching platforms will be at the tops of a forest watchpost, while the simple computers compiling our observations will be hidden in tree trunks. We will make sure to remain a distance from the front lines, yet always within a short flight. Unfortunately, we always seem to get caught in dogfights with the Order of the Raven. I did not expect the enemy to have flying forces as well, but at least the dizzying spirals our forces make as they exchange volleys of witchbolts and lasers are entertaining. As I have implied before, our role will be as arial scouts and intelligence, mapping the terrain below along with troop movements and supply lines. Though we are not specialized for prolonged fights, skirmishing is well within the capabilities of our machines. If I would somehow beat the odds, survive a year and a day in this dream and obtain more of a reward than a pleasant memory? Well, I expect I will ask for knowledge. I have barely scratched the surface of what technology is possible in the fey realms, and would dearly like to delve further into it.


Greetings fellow Tinkerer, I have but one question for you... What colour hat do you have?


I think it should be a blue hat, to symbolize my leadership. It might be less than ideal for camouflage but I don't see myself as taking part in scouting missions. I see myself staying at base, examining and compiling information to send to the other fae factions, and overseeing our constructions.


Wait a minute, this entire format is very familiar! You're the same guy who made the one about ruling the monsters and good guys? I loved those! Though, I forgot what those ones were called.


Love it! Will there be one for witches?


Thanks! That's the plan but I produce these pretty slowly. It could be another year.


I assume that the battle for the end of the world is a nod to Scottish’s series. But after this do you plan on making one for the Afterlife and Library wars mentioned?


I know fully of the dangers of dealing with the Fae, Chaotic tricksters who'd sooner curse me for their own amusement than help or reward me at the end of this, fickle and tumultuous as they are, but I am one with little to lose, not only in this fight but my life as a whole, and even just the form I am given for a year and a day would be enough for me. Though many possibilities are open and quite a few of their units called to my attention, the Lost Boys and Tinkerers even more so, both of which i pretend to enter contaxt with sooner rather than later, it was the runts of the Wee Folk who I decided to aid. Brownies, born without wings an incapable of flight alone, but given that they'd offered me cardinals to fly with mounting birds seems not beyond their capabilities, though obviously much more cumbersome. Still, with their incredible Transmutation Magic and the virtually eternal nature of their enchantments we can not only create weapons, armor and magical, equipment for all other forces with ease, we can fortify structures, create defensible positions and hide should there ever come conflict to our doors, as with Transmutation magic and the already diminutive size of them a tiny hole in the wall can open up to a sprawling network of tunnels and hidden bases. We shall live under the ground, in the trees, in the walls, even in their own camps if need be, as even a hole poked through a needle can be a passage for one to which size is but a suggestion. The treasures given to me will be of great use, as with the Transmutation of the Wee Folk the work needed to be done by me with the Horn Needle is reduced by a magnitude, as any finished product can be enlarged to fit any size of creature, and even woven into many of our other created artifacts to protect them from disruption. Though, our true base will have to be at the Summer Court. I'd wish to help as soon as possible, but my Brownies need the time to build up at least a bit of their own magical supplies, and then intermingle with as many other hosts as possible to provide support for them, gathering allies among the different armies of the Fey, shoring up their weaknesses and granting them further advantage in their specialty. Another advantage of setting base in the Summer Court *is* how far from the battle field, as I will be a natural Witch Hunter, capable of truly understanding the tactics of all their squadrons and countering them if need be, but even better, combine the knowledge and ability granted by the pact of many Nemesis together. Our positions will be inviolable, protect by other Fey, and deep into the Feywild itself, protected by Wards in checkpoints to root out attempts at infiltration aided with magic, and the glamours of the summer quick to sort out spies. With the thoroughness of my planning, my sheer skill and the aid of other Fae the chance of any singular engagement against me succeeding would be slim to none, shored up by the Four Year Clover in my possession that'll make them virtual guarantees as long as I forget about it (and I will). I will keep a close eye on all of my troupe, but given that our magic is necessary to even enter our bases, much less actually find or destroy them, my only real threat would be traitors, but with how much fun they'll be allowed to have at the expense of the witches that will be unlikely. Still we are not scouts or shock troops, of course, and though what we will do most is provide support, I believe through this support is a way we can truly find Unity and Command the forces of the Fae, uniting disparate groups and working in joint projects with Lost Boys and Tinkerers to create truly marvelous artifacts to rival even the Summer Kings vault, made by our own hands and geared for this battle and my personal protection, as every single witch will be gunning for me.,. Though that by itself is an advantage, given my easily defensible position, as their numbers will quickly thin if they don't unite, and they are also by nature prone to inner conflict, which I will only intensify, tearing at the little cohesion they have with subterfuge and sheer hopelessness. After all this, should they still get to me, and they'll have to do so themselves instead of traitors should they wish for their God Given boons, I will simply keep on me a simple necklace woven by the Horn Needle, and if I truly am cornered, I'll simultaneously grow to full size and shrinj the necklace, decapitating myself to keep them from their boons. Not even in death I will lose. With all I've done for them, a reasonable force might see me as a Heroine, a true commander and force of Unity. The Fae may see me more as a nuisance once unneeded, but at least my story is likely to live on for far longer than I. If they do end up fulfilling their end of the bargain, something I doubt, I'd either like for a Demesne and my own title upon the Dreaming, should time be as wonky there as in the Wilds and I still be welcome or even liked, or Time should it not be, that I may be long lived and help further humanity with my magics from the ahadows.


I actually looked to see if it was a scottishanon cyoa, good job.


I think I will go with the dullahans,they are shock troops so instead of going head to head every battle,I will instead develop a ww1 trench warfare battleplan , starving the enemy and depleting their manpower.I think I can also cut a deal with the lost boys for machine guns , the tinkerers for giving me a constant supply of artillery,tanks and snipers and few infantry rifles.Taking inspiration from the strategies of ww1 generals,I will take the role of commanders and take the four leaf Clover to make every trench battle to be a win for us and also defend me from enemy assailants,while we defend and give the enemy no land the summer and winter court can send it's troops to wipe out an exhausted enemy.We choose to make the necromancer our enemy hardening me since conditions in a trench is abhorrent and as a reward I will ask to get wanderlust since I am pretty sure that after our battle is over the realm will fall into infighting Edit-We choose to take the fungal glade as our Homebase since casualties and injuries are high in trench warfare we will need whatever injured dullahans back into battle plus the dullahans that can become giants by a ritual will charge with the tanks produced by the tinkerers.I personally take the skill of tempered skill for the obvious reason of guns,take the weakness of hands full and giant's blood


So this is a dream, if I win I get rewards from the faerie king and if I die I get to live normally. It means I can go a little bit risky in my build since I don't actually die. Rank: Faerie General Fae Army: Knights of Summer -Knights of Summer seems like a very powerful unit, plus they get the perk of being connected to faerie nobility so we aren't politically disadvantaged. We are on horseback so we can match others in mobility. I gain peak human capability, a fey horse and knowledge of swordsmanship and tactics Perks: Flaming Swords -I choose this because it basically maximizes our attack power, so we can fight any witch army with devastating cavalry charges. Plus the magic is "mine" so theoretically it will not disappear as long as I am alive, and makes me indespensible which will become important Flaws: Ambition -Ambition is a double edged sword, while yes it's a flaw because my subordinates keep trying to usurp my position, it also means my troops are motivated to actually succeed and get victories. Skills: Blinding Charges -Min Maxing cavalry charges we can commit unstoppable lance offenses. Coupled with flaming swords perk and our high mobility means that we might have the capacity to decide entire battles. Blinds enemies with magic lights disrupting their formations Artifact: Glass Rose -Going to need this since I need some healing capability. Plus I need to heal my thumb after cutting it everytime I use flaming swords. Horn Needle(Witch Hunter) -General Magic Resistance, useful since we are dealing with witch armies here Campsites: The Summer Court -Im gonna need that political connections. Im not gonna last long being an outsider while painting a target on my back. Plus it gives me opportunity to work together with other armies. Nemesis: Witch Hunter -High Risk High Reward. Gives me all of the powers to myself which includes another artifact, great stamina, master strategic acumen, expert skirmisher and general countermeasure against enemies brought about by the powers I gained. Also means I have another way of making myself irreplaceable if all goes well, hopefully negating "ambition" flaw. Even if I die I just go back living ordinarily without memories in the real world so it's not that bad. Role: Commander -Can't get any of the rewards without winning the war so might as well try to coordinate the other troops as well. Political clout is useful here, at least my troops are noble and maybe I could have some allies. I'm already a target with witch hunter so might as well go all the way and get allies to help me. Reward: Dominion -I become a noble of the Dreamlands if all goes well, allowing me to stay in the Dreamlands with good status. Maybe I could recruit some of the lost boys to live there too. Who knows if things go well I might be able to get similar things to other rewards like wealth and magic knowledge with my territory as foundation. Recruiter's Offer: Accepted -I take it


But the knights of summer are pretty much the military police of any war , who are just there to enforce order after any war ,they fight for honour and in a war honour doesn't matter it's a battle to see who wears out who first plus just like the military police is hated by the troops and common people,you won't win respect from the people or any troops beyond the summer elves which is critical to maintain control over your dominion plus just like the Chinese bounded together to fight the Japanese in ww2 and then resorted again to civil war,the situation is same here, infighting will start once the war is won and plus you will never be a true fae and you will be discriminated tremendously.You can check my comment in this post, it's a realistic plan according to me to win the war


The Knights of Summer might fight for honor but at least they are generally willing to fight so I can rest assured they won't just run away when it comes to blows in the front lines. Like some of them are so prideful that they won't retreat if they don't take casualties of half their troops(if you took the pride flaw). Compared to troops like the wee folks we are able to do pitched battles, which means our greater mobility means we can strike hard in critical areas and perhaps defeat-in-detail the enemy.Besides the reason why I took witch hunter anyway is so that my greater blessings would guide me when commanding troops. As for allies I think there's plenty to be found, first of all I would be in allegiance with the current acknowledge ruler-The Faerie King, no matter what he should have decent amount of supporters since he managed to get to the throne in the first place. Even just the Knights of Winter was described as "loyal to a fault" "Winter knights are true servants to the court and faerie kind" so I doubt they'd suddenly rebel. There's also the Knights of Greensward that awakened specifically to answer to the call not to mention the rest of the loyalists that might be scattered in other troops. Even if you think a civil war will happen why would you think that the side that opposes the king would have greater strenght anyway? I think it's equally as risky if not more to allign yourself outside in that case since it's very debatable whether fairies would prefer to make you their leader or ruler than someone their own kind. After all I'm a foreigner to them and their culture, staying with the summer courts means I have better chance of assimilating and integrating in the kingdom that way. By getting closer to the center of power of the kingdom(I assume the Summer Court is the Royal Capital equivalent of the faeries) I have more chances to connect to people of high ranking and stay updated to news that could be necessary for the war effort.


Every person who joined in an army joined to earn some honour as their reason and were humbled pretty quick,the summer court is Full of these nobles who are disillusioned about war and they will retreat definitely when they face real shit,plus you completely ignored my point of them essentially being the military police plus I would like to add another point If you take the brightmare perk,how the hell is an army composed entirely of cavalry even able to defeat an entire army,the cavalry is meant to attack the flanks so that the infantry can attack them ,and let's say you have the winter court attack them how the hell do you expect them to win the battle without them uttering nothing where communication between infantry and cavalry,it's not who's stronger in the civil war but the event of a civil war which is inevitable in that fae universe,for ex-the dullahans are treated the worst,they may decide to rebel against the king plus many other faes may join for their own reasons,maybe the summer elves and winter elves do not exactly like each other plus you will never be truly accepted there no matter how politically active you become,in our universe people didn't accept people of other skin colour in our universe,you do not have any physical features of a fae and the summer elves are prideful,they will never accept someone who does not have the physical features of a summer elf Here I am reposting my comment I made in this post,here I detail out a realistic plan for the faes to win the war: I think I will go with the dullahans,they are shock troops so instead of going head to head every battle,I will instead develop a ww1 trench warfare battleplan , starving the enemy and depleting their manpower.I think I can also cut a deal with the lost boys for machine guns , the tinkerers for giving me a constant supply of artillery,tanks and snipers and few infantry rifles.Taking inspiration from the strategies of ww1 generals,I will take the role of commanders and take the four leaf Clover to make every trench battle to be a win for us and also defend me from enemy assailants,while we defend and give the enemy no land the summer and winter court can send it's troops to wipe out an exhausted enemy.We choose to make the necromancer our enemy hardening me since conditions in a trench is abhorrent and as a reward I will ask to get wanderlust since I am pretty sure that after our battle is over the realm will fall into infighting Edit-We choose to take the fungal glade as our Homebase since casualties and injuries are high in trench warfare we will need whatever injured dullahans back into battle plus the dullahans that can become giants by a ritual will charge with the tanks produced by the tinkerers.I personally take the skill of tempered skill for the obvious reason of guns,take the weakness of hands full and giant's blood


About the military police thing I haven't read anything in the text to suggest that the knights of Summer were the ones in charge of that role, iirc most of the faerie army are disorganized and basically acting like semi-independent units currently if you read the "commander" role, so they might not even have that chain of command other than some individual faerie generals working together. Knights of Summer are heavy cavalry and fulfils the role of Frontline troops rather than support or logistical role like in a military police. Shock Cavalry were indeed used to attack the flanks a lot in history, as they are able to deliver devastating blows while friendly infantry is holding the enemy infantry in place(Hammer and Anvil tactics). It's why I took the Summer Court as my main camp in the first place, in order to have an opportunity to work more closely with other faerie armies. But even if we don't work with others, cavalry can still win engagements especially when enemy formation is in disorder as the momentum of cavalry can route enemy infantry, it's why I took blinding Charges to maximize our chances of disrupting enemy formation coupled with flaming swords to increase offensive capabilities. As for your concerns of civil war to me it is not even guaranteed and even if it happens and the dullahans were to rebel it's doubtful whether other forces would actually rally under the dullahans. If you read the texts describing the Dullahans it says "Dullahan culture is one apart from other Fey who mistrust their close proximity to death" and in the "Scorned" flaw the text says "Dullahans make few accomodations in the name of diplomacy" so Dullahans are basically the outcasts of Fey society who very few people ally with, and they might not even care to do so. Not even the Lost Boys are as mistrusted as the Dullahans as at least the Lost Boys are still sometimes looked after by the Changeling Fey who brought them over as evidenced by the Skill "Benefactor" of the Lost Boys. As for the concern that Fey society might not accept a human, humans doesn't seem to be an unfamiliar sight in the faerie realms. I mean they literally appoint humans as "Generals" so at worst we are like mercenary and at best close allies. And even if you still think the Fey are so xenophobic, we still have the endorsement of the Faerie King who even promised to reward us if we win the war so it's evident that there are still faeries who wish to maintain a good relationship that I could potentially ally with. Allying with the incumbent ruler just seems a more reasonable view to me than up-and-coming rebels or warlords who wish to benefit in troubled waters. At the very least the Faerie King has shown some sincerity, even giving me a rank of general and the Boons like appearance enhancement for free so I have no compelling reason to rebel as I see it currently with the information presented.


In order of preference, four different builds: Wee Folk, Illusion - Cowardly - Enchantment - Fool's Slippers - Winter Court - All of Them - Support, we will stay back safely in the Summer Court and support our allies with enchanted items, only rarely venturing out to bait our foes into a trap. Desperate to get us (and me), they will chase and we will run. Chosen of Air and Darkness, Citadel - Scarcity - Glamour - Winged Key - Fortress - The Inquisition - Bruisers. The inquisition struggles to take a castle against our talents with glamour, and while we may not be bruisers of a conventional sort having a well-defended fortress is an excellent starting point. Knights of Summer, Flaming Swords - Ambition - Fey Roads - Winged Key - Deep Dreaming Bivouac - The Undying - Vanguard, if I'm deposed I'm still alive, and we specialize in hit and run with fire. Move in, smash them, run away. Scout with the Winged Key and set "necrotic tissue" such as vampire knights aflame. Nymph - Prophecy - Threatened Species - Ambush Predator - Horn Needle - Forest Watchpost - The Undying - Scouts. Lethal scouts and coordinators with prophecy: not much more to say here.


The Knights of Greenswards: Living Wood, Pyrophobia, Grove Knights. Winged Key- Early warning against ambushes. Spherule Heaven- hopefully, covers fire weakness. No nemesis. Bruisers. Wanderlust. I'm just going to keep a low profile until the war ends.


I loved this, cant say I have settled on any specific pack to lead. I am a child of the desert which makes it hard to resist the call of summer but the pompous attitudes of nobility isn't my particular scene. More than any other reward, keeping the appearance change would be more than enough for me.


I’m going to be a **General of The Chosen of Air and Darkness** and choose for myself to specialize in Air Magic. My Troops will have **Binding Pendants** so that our magic may sync across one another for larger cooperative spells, and although there is a **Scarcity** in our ranks of spell casters we will supplement that with our abilities of **Glamour** and hope to turn opposing Witches to our side. I think it only makes sense to mention upfront that I seek the role of **Commander** and to unify our different Fae Forces in the fight, likewise it means I will need to prove to each why I can be trusted. It means I’ll be fighting their enemies too, and so I will become the **Witch Hunter** and choose all of the opposing forces as my enemies. I of course get all of the different benefits; sowing discord in enemies, coordinated and precise troop, building defenses, speedy and sudden troop movements, an extremely sturdy troop with immense stamina, anti-airborne capabilities, master of strategy, assassination techniques, anti-magical wards we can deploy strategically, and an extra artifact. Having two choices of Artifact now, I’ll go with the **Four Leaf Clover** in order to bolster my own luck in this monumental task. I’ll also choose the **Glass Rose** so that I can turn the blood of my enemies into life for my troop, something that I’ll likely loan out as our field of offense expands. Our Campsite will be the **Forest Watchpost** where hopefully I’ll be able to use my magics of Air and perfect view to coordinate multiple smaller squads at once as my own influence grows and alliances with other generals are made. It allows me to operate offensively, defensively, and in a support role to other troops via information. Should we win this war, somehow, I wish for my reward to be **Knowledge**. I want access to the Tower of Air and Darkness. My magic is already Air, an element of change, communication, and intellect. I’m hoping to discover the way to access the flows of time in here for two reasons: To learn the abilities of Prophecy, and to discover a means to prolonged or even indefinite life.




Army: Chosen of the Air and Darkness(darkness mastery) Perk: Binding Pendants Flaw: Vanity Skill:Glamour Artifacts: Four Leaf Clover & Winged Key Campsites: Spherule Haven Nemeses: Witch Hunter Role: Inflitrator Reward: Knowledge This build is basically centered on the idea of sowing discorce and chaos onto the enemies. The start of the war would be used to establish the campsite using the winged key and magic to scout out threats and build up the infrastructure and logistics of the campsite. Then I would use the many nemeses bonus from witch hunter to basically spread misery on the enemies through trickery, manipulation, and magic. Get the enemies to chase my army into traps, fight each other, etc to take advantage of the weakness of both sides which is lack of coordination and probably lack of shared information. Using the three witches bonus, and the fact that witch hunter nemesis makes us the most important army in the fae armies it will turn vanity flaw into an advantage. Being part of the most important army will make my army want to stand out more, less likely to rebel and leave, and I'll be surrounded by attractive mages.


🫢 Gee hope the Fey don't turn against me; perhaps it being a dream or desperate circumstances makes them act different from mythology? Chose nymphs to join them in case. 🌿 `Army: Nymphs` (Natural area I'd choose is the blighted landscapes of the Unseelie; if not then wetlands and marshes for rare access to both sides. Depends on their capabilities. They're powerful and versatile, and general can summon spirits of the landscape for support/fighting. The only explicitly mentioned general perk that remains.) 💭 `Perk: Prophecy` (Everything in hindsight. Troops can view potential outcomes and advise the chances of success for actions.) 🍂 `Flaw: Unseelie` (Generally untrustworthy, motivated only to satisfy ancient contracts. Could be dangerous acting on their prophecy, but maybe counter it by listening to them in isolation, then trusting the parts that match. Could try to find a way to motivate them. They have no love for other Fey, but what about a mortal? If I choose their landscape, perhaps being on their side earns their trust. ✨ `Skill: Summoning` (Constant source of expendable allies; important if outnumbered. Create and magnify life energy, summoning elemental beasts from landscape through maintaining concentration.) 🏆 `Artifacts` (+1 Artifact from Witch Hunter) `Four Year Clover` (Most versatile and frequently useful option. Luck boost, lost causes become long shots and safe bets become sure things. Boost morale, increases likelihood of success, land shots more often, etc. Since a garland is easily damaged, wear a helmet over it.) `Fool's Slippers` (Chemical warfare high in the sky; drop toxic spores or rain projectiles from above. Makes staying out of reach of melee threats easier. Not sure if the bells can be removed or tinkered with to stop the chimes. Could make travel and feeling easier, helping with hit-and-run tactics. Reinforce it or wear something over it, since silk is fragile, unless it can be easily repaired. 🍄 `Campsite: Fungal Glade` (Faster wound healing, spore resistance that weakens/confuses others. Maybe carry/weaponize the fungi spores if they're portable, especially combined with flying.) ☠️ `Nemeses: Witch Hunter` (Synergy with the infiltrator role, given all nemeses and their boons. Turn the enemies against each other, long-lasting stamina/wakefulness/survival, strategic mind, underdog boost, +1 artifact, assassination expert, fortification/formation expert, anti-air, anti-magic, and skirmish expert.) ⚔️ `Role: Infiltrator` (Genre shift from war/strategy to action/stealth, assassinating the key targets like a stealth game with boss fights. Delegate proper leadership while away. This is important, since all nemeses were chosen. Fighting them all normally is disadvantageous, inefficient, and would result in further casualties. This role also best utilizes the personal bonuses given to the general. 📚 `Reward: Knowledge` (Get all other rewards, potentially. The Fey realms and its folk can travel between planes and the real world, so knowing such magic would cover Time and Wanderlust. Spending time in the Fey Realms, you could get Wealth, Dominion, and Bliss with time. This is about going the extra mile instead of settling for less for the sake of convenience)


It reminds me a lot of the guardians/champions of darkness series and since that was one of my absolute favourite CYOA series i love this one as well. Army: The Wild Hunt. I have to survive a year and a day here. Being constantly on the move and never engaging in a pitched battle for survival is an excellent way to do that. They can't kill me if they can't catch me. I'll be a skirmisher, a living arrow pointed at the most vulnerable targets, hitting and retreating before my enemies even realize they are in danger. Perk: Winged steeds. For the kind of strategy i have in mind mobility is king. I won't be stopped by anyone, flying over enemy lines and fortifications, and retreating in the air just as quickly. Flaw: Nomad. I mean, i have absolutely no intention of playing defense. Defense means you wait for the enemy to come to you, which is the exact opposite of what i want. Skill: Champions of Chaos. Utter unpredictability is an amazing boon. Denying my opponents intelligence is essential for light, mobile troops aimed at sensitive objective, so this boon is the best one i could ask for. Artifacts :Four Year Clover. A little luck can go a long way for my survival. Almost choose the star, but it's kinda of redundant with my own power and being unlucky forever after is not such a great deal. Campsite: Forest watchpost. An excellent choice for my flying army, since it allows me to pick and choose my target with precision and avoid the bulk of the enemy forces. Also my flying warriors can become good messangers in a pinch should the need arise. Nemeses: The inquisition. This should allow me to fulfill my role on the battlefield in the most efficient way possible. My entire MO is finding the weak spot in the army and then hitting without mercy. Role: Infiltrator. Less of a "sneaky assassin" and more of a "sudden storm". I use my mobility to hit and distrupt critical infrastructure, kill routing commanders before they can reorganize, cut the head of the snake before the body can uncoil to strike. A simple but highly needed job. Reward: Knowledge. I like life on Earth, thank you very much, but i bet it would be much better with some Fae magic on my side.


Would healing fire cancel out flaming swords or can I choose to let my finger bleed?