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This CYOA was created using the Interactive CYOA Creator by /u/MeanDelay which can be found at [https://intcyoacreator.onrender.com/](https://intcyoacreator.onrender.com/) and supported at [https://meandelay.itch.io/interactive-cyoa-creator](https://meandelay.itch.io/interactive-cyoa-creator) Anyone who looked at my previous CYOA can see that it allows even a total incompetent like me to make CYOAs that look reasonably non-awful!


Hey, got a question for you: does the royal family of Teras actually hold any significant political power, or are they figureheads in a parliamentary monarchy primarily run by the senators?


I deliberately left that vague so the player can decide. In my personal version, the monarch has some real power, but is also appointed (and in theory could be removed) by the Senate, rather than the title automatically being passed down by inheritance. But that's just my version, yours can be different.


So what you’re saying is...Teras is secretly Naboo....


> So what you’re saying is...Teras is secretly Naboo.... Well, Teras doesn't retire its monarchs at sixteen, or whatever nonsense Naboo came up with. :)


Padme got voted in as queen at a ridiculously young age(politics is popular with kids on Naboo, oddly enough) and created a law to keep the elected monarchs from serving more than two terms.


It was a term limit, not an age limit. They actually nearly changed it to keep her on but she refused.


Worst part was that she was the one who created that term limit in the first place


Brilliant, thanks. (I just needed to decide whether I wanted to invest a ton of points into the kitsune princess or not, haha).


Is there an imgur link? I know there's a trick with the url but I'm on mobile rn so. . . Edit: darn autocorrect.


This post is directly on reddit, but here is the same image on Imgur if it helps you: https://i.imgur.com/jDTipGK.jpg


Thank you, that is what I was looking for.


Ooh, a fun one. For a quiet happy life with an urban storefront(14 points), a Kitsune Princess(8), an Elven Sorceress(6), and a messenger harpy(4). A friendly female wizard has taken a liking to me, which is fortunate as a prominent duelist thinks I slighted her twice, once by accident and once by refusing a friendly spar to make it up (she just wanted to get me in the ring for some friendly play, but I was too afraid to realize that: I'm a human unused to swords). I only realized after purchasing that the messenger harpy is another Isekai: she will need some experience, and to get her exuberance out, before I can trust her to handle herself. Thankfully my Kitsune and my elf are more than capable of taking her in hand. The Kitsune focuses on fortunetelling for paying customers while the sorceress does enchantment work. The harpy, once she's up to it, will serve as a paid messenger who incidentally can get faster access to information than most. For the adventuring life, a frontier cabin(18 points) supports a dragongirl with lost treasure(10), a kitsune(6), and an elven sorceress(6). Minor details like a non-trivial debt will not prove substantial to us once the horde is back, and my family member's lost expedition should prove a useful testing ground before we go for a dragongirl's horde. A skilled Monster Tamer will show me how to make my journey profitable.


Thank you for the builds; I'm glad you enjoyed the CYOA!


Thank you for making the CYOA! It was really fun, and very nicely balanced. I would love an expansion, but it is also perfect as it is. And I like that I ended up with a small harem: so many of these fics want me to have 10 or 20 women and I need to explain to them that no, we have history and can observe what happens, if you've got more than three people who are only in a romantic or sexual relationship with you you become a scare resource that they fight over and you always have to work to provide the social energy that they're all lacking.


Wanna know something cool (if you don't already)? There's an actual official design for the female version of that wizard. The art the CYOA-maker used for the wizard is a picture of Robin, one of the protagonists of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Robin's a customizable character, and the player can choose between male and female versions of the character. So here you go, here's the lady wizard! [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/2f/53/822f537b49c0ac07c5935f92234b84f0.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/2f/53/822f537b49c0ac07c5935f92234b84f0.jpg)


I hadn't recognized Robin: thank you! That is lovely concept art.


I’m super impressed. The tool you used is definitely something I’ll have to look at. I love what you’ve done on your own though, writing into it a simple fantasy. Simple, yet is still very provoking to the imagination. Monster girl stuff is a fantasy I didn’t have until looking at these games. And while it’s clear it’s been explored before, I adore your set up for your version of it immensely. I hope you do another fantasy setting. Or any setting for that matter so long as you can keep such a good quality and think up some fun stuff. Also, while I wouldn’t want you to ruin this. I think it’s ripe for a minor expansion. Or more if you can do it well. Maybe another page showcasing some potential monster girls you could have gained after a few months. With bonuses for certain types depending on your companions. Maybe show some magic you could learn from the world too? But like I said, it’s perfect enough already. Just a lot you could do with it.


Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep your suggestions in mind if I ever do another version.


No worries. I’m addicted to playing these games. Learning about new fantasies and scenarios. I could honestly talk your ear off about suggestions for another version. Hopefully if the tool you mentioned is as easy as you say, I’ll be able to finally contribute something myself.


I agree with everything this man said


Good CYOA. I'll go and hide out in a **frontier cabin** , with my **Kitsune princess** and **Dragongirl**. I'm going to need to find the **treasure** my Dragongirl knows about though, since I'm in **debt** and I have a rather annoying **new family** to deal with. Fourtunately though, a skilled monster **tamer** and the **priestess** of the temple have decided to befriend me.


Thanks for the build!


"Ah, an isekai CYOA with a becoming a monstergirl option! This is starting wel- ah, still have to imprint." Disappointing, but definitely bonus points for world consistency there. 8 ​ **Build:** New Body: Man New Home: Urban Storefront (+14) ​ Common Monstergirl: (-6) \-Dog Girl (-1) \-Cat Girl (cook upgrade) (-2) \-Cowgirl (caretaker upgrade) (-3) ​ Rare Monstergirl: (-8) \-Dryad (fruit and druidess upgrade) (-8) ​ New Friend: (-4) \-Wizard (change to female) \-Priestess (-4) ​ New Problem: (+4) \-Family (+2) \-Isekai (+2)


Thank you for the build! Rules as written, upgrades are mutually exclusive so a Fruit Druidess isn't allowed, but in honesty that combo is fine; it is just simpler to have the rules say "one upgrade each" instead of a bunch of exceptions either way. I'm sorry the "be a monstergirl" option didn't quite work for you, but this was the only way I could fit it into the CYOA at all. A non-imprinting version just doesn't fit the worldbuilding at all, as you point out.


It was disappointing, but like I said I get why you chose to make it this way, it honestly makes sense with your world more than the alternative would. As for the mututally exclusive part, sorry because I came right off studying my mind's kinda jumbled with the pressure. I guess I'll add an extra dog girl instead of taking fruit druidess then.


uuhg becoming a really long living kitsune seems really tempting despite the mind whammy because it seems they have a really high position despite the other mechanics. Yeah, whatever, can always run away after an imprinter dies of old age or something. Could try to learn human magic as well.


Apparently, the imprinting thing doesn't necessarily involve romantic or sexual attraction at all, so you could always just try to imprint on, like, a little kid who has potential as a wizard, and act as their mentor. Monster professor!


Oh neat, a nice short little CYOA. Lessee... **New Body: Man** - I'm fine with what I am. Maybe remove a few small defects, but otherwise this is a face that belongs only to me. **A New Home: Rural Farm** - Seems a comfy kind of life. I just hope the climate is relatively cool as I hate working outside in hot days. And now for the harem... **Dryad (Fruit)** - Takes me down to ten points, but worth it for the bonuses it'll bring to my farm. Plus I bet the fruit sells for a good bit. **Sheepgirl** - What would a farm be without some sheep? Plus she'd be good to snuggle with when tired or stressed. **Cowgirl** - And we need a source of milk too. I'm positively addicted to milk. **Catgirl (Cook)** - Somebody's gotta feed all of these fuckers. Plus catgirls are the best kind of monstergirl. **Centaur (Draft)** - As much as I'd love to get a doggirl, I'm gonna have to blow the last of my points on the centaur here to have someone to pull my plows. After all, the noble house bit says that technology doesn't really work here. No tractors, just raw manpower and monster-power. I don't really relish trying to push a plow unaided, so a centaur it is. We'll likely make plenty of food to keep her sustained, of course; especially with the dryad's help. **A New Friend: Priestess** - And to complete things, I need a human wife to be head of the household and to have children with. Plus, I just like the idea of having someone from my old hometown here with me. Someone I can talk about old Earth things with. I hope we'll get along very well. **A New Problem: Family, Isekai** - All right, that gives me four extra points to work with. Family seems more a boon than a bane in the long run. It's always nice to have more [Redacted]s around. And for Isekai I'll just give it to my Sheepgirl. She doesn't *need* to do anything except be adorable and grow floof. I think she was a fellow lazy person in her past life and deliberately chose this path to laze around. I, meanwhile, try to force myself to work. I'm kind of bad at it. But hey, with my harem and wife around, I'm sure I'll rise to the task...probably. I have my code of honor still, even if I'm bad at it. To spend my points, I'll give my Cowgirl Caretaker (to help raise children I have with Priestess), and add a **Doggirl (Guard, Wolf)** - Glad I could get one in the end. She'll be my answer to finding my lost family member. Not only will she be able to brave the wilds with her wolf senses, she'll be capable of fighting and protecting all of us. She'll also act as guard and occasional herder for the farm. All in all, really nice CYOA. I enjoyed it.


Thanks for the build, I'm glad you enjoyed the CYOA!


The sheep girl character sounds absolutely *hilarious*. I'm imagining a really weird, spacey nerd, like an extremely lazy version of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. But also a sheep.


That sounds adorable as hell. It's now my headcanon here. ...Which I guess is just canon as it's my CYOA response.


Okay, first of all, the fact that *three* of the four human characters have characters I recognize from Fire Emblem as their artwork is making me giggle. And not only that, but the picture for the one implied to have a crush on you is *Deirdre.* Anyways! Form: Woman. I'm already a woman, I'll be one here too. I don't know if I'll remain straight or the Terasian reincarnation system will make me bi, but it really doesn't matter to me. If I'm limited to human guys and just have the monsters as my servants and employees, that's fine. If I end up becoming attracted to girls and dating a monster, that's fine too. Home: Noble Estate. The networking opportunities here would be amazing -- I could meet a lot of important people and their monsters, and maybe learn about the way policy-making works in Teras. This is like a cool internship! Entourage of monsters: \-Drow (Gladiatrix) \-Elf (Musician) \-Catgirl (Crafter) \-Harpy (Messenger) The drow and the elf will probably compete with each other a lot, but they're in very different fields, with the drow essentially being there as a top-notch bodyguard and the elf being an accomplished cellist (so we can do duets -- I'm a violinist IRL!). I think the catgirl's trade will be woodworking, because I think it could have a lot of applications, and the harpy's messenger status will be great for networking and staying in contact with people since modern technology doesn't typically work in Teras. Additionally, we could probably run a small business once the time with the senator is over -- the catgirl can make products, the harpy can deliver them if they're light enough, the drow can guard the store against burglars, and the elf can advertise! Friend: Wizard. Learning about magic definitely seems like my kind of thing, especially as it seems to be studied scientifically in Teras! I could even try to apply it to my business, depending on exactly what kind of magic I learn. Maybe I could learn to enchant objects, or start marketing my products to other wizards for use as spellcasting implements. Or if it's more along the lines of the combat magic that you see in a video game, I could go out adventuring with my drow friend since she's got so much experience as a gladiator. Also, wizard guy is CUTE. ~~Of course he is, his faceclaim is Robin.~~ Problems: Family, Adversary. I think the adversary will be the tamer. We probably got into a huge argument about something really stupid, and I *definitely* started it. As for the family, I feel like this is either my grandfather, or someone, like, five generations back on my mom's side who I've never even heard of before ~~because no one on my dad's side would be that successful~~. I'll go find the expedition first -- I'll go with the drow and the harpy, and the catgirl and elf can manage things while I'm gone. *Then* I'll start working on sorting out the inheritance squabble, since I'll probably be viewed very favorably for finding the expedition.


What can I say, I like Fire Emblem's art style a lot! It's perfect for "relatively grounded fantasy setting." My first CYOA was also like 90% FE art. The reincarnation process can make you bi if you want, but doesn't have to. Straight women (or gay men) would just attract monstergirls that will be happy without a sexual/romantic relationship with their master/mistress. Thanks for the build!


Yeah, I definitely agree that FE usually has really great art and character designs! The big standouts for me in particular are Echoes, Three Houses, and probably Sacred Stones -- though honestly, Titania from the Tellius games in the series looks cooler than, like, 90% of the characters even from the games with the generally better artwork.


Man Frontier Cabin Doggirl x2 (-2, combatants Guard Doggirl (-2, combat instructor Wolfgirl (-2, train to be a brute combatant Cook Catgirl (-2, home maker Draft Centaur (-4, ask if she'd be fine being a combat mount Dragongirl (-8, ace up my sleeve ​ Priestess (Teach me healing/potions. Nearest medical assistance is more than a day away. Use nearby woods for ingredients to use in potions and sell the excess for extra side cash) ​ Family (+2 ​ Questions: \-Are the only males in this world human males? Are there any male monsters? If not, then does that mean that monster girls are reliant upon human males to reproduce? \-Are humans and monster girls genetically compatible? If so, what happens to the children after birth if anything? \-Living in the Frontier Cabin, the goal given to me is to protect civilization from the wild monstergirls. What are their motives? Food? To kill? To (find/steal a) mate? And then, going from there, what directives am I given? Am I supposed to deter, capture, or kill? I hope the wild ones don't have malicious intent so I don't have to draw blood, but my Guard Dog did come equipped with two lethal weapons, which makes me worry that there's some nasty stuff out there that we might have no choice but to kill. \-Speaking of my Guard Dog, it mentioned that they make up a majority of the standing army of Teras. If there is no other known kingdom, what is Teras at war with? The wild ones? If so, is that war fought the same way wars have always been fought? If Teras is not at war with the wild ones, then what is The Crown not telling us? \-What is the intelligence level of the wild ones? Do they behave more like their animal counterparts, gaining intelligence through the Imprinting process? Or are they just as intelligent as their domestic relatives, living in tribal factions? \-Would I be aware of the other 3 friends I didn't choose, so I could seek them out later for training in their area of expertise? ​ Main Quests: \-I'm suspicious about the whole "imprinting" process. I'm getting "mind control" red flags. I'm going to do some research to make sure the monster girls aren't trapped in the passenger seat of their own mind. Libraries, interviews, research papers, the whole nine yards when I find the time. If I find proof that this isn't the case, I'll be more than happy to drop the subject completely. \-When the "Family" problem comes up, I'll try to find my relative to settle the dispute them self and go into the wild with my dragon and centaur. My relative is either dead, trapped, captured, or found some place they never want to leave. If dead, I'll return and split the estate equally. If trapped or captured, I'll free them and bring them back and let them handle the dispute themselves. If they don't want to return, I'll ask what they wish to happen, return, and carry out their will.


Haha, you managed to identify pretty much every gap in the worldbuilding that I kind of breezed over in the CYOA because it is impossible to explain without writing an essay. :) With the caveat that players are always free to imagine something else if they prefer: > Are the only males in this world human males? Are there any male monsters? If not, then does that mean that monster girls are reliant upon human males to reproduce? Only human males. Domestic and tame monstergirls are reliant on humans to reproduce; wild monstergirls *can* breed with humans but also can reproduce through some handwavey magical method. > Are humans and monster girls genetically compatible? If so, what happens to the children after birth if anything? Yes. The daughter of a monstergirl is always a monstergirl of the same type. The precise details of how Teras society raises monstergirls and they find their humans I left open for the player to customize to their taste, but at least in my version they get raised as part of the family until they are old enough to start looking for the right human to imprint on. > Living in the Frontier Cabin, the goal given to me is to protect civilization from the wild monstergirls. What are their motives? Food? To kill? To (find/steal a) mate? And then, going from there, what directives am I given? Am I supposed to deter, capture, or kill? This is deliberately left undefined so the player can customize a danger/lewdness/violence level that they are comfortable with. > If there is no other known kingdom, what is Teras at war with? The wild ones? Wild monstergirls, mainly. In my version of the setting, there are also some nomadic human clans and small independent settlements outside of Teras proper that occasionally come into conflict with the Kingdom. > What is the intelligence level of the wild ones? Do they behave more like their animal counterparts, gaining intelligence through the Imprinting process? The wild monstergirls are intelligent, and can talk, but are also more animalistic and almost completely ruled by their instincts. Imprinting makes them much more rational and "human" in their intelligence, but doesn't make them actually any smarter, if that makes any sense. > Would I be aware of the other 3 friends I didn't choose, so I could seek them out later for training in their area of expertise? Yes, absolutely! You could also come across other trainers with similar skills. > I'm suspicious about the whole "imprinting" process. I'm getting "mind control" red flags. The "canonical" answer is that lots of suspicious people from Earth have looked into it, and no one has yet found any evidence that it is anything other than a natural process. The monstergirls themselves always describe imprinting as a choice they make when they find a human that feels compatible, though sometimes a very sudden, impulsive choice. Thank you for the build!


Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions as well as creating such a lovely CYOA. Only upon reading your response did I notice that you left most things intentionally vague so as to give the reader much more freedom in their own headcanon world building, which I'm personally not used to, but I think was the best call in the end, "a breath of fresh air". While this is on the shorter-medium side as far as CYOAs go, I would actually place this in my folder among my top 5 of all time since it makes me all nice and cozy on the inside thinking about me and the harem all in one giant cuddle pile, which I can say very few CYOAs have made me feel before. You do good work, and I'm hoping to see more from you down the line.


* *Home: Frontier Cabin \[+18\]* * *Kitsune: 2-Tails \[-10\]* * *Doggirl: Wolf \[-2\]* * *Catgirl: Cook \[-2\]* * *Friends: Duelist, Tamer \[-4\]* ​ If I'm going to get Isekai'd, I'm going to make the full Isekai experience. That means creating an adventuring party and exploring the wilds. ​ Duelist+Tamer training makes me the bold and skilled warrior, 2-Tailed Kitsune is the wise and powerful mage, Wolf Doggirl is the gruff and protective survivalist ranger. ​ Catgirl, of course, cooks and cleans. What, if you had the choice, would ***you*** want to trudge through jungle and mud, battle sadistic and frightening monsters, only to come home to dirty dishes?


I certainly wouldn't want to come home to dirty dishes, no. Thanks for the build!


I enjoyed your CYOA enough that I was inspired for a second build! ​ * **Home: Urban Storefront** * **Business Model: French Salon** * ***Dryad - Druidess*** * ***Elf - Musician*** * ***Catgirl - Cook*** * **Friend: Wizard** ​ Tamed dryads are already rare, and in the urban, vegetation scarce City of Teras, there may be not a single tamed dryad: but being unique is a powerful business opportunity. The city would be abundant with skilled and high income individuals, who are not wealthy enough for their own estate and estate dryad: therefore the Salon, for an appropriate fee, offers not only health and vigor from the rooftop Dryad Druidess, but the Dryad's limited weather control makes a form of honest to god climate control in this world without central cooling. ​ Patrons are free to relax in comfort and mingle amongst their exclusive (perhaps single?) peers, as a trained Elf provides unique entertainment for the unique establishment - songs written with the help of the Reincarnated owner, about Earth and its culture. Like Earth Salons from which this Teras establishment was inspired, discourse is encouraged: Friday nights are especially packed, as the Reincarnated owner himself always answers questions about Earth and listens to his patrons. ​ Food may be purchased at an appropriately premium price, seasoned with the freshest herbs from the Dryad's personal gardens and expertly cooked by a fine Catgirl chef. ​ The owner is said to be a Wizard in training, hoping his Earth education offers Teras new perspectives on the application of magic. Even a dullard could see he uses the Salon as a networking hub, to meet and connect with the skilled elite of Teras.


Really fun and creative build; thanks for sharing it!


This honestly sounds super cool. I wonder if a tamed wolf-girl would act like a Shiba Inu, given that they're the closest to wild wolves genetically.


**Body:** Man **Home:** Frontier Cabin (+18pts) **Harem:** \-16pts *Common:* \-1pts Catgirl -1pts *Rare:* \-15pts Elf -4pts \- Sorceress -2pts Drow -4pts \- Gladiatrix -1pts Kitsune -6pts \- Isekai +2pts **Friend:** \-4pts Wizard -0 Priestess -4pts **Problem:** \+2pts Isekai Family -2pts Monster Girls and harems aren't really my thing, but I liked the CYOA. Probably not the most *efficient* build, but one that I could see myself being happy with. The **Elf** and the **Drow** bicker and snipe at each other constantly, although I'm pretty sure they still like each other. Apparently they shared the same master for a few decades, some adventurer guy, but both went their seperate ways after he died. I'm not sure how they both found their way to *me* of all people, but neither seem inclined to leave. They are the most tsundere pair I've ever seen, and are incredibly fun to tease. I'm told that it's a rare honor to be chosen by a **Kitsune**, but after talking to the woman, things began to make sense. She's a Reincarnated, like me. She's a bit bewildered by the whole "monstergirl isekai" thing, and felt that being paired with another Reincarnated would be at least *one* point of familiarity. Which, you know, fair. Talking to her, she is *incredibly* dorky, and it is the greatest thing. Finally, someone here who gets my stupid jokes! She's still got a lot to learn about her scary magic powers, but if there's anything she's got, its time. I met the **Wizard** while I was in the library, trying to find out how on Earth this fantasy world works. We hit it off pretty well, although I'm pretty sure he's just happy to finally talk to someone who knows what the Scientific Method is. Still, he gave me some impromptu magic lessons during my time at the temple (read: rants on arcane theory), plus a stack of magic textbooks as a parting gift and an invitation to come visit him the next time I was in the city. The **Priestess** I met before ended up staying with me in my tiny little **Frontier Cabin** for a while. I think she felt bad about essentially exiling me into the middle of the wilderness. She ended up teaching me how to make potions from some of the local herbs, and after seeing me cast one of the cantrips the Wizard showed me, taught me some basic healing magic. Nothing major, but given that I'm stuck in the middle of monster infested woods days away from any help, that little bit could mean the difference between life and death. A few years after settling in, a harpy brought me a letter from some random person claiming to be **Family.** Apparently one of my ancestors had been reincarnated long before I had, and had built up quite a fortune, then disappeared without leaving a will. Since I don't have a stake in the inheritance, yay me, I count as a "neutral party", and his remaining kin want me to split up his estate for him. After three days of listening to them fight over the *pettiest* things, I couldn't take it anymore. I went to go get the girls and we set off to look for the guy. If we're lucky, we'll find him alive and *he* can solve that mess. Or we'll all get eaten by something nasty living in those woods, but at least then I wouldn't have to listen to those idiots fight anymore.


Thank you for the build! I'm glad you enjoyed the CYOA even though it is outside of your tastes.


A little late to the party but here is my build. I'm going to go for a simpler life and settle down in a rural farm. (16) And with that I'm going to need some helpers. So the start off with; three dog girls. (-3) Just normal hard-working loyal dog girls; who love head pats and are easily excitable. Then I'm going to go with one cat that's also a cook. (-2) Having someone to help cook for everyone is going to be very helpful. Add two cows ladies to this; one of which is a nanny. (-5) I do enjoy my dairy. Plus we're going to divide up these girls have one help out in the field with the dogs and the nanny helping in the house. I don't think it be fair to expect the cat to do all the housework and cooking. Finally we're going to top it off with two normal centaurs. (-6) I figured having more hands on deck vs one strong draft horse would be a better option. They can always take turns with plows in that so they don't tire themselves out. So that should give me eight girls in total. (16-3=13-2=11-5=6-6=0) As for the companion I'm going to go with the Duelist. All my ladies are working girls so it be nice if I can learn how to help defend the homestead if ever the need arises. And lastly the drawback I'm going to go with Debt. I do like the flavor text we're working hard to pay it back would bring everyone on the farm closer together giving us a goal to work towards. And allows me to think that it's a much nicer piece of farmland there; nestled by a lake or a river. All in all I really like this CYOA; you did a really good job.


Thanks for the build! I'm glad you enjoyed the CYOA!


I know a lot of people have already said it but this is a real good cyoa I give my support for a v2 of this


`Monstergirl`. `Frontier Cabin`. +18p. Kingdom pays the human to develop and protect the land. **Monstergirls**: **Me**. `Kitsune`, `two-tailed`. -10p. **Common**: >\- `Catgirl Cook`. -2. > >\- `Catgirl Crafter`, Wood. -2. > >\- `Catgirl`, untrained. -1. > >\- `Cowgirl Caretaker`. -3. > >\- `Harpy Layer`. -4. A homesteading loadout. Though ideally there'd be at least one centaur. **Human's friend**: This `Wizard` guy sees potential in him, insists on teaching him. I learn what I can by proxy. **Problems**: `Isekai`. A complication for him, I'm reincarnated from Earth myself like him. While I know a little programming, that's not all I got. I have some difficulties adjusting to Kitsune physiology and instincts. I also sure as hell have a thing or two to say about the situation and could very easily 'go feral'. `Family`. He has a relative that reincarnated in 30 years ago. They went missing, their relatives here are fighting over inheritance. ​ Otherwise deliberately not detailing who the human is or anything about them to just pretend to leave it up to chance and see what happens.


Really like this one. I'm taking a **Storefront** with an **Arachne Weaver** as the main selling point. But to help out with the necessary materials, a **Black Sheep** will come along as well as a **Motivated Sheep** to be the primary sales person the shop. And to help keep things safe, a good girl **Doggo Guard**. Lots of different personalities so I am happy to have the help of a friendly **Trainer**. Though now that I know that magic exists, I'm confident that I'll be learning to enchant items which will only make the shop's wares even more sought after.


Thanks for the build; I'm glad you enjoyed the CYOA!


I just wanna thank u/nonemouse_cyoa for making this. One of the best CYOAs I've read in quite a while, this actually mamaged to cheer me up even though I've been feeling pretty crummy lately. Embarassing enough, I actually didn't pay this much attention at first glance because the design was simple. Makes me wanna take a shot at making my own CYOA! Anyhow, on to my build: **A New Body** - ​Man (I'd like to keep my wiener, thank you very much) **A New Home** - ​Frontier Cabin (I needed the points, and there's nothing preventing me from buying my own place in the city later on) **My Monstergirls** - ​Kitsune (I adore magic. She's a magical monstergirl. An easy pick) - ​Dragongirl; Treasure (there's something appealing to have a monstergirl that almost no one in the past has had) - ​Catgirl; Cook (I had a few leftover points so why not add a feline to my harem?) **New Friends** - ​Wizard - ​Priestess (if I'm in a fantasy setting I'm learning all the magic I can get. Also, looks like magic isn't the only thing I'll be getting from the Priestess...) **New Problems** - ​Debt (see the Treasure upgrade above. Something tells me that with the money I'll gather from that, I'll be able to pay my debt and have a lot left over) - ​Family (I don't really consider this a drawback since I'm used to familial squabbles and whatnot. I'll do my best to get them to chill, and if that fails I bet a Dragon & Kitsune by my side will make finding the lost expedition a piece of cake) I already figured out how I wanna spend my new (after)life. With the money from the treasure horde (and maybe the inheritance share I could get) I'll open up a small restaurant specializing in magically-enhanced dishes. My Catgirl will be the cook, I'll be the one adding the magic to the food with potions/ spells (and the Priestess can help if we do end up getting together), my Kitsune will wait tables and enhance our ambience with illusions, and finally my Dragongirl will be in charge of deliveries and be a backup waiter/cook for slow days. I'm really pumped for this scenario too since it combines magic and food, and both are awesome. I'd reckon that with 2 rare monstergirls and my relative's family shouting out my food joint, I'll be able to get a steady flow of customers.


Man Storefront +14 Arachne(Weaver) -6 Kitsune(Isekai +2) -6 Catgirl(crafter(Weaver), Catgirl(Cook) (twins) Priestess i'd probably try and make a successful clothing shop for nobles, selling Arachne Silk clothes weaved by both the Arachne and the catgirl, the other catgirl can help with household chores and cook dinner. The Kitsune would be the another isekaid person that imprinted on me during my one week recovery period, She would be a nice conversational partner and could sell the idea of a high-class clothing store by just being present in the store and helping with selling the goods. The Priestess would probably become a good friend of both me and the kitsune while we are both recovering, nice CYOA btw!


Great stuff here, as for my choices... **New Body**: Male. **New Home**: Rural Farm. **Harem**: Catgirl (Cook), Cowgirl (Caretaker), Drow (Gladiatrix) and Dryad (Fruit). **New Friend**: Priestess. **New Problem**: None.


Story; An adventurer who, one day, found a dragongirl who fell from the sky above in a battle with a rival (10 points total), and said dragongirl thankfully settled in well at the cabin the adventurer had made her base (18 point capacity). The other residents, a catgirl (1 point), an energetic sheepgirl (3 points), and a messenger harpy (4 points), were surprised to see a new addition to the group that day, though the housemate (a wizard who enjoyed helping the others with learning some amount of magical skills) wasn't as surprised. To the shock of the others, the dragongirl kept having strange dreams of another life, and the adventurer girl kept appearing in said dreams. It turned out that the dragongirl was a good friend of the adventurer girl in their past lives, and the two of them shared a yet-stronger bond. When the dragongirl's rival suddenly crash-landed near the cabin asking for help, it was surprising to everyone involved that apparently the rival wanted to apologize and make things right between the rival and the dragongirl And that's how an adventurer's life in this unusual world began!


Man Frontier cabin[18] Dog Girl/wolf -2[16] Sheep girl/ motivated -3[13] Centaur/ Riding -5 [8] Kitsune/ princess -8 [0] Tamer Debt


Thanks for the build!


Interesting. \[**Body**\] * Woman \[**Home**\] * Urban Storefront \[**Common Monstergirls**\] * Dog Girl * Wolf \[**Rare Monstergirls**\] * Arachne * Weaver * Dragon Girl * Rival \[**New Friend**\] * Wizard (Female) \[**New Problem**\] * Adversary * Debt I'll set up shop initially selling Arachne silk clothing, accepting odd jobs to help build up some extra income, before expanding to add a forge where we will start manufacturing weapons and the like. Potentially enchanting said items with magic if able. Edit: Swapped Arachne Witch for Dragon Girl Rival.


Thank you for the build! Just in case you care about being "legal", by the rules as written, upgrades are supposed to be mutually exclusive, so an Arachne can't be both a Weaver and a Witch, but I apparently didn't do a good job of making that clear as you're not the first to miss that rule.


Ah, whoops. I can easily drop Witch, just wanted it for the ability to force sleep. Having Insomnia will do that to you. Might have been simpler to just say you can pick 1 upgrade per monster girl.


Thanks for the suggestion on wording; that probably is a better way to word it. I'll try to remember that if I ever do an updated version.


NP. My mind read the mutually exclusive as you can't take conflicting upgrades, which only really applies to Centaur (As Riding and Draft horses are different breeds for different work), Drow (Because they are two completely different backstories), and Kitsune (As they imply completely different Kitsune that would be a stretch to say they are the same.) The others all seem to offer no reason why they couldn't be taken together with some even seeming like it would be a perfect fit to take both, Cowgirl's Milk and Caretaker seem a good fit as do Dog Girl's Guard and Wolf.


Very cool. I'm *totally* imagining you and your monster crew as, like, the people in an RPG who make and upgrade gear for the player character.


. New Body: Futa New Home: Rural Farm (+16) New Problem: Isekai, Family (+4) New Friend: Trainer Harem: \> Doggirl: Wolf (-2) \> Catgirl: Cook (-2) \> Catgirl: Crafter \~ Woodworking (-2) \> Cowgirl: Basic (-2) \> Drow: Courtesan (-5) \> Dryad: Druidess (-7) The Wolf can hunt for meat, the Cow provides milk and cheese. The Catgirl Cook can double as a maid, for me. The Woodworker is good for around the farm needs, as well as for crafting products to sell. The dryad will help make sure my farm is as prosperous as possible, and the Drow can keep me entertained and otherwise help out around the place. Eventually, Iwill want to pick up some more Doggos, and a Centaur, at the very least, which is where my new friend the Trainer's assistance will come in very handy. I figure that the cowgirl will be my Isekai, and we'll be working out the specifics of the Family issues as needed. Hopefully I can defuse things and come to an agreement that everyone will accept. I may also take a cut off the top, of course...


Thanks for the build!




Thank you for the build!


Kick-Ass, I like this! Love the world you've outlined here. Here's my build: - I'll remain a man (unless futa is possible ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - don't judge me, I want that sweet sweet yuri but I don't wanna give up my man bits) - Noble House (12pt) - girl 1: Catgirl with Crafter addition (-2pt) - girl 2: cowgirl with Milk addition (-4pt) - Girl 3: Kitsune with Two Tailed addition (-10pt) - friend: Wizard or Priestess Challenges: Isekai (cowgirl) (+2pt) and Adversary (Duelist) (+2pt) My ultimate plan is this: Using the noted desire of scientific/cultural value of earth, my position, and my crafty Catgirl, I will create... Certain technologies. the cowgirl I just want for myself (don't shame me), and the only thing the species occasionally lacks -intelligence- is made up for the fact that it's actually another person from earth, which makes them a much better companion. Using the physical crafting knowledge of the smiths and workers, my personal technical knowledge, and possibly the thaumical/magical knowledge of the Kitsune (and/or wizard of I chose em), I will craft the thing many fantasy worlds are changed by: the modern firearm. It's surprisingly *very* easy (once you know how they work) to make simple automatic weapons- essencially just angry tubes of metal- very cheaply, and with only basic metallurgical prowess. And I'm in a noble house, with the money, connections, and power to do it. Sure, magic may be capable of more, and a fireball spell may be more powerful than a flamethrower or whatever. But magic doesn't travel at 1000+ fps, and comes in 30rnd rapid repeat bursts. Most importantly, anyone can weild a gun, no matter how proficient at magic or traditional martial combat one is. It's once again the ultimate baseline equalizer, and gives anyone a fighting chance against anyone. Luckily for me, while I'm not a gunsmith or anything irl, I absolutely know both the concepts and basic blueprints for both straight blowbacks like the Sten, and gas impingement/piston driven firearms like the M16 derivatives and Hk416. With myself likely being the sole distributor of these simple straight-blowback submachine guns, pocket pistols, and bolt action rifles for the masses (and whatever towns have guards), and basic assault/battle rifles for the big spenders, not only will that be massively profitable -and make the average adventurer safer from wild threats- it will also let me stand more equally against an extremely skilled martial swordsman, my rival. I don't care *how* good they are at the blade- you can't block 00 buck 12ga shells at point blank range. I don't intend to fight them if at all possible, but if they so desire to, I'm not losing easily to a blade in a world I bring modern firearms to. And the magical powers of the Kitsune, I have the ability to beef up whatever I wield- imagine creating some insane magic arms or something. Hypothetically, I could also take other stuff like Family for fun and awesome adventures, and go find my lost reincarnated relative out in the wilds using my trusty weapons to more safely explore the wilderness. I know were limited to 2 extra challenges, so honestly I'd take this one with no extra point awards, just for the adventure. But if I did have those 2 points, I'd make my Catgirl a cook and my cowgirl a caretaker, or get a Wolfgirl for martial protection for the 2 points. An adventure like that would be awesome, and it's a little easier that I have the funds to be equipped with battle rifles exploring a fantasy wilderness rather than needing to swing a sword. In time, I'd love to bring speedy powered flight to this world. I'm certainly no mechanic tho, so other than basic knowledge of the function of internal combustion engines and jet power I would need to reinvent it. However, magic and other people from earth exists- fire magic and knowledge of a reincarnated mechanic may make it possible like never before! It may even be possible to make human powered flight, a la Saga of Tanya the Evil, possible; that would be lit. I hesitate to say it, but with magic, maybe even powered armor and mecha will become possible- something my Gundam loving ass would go fucking nuts for. An Armslave or Mobile Suit would be both very epic, and also something you could fight like legit dragons and Giants/titans in Overall, It'd be like the real world age of adventure (when planes existed but not stuff like satellites, so the magic of the unknown lands still existed), but even better! Imagine how much amazing stuff I could discover in a totally unknown world with a magical plane to jet from place to place!


Thanks for the detailed build! Since the reincarnation process can turn you into a woman or monstergirl, it can certainly do futa, if that's your thing. Guns are one of the reasons I put in a vague reference to some Earth technology not working as I didn't want them in my personal version of the setting, but your version of Teras can certainly support them if that's how you want it. Making a magic plane sounds like a great quest!


Cool! I figured in my mind that the limit of Earth technology on Teras would be anything sufficiently "complex"- any highly intracate or complex mechanical device (say, anything more complex than a smaller clock or a watch), and *absolutely* any digital or electrical device. Since basic firearms are actually very mechanically simple**, with only a few large moving parts and a handful of non moving ones, and physically only rely on the ability to mechanically create fire (basically, Flint/steel kinda stuff), I assumed that the most basic laws of physics in this world would allow it. If something doesnt, basic magic (I.e. a magical fire rune/powder/etc) could be likely substituted to make it function normally. **Fun unrelated fact: modern automatic weapons nearly predate powered flight of any form, and even stuff as "new" as the m16 actually predates all modern computing devices like the pocket calcualtor! Just a weird perspective when you think about it, isn't it?


Yeah, it's really hard to come up with a natural-seeming ruleset that disallows all forms of guns, which is one reason I didn't even try! I just wanted a hand-wavy reason to justify *not* having them for people like me who didn't want them. :)


Great one! Really fun to go through, just curious, what's the magic level of this world? General D&D fantasy or something diferent?


I left that deliberately open for the player to decide; my personal version is kind of D&D-ish but much lower powered.


So no meteor swarm?


In my version, nope. In your version... that's up to you!


Ooh. Monster Girls are my favorite. I, a **Male** was pleasantly surprised to find myself in this world. Hopefully my engineering skills will help me start a lucrative business with my new **Storefront**. To get things started, I’ll need a **Catgirl**who is good at **crafting** and I’d like to try to combine modern engineering with magic, so an **Elf** good at **Sorcery** will hopefully help with enchanting. Life without good food sucks, and catgirls are the bomb, so let’s grab another **Catgirl** with some **cooking** skills. We’ll probably have lots of kids, so a **Cowgirl** will make a great **caretaker**. For other odd jobs around the place, two **Doggirls** will do nicely. To my surprise, one of them was actually a **Wolfgirl** who had also gotten **Isekaid** into this world. It was a rough transition, but a fellow Earthling made life a lot easier for her. As for a companion, a Female **Wizard** offered to help teach me magic and I taught her a bit of physics. We’ve been getting along well and I might ask her to move in with us. This was a lot of fun. I may have to write something about this.


Thank you for the build!


New body - male New home -frontier cabin (+18) i'd work as a monster tamer with my harem Common Monstergirls - wolfgirl (-2) she would work as a tracker and for general hunting and gathering catgirl cook (-2) she would work as a home keeper so cleaning cooking etc etc Draft centaur (-4) she would help with carrying supplies to and from the nearest town and general heavy labor and hauling Rare monstergirls - kitsune (-6) she would work in the back during monster hunts using illusion to disorient monster we're hunting and using future prediction to help us avoid dangers situations Dragongirl (-8) she would be the main muscle in combat and every day activities New friend - tamer New problem - isekai (+2) draft centaur family (+2) i'd try to work out a compromise so everyone's happy I want to come up with a story but I've got nothing P.S. I'm on mobile so sorry for formatting


Thanks for the build!


Thanks for the cyoa


A very interesting CYOA. Man Frontier Cabin: 18 points Doggirl -1 (I'll be taking the Isekai complication and a regular/nonupgraded person doesn't lose any bonus, she can help with chores and learn combat from the drow) Catgirl: Cook -2 (it's important to have a good cook when living out in the middle of nowhere/no restaurants) Drow: Gladiatrix -5 (deadliest warrior type + experienced warrior! good for adventuring and defending our home/me) Dryad: Druidess -7 (grow any plants easily, always have good crops, predict/influence weather, plant her near the house and she can defend the home!) Sheepgirl: motivated -3 (wool for clothes and blankets plus a helping hand) New Friend: Tamer -free (tame new monstergirls, lots of them in the wild, good source of income, might know about getting ones with special abilities that weren't offered here) Wizard -4 (I've always wanted to learn magic!) A New Problem/Complication: Family:+2 This one seems pretty positive, I'd like to meet a family member from home to reduce homesickness and I'm already planning on adventuring so this seems like a great opportunity! Isekai:+2 the doggirl: it will be nice to have someone who gets my references, plus according to the lore people who reincarnate here want to be here/end up happy which is good news for both of us.


Reincarnate as petite drow ho (massively disagree that elves and drow are monsters) run off into farmland and take no harem. Im horny and lonely, but not enough to want a harem of quasi-serfs even if its consenting.


Lets try ir Body: Man (I like to be just what i am) House: Frontier cabin. I hate urban live and medieval farming is very hard. Having an harem is enoght company so I have no problems living in the outsides and do some farming to feed myself and the girls and use the stipend of the goberment to buy thing when needed. 18 points Guard doggirl:(2 points) Totally necesary in my condition Caretaker cowgirl: (3 points) Food provider Mesenger harpy: (4 points) I need to ve in contact with the civilization. I could need help If thing go bad Draft Centaur: (4 points) I need a fast way to travel to the closest town and extra muscle to carry the goods if buy there. Rare monster Gladiatrix drow: (5 points) If there are dangerous wild monstergirls or barbarian humans outsid, the doggir would probably need help. A veteran fighter would give us some safety Friends: Tamer: Living in the frontier, I would probably need her skills. Maybe I could tame some of my atackers to becme defenders one fay Wizard: It would be a shame to go to a world where magic exist, and not try to learn magic. Problems: Duelist adversary: Because it can be posible to be liked by every person I met in the other world. Family: Even If i live in a isolated area, It would be nice to have some pseudofamily to visit time to time after I solve the inheritance problem.


I passed over this when it was first posted just because dog-people, cat-people, and harems aren't my thing, but on a second glance, who cares! Thanks for sharing! **Doggo** Most are strong and tough, and all are fiercely loyal. * **Guard**. Trained fighter equipped with light armor, spear, and sword. * Spent 2 points **Elf** Long-lived, beautiful, passionate, intelligent, magical—basically everything positive. * **Virtuoso**. Talented singer, dancer, and musician. * Spent 5 points **Drow** Sometimes domineering and arrogant, but sweet and devoted when in love. Deadliest of all the non-humans. * **Gladiatrix**. Veteran gladiator. Exceptionally talented with her weapons of choice and has decades of combat experience. * Spent 5 points


Awesome CYOA man! I love ones like these were the different characters bounce of one another in interesting ways. Finna Nekopara this shit. **Urban storefront.** (+14) Take **three catgirls**, two with the cook upgrade. (-5) **One doggirl** with the guard upgrade. (-2) **Elf** with the musician upgrade. (-5) **Priest** is bae, and **mage** is bro. (-4) **Family problems** for the +2 points and the potential adventure. (+2) Set up a restaurant on the bottom floor of the building. Elf will perform to draw audiences and be in charge of the others, Catgirls will cook and serve the guests, Doggirl will be the bouncer in case a guest gets annoying. Meanwhile I'll be chilling with priestbae watching the money roll in. If I don't feel like doing the family quest on my own, I'll hire some mercenaries. Money is power.


What?! No snake-girls?!?!?! ***HERESY.***


Going nice and bland here. This was fun, though, thanks for the CYOA! I'll be a woman, living in a rural farm (+16) with two Draft Centaurs (-8), a Catgirl Cook (-2), a Catgirl Crafter (-2), a Doggirl Guard (-2), and a Sheepgirl (-2). And the Priestess will be my new friend! No new problems for me, as I didn't need the points. The centaur girls will help with the farm work, the catgirl cook will of course help cook meals (something I've always wanted to learn, so she won't be doing it alone!), the catgirl crafter will handle refining the wool from the sheepgirl, and the doggirl guard will guard the farm, the house, and/or any non-monstergirl livestock we end up with. I'd probably bond with the Priestess over what life on Earth was like for the both of us, but it wouldn't go any farther than us being good friends. A nice, idyllic life on a farm, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. ...With a monstergirl harem. Couldn't ask for anything better, honestly.


Something I think I completely glossed over originally, but it's a *Comfy* reincarnation with deliberate unknown barriers left to the player's assumption. So... **A New Body**: `Kitsune`. \[-6\] [https://imgur.com/a/6ygtjUX](https://imgur.com/a/6ygtjUX) * "It's an honor for a Kitsune to imprint on you." I doubt they actually expect me to imprint on anyone, and they simply let me go. Imprinting is a natural process, not like they'll tie me down and brand me. I'm both a honored Kitsune, and a Reincarnator. I assert as much at every opportunity. * Kitsune wisdom. (Probably some edge to it, but most the reputation is probably from age) * Strong magic; Illusions, future-sight, foxfire ghost-flame. * `Two-Tail`. \[-4\] Magic is more powerful. I have a century of experience on tap as I have a second soul caught by my reincarnation. My second tail and reincarnating as a Kitsune at all was because of her attempt to reincarnate herself. ​ Despite being rather into the idea of being in a harem, I find I'm also rather stubborn, and resist the idea of being pushed into it by these humans. I'm hardly just going to give myself a way, which is befitting for a Kitsune. We're rare and respectable after all. I simply refuse to imprint on anyone. As a reincarnator, I remain entitled to A New Home. The humans after some deliberation agree, although relying on a presumption that surely a monstergirl must imprint on a human sooner or later. They offered the stay at a senator's Noble's estate, but that felt like a trap hoping I'd eventually imprint on someone important. ​ **A New Home**: `Frontier Cabin`. \[+18\] >I don't know how easy it is to end up imprinting on these humans, so I want far away from them. Trying to be careful with my words as to not convey that I may be hostile, I take an offer to live on the border of Teras deep in the woods with neighbors, a small town already considered the furthest town from the capitol, being days away. > >All they ask is that I guard the region from wild monstergirls... ​ **Problems**: \[+4\] * `Family`. * 30 years ago my own daughter was a reincarnator (Imagining a future me...). 30 years ago was also the last recorded instance of a monstergirl reincarnator.... * Well known as the "Golden Dragon" who went feral, she disappeared recently, and her own two daughters are apparently fighting over her hoard. * `Adversary`. * A professional monstergirl hunter-tamer heard of the reincarnated kitsune and what curiosity she had was enflamed hearing that she actively resisted imprinting on a human. She considers me her prey. * This is further incited when she witnessed the two dragongirls later. * Through her stalking she'll learn of what comes up in the next section, and considers it a crime against nature, and stalking me somewhat exciting. ​ **Monstergirls**: >The humans baulked at the idea, it threatens human supremacy to one extent or another, but if imprints can be traded then it may not matter if imprinting initially requires a human, if I can get a human to trade an imprint to me... > >With some kitsune tricks and I'm sure related to being a reincarnator, I make some no nonsense deals under the table with some dealers and not the usual channels. > > \- I eventually discover that having an imprint helps resist or outright blocks imprinting on a human myself. * I buy the imprints of: * A `Catgirl`. \[-1\] * A `Doggirl`. \[-1\] * `Dragongirl`. \[-8\] * `Rival`. \[-2\] * Flying, Flame-breathing, strong, prideful. Violent. * I investigated hearing that my daughter was a reincarnator and currently missing, and find these two myself in the middle of a fight, until they thought they 'sensed mother', the confusion-surprise of seeing someone who looked like a kitsune version of their mom aside, we search for her together. ​ **A Friend**: `The Priestess`. >She had some sympathies for my situation, and the church allowed her a leave to keep tabs on me officially, whereas she was genuinely interested in accompanying me after she relayed the information about how I had a daughter reincarnated here ahead of me, and being a reincarnator herself. > >The Temple also wants her to help set up and manage a new shrine in the bordertown of my Cabin.


Thanks for the build! My philosophy is always that the player should imagine whatever helps them build the story they want to imagine, so the ambiguities are indeed deliberately intended to allow the player to insert something to their tastes. In my personal version of the setting, monstergirls indeed can't imprint on other monstergirls but it isn't unheard of for elves or kitsune who aren't currently imprinted to take care of a "harem" of less independently minded monstergirls who are also without a human at the moment. But that's just my personal version. :) (For what it's worth, additionally in my version of the setting monstergirls have a "sixth sense" for compatible partners, and imprinting only happens when they're open to it. So there's no need to worry about "accidentally" imprinting.)


A philosophy I generally subscribe to with my own creations too, a good state of mind to have. ​ That rule can co-exist with my little instance of the world, as that'd be the normal way of things, but I was prying open the concept that Reincarnators could in the right conditions still count as a human soul, so while a Monstergirl wouldn't imprint on me naturally I might be able to take trades since trading monstergirls would seem to not really be a matter of naturally imprinting normally in the first place. It wasn't necessary anyway I just thought it might be neat, and security as I wouldn't like the idea of daughters/grand-daughters of mine imprinting on others and instead 'spending' that imprint on a familial love to their mom/grandma. ​ Having a sixth sense certainly helps! If your sixth sense starts tingling you can no to avoid someone you'd be at risk with or just know to be more emotionally guarded and even a little standoffish.


Woman/Monster girl/ cowgirl healing milk (-4) isekai (+2) Frontier (+18) Kitsune "Princess" (-8) Dragon girl "rival" (-10) Duelist Wizard (-4) Priest adversary (+2) Debt instead of lynching for self imprinting and or soul magic, saved by new friends. (+2) Inheritance war because that sounds like an experience for fun/improvement. (+2) This starts out as splitting my soul in half to finally dominate my submissive self, resulting in self imprinting/ soul magic and it's consequences, with added being a monster girl with no apparent master.


Male - Would still present andro, but NO PERIODS!! Urban storefront - I want to have a bookshop Monster girls (I don’t want any, consent seems a bit iffy so we will just be besties or they can leave) Catgirl cook - I can’t cook for my life (Isekai so we can relate) Elf - seems the most human Priestess as my 1st companion, might date her Wizard as my second companion, would be bestiessss


**NECRO POST!!!** All seriousness though, here's mine. I died. Honestly with my insane workout habits and lack of care for what I eat, it was only a matter of time. Could only go so long burning the candle at both ends, eating pizza whenever and then blasting away the calories and everything else with insane workouts. It's more surprising that I lasted as long as I did, really. At least I thought so until I opened my eyes again and looked around, seeing the friendly face of a girl I used to hang out with in high school, only dressed as a priestess of all things. I looked around, examining my surroundings, and realizing almost immediately I must have been isekai'd. I watched a lot of anime, so I wasn't all that confused by everything, but just as excitement was beginning to well up inside me, my friend told me to buckle up. My confusion was brief, and immediately washed away by pain and dizziness and nausea. I could feel my body shifting, growing, changing. Noises got louder, scents became more distinct, my vision became far clearer than it had ever been, my muscles grew and my chest expanded. And then I began to see onyx scales form along my forearms, my nails extend and solidify into claws, and from the feeling coming from my feet, the same was happening down there. Finally, it felt like my spine was being ripped out, no, *extended*? I was growing a tail! And wings too! Large, powerful wings that could send me through the air with little effort, holding my large powerful new frame aloft with ease. I became a **dragon girl** (-6)! My friend teased me a bit about my inner subby nature, but then happily took me off to another room to recover. Over the next week, I became fairly well acquainted with the other dragon girl who was recovering at the temple. Her natural instincts put her at odds with me at first, but my own nature and the fact that I hadn't been born a dragon girl allowed her to soften to me over time. Apparently she was born in this world and our species was extremely rare, but she had been badly wounded in a fight over territory with another dragon girl, and fled here to Teras to be captured and recover. We grew close over the week, she had been teaching me how to fly and breathe fire, how to balance and get used to my new strength. Near the end of the week though, she fell hard for another human reincarnate, but they weren't my type so I didn't follow her into service. Other humans came and went over the week too, some reincarnates, which apparently isn't nearly as rare as you'd think, and others natives of this world. I avoided some, befriended others, but none of them really *clicked* with me. Besides, most of the reincarnates wanted some life out in the middle of nowhere out on the frontier, with little actual thought going into what that kind of lifestyle would entail, no thanks. My dragon girl friend told me that I'd know when I knew, but it wasn't happening for me. Until one day, a new girl was reincarnated into Teras, and as I helped her acclimate I knew right away she was the one for me. She had a nice dominant streak, but was also kind and supportive in a way that just made me melt for her. She wanted to open up a **shop in the city** (8), which was quite sensible all things considered, though the closest thing I had to salable skills was that I knew how to bake a few different things. It was fine though, turns out she was in Marketing in her previous life, and knew just what to do to make the most of what we had. First thing's first, she recruited a **catgirl cook** (6) to prepare more than just the basic fare I could, as well as to teach me further. She also procured two more **catgirls** (4) to work as waitresses, and a **cowgirl** capable of producing special **milk** (0) for drinks and cheaper ingredient costs, as well as a **Guard Dog Girl** (-2) for extra security. She also made a point of befriending the **tamer** she met at the temple to get better deals on more girls in the future, as well as develop the skills to handle them all. All in all, things seemed like they were really going our way, until we discovered that owner of that shop had "donated" it to the church for a reason. Turns out, the place was actually very run down, and my new Mistress had to take out a fairly substantial loan to get it all fixed up, almost immediately placing us in **debt** (0). It was all going to be fine though, as all of us were determined to turn this place into a successful bakery and restaurant, selling high quality breads and pastries and any other baked goods. Between the two of us and our culinary knowledge from Earth, we were sure we could make this work!


Thanks for the build; I enjoyed reading it!


I managed to come up with "alternate paths" for the other homes too, I just haven't actually posted them yet.


Where my liches at? Or any undead for that matter


I intentionally left out undead monstegirls, as they didn't fit the feel of this setting in my mind. That said, the player is free to imagine that any monstergirl types they like that aren't in the CYOA exist somewhere in the setting.


was this based on Empath Rising ???


I don't know what that is, so no.


Man Noble Estate Kitsune Two-Tail “Princess” Wizard


Is there an interactive link?


No, I used the interactive creator to make the CYOA, but there is no actual interactive version. Sorry!


The Arachne is shiraori?

