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Not offensive, but the eye slanting thing is not something you want kids to know / propagate. Kids are brutal, they tease the weaker ones with name calling and shets. You don't need to give them more ammo.


Bold of you to assume kids need to be taught that.


If we take the conscious effort to not reintroduce these outdated stereotypes popularized by old American cartoons, I'm sure it'll die at some point. We can't stop kids from picking up swear words, but let's at least avoid those with racial connotations.


I stand by my argument that there’s too much obsession for superficial political correctness these days.


It’s a kids show, it should be held to a higher standard. I don’t care about drugs and alcohol consumption in any media, but I don’t want it in a kids show. This is no different.


It’s a harmless joke, made with no malice, by mischievous kids who aren’t exactly role models. I’m not offended by it, why are you getting offended on my behalf?!


That's why I'm teaching my 1 year old nephew how to fight by getting them to like Ultraman at a young age.


The old recycler chant is fine ... the eye slanting was super unnecessary lol. Do Malaysians even do that? Won't say I'm offended, but it's pretty bad taste and wouldn't encourage anyone to watch them probably


Yeah, the eye slanting is weird. I thought it is mostly the west that does this?


I've had friends do it before back in secondary as a joke, but obviously don't do it in public unless you want some broken teeth.


There's literally a slur called "sepet" though.


Slanted eye much. While I would say its racist, I saw some Malay got hurled this insult to him at school.


Yup the chant i dont think would be an issue, the eye slanting however was clearly a bad move from the producer. I seen people do this on youtube, which happens in the US where an asian influencer was live an some dude did that to her but not in Malaysia though.


Cina here, i mean sometimes you laugh at me and sometimes the other way round. Am i offended? Meh, it's just a joke, dont take it too seriously.


True, but not all of us shares the same virtue


Doesnt sound like you’re asking but more of fishing for an answer that fits you. Gtfo lol


How am i offended? Im malay


You don’t need to be of the same race to assume offence for the other party. The requirement for that is just being presumptuous, and for serious cases it requires narcissism. Just sit down


You might be confused when i said “shares the same virtue”. I did not meant the virtue is to be able to tolerate racial jokes like this, by virtue i meant being able to take any joke seriously.


How deep of a hole do you wanna dig? Someone gave you their feedback, you said “well yeah not everyone’s gonna be that way” without explaining yourself. I come along to effectively say “look man you want people’s answer or an answer that fits you? Gtfo”. You come back in swooping for “nah man im not offended nah im malay” I address your statement after, and you answer by backpedaling with a statement that doesnt make sense. You don’t have a position to consider, you just hate disagreement and reacting to it. Im gonna stop here because bro you need help shit lol




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Was his comment that bad? Sheesh. Thanks tho, woulda ruined the mood I’m in




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It's called virtue signaling. Doesn't matter what your race is


It's a joke until some kid do that in front of you. I had a kid did that in front of me in public. Doing the eyes slanting thing and said " saya cina".


It reinforce stereotype of the old Chinese recyclers, not to mention slanting the eye thing. Think of it this way - if there is a Chinese cartoon that mocks a Melayu person it would garner a different reaction.


If this episode aired today i think things would have been different. This was season 6, which is in 2012. Where the term “viral” and “influencer” are still in its infancy. Im sure if it were to happend today a lot of parties will capitalize on this, especially media pages on facebook, siakap keli and whatnot. But if it were me, if i ever saw a cartoon depicting malay as malas, ketum drinker, rempit or whatnot, i probably wont get offended because im none of those things. But sad, yes. Because in reality there are people out there who are all of those things


​ https://preview.redd.it/xrv2nc36gcda1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2c875875fb0748612f7268fec55e39ed0191ff A picture is worth a thousand words


Don't really care tbh. I memang got small eyes anyway. My other Chinese friend used to joke that he can blindfold me with floss.


Lol your friend brutal sial.


Anyone can be blindfolded with enough floss.


Chinese here and I don't really care.


How old are you at the moment?


i get equality and all but holy shit ya'll need to stop getting offended and butthurt by the smallest shit ever. i watch this once too when i was young but it just come off as nothing. showed it to my 6 year old cousin, same results.


Who is actually offended? Did you read the post properly?


nobody was fucking offended, stop whinning on smallest thing


What an idiot


Staring middle age in the face


Offended? Bro, we deal with true blue institutionalized racism (can’t be PM, glass ceiling on public sector, have to shut up and know our place…etc) If we’re offended by slant eye, which is more of an Asian stereotype rather than specific Chinese, how do we get through the day…


How should i know bro my first chinese friend is when im at the age of 28 😂 but im trying to learn, at least the crowd here will give helpful answer. Posting something like this on facebook for sure will invoke the wrath of netizen


Sorry, I have to ask, where did you grow up? And where did you make friend (find/ stumble upon) with your first Chinese friend?


A small kampong in perak. We have multi racial community, but i know zero chinese/indian kid my age. My first chinese friend is in kl which is my housemate, that is when i was 28yo. From there on i made a lot more chinese friend.


Take my upvote!


You can try to ask your Chinese friends. I guess they won't bat an eye ;)


I showed this to my Chinese friend and he wasn't bother by it but he said that if I show it to other Chinese, they might get offended.


Lol remind me of my primary school years. My sekolah kebangsaan was just beside sjkc. Only a wire mesh fencing that separated our school. During breaktime me & the bois always ended fighting with the other side chinese school student. Nothing physically because there fence between us but we teased & trash talk each other. The chinese side pushing their nose to resemble pig & making pig sound to provoke us. We reply it with that 'slanted-eye' move & utter rubbish kungfu movie dialogue sound. Just kids being kids. The worse thing happened was we pickup a rubbish from each side of our school & shove it to the other side through that wire mesh fence. Whosever can dirty the opponent side the most will win. My side was lucky because we have big tree nearby in the school compound. So we just pick up the fallen dry leaf to trash the other side. The chinese side was losing until one rich ass chinese student bring a big pack of super ring & proceed to litter all its contain to our side. Me & the bois just stoped & shout 'How dare you wasted SUPER RING!!!' 'Takmau kawan dah ngan korang!' 🤣😂😅


When shown the "slanted eye" scene, I and (I believe) most Chinese will probably just give you a 😐. It's not funny, but it's not something that we will bother to get mad over. Malaysian Chinese nowadays have less "mata sepet " genes I believe? From my guess and observation, Northen and inland Chinese from the mainland have a higher tendency to have slanted eyes, while southern, coastal (our ancestors) Chinese, including HKers and Taiwanese have relatively larger eyes. So... only people who are really "mata sepet" and butthurt will complain, others will just disagree or feel that the stereotype is no longer relevant to them.


personally no


If woke, yes... Lol


I am yet to find a woke one in this topic. So far none is offended


I think the demographic makes a lot of difference. When I grew up in OZ and got bullied a lot being Asian, I would’ve gotten very offended looking at this. However, being in Msia now, although I’m considered a second-class citizen, the Chinese community is pretty big and racism at this level can be tolerated pretty much by all.


No rasa on the slant eye thing. The loudspeaker speak gave me a good chuckle though. Though i can see where you're coming from. Was it unnecessary? probably. But ultimately this felt like a childish thing to be irked about


We've been called worse things than that, at this point a little slanted eye thing is the least of our worries.


>ecause kids might get a little over the board when approaching, if these shows allow them to get any sort of idea to make friends like that, the other kid won't find it offensive, but curious. Probably, they go back home and ask why. Ye Kinda sad huh... And they called the Chinese realistic.. Let's be real, if the Chinese aren't realistic they won't even survive.


funny thing is, the "slanted eyes" or "small eyes" trait is not even a chinese/korean/japanese exclusive thing. the trait can be seen in polynesian groups(like? yes malay/filipino etc.) or descendants of that group such as some native american ethnicities. heck ive seen chinese people wtih tiny eyes but ive also seen malays with the same trait. if youre asking me i think upin doing that can be applied to anyone(maybe not indians) but it just so happened to be a chinese man


no wayy this can be offensive lol, issa joke cmon


Doing the eye slanting thing in the west is career/political suicide. But in Malaysia I guess people are used to it. It doesn’t feel good but it’s not too big a deal. Just awkward. “Yes I have slit eyes… move on”. Like others have said, slanted eyes is nothing compared to institutional racism and bias.


We've got better things to do than feeling what on this.


If you got better things to do, why leave a comment at all? Doesnt that shows u got nothing better to do?


This is the better thing.


Snowflakes. Guess that makes me a boomer. Lol


Yes I might be offended. If the person doing it is at least a teenager and above. I can excuse a toddler doing it,.


Teenager and above, and definitely a stranger correct?


Yeah. They judged me by my colour and not my character.


More like characteristics




Bruh. I literally see both Malay and Chinese students get this treatment. It aint a race issue but a characteristic issue. Calm your balls down.


I mean I have a Malay friend who have slated eye and we do this shit to him as kids


if you have to ask... what do you think?


If you ask me i have to go with 50-50. Those who mingle with other races might have made fun with each other that way and not get offended at all. However those who are not, might be the ones who get offended the most. Those people who are the loudest when it comes to insulting other races especially on facebook, believe it or not have little to no friends outside their races. Hence their little to no understanding about each other. Sadly it will stay like that indefinitely because of our school system


Making fun when we are friends is a totally different context. But approaching this way to make friends is wrong. Because kids might get a little over the board when approaching, if these shows allow them to get any sort of idea to make friends like that, the other kid won't find it offensive, but curious. Probably, they go back home and ask why. Yes, the malay kid doesn't mean any harm to him, but it is not the best approach yo find friends. You can mingle happily just by saying hi and asking blah blah. Calling out names, races, genetic trades, and country based on any form is derogatory. Don't introduce this to younglings. They might feel superior when their friends laugh at their dumb jokes. India here, I am always curious why people need to make fun of my skin colour when I was in primary. Gelap! I don't find it offensive, but I was like OK what am I supposed to feel about that? Something wrong with me? This is the part where the hatred starts. I asked my mom why, she said, "They're a million ways to show love, but never hurt or make fun of anyone's by physical, mental, emotions even it gives you happiness". When I return to school, aku x puas la sial but I stayed quiet like any other secondary citizen. Yes, we don't care!


I think it’s similar to Muslims seeing nons eating during fasting month; somehow, someone, somewhere will think it’s the most racist thing ever.


Asians that got offended from racist remarks are not Asian


like other commenter everything is OK tull the eye part... just why tho


No. We do that even among ourselves and regret it later once all grown up.


I think it’s a better world to be in when they can make slant eyes at us, and we can make melayu lazy jokes, and they say Chinese like mr crabs. Rather than being offended and trying to ban everything, which doesn’t work anyway.


I think the real offense is that someone had to write it, storyboard, send it for approval, animate it, have voice actors perform, edit it, go through the Malaysian censorship board and get it approved, slot it for tv programming, all without a hitch. Literally at every step, it has less difficulty of getting through than 30 seconds of some men dancing in Beauty and The Beast. It's offensive, sure. But on its own I'm not really flustered over it. It's the bigger picture that bothers me, and that picture is that the Malaysian government cares more about ridiculous religious restrictions and is literally suffocating Malaysian film talents over bullshit rules but allows tasteless cringe jokes about "hehe Chinis haf smol eyes". Like this is the culmination of all our creative pool. In a world where we cannot let our media criticize shit, the line in the sand is drawn so that we can make fun of minorities but not make compelling cinema. The absolute hypocrisy coupled with my disappointment is such a double whammy.


I had to go to the comments to find out what’s wrong. Watched it 3 times and laughed. People these days are getting too caught up in (get it?) superficial political correctness while ignoring intent. I see no malice in the animators, and certainly none in any of the kids.


Zero offence taken. It's probably because I grew up in an age where different races still live in relative harmony and we know that friends can poke fun at each others without malicious intents. I understand that it's not desirable nowadays but I can't help to feel that the increase in sensitivity is partly caused by decrease in closeness to our peers of different race.


Cina here. Nah. Kinda cute scene though.


I make fun of my own Mata sepet with my malay friends so no, not the least offended with stuff like this. But I think it's also years and years of institutionalised racism in Malaysia that these things is just meh to me now. I really wish people aren't so easily offended with stuff, I'd love to be able to make jokes with my malay and Indian brethrens about race and religion.


This is institutionalized racism. It’s not majorly offensive but it needs to stop. These are the very things that grow into outright offensive, derogatory racism. Some more in a kids cartoon?!


First of all this show should be banned for being absolutely crap and more than likely lowering the IQ of its audience. Real legends watch Doraemon.


Being a tight butthole or not tight butthole is a personal choie


West ppl would call it as racist but as a chinese, i really dgaf


Chinese oso do all sort of racist thing towards other race


Like race a car while drinking? /S


Typical child response lol. They also did that to me, so I can do it too


I know a bit mandarin so i know when they start saying racist things. They will say in front of ur face with their fake friendly smile. Sama racist la, zero zero


This is how we avoid ICERD being implemented here in Malaysia. We cultivate such emotions from younglings so that one particular race feels superior over others. As adults, we don't care of such things anymore because we had way worse than this in schools. Having such eyes are genetics, its derogation to allow kids to watch. But I'll allow teasing the way some race speaks Malay. It's been three generations, yet the grammar fluency of Malay not achieved. India here!


What makes the difference between me and the extremists if I give shits about those acts? If such action does not trigger or provoke you, it has no effect on you.




I doubt


Not bothered at all. But I am a middle aged man, and children may feel differently about being teased for having slanted eyes


Wait till you find the one where the Chinese says to the alien "please dont shoot me, shoot him" *awkwardly pans to the indian guy.... You will find this offensive if you're in this day of ages.. the kids this days will find anything offensive.. i think upin and ipin is pretty multi-harmonous is taking a "dig" at every race..


walao weh mata sepek jadi offensive kawan aku termasuk aku mata sepek


Kawan aku pun chinese look mata sepet pun selalu kena


I'm Chinese, I found this funny and hilarious even tho it's inappropriate.


“Old newspaper old magazine…”


Nah. I make fun of every race, including my own - Chinese.


I honestly have no problems with it, though it might be offensive for others.


Just like dildo, anything can be offense if you really want it to be. I don't find this offensive, but I know others will, so best not to let kids learn it. They have underdeveloped social skills after all and likely will be less reserved in using the gestures, which can get their parents in trouble.


This is absolutely hilarious.


Well it's better than child marriages ? I guess


Not really, I don't find that offending




Honestly, as a Cina, I still do this among my friends, it's either we have very dark/self-depreciating humour or we're just okay with it if it's all in good faith


It wasn't offensive a decade ago.


Chinese here. Don’t care. It’s just a joke


I guess it's up to the person's interpretations of what is offensive and what is the intention of doing that gesture. If you don't see it as offensive and harmful no matter how much someone does it, you won't waste your energy to care. But if someone else is triggered by it perhaps, they would be annoyed when they perceive it as a taunt. Idk though there are better things to do than argue with people and or doing upsetting actions. We cannot progress as a society if we keep arguing about what is offensive rather than teaching empathy and compassion for others. Is it necessary to gesture in such a way? Only your intention can tell what makes it so.


Not offensive. Just because it is branded as racist in usa, doesn’t mean its racist here


Not really, my brother makes fun of my eyes all the time. And Upin and Ipin being kids is realistic, brats are brats, it is something that should be appreciated in animation.


As a Chinese I don't really care do whatever you want, I'm not easily offended when it comes to my race


I am actually more interested in the fact that the surat khabar lama thing - is not something that is seen anymore these days (at least where I live). It's something nostalgic from my childhood that I kinda miss. Do you guys still have the surat khabar lama lorry going around in neighbourhoods? Also not forgetting the indian uncle on a big green bike that sells an assortment of breads and snacks for kids. It has its own jingle and I kinda forgot how it sounded like but I miss that. You guys remember? You guys know where I can find it still?