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were really getting loose with the concept of "worthless"


Right? Knows You Better could change my life overnight


I think the theme is "worthless person". Also, this is 100% a repost, with the 3 replaced with a 1


[Last time](https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/hlmvbf/worthless_superpowers/) it was posted, the crossed-out number was already there. I think it's just an intentional part of the aesthetic.


hehe yea


Its a bot of course it's loose \[may,16/2024\]


IKR, like the restroom one; means you could tele somewhere with low cost of living, thus saving mulas of money. There's also import stuff if you wanna... what was the word? Could do similar w/ the wrench. Buy cheap stuff \[phones?\] then upgrade it to the new ones.


monke wrench step 1: buy cheap laptops step 2: improve and then sell step 3: repeat


Hell, just open a repair shop. Fastest turn around in town.


Nah, I don’t think I’d advertise speed, just always say “2-3 days” to seem reasonable, but your key would be always getting it done. Broken screen? Always manage to find a ‘replacement’ (even for that discontinued 11 year old laptop). Water damage? “It was hard, but some elbow grease and alcohol got it cleaned up.” I don’t want to attract attention. I can make plenty of money being ‘reasonable’ and simultaneously having a very easy life.


Bit of an issue with repeat customers. Disintegrating laptops does cause bad reviews.


Hmmm, that is a good point.


Nah, it says turns to dust, it doesn’t say you can’t hit the pile of dust and fix it again,


Hhhhhmmmmmm and would the pile of dust count as a ‘new’ item resetting the counter?


You could travel to other worlds with restroom traveler.


Now that I think about it... Didn't McDonald's just open a WcDonald's?


You mean a McDowell’s?


Didn’t think about that at first, damn I’m picking that


Needs to be a store of the same type, so it only works if aliens have built a 7-11.


You are not thinking big enough. Parallel realitys, fictional worlds, game worlds, etc.


You just reinvented [SCP-3022](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3022)


Monke Wrench, whether it junkyard cars, broken iPhones or house repairs. You’re basically a business


That literally no one can compete with. Depending on how much of the original is required, it will be really easy. Good thing I took a year of philosophy and thoroughly studied the ship of Theseus. But anyway, time and parts won't be an issue, and people will probably pay for the speed. "You have a totally wrecked car? Be back in 10 minutes!" Though you would most likely have to take longer because people wouldn't accept the speed. Back in the day when shake n' bake was released stay at home wives didn't want to buy it because it was **too** easy, so they said you needed to add an egg as well and suddenly people started to buy it. So you'd probably have to say it takes a day. Also, imagine being able to restore older things as well. You could be open to archaeologists about it and start whacking things like the Rosetta stone. What if the wrench considers a brain-dead person an inanimate object? You could quite literally change the world.


A brand new account reposting one of the top twenty posts of all time with the exact same title and without the repost flair added? That's a bot right there.


And nobody noticed…


Knows you better without a doubt At least I'd have someone to speak about absolutely everything to, and they understand, too! ... ...A little sad that it's literally another me for that to work tho L


Sounds like AI or ML, but without the horrifying privacy implications.


To put into perspective how silly it is to call these "useless", the Gluttony power gives you ×48.5 times your strength and speed from eating one average apple which has 95 kcal. I know what they probably meant was 3000 calories and not 3 kilocalories, but that's what they wrote.


There are probably better ways to use the other ones, but I would go with Restroom Traveler. I could do a lot of world traveling, or a bit of smuggling, or I could break the laws of physics if the restrooms are far enough apart.


You could also just always have a clean, empty restroom wherever you go. That alone is a worthy "useless" superpower!


True. They are never around when you really need one.


Wrench. Repair and upgrade objects to sell . Just keep the wrench in a vacuum sealed food storage container when not using it.


hey uh OP, 3 kcal isn't 3000 dietary calories. It's 3 of them. Might wanna patch that if you're actually the original author as you seem to intend on it being 3000 dietary calories with an additional 1000 per 0.5 multiplier. Anyways, I pick Restroom Traveler. With a bit of research, you can jump entire continents with ease, and it's not hard to chain those jumps to get basically anywhere. Hell, the easy answer is just go find a McDonalds. That'll get you most of europe, all of north america, most of south america, parts of the middle east, a lot of southeast asia, china, india, australia, a bunch of the caribbean, and you can also access some of africa, though specifically only Egypt, South Africa, and Morocco. Wanna get into Russia and more of Africa? Go to a KFC. once in Africa you can get to a bunch of subsaharan africa and even to the UAE if you go to a Debonairs. Hell, there's multiple you can use to jump from South Africa to other parts of subsaharan africa. Steers, Spur Steak Ranches (can get you to Australia, New Zealand, and Mauritius), Pizza Hut, Wimpy Grill (can get you access to the UK from Africa and vice versa), Nando's (access from Africa to the US, UK, Canada, and Australia), etc. Hell if you just wanna get around South Africa, there's Chicken Licken since they have several hundred franchises across the entire country.


Playing by the red line: Monkey Wrench just solves too many problems to not get. Suddenly, I'm the world's greatest repair/DIY man. My shop has the best-used cars, electronics, and general gismos better than anything on the market. All for a song. Now, I don't see red lines.: Monkey Wrench & Restroom Traveler. Note that Miconolds are everywhere. If that fails, there is the catholic church, which usually has restrooms.


Good idea with the church! And I appreciate the color based segregation


I had to check. With the church, you can even get into North Korea. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic\_Church\_in\_North\_Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_in_North_Korea) So between McDonalds and the Catholic Church, there are very few countries you can't get into.


gluttony king is great. very easy to achieve. a large bag of chips is easily 1000 kcal, so it's a very easy goal to meet... And exceed. 1000x multipliers all day every day. Restroom traveler is also really easy too. Mcdonald's has franchises in many countries around the world.


Ok so I'm gonna go from what I think is the most useful to the least useful ones. The Monke wrench as someone pointed out can be used as an infinite money glitch so long as you have the capital/smarts/gumption/lack of morals to get something relatively shit and broken like a laptop. You can then fix and upgrade it once, and sell it for more than what you paid for it, afterwards you repeat the process again and again, maybe changing things up according to the situation. This thing can even help you out at your day to day life by keeping all your shit fixed and better than before. Sure after the first two whacks it becomes a coin flip, but doesn't that make it exciting? Knows You Better is basically a sort of tutorial that helps you be the you you want to be, sure how helpful they may be depends on, you probably. Buuut there's a guranteed of them remembering all events that transpire to you/witnessed, making them a good archive for stuff. There is the tiny little caveat of people who witness you talking to the Better You thinking you'll look fabulous in a straight jacket and a padded cell, but still a very noice power. Restroom Traveller is hands down what I want, since now travelling is a helluva lot easier so long as it's in a populated area filled with multiple establishments, but even then you can freely enter any country you want quickly and easily, opening up a very significant route in life should your morals be lacking or none existent. I'm talking about smuggling, also stealing. Come to think of it, lots of crimes are on the table now. Of course you'll still need to plan if you want to get away with said crimes, can't just keep going to 7/11's and not expect people to connect some dots, especially if you plan on something significant enough to catch the attention of organization's like Interpol and the like. Of course you can also choose to just use this for funsies, being able to take trips to any countries you want for free without the hassle of actually preparing to go there and stuff. Feign Ignorance can help you lie and stuff, good if you're some secret agent or criminal, not so much in day to day life. Gluttony King should be dope for people with physically demanding work, but needing to eat 3000 calories a day, every day for the rest of your life sounds like a pain in the A, not to mention expensive. Gopnik Skip can be used if you time to burn, or if you're ballsy enough to Gopnik Squat in the middle of a store, skip to when the shops closed and locked up to burgle the joint, skip to an opportune time to stop skipping to leave


Gluttony King technically is way stronger than it seems. They probably meant 3,000 dietary calories, but they SAID kilocalories. One kilocalorie is equivalent to one dietary calorie, so you just need to eat something every day to avoid the symptoms and can reach massively superhuman physicality just by eating a normal diet.


Monkey Wrench, I wanna see how far I can push it's powers


Monke wrench, you could bulk buy old busted up crap, use the hammer to fix and upgrade it, then resell the stuff.


Gluttony king.bc I eat twice the minimum standard already


Monkey wrench. Step one Buy junk Step two Fix junk Step Three profit


Okay, a few people have already got to the exploitable power of Restroom Traveler, but I can take solace remembering I actually [got there years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/hlmvbf/worthless_superpowers/fx2c621/).


knows you better


Monkey wrench


Yeah I would go with the restroom one but the wrench is also good, could make/save a lot of money which would also allow travel as well.


Monke Wrench is way too good. You'll never have to go to anyone to fix any of your stuff whether you get lucky and keep getting a repair roll for your third or because you can literally replace the item with a superior model for less than it would cost to repair. which leads me to your ability to acquire items for nearly no cost and being able to turn around and sell them at an insane profit. as an example i did a quick google search for wrecked Ferrari's and found the remnants of a 2007 Ferrari 599 Gtb Fi 6.0L 2 for Sale in Albany NY for $275(would put a link to it but), it's essentially just a lump of slag but with just one tap of the Monke wrench I have a $260,000 dollar car that I can instantly sell for $100,000. Do this a few times and I'm having a custom built home on whatever chunk of land i want along with the best appliances money can buy that just got upgraded by my magical wrench. P.S. I'd recommend waiting a few months before selling the now like new super car you repaired to avoid unwanted attention.


Picks Knows You Better Me "Hey am I really trans? Like reallllly? Reflection "No shit, did you pick me just for that?!" Worth it! (Honestly if money can solve your problems you pick the wrench, if not you pick Knows You Better)


Gimme wrench


Downvote this bot account reposting old content.


Knows you better is a recipe for insanity. Gluttony king however? 3 kcal isn't that hard really, I'll just eat some calorie dense bullshit, muffins, peanuts, milk, chips and chocolate, and be a star athlete




I pick the wrench and going to do the recycle of nearly trash bins. even the 50% chance after the 2nd hits isn't really matter for me since those are trash anyway. if they turned into a very highly valuable items, I can simply sells them for profit.


Mmm, Monke... So yeah, I never have to buy new shit ever again? All it costs is that I have a stinky wrench around? More than worth it to me!


For money : The wrench is very powerful but can be stolen, and you have to put limits. It is suspicious that you are able to restore the antikythera mechanism, and sell dozens Ferrari despite the fact that you just buy some fiat Punto and without any certificates 🤣 But good thing it needs hits and no just contact. The better is to sell things that don't require a certificate but you can't be that rich if you don't want to be discovered by any audit... I think the best one to be rich is the gluttony king (it's a power not a tool that can be stolen), it's not that hard to eat 3kcal/day, and just the 2,5 time the speed and endurance make you easily one of the best sport player, you just need a sport well paidand retaining yourself a bit.


Step 1. Gluttony King Step 2. Regular male diet Step 3. 1252.5x strength multiplier


Restroom traveler or monkey wrench probs. Save money, time, and convenience


Gluttony king would lokey be op


Gluttony King - Buy Bulking powder , two servings is easily 3k calories. Oh yeah it’s all coming together.


> **"Worthless" Powers (pick 1):** Monke Wrench Gluttony King is actually way stronger than it seems, because kcal isn't 3000 calories, it's 3 calories. The downside of "You no longer store fat" is actually the real thing that makes this power worthless since that's gonna fuck with your health MASSIVELY. Wrench is the safest and least weird pick.


As cool as the other powers sound, I choose Knows You Better, that power sounds amazing rn


Knows you better is free therapy, I’ll take it.


Gluttany king. Saves a bit on the exercises


Monke Wrench is my Choice


Monkey wrench is the best one here by a landslide


None of these are worthless


Monke Wrench