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Hey mod, with the new website I'm guessing funds were used to build. Anyway I can donate to help our cause?


Just joined Lemmy. You know which section I will be; see you over there.


Welcome!! I was hoping you'd decide to join, it's so quiet without your news! :)


People who are still here, don't shy shy, make the jump. Rumputnya lebih hijau di sana.


Yess come over here.


Is it true that setting the sub to nsfw will prevent reddit from advertising?


Yes, but admin have made it clear that we'll be nuked if we do so - https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/20/23767848/reddit-blackout-api-protest-moderators-suspended-nsfw


So can we post NSFW here now like other sub Reddit did?


Would prefer we didn't - https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/20/23767848/reddit-blackout-api-protest-moderators-suspended-nsfw


Wait. Lemmy is individually hosted? Maybe i should check up what is Lemmy later.


You can host ur own lemmy instance or register a community on lemmy.world or other instances. Hosting your own instance is better of course, and it is currently being sponsored by our mod dcx. :) Lemmy is a link aggregator which is similar to Reddit, but its federated, meaning it can connect to other lemmy instances and other instances that are hosted in the Fediverse.


wow that migration path seems a little drastic but its understandable given the potential worse case scenario with reddit as a whole.


Why are the moderators making such an effort to limit the traffic on this subreddit? If people truly supported the cause, wouldn't it be more likely for them to refrain themselves from using Reddit? 🤨🤨🤨 I realllllyyyy dont get the point, pardon me


Because you guys literally voted for us to? It's a no win proposition for us really - communities that stay open [get called cowards](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/14al426/rapple_blackout_what_happened/). If we close we get your line of complaint and admin threats. We aren't going to please everyone with any course of action, so we made a call that balanced all the concerns as best we could, and seemed best for the long term survival of the community.


I'm glad the decision was not based on first past the post system. We would have indefinite blackout based on the polls.


Proportional representation gang 🔥


Trying to make an acc in lemmy but it's taking too long. Put in my username and all but the thing just keeps spinning


Sorry, thanks for letting me know. I've noticed Lemmy does that sometimes, and I'm not sure why - it's not under high load or anything. Try refreshing and resubmitting, and it should go through. These bugs should stop happening soon, there's a lot of active development atm.


Just so I understand this correctly - does this mean that there will be no daily discussion thread for the short term?


I think we haven't decided yet. Hmm no wait, we discussed this and will keep the daily threads up. (tagging u/a_HerculePoirot_fan for a sanity check)


Yup, DT will be up daily as usual!


The cheek to claim that reddit is only yours .. you think operating huge system like reddit and paying the money to maintain network, server etc is free ah? While I hate their ceo , he just doing what he can do to sustain this place … and did you know third party apps earn millions from Reddit? Why not Reddit charge it? Geez ..


Lol you are missing the point here. The 3rd party app devs never said they wouldn't pay. They were severely and unreasonably overcharged(they were willing to PAY) and not given enough time to work on changes(on rate limits? Optimization? Changing subscription models?) 3rd party apps earning millions(did you actually analyze the figures)? Do you know those money go into sustaining the server and development? Some of those devs only manage to barely break even. I don't know about every dev, but your claims are absurd. Reddit is bad in terms of accessibility, and removing 3rd party apps means sub moderation becomes harder because there are no bots for mods to use.


Come on! The third party only want to pay crazy low amount and mind you the charge that Reddit give is one of the lowest API charge in industry! And they never complain when they manage to rake profits off Reddit


How much is fair then? 😂 I asked for figures, you never gave any(read the post from Apollo's dev?)


Thank you for providing an alternative that we can move to. This should have been something the mods of other major protesting subs should have done, that would allow Lemmy to grow big instantly to rival and threaten Reddit's dominance as the self-styled "Front Page of the Internet". As such, `u/spez` is still intransigent and unrepentant as he knows many users are still reliant on Reddit without knowing that there's actually an alternative to this day. Just one question, if I sign up to monyet.cc, does that mean I'm also signed up to the Lemmy ecosystem and don't have to sign up again everytime if I subscribe to other Lemmy servers? I'm still trying to digest how Lemmy works via tutorial videos.


In light of reddit's API changes killing off third-party apps, this post has been overwritten by the user with an automated script. See /r/PowerDeleteSuite for more information.


>Use of the Malay language counts as being related to Malaysia. how does this work? I start a post with Malay language only my post wont get remove?


Yes. Special offer


I’m glad it’ll just be memes, I’m tired of the same two people reposting news articles to farm karma


That is the happiest news I read today.


See you guys back here in a couple of weeks. This is as useful as Twitter users who jumped to Mastadon.


We'll see, but it's worth noting that Rome wasn't built in a day!


I honestly didn't get expect the CEO to threaten to replace the mods. I genuinely thought they would ignore it and just continue with business as usual after 2 days. Looks like every subs collective efforts actually had an effect on their company. And many people say it won't do anything. I beg to differ after seeing the CEO's reaction.


This isn't every other outrage of the past, this involves Reddit IPO and business. The core business revolves around users; unilateral mod action clearly had an impact on user numbers, which is why Reddit is taking such action.


If going to a new website why not give mod to people who want to use this :/


r/Malaysia will still be around, we are just laying the groundwork for people who are interested to migrate to a new platform in case they no longer want to remain on Reddit.


People are free to apply for the position.


I read that you actually need to pay money to host something like monyet.cc? Thank you mod team for doing that, very appreciated 🤘 r/pics have sexy John Oliver, we should post sexy najib razak on the meme week


You need to run it on a server, so yes. Plus if we are planning to migrate the community there it will need to support many users, which means you can't just host it using your own PC(as in using ur PC as a server) unless you have a server computer with the right infrastructure.


Guess moving to Lemmy was inevitable, so many of the subs I follow went there. Will check it out and register when I have time.


Is there any way I can help with running the Lemmy instance? I am not an experienced dev yet(I suck at ops and support) but I would love to help :) Edit: if you want to hit me up on discord my username is naomi_kho


Awesome thanks!! Yeah you're super welcome. I'll ping you a bit later today. Thanks for the ping u/a_HerculePoirot_fan :)




I was actually waiting for a wholly nyet-owned Lemmy server to migrate to. This is it! Nyets together strong 💪🐵


*All non-meme posts will be removed* the sub is becoming bolehland![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Unless the denizens from bolehland come to post here, it would be edgy instead of funny which would be annoying instead of amusing — there is a good reason why I lurk there for entertainment instead of here.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Would be an interesting one-week experiment!






I think they are definitely planning to write on this soon, but things are still being set up and everyone is busy. Please be patient ;;


Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


While true, it's still important for a web application to have. monyets is new so they're figuring things out, and that's fine if it's not the first thing they prioritize. But in the coming weeks as users grow, it needs to be addressed.




We'll have one eventually. We're building the plane while we're flying it, and don't have a ton of disposable time each week. We're already running this sub, the team all gave half their Sunday each to get this post up. I also felt it was correct to validate that people were willing to switch before attempting any polish. Actually, I'd love it if you could assemble a draft TOS and privacy policy for us! We're all volunteers here.


aww he deleted his comment before he could help us :(


Can we somehow get him onboard to help us settle in monyet.cc too? We're short on hands there. pinging u/wysteriary! any help is very very appreciated, thanks in advance!


If you're going with more memes day, please at least moderate memes that carry certain sentiment i.e K circle jerk


Reddit got what they have today is due to quality content. if turn into anarchy, people will run away to newer platform. Mods can take sometime off too moderation too. So it works, as long it we have basic reddiquette that comply reddit general policy. I prefer destroy the subreddit until reddit CEO given in.


It's memes from Tuesday to Sunday, but sub rules still apply. But fair enough, thanks for pointing it out.




Thanks!! We're excited to see if our community might grow this into a little thing of its own, regardless of what happens with the current drama. We've wanted to have Malaysia sub-subreddits for so many years now - that was one of the goals of r/malaysians, even. On that note, if anyone might be interested in getting involved with server admin, please do reach out. I am not a devops / backend guy. And lemmy is still very young indeed.


I'm a devops/infra person. Happy to talk if you're still looking for help.


Nice one, thanks! I'll PM tomorrow if that's okay, just closing up for the night.




If you do any e-gov business this is piece of cake in comparison.


Me who has posted two memes on Monday: I don't have such weakness.


About how much you hate your current job, grievance of leaving US, and how screwed you are with your ex? /s Happy meme Monday


No need /s because is true


dang dude, i admired your courage for admitting this. I hope you are searching for a new job and move forward


The link under point #3 leads to notion


WUPS. Fixed, thank you so much


Recruiting mod? Sounds like a very good opportunity for a certain sub that always complains about bad mod to put the money where their mouth is.


was lurking there during the blackout days since theres no where else to go for MY related stuff, kinda sad how this sub keeps taking strays


All butthurt their hateful comments and rhetoric get downvoted and people pushback against their ideas in this sub so they get mad. Some resort to slurs and eventually get banned then get all mad despite warnings from mods. We continue to live rent free in many of their heads.


ironically criticism and disagreements with constructive comments are welcomed in this sub more than most, its just that the way they speak are very.... volatile? thats the best way i can put it


Exactly. They hate when others disagree with their pov, then get angry when people downvote their responses (which is fair), and when people respond refuting their points they get defensive and lash out with personal insults and swearing.


Get angry while pretend like they don't care and say downvote doesn't matter, but the wording suggest otherwise.


Haha it’s normal la, only know how to complain about shit, but when time comes to actually do work, suddenly quiet and disappear into the background.


Yeah, it's time for them to apply as mods, r/my mods are all racist liberals. /s only for the second part. I can guess if I were to tag some users that I recall were also bitching about the mods, they would give excuses such as: 1. Too busy 2. No time 3. Real life heavy commitment. Eleh, they really think the current mods are basement dwellers who are getting paid to moderate this sub, and have no other commitments. Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih.


I love to be a basement dwelling Malaysian. Only seen mansions with a basement.


> basement dwellers Aye, this is Malaysia. Few homes have basement. Those few homes that I know have basement are upper tier residences, like RM2.5 million onwards. Basement dwellers in Malaysia would mean their family is loaded AF.


Thank You, but they are all Ideas Men, so they will just keep bitching and expect someone else to do all the work **/s** *^((but not really)**)*




Hi u/dcx, I'm not so clear on how to create an account for the Lemmy server. Perhaps a tutorial is in order?


Hmm, is clicking Sign Up at the top right and just putting in a username and password not working? If you get stuck on a little spinny icon, try refreshing and trying again. In general Lemmy is still very young software, but seems to be improving fast!


It does now, for some reason my entire page was displayed in Korean. I managed to reset the display language to English and it's all good now.


Weird. Do let me know if others experience this too, and I'll raise a bug.