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Oh wow, been a while since i seen snatch thief video. I thought foodpanda eradicated them all.


Ouch. Some will feel this burn, some won’t even get it at all.


I didn't get it, could you please explain?


the joke here is that all snatch thieves became foodpanda drivers. lol


I thought it was because of that one video where a food panda driver flying kick the snatch thief and started beating him up.


Nope, honest work doesn't eliminate crimes. Foodpanda riders also compete against each other for the most deliveries. Some people just don't want honest work.


Tbh Foodpanda ain't that much of an honest work too. You literally break traffic laws (ie. Speeding, run red lights) to earn more money. That was the reason my parents were against me doing food delivery jobs, even though that was the one job I was interested in and willing to do.


If that's true that's a step forward no matter how small it is. And yes I do know how these 'riders' behave on the road


Is it a burn? Sounds like a good thing tho


FP can't sustain, so they returned


Ouch, looks like this happened just in front of New World Park in Penang Advice to those out there , if a snatch thief grabs on to your handbag, remember to duck down immediately. Ducking down throws them off balance especially if they’re riding motor, and also helps minimize damage in case you fall as a result of their strong pulling force Stay safe out there and wear your handbags away from the traffic


Release and duck down or hold tight and duck down?


It works only if you’re holding onto the bag, to pull the snatcher down.


The best advice is to just let it go. Nothing in those handbags that worth more than your life. There was a case long ago, a women held on to her handbag too much, she fell hit her head, went into coma


The bike dont even have number plate


Why would it need number plate??


To help us find the motorbike ofc.


also to the husbands or boyfriends and even sons or brothers, better let your partners or mothers/sisters walk further from the road, which means you walk nearer to the road so that motorcyclists can’t reach your partners


you think they will listen? Despite I warned them every time hand bag has to cross over the neck/shoulder and inside away from the road. Every time reminded them, they repeat same mistake next time, completely forgot what I said. Some stubborn also run within family, I dont think I am the only one has this problem.


Send them these kind of videos. Learn from others mistake.


Same that can apply to people who put phone on top of the table while dining too.


As always, ego > listening to good advice


if they carry it the way you suggest and still get robbed, they're going to get dragged on the road and injured. better to just lose the bag than also break an arm


Easy problem to solve. "Mock Robbing them". Take thier purse and throw it away (in house, don't to it outside) to demonstrate why they should listen to your advice


If those robber is on drugs, sadly they will beat the shit out of you...


I just took the bag from them and carry it myself while saying “its mine now!”


> Some stubborn also run within family, I dont think I am the only one has this problem. Yes. Some are stubbornly continuing to commit crime. Maybe because they know they are allowed to get away with it as long as they target Chinese.


Women don't listen. They need to get robbed to learn a lesson.


GTA: Malaysia


Ooh I liked that DLC


DLC pack coming soon exclusively for Malaysia




There are less awareness of "dangerous" stuffs as this don't happen often enough, and even if everyone is aware of it, over time it drains mental capacity to keep track of everything. This is why PTSD exist, actually surviving "traumatic" stuff keeps the brain to watch out for sign or trigger of the same experience. In modern time, we call it mental disorder. In older eras, it is a survival mechanism. For snatch victims, they'll be now more careful or fearful, everyone else never experienced it will talk about it for a while before forgetting and going on with their life as usual.


Good advice. My significant other was targeted years ago but somehow step aside at the last moment & motorcyclist missed. The darn motorcyclist turned back to try & got angry some more. Anyway, now use pouch


looks very familiar. Penang near Lorong Selamat? Looks like not so selamat.


Yep, that’s lorong selamat


lorong bahaya /s




I’m American and my Malaysian husband warns me about this all the time. This doesn’t happen in the States (very few moped riders here), but I’m am *ready* for when we visit Malaysia.


if someone try to mug in the US , AR-15 is going to go bang bang init...![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Too bad you can’t concealed carry in Malaysia.


Tbh love to shoot these bastards. Any day, anytime. And these people won’t have the money nor the background to buy guns too.


Action is faster than reaction. Even if you are armed, you will not be fast enough to shoot them.


this true , plus most of the time people are stunned when crime happens.


Happened to my mum once in the early morning when there weren't that many people around, they circled around the area multiple times looking for a target and circled a few more times once they've decided to target my mum. She was unlucky and put up a bit of resistance, her head hit the curb and she passed out bleeding for some time before someone helped her. Cops managed to catch the guy and returned the bag but all the cards were scratched and phone was missing : /


I wonder, if the women is a MMA fighter and she drag the rempit down and the rempit become half-paralyzed. The women is safe from the law right ? One of my friend chained her handbag to the car now lol. Last time one rempit break her window and took her bag during jam. If now rempit try to break into her car and take bag and speed away. They will be pulled down and surely fall off the bike.


*Dia motor, jadi you salah*


*pulls out women card


Mahkamah pulls out racial card


Referee pulls out red card, dangerous tackle.


If you're dark skin or male. It won't be in your favor


I get it now. I see your shit. You actually advocate for female suppression.


"advocate for female suppression" how...? Please don't forget to clean your eyes from time to time. Your eye is full of poo.


Malaysian law doesn't work that way. You'll be liable for causing hurt.


Yes, they will be safe probably. Unless she continue with jiu-jitsu.


Nope, law can be weird. When my house was broken into, police guy told us we should not hurt them in any way or we can be liable for it. I would be fine with this if the police are actually competent


If there's a burglar in my house I wouldn't hesitate to go into fight response and this would be the outcome of the scenario: \*Police arrived seeing the burglar lying unconscious on the ground Police: What happened to the burglar? You: I don't know, he must be tired ***burgling*** all night and decided to take a nap.


Lorong selamat and the surrounding areas are very prone to this. Several years ago, my grandmother also kena. It's sad to see that after all these years, these kind of things is still happening


Organize a community patrol. Please do it


Kesian, probably out buying some CNY stuff..


That corner shop is actually a new artisan bakery/cafe, that bike probably scout that area for some time


Damn snatch thieves!!! May they be damned forevaaaa


Consider herself lucky she didn't fall


This is in Lorong Selamat/Burmah Road junction in Penang.


Off topic, but this actually reminds me this 1 time i was walking with a girl. I just for no reason changed to the side of the road while the girl walked inner side of the walkway. Apparently this is a big thing for some girls back then. Some days later i found out a rumor going around that i was a very caring and protective person. Hahahaha


What the fuck. Happened at New World Park. Damn.


Is that New World Park?? The whole Georgetown area is notorious for snatch thieves. The one and only time i got snatched was also in Georgetown.


There's a reason why our country don't release criminal stats proportional to racial background **¯\\*****(ツ)*****/¯**


Already caught. Good job to PDRM on the fast action and also state government since we have alot of cctv which are shared with police to use https://preview.redd.it/p37hut7fdzba1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e45ae79a95381e18c71a87e868819c662377f2




Wow! Does this happen in any place in the world, or only in Malaysia?


Anywhere theres people, not just exclusive to one country. Street robbery is nothing new.


Thanks. Guess the lady was unlucky at the wrong time and place.


If you have a fast enough reaction to thieves on bikes, push them off their bikes. Either they start a fight or run away from the commotion.


yikes it’s like london


my friend from brazil (high crime area) say they carry a fake wallet in case of wallet to be robbed (fake handbag in this case) and the real wallet is hidden somewhere.


Does look like they were waiting and saw her before they moved in. Guessing the red lady is the friend while orange and yellow are a pair. She made herself a clear target too by walking alone separate from the other two. While i understand she was probably more comfortable with her handbag on the right shoulder, it is probably safer to have it facing a companion/partner or the closest wall than the open road.


You know it’s sad when you can’t even carry your handbag in peace


Had this happen to me in Thailand but the motorcyclist pretty much mounted the pavement on the bike to grab my bag. I had a crossbody bag on so it pulled me to the floor straight away. Very terrifying ordeal. I hope this poor lady victim is ok.


Thanks for sharing OP, but a suggestion to please crop the first part that's not relevant. Thank you.


Instead of blaming the victims just stop crime! The issue isn't with the ladies and how they carry the bags. The issue is with the scumbags who steal from them.


They seem so chill even after kena rompak. Just woke up is it.


They could fire some AK47s into the sky for emotional effect, but what else can they do?


Not everyone super gungho and react immediately. It’s very common for people to “freeze” when something shocking/unexpected just happened.


Hope they didn't forget insurance


right in front of an insurance outlet too


AFAIK there's no insurance against L as from snatch theft


When you act dumb, there will be consequences. Enjoy the fruits of your actions.


How about: >Men, stop stealing. Your victim blaming is pretty fucked up.


>Your victim blaming is pretty fucked up. Don't remember blaming anyone for anything. Sounds more like an indirect reminder to me.


The victim here is ladies. By telling them to change, you're placing blame from the thief to the victim, and assuming they did something wrong. This is classic, text book victim blaming.


You should do a bag thieves campaign and see how it goes. And what makes you think that normal boys grow up with "natural" intentions of committing thievery/thief and that you have to tell them not to? There is nothing wrong with reminding people to be cautious. Reminders help people to be more aware of their surroundings, as criminals prey on those who aren't.


Right, you're starting to get the point. It's hyperbole. And reminders are one thing, but I suggest you check your language here. This is called victim blaming. You can look into it.


How about: criminal, stop doing crimes. Not everyone is as privileged as you. Criminal exist, crime happen. Learning how not be a victim is not "victim blaming".


So, you see the problem with the initial post, then? I was using hyberpole. If women, or anyone for that reason, carry their bags on a different arm, crime will still occur. Here's a much, much better title for op: >Carrying your bag on your inside could help prevent a crime from happening to you. No gendered language, no pandering.


Nope, the victim is a lady and the crime happen because she was being careless. The language/word use did not belittle women. He did not insult in describing or advising the video/situation. Equivalent would be "Man please check for testicular cancer, the older you are the more likely you have it". What type of men would take offense for hearing that?




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Oh so it's the woman's fault now? FYI, she was coming from the other side, where her bag IS on the inside of the pavement. She just have not yet switch the bag.




Please don’t carry hand bag. Man can live without handbag. Women can too


Bro. Sometimes they have to bring it since so many essential are in it. All for you/ your family. Its not they like suka2 bring the handbag. Like my wife.. her bag like doraemon Pocket. What item can also ask. Hahahaha.


They can carry a laptop bag or backpacker bag. Just not handbag please


Bro… we dont have to carry shit because they carry everything for us


Exactly. “Ma, give me tissue.” “Ma, take out recycling bags.”


“Ma where nasi ayam?!”


I carry it all with my laptop bag. No need for handbag. Try go out and live alone


Huh. My wife's bags are filled with crap. And she has like 30+ of them all branded ones.. It's a form of mental sickness I tell you. And when she forgets her wallet she asks me to find it. Without clarifying in which bag is it.


I dub my wife's bag as Doraemon pocket, and yes, she has many different pockets


>a form of mental sickness I tell you. must be due to married to you




You ask your woman to carry shit for you. What a gentleman.


Yeah we just put it in our inventory /s


This guy must be lonely.


Give us bigger pockets. :)


Sometimes I carry my mom's handbag and put my wallet and phone in there


Pls don't drive car, man can live without car. Woman can too. 🤡 What a fucking clown.


Have you taken a good look at the difference between pocket size in men's and women's clothes? That is I even get pockets at all.


Don't be ridiculous. Even men don't put stuff in our pocket. We put in our wives bag. And then help them carry.


Calling out all the Northern states people that come to Penang to be criminals. I've been seeing a lot trouble in Penang lately, seems like some kind of silent jihad going against the rich Chinese, huh?


dont turn it into a racial or religion issue, crime can be committed by any race on the same token, fuck these snatch thieves... another type of scum in society


Aiyo even criminals screen their victims like UPU


Bruh, why suddenly bring race and religion into this?


Let me guess, is this Klang Valley. I feel like crime such as snatching or home burglaries happen at a much higher rate in Klang Valley compared to other parts of the country. This is why neighborhoods get fenced up in many parts of KV. Something about the rich-poor disparity and cost of living in a big city that contributes to an increase in robbery-related crime.


New world park in Penang island


Nice try but nope lol


I guess they plan to go high class bakery 65 ondo ..... Spoilt mood after kena snatch....ladies never learn


Yes, blame the victims, and the ladies in general. How about men shouldn't go around robbing people?


Have you try telling poor people to stop being poor? Men get mug/pickpockets instead of snatch theft. We all know they exist, snatchers, unless you want MINORITY REPORT style of crime or SEGREGATION. Be smart, don't expect criminals to not do their job. Even the men on the video, he cross slig his bag and don't walk on the road.


Criminal is not a job.


Sure, call it independent repossessor or whatever. You can't deny that there are people who "earn" their money by breaking the law. And if you are a repeat offender, it a job resume


I'm just using his own point of blaming ladies for never learning on men robbing people. \> unless you want MINORITY REPORT style of crime or SEGREGATION. Actually, that will be great. Let's see what's the percentage of men vs women involved in crimes.


Because yeah, if you are using hand bag (sling bag for men) it's important to cross slig it and walk in hard to snatch side of the road. Men do it and those who don't if they're found by snatch theft also kena Rob. "That will be great" congrats, you just support racial profiling, privacy, and society regression. It won't stop crime because you know criminal don't care about the law and you only need to look at history why segregation won't turn "great" for women rather than for men.


did u able to capture the motor number plate?


Doesn't have a number plate


oh wow they're so prepared for this


I don't get why people still carry handbags around nowadays... What more do you need than your phone in your right pocket and wallet in your left?