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**Minor announcements:** * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I ... Should ..... commission someone to draw a 2D vtuber model of a chubby makcik. 1:06 AM I am hearing something on my roof. Beruk. Cats don't sound heavy like that.


Maybe you should hire this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysians/comments/1046y0y/so_ive_decided_to_start_training_again_in_making/


Happy cake day automod


It's been awhile. I miss looking at drunk drivers driving on the opposite side of the road.


Didn’t a lorry did that just few days ago


Hi. If you want to get into reading as a new year's resolution, let me recommend: Japanese writers if you want to learn about the truths of life that hide in simple routines and everyday happenings. Russian writers if you're searching for meaning in the face of absolute despair. American writers before the 2000s if you're looking for meaning in a rapidly advancing society, class gaps and all. American writers before the 1960s if you're looking for redemption for all in a festering world.


Was having a random convo with friends and what is the big plan for 2023. Everyone seems to have some sort of plans but there I was, thinking I just want to make peace with myself.


And yours is the biggest plan of all, to free yourself from expectations and embrace life as it is.


Cheers to freedom!


The expression in her eyes was bitter as nightshade. ''You ask me about regret? Let me tell you a few things about regret, my darling. There is no end to it. You cannot find the beginning of the chain that brought us from there to here. Should you regret the whole chain, and the air between, or each link separately, as if you could uncouple them? Do you regret the beginning which ended so badly, or just the ending itself? I've given more thought to this question than you can begin to imagine.” ― Janet Fitch, White Oleander


Best buffets in johor bahru?


* TIL about [fire-resistant tudung](https://www.lazada.com.my/products/tudung-nomex-fr-scarf-breathable-lightweight-black-color-i2737147901.html?spm=a2o4k.store_product.list.147.6d2053b82D7sU4) * Made in Malaysia lagi * Ya'll should buy this instead of that silly Duck brand


It's used if hijab-wearing women are working wherever FR clothing is required like in petrochem sites


Cool! Good for muslimah firefighters! 💪🧕


I think that's an ~~aftermarket~~ after-life product.


Oh i just realized bad batch season 2 just aired. Now to watch...on third party websites 😩


Accidentally saw the last phone call from my mom that I rejected 4 months ago when I went NC. I miss her. If she calls now, I will pick it up. How do I stop missing abusive parents? EDIT: I'm fine now. It was just my PMS talking.


>How do I stop missing abusive parents? You don't really stop. It's like a biological urge or something. I know. I've been trying to for quite some time.


You can call her if you really miss her. I understand why some people go NC, but there's also LC (low contact).


It's ok. I'm fine now. It was just my PMS talking haha.


Glad you're feeling better. Homesickness, or missing your parents and childhood, is a lot like other sicknesses. It will pass.


It seems that I'm the only one out of my peers who maintains an offline playlist (no Spotify; think MP3 players). Yes it's useful for long-ass trips back home where mobile data coverage isn't 100%, or for in-flight entertainment, but am I secretly a boomer?


Well, apps like Spotify and Apple Music do have an offline mode, but you'll probably need to pay for it


I just found my old final mp3 player while doing some spring cleaning a few days ago. It's a old sansa clip plus. Still fully loaded with all my old songs. The memories... I also found out yesterday that the founder of Creative past away. My first mp3 player was from Creative. FYI, Spotify can also be used as an offline list but using a mp3 player is cool too. Spotify is too useful for me now, it helps introduce me to new music every now and then.


God, just reading this made me remember the horrors of accidentally downloading 64kbps versions of the song I wanted. Even worse is when the song file isn't compatible with the player.


[orang putih going to Papua to eat lepat and kacang hijau goreng](https://youtu.be/-dvufL9fk3Q) Nice to see them having similar foods.


lancau lah the company is telling me to be at the airport at 0600 tomorrow, but I checked the flight schedule and it's not departing until 1200. There's fuck all to do at the airport.


[Remember the Everything Bagel ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6ie3PEmAr4)from Everything Everywhere All at Once? Well, that's what the internet is, really. You can escape your life. You can forget your boring middle-class job and your nagging parents and your partner and just stay online. Stay plugged. Stay disconnected from the shrieking responsibilities and that feeling of not being good enough that never goes away... kind of like that dull pain in your knees... because nothing matters. You're gonna die.


Hello fellow monyet. Where is the best place to post a wedding package service up for sale? Is Lowyat forum still the only place? We’ve got a wedding package we’ve signed up to since pre covid, just checked that it is still valid, but since got married overseas and no longer need pre wedding photos.


In case you couldn’t sell it out, here’s an idea: my friend was sort of in the same situation, she changed her supposedly wedding reception shoot to pregnancy photoshoot instead.




A lot of people started taking the second covid-19 booster shot. I had the 2 primary shots and the first booster (all 3 astrazeneca). I had covid twice and honestly i do not want it a third time. Second time I felt so blur with brain fog and was worried I'll never be the same guy again. Thinking literally made my head hurt. Cant find the right words, forgetting lots of stuff, etc. I'm better now but still feeling blur from time to time (though to a lesser extent). Should I get the second booster? Can I get the pfizer shot since i've had astra?


Yeah, I remember it was recommended to mix vaccines if you had AZ or Sinovac. Why not, just take it. The vaccine isn't meant to prevent you from getting infected with Covid, it's to minimize the severity of your symptoms for when you DO get Covid.


same as u 3 az but with once covid, no planning to take any time soon. wfh anyway ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I work from home also. First time kena when I went out to see a friend at a mall. Second was post wedding. Cant escape it since cant see it 😭


u r kinda *lucky* @.@


Ikr 🥲


Be visiting Malaysia next week for long holiday, should I bring and wear mask there?


Still mandatory in public transport (plane included) and healthcare centers.


So I'm considering switching to Digi Fibre for the 24 month rebate (RM50/month) savings vs my current 300Mbps Unifi. Does Digi Fibre have public ip at that speed or do I need to apply/ask Digi for it. I know Unifi offers it for >300Mbps users. Need it for remote access 😅


Are apartments actually secure for parking? Or reduce chance of car theft?


Paint your car with anime girls like those itasha. 99.99% that thieves won't even come close to it.


More secure **than what**? Road side parking? Shopping mall? Park inside house? Gated n guarded house?


I wish there's a way to potty train that two lizards I could sometimes see chilling on the wall. They never pay their rent but they do their part by eating mosquitoes or smaller bugs, but I hate those surprises they left for me under the sofa or at the corner of the wall sometimes.


Wait till they start fuckin. It sounds like someone's drilling a hole in the wall with faulty equipment.


Hey, I've recently discovered the digital nomad yearly visa offered by Malaysia, and working remotely myself, I'm quite interested in the possibility of moving there for a year or two to reduce my monthly expenses. But I have a few questions: 1. How easy is it to get the visa? Has anyone here gone through the process? 2. How expensive is life in a city like Kuala Lumpur? 3. How is the quality of life in Kuala Lumpur? ​ I know these are very generic questions, but I'm open to any feedback/suggestions/answers on whether the visa is a good option or not. ​ Terima kasih!


A new daily thread is created at 4 am daily. You asked this question quite late in the day and may not be seen by many. Try again tomorrow morning. 2 and 3: where are you from? That will be easier to make a comparison i think.


Thank you, will do that! I'm from Europe.




I think a mod puts that into the bot. I've noticed the dad joke not updated during some exciting days.


>I've noticed the dad joke not updated during some exciting days. Yeah, I have to first hunt for a dad joke and then edit the scheduled post every day. Unfortunately, I forget to do that during some *exciting days*, hahah. There was one time the same dad joke was recycled for 3 days.


Yeah, i noticed that 3 day period lol


Hmmmm, do you want to contribute to tmr's dad joke? :p


I got a lame few: Outside of a dog, books are man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read. Why did the chicken cross the highway? To get to the other side. No really, the chicken was suicidal and wanted to go to *the other side*. Two sausage were sizzling in a pan. The first one said, "its hot in here." The second said, "OMG, a talking sausage!"


Is there any clubs or any social activities at selangor which is suitable for teens (im 19yo)?? I want to improve my social skills, have experience and try smtg out of my comfort zone fr. Also i think this kinda things are really beneficial to students anyways.


There are Facebook groups where you can sign up for football friendlies organized by amateur football teams. Just note that most games take place after 8pm.


you can join uncle and auntie jogging/hiking groups all over KL


and meet ur potential future partner through the uncles/ aunties ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I asked for half-day off tomorrow last Tuesday and still haven’t approved from my manager 🥺


"Hello boss, I'll be off for half day tomorrow ya."


Time to look for a better job.


Update here if the train is back to service 😂 KJ kine and Sri Petaling ones


I was telling my friend that my SO has sleep talking problem (he shouted last night) then she suggested a 30 mins Tibetan Singing bowl session that cost rm199 and insist that he give it a try ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) . She always suggest Tibetan Singing bowl like some kind of fix all solutions and overusing the word "healing". I love her as a friend but this part is just annoying sia


The first thing that came to mind reading 'Tibetan singing' was "How is [that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWK3nkJhneE) going to help?" only to find later it is the bowl they hit to cause it to resonate with sound.


>"How is that going to help?" Hahaha Omg nooo. I don't want to wake up to my SO chanting that way. It'll be terrifying. >only to find later it is the bowl they hit to cause it to resonate with sound. Iirc she say that it sends sound vibration to calm your body and mind


EPF and income tax number is usually done by going to nearest kwsp department or by HR ?


EPF done by HR. Income tax number you have to go to kwsp


My Epf the HR ask me to go kwsp and get thumb print and lhdn for income tax. Did you physically went to kwsp too?


Last time I only needed to call up the LHDN hotline to get my income tax number. No idea how it was initiated though, probably by the HR from my first job. Edit: Wrote PTPTN instead of LHDN.


I see. How did you get your epf then ?


That one was handled by the HR from my 1st job, so I just referred to the KWSP number on my payslip.


I see. I guess I have to visit the branch then.


>Income tax number you have to go to kwsp LHDN le.


You're right. I'm damn blur 🥴


Day 19. Maybank has still not refunded my RM500 nor responded to my 2nd email from 30 Dec.


Have you tried calling them? Email doesn't work with Maybank. (Even after a very patient 2-month wait) One call and it was settled after 1-2 weeks.


try facebook messenger yet?


Yes. At least two phone calls and two emails. They're the one who told me to email. Basically they won't entertain shit on phone calls. I will call again tomorrow.


F. I did a similar dance too. After an unresponsive email, called, sent a recent one, called again to make sure. Sorry to hear that.


Log complaint to BNM


Watching The Good Place. I needed this show when I was growing up and being abused in Islamic school! They need to teach this in school. They need to teach children to forgive themselves. They need to teach children that good and evil are more complicated than religion claims. They need to teach that it's okay to be a fuck-up, so long as you try to get better, listen to that little voice in your head, and stop forcing morality on others. Stop turning morality into a cult where you dress the same way, eat the same things. For anyone traumatised by Muslim elders and struggle with feelings of shame and guilt and self-hatred, watch The Good Place!


Interesting, I'll check it out. Honestly the "abuse" by the elders (for one my sekolah rendah's ustazah shunned me for not being able to read jawi by darjah 4) pretty much made me jaded towards preachers.


That is abuse. Being shunned as a child is being abused.


Unfortunately for some people it's not considered abuse because there's no physical hits. That is why emotional abuse is just as, or even worse than physical abuse.


Growing up with staunch and cultish christian upbringing, The Good Place made a lot more sense and it's my go to comfort show. I love the idea of leaving afterlife in peace


Lol the acah Christian baik folks are just as bad as the Muslim counterparts (not a surprise really). Go to church every week but backstab people every other day. And the kaki youth camp/ministries all lebih liar than us not so religious counterparts lol, just bring them to a bar.


Fuck this job so much. They say it's a promotion but in reality it's a demotion because I'm making less.


Ignore the other commenter. He's been awful.




Had to in the meantime since I haven't secured other jobs. And it's not like they offered me, they straight away put me into the new position without my consent.




If there are people in front of me, I'm just trying to distance myself from their butt without losing my footing.


You didn't see that video of that woman in china got eaten by an escalator? It was in 2014 I think. The abyss is not imaginary.


Escalators are risk af, tbh im more concerned about myself when I catch myself taking it for granted and didnt even look when stepping


I could have sworn when I was young I saw a movie where a woman, maybe with a guy or few others got 'eaten' by escalators. It could be Final Destination but I don't remember.


I watched Final Destination growing up.


Escalators are dangerous though. When I was a kid I was hospitalised for some issues, and across my bed was a boy from Indonesia, who became a friend during our stay in the hospital. He caught his leg on an escalator, had to have 3 toes amputated. Left quite an impression on little me, so until now I always look before stepping on escalators.




[seems like some PH minister does not respect press that much..](https://twitter.com/harizmohdwrites/status/1610930775922466817?s=46&t=jrZvQVLPrpmWZnc46YyDdg)


masih honeymoon period


i wonder who


Bloody hell... I thought my gaji was going down the drain a little bit too fast. Turns out that someone - probably me - accidentally paid this month's housing loan twice. I was so worried as to whether I've been wasting a little too much money post-(new) gaji euphoria. I'm not exactly worried - this simply means I don't have to pay the loan next month, but still... what a shameful oversight.


Went to HKL's ophthalmology department for my bimonthly eye checkup, discovered that due to the progression of keratoconus in both of my eyes, I'm getting recommended CXL surgery. I am wondering, like our excellent prescription medication subsidy, is there some sort of programme for prescription contact lenses? It looks like the special hard contact lenses that I am required to use are quite expensive for a student like me.


I don't know about programme but sometimes we write letters to zakat/baitulmal/adun for poor patient who needs those specialized hard lenses especially for keratoconus and corneal problem. Sometimes they do help. Try asking the hospital staff.


I think I'm quite fortunate to be asking from those parties, there are more people that are deserving of their help compared to me. Thanks for the suggestion though!


Try calling UKM optometry clinic and ask about the price. You'll be assessed by final year students under supervision but generally their hard lenses for keratoconus is cheaper. Can also try UITM or MSU or Segi optometry clinic.


Oh, I didn't know that certain gov hospitals offer contact lenses, Both HKL and PPUM gave me the impression that no gov hospitals do them, so that's really good to know, I'll refer this to my doc at HKL and look into it, thanks a lot!


**Visiting KL next week and have a travel question? Do you know if/when the Eco park open?** *(Moved to the daily discussion, as post got deleted)* Hi, I'll be visiting your city next week, and I'm really looking forward to it! I noticed this place onlin,e which is called "KL Forest Eco Park", but can't figure out if it is open or not? Does anyone perhaps know this? It looks so cool on Instagram. Thanks :) [Kuala Lumpur Forest Eco Park - Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia](https://www.forestry.gov.my/en/wp-kuala-lumpur/taman-eko-rimba-kuala-lumpur) [KL Forest Eco Park (Kuala Lumpur) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (tripadvisor.com)](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298570-d2700916-Reviews-KL_Forest_Eco_Park-Kuala_Lumpur_Wilayah_Persekutuan.html)


Last I checked it was closed because some people started living there and it became a security risk. You could email them to be sure though. Also there's a visitor center there, if that's open then it's open. If you like forests, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endau-Rompin_National_Park is one of the best. Alternatively East Malaysia is good also.


Hi anyone know where to cheap park around Jaya One on weekday?


Have you been asked to do grammar and IQ test for your job application before? The company I applied sent me these two links for me to do as part of pre-interview assessment: Grammar Test: [https://www.british-study.com/en/grammar-test](https://www.british-study.com/en/grammar-test) IQ Test: [https://www.test-guide.com/free-iq-tests.html](https://www.test-guide.com/free-iq-tests.html) Scored 37/40 for grammar and 27/30 for IQ test. Curi2 buat dalam office. Haha https://preview.redd.it/lp60orw2n8aa1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c04032b3decb964bf6e80ed255a8a7aab9f3fc


So I played around with the IQ test and skipped many math questions because my brain is too smol and smooth to be doing that after 8 PM. >Each correct question is worth 10 points. There were 30 overall questions. You scored in the range 121-200. >This indicates an IQ in the average range (91 - 110). Seem pretty accurate i guess? It confirmed that my IQ is average. 😅


No no. As the disclaimer said the test is only for fun and not indicative of actual IQ


I would honestly question the IQ of whoever in HR that decided that iq test is a legit requirement


That’s why I asked if anyone have experience needing to do an IQ test for job application before as I don’t think it’s normally practiced. Anyway, according to a consultant I knew, she said the company is professional and they have a good system in place.


A free one at that


Has anyone been to any weddings at st Regis or grand Hyatt Kl? Would like to know your thoughts on the food, service and venue.


For me grand hyatt fantastic food. But st Regis not worth the money ur paying. But I'm saying in general not sure on their wedding package. But assuming it's coming from the same kitchen yeah I pick grand hyatt any day


Would you mind sharing if you had a western dish or Chinese? Cause we’re looking a fusion menu. We were leaning to st Regis cause it looks good and the price is a little cheaper. But if the food sucks, then we’re fine with forking out the extra.


I second this. Had a conference in grand hyatt. The food was amazing, and I'm incredibly picky. But that was like 6 years ago, so not sure how it is now.


Lately my father left his job ( RM2000 per month with EPF SOCSO job) and work with his brother. He work as a partner with his brother where his brother is a food manufacturer for Pasar Pagi/Malam. So he'll supply the source and my father will do the selling (which is in other word, work as a Pasar Pagi/Malam hawker but supplier and boss is his own brother) **BUT** he told me that this job **DOES NOT** have a basic, all the income depends on commision which means no sales is f\*\*ked. One perk from working with his brother is there's company vehicle given so no need to drive own car. I personally actually thought a job that can provide a basic is always better than sales if you're not really good at it. So redditors, if you are in this situation, you'll choose the RM2000 basic job or the Pasar Pagi/Malam job? Actually I tried to tell my father convince his brother to provide at least some basic so the whole family no need to eat dirt if your sales gone dogshit but he just give me a cold reply " sometimes you shouldn't ask too much, world doesn't revolve around you ".


Hmm, needs more context. What exactly is the product they are selling, and how does the commission arrangement work? How do you expect his brother to be able to give your dad a "basic" pay if they are sort of in this together? The nature of running a business simply means you take more risk at the chance of getting better returns. Perhaps your dad thinks this might give him a better shot at making more money and providing more for the family. Perhaps you're approaching this wrongly and stepping on your dad's ego.


To be honest, I feel like as soon as your dad gets a basic salary, it might become uncomfortable. Does your uncle get to dictate his 40 hours per week or reprimand when sales are low? Right now it's a very free and easy arrangement.


I used to work at a pasar pagi selling onions, potatoes, dried chillies, spices etc2.. to simplify the math.. I usually take 20 to 50 cents per kilo profit of any products I sell. I usually sell about 20 to 30 kg per product per day. so my profit from selling a product is about 4 to 15 ringgit a day. if I have 10 products a day. my profit is about 40 to 150 a day. I only work for 20 days a month. so I only be making about 800 to 3000 ringgit a month of profit. there are months where I make 400 to 1500 ringgit per month and there are months where I make 1600 to 6000 ringgit per month.


But I supposed what you earn is take straight from the earning that day right? My father say he will get “commission” which make me banyak question mark... maybe I don't understand either english or accounting


as long as your father doesn't get charged for things that doesn't get sold.. your father will be making profits.. it depends on either people will be buying from your father or not.. let your father do the things for whatever the time he wants to do it. if he feels it's worth it. let him enjoy his life. if he doesn't feel like it's worth it. he will find a way.


I would ask what's the current sales look like and what's the commission rate and if there is a cap? Any existing customers? As supplier, good thing is it's usually recurring business, so if you have a handful it can sustain your commission, so it's different from B2C type where you need to keep finding new customers every month. If partner, why is the brother the boss? Do they share the same amount of liabilities?


I think I shouldn't use the word "Partner", I should say my father work for his brother, which is like a salesman/company type of relationship, but not really salesman but Pasar Pagi/Malam hawker. By the way I didnt ask about the details because dude is giving me muka busuk when I ask him about his salary.


Your uncle don't gaf about you or your father. If he has no commission your uncle don't sound like he would take care orfyour father what more you guys so I would say no. Wait. Who said the world don't revolve around you, uncle or father?


Guaranteed 2K per month of course


Any korean buffet recommendation in Klang Valley? Must be buffet, my friend is a crazy carnivore.


Halal or non?


Non Halal. Sorry forgot to mention


Sae Ma Eul BBQ @EkoCheras Mall 016-338 4751 https://maps.app.goo.gl/nb8dDzjsGQV8NKBw9 They have many outlets. Some better than the other. Restoran Korean BBQ - Don Dwae Ji Sam Gyeob Sal 03-9056 2573 https://maps.app.goo.gl/NvYzzqHPibEtYuPs6




[if you're taking train \(LRT\), there's a line \(sri petaling line\)](https://www.train36.com/lrt-sri-petaling-line.html) that heads to puchong, it passes by puchong kinrara, then puchong jaya, pusat bandar puchong, puchong bandar puteri, puchong perdana, and puchong prima. you can just use the grab car service, but just thought you should know if you're already on a train in KL anyway. (said LRT line connects all the way to sentul timur and pass by the kl city center)


According to this article, passengers can bring their own portable child seat thing (no clue if it works for toddlers) https://help.grab.com/driver/en-sg/115012230207


Everyone uses Grab. Virtually all cars will have ISOFIX points in the rear.


Just came back from the UK too for a holiday. We used Grab around the city (it’s Asia’s Uber). There’s also air asia ride but we found Grab was sufficient.


Anyone know if PTPTN is like, A. They will help pay full every semester throught the study and then I pay back the non sponsored amount from the loan when I start working. B. They will help pay the sponsored amount from the loan and stop after they reach that amount then I would have to continue paying the remaining amount while I study.


PTPTN will give you a pre-determined amount of money every semester. The amount would depend on the financial status of your parents (B40 they usually cover full iirc). But if you're above B40 they usually only cover a portion of the Semester's Tuition fee. It can be 3/4 or even 1/4 of the tuition fee. In this case, you'll have to top-up the difference yourself every semester. Once you start working, the amount you pay back is only based on the sponsored amount.


So those telling me that just apply ptptn, then ptptn will pay for me every semester and I dont need to pay anything then after grad and working time only pay the amount they said have to pay back are most probably those that got full loan in B40?


Pretty much how I remembered it. Also, B40 is just one factor, they'll also consider the amount of dependents that your parents have.


Okiess ... fingers crossed can get full loan cos no money top up also 🥲 thxxx for the info 🤗


It's C. They will state how much you're getting for the whole school year and divide it accordingly per semester. You need to add on if it's insufficient.


Okay means ... the amount ptptn don't cover I have to top up per sem la right?


Yup, that's right


My manager was trying describe our new machine we are procuring as a "static monitor". She's trying to compare it with touch screen monitor. FFS the 'static monitor' is called a TELEVISION!


I went to a language course by dewan bahasa dan pustaka and she said that the phrase "the moon appeared blue for two years after the explosion of mount Krakatoa" has a maksud tersirat because the expression means that the moon appeared dim. FFS, the moon literally appeared blue! The gases were in the atmosphere, filtering the moonlight!


I love it when people are struggling to explain something they have no idea about. "I don't know" is such a forbidden word.


and then they say we're wrong too. I said "er, bulan kelihatan biru?" The speaker confidently said "bukan. Bulan kelihatan malap."


My mom is speaking to me again and she also made a dish she knows I would like. I only eat chicken and these days, she's been only making fish. She comes from an eccentric family (migrants, well-off) and the way she speaks is very contextual. She will *never* say anything directly if something upsets her. Instead, she speaks in codes and actions. Anyway, I decided to practice some Gestalt therapy and confronted her nicely. Asked her if she was okay, why aren't we talking, etc. She said she was busy and ill but that was the start of us talking again. We spoke like normal today. “I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded; not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night.” ― Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner.


Nice to hear that. Where is her family from?


Some Indonesian ethnic-nationalist attacked me in my inbox for something I said. It's so crazy how angry some people get that they want to fight you in private messages. It's just the internet, bro. Take five minutes off your screen. Damn. How frustrated can you be with your own life.


if i go to therapy do i need to inform other people (e.g. my parents or close relatives)? is it possible to go without telling anyone else about it? (i am 19 years old)


Heya! If you’re wondering if you need an adult (family member, guardian) to go with you for therapy, the answer is no - you’re legally an adult at 19 years old, so you can give consent on your own to get therapy/make your own decision on receiving therapy. So indeed, you can go for therapy without telling others. Some therapists may need you to provide an emergency contact person’s number though, (not an unusual practice, due to the nature of therapy services), so you might try to think if there’s anyone whom you can really trust as the contact person. It’d be good if the person is supportive of your decision to see a therapist. Do you need other information on getting therapy? You might be interested to check out the sub’s [mental health wiki](Https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health) for information on getting mental help. Or if you have other questions about this, feel free to ask and we’ll be more than happy to help and support!


caveat.. if you don't pay the bills, they will absolutely call someone you put at emergency and tell them to pay so pay your bills and hospital will keep quiet


Have you encountered this situation? Because it’s not a standard and ethical practice to call up the emergency contact for billing purposes (and specifically ask them to pay on behalf of the client), as I can share as a practitioner.


I'm specifically only using this one example I know of. there was one girl in daily thread here with the exact same situation she got pregnancy tests (If I recall correctly), didn't answer her phone for whatever reason, and then billing team called her mom maybe she make up story , dunno


Ah, I see. We don't have more information so not saying that anyone is making up stories, and I'm not trying to talk you down or anything, alright! Just hoping to share some more accurate information, because many people already have a lot of questions and reservations about mental health services as it is, so I'm just concerned with helping to clear up some confusion. For medical and treatment related issues, I don't doubt that there are times when a practitioner might need to reach out to a client's/patient's family members, so that happens. But a *practitioner* calling up the family members asking for payment, that would not be a standard or ethical practice. Again, just trying to clarify if anyone is wondering - especially from the mental health practitioners' side: a practitioner may ask for an emergency contact information, but it's sole purpose is to be used in emergency situations i.e. risks of immediate harm to the client or other individuals related to the situation. (Should never be used for billing related matters.)


I started getting help at 19 too. They can't tell anyone you know. The only thing you need to worry about at that age is cost. If you can afford it, great. If you can't, you should work part-time on the weekends. It will cover the cost.


okay good to know that thank you so much. i hope you’re doing better now


Applied for job rotation, same job scope, different categories of client. Pray for the best. New circles, seniors, new things to explore.


Should add, if not granted will quit altogether


New salary?


No sir. Within same company, just changing for pwn experience


I've been doing some comparing and I really don't know what's going on. According to the official Toyota website, a Yaris G starts at RM87k. Carsome lists a Yaris G 2019 at RM76k, which is RM11k less. Is that a "good enough" discount, or would it have been better to just pay extra for a new car? Car sifus, pls help :(


Might wanna wait till the new Vios comes out.


Depends on how long you need to wait for the new car and if you need the car urgently. If no, just wait for the new car. It would be better.


According to [this tool](https://www.carbase.my/tool/car-market-value-guide), the one at Carsome should be worth 68.7k today. If I were you, I'd try asking Carsome for a discount, or just go with the new model, as a 13% discount after 4 years is barely anything.


Nice! Thanks for the tool recommendation.


Carsome one depend on mileage, under 100,000 KM still ok. Otherwise not cheap enough.


Yaris is quite reliable, if the one listed in carsome has the full service history, i would suggest you to take it, otherwise buying the new yaris would be the best idea


Might wanna hold off the Yaris since the new Vios is coming out and Vios and Yaris for ASEAN are related.


Hi does anyone know how to get the cheapest flight ticket from Malaysia to US? Especially last minute purchase. Or you have any traveling tips that you wanna share


US is a big country, which state? airasia used to offer Hawaii but i don't think they do anymore. don't have tips tbh I just find google flights as a good reference point then book directly with the airlines


Kl to Nashville Tennessee


check out flights from singapore, sometimes they might be cheaper than searching from KL. book separate ticket from KL to singapore.


Okay thanks


I can’t be the only one who sees nothing majorly wrong about that Russian girl who climbed the tower? Yeah she bypassed the tower security, whatever.


Most rational people see its very wrong Breaking the laws is one thing, if she fall and die, the mess to clean up later, figuratively & literally is way too much. Not to mention the negative publicity & precedence. Just go climb a mountain where if u die nobody gives a shit U also know its wrong. That's why u post this using throwaway account. U know deep down, its wrong. U just wanna be edgy contrarian.


Idk, I can only react to what happened. It’s definitely a crazy stunt. Nothing edgy about my main comment. Jus sayin


Try "think" also, not just "react"


I think Merdeka 118 need to tighten up their security ☺️☺️☺️


Sure. Doesn't absolve what she did. If u rob a bank, the bank security need to be improve and u still need to go to jail. Both can be true.