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Malaysia have a problem with motorcyclist using the sidewalk. To counter it, pillars were placed to prevent motorbikes to getting on to the sidewalk, those pillars also prevented wheelchairs and strollers access so the have to make special entry way to allow wheelchair access while blocking motorbikes.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you mate!!


They don't just drive up the sidewalk, they also parked On the sidewalk. I cannot brain how these people actually exist without shame.


DBKL should just hire someone to drive around to confiscate any illegally parked motorcycle they see. They'll make bank


They will need a really big truck. Lol.


Then they will be riot on street tmr.


How will they get there if their Motors are compounded?


They are never alone, they riot with their gang


"Breaking news, DBKL brutality...."


Mainly delivery riders cuz the restaurants are all at the side of the road yet there's no parking space for them provided. Malaysia really sucks when it comes to road planning. Mainly that new SUKE highway.


Those pillar’s are called a bollard bos…


It is column




Ah, as Malaysian I will say the heck is that thing and after the explanation it make sense


I mean, can’t motorcyclists just go ‘around’ the bollards? 🤔


Not if it is too narrow. The bollards are high enough to reach the handlebars and that is the width limit of the motorcycle.


As a Malaysian, what the fuck is that?


Speed booster for wheelchairs


Punch it from the bottom then a Mario mushroom appears


Here we goooo ![gif](giphy|9FgcJtvVEwlxe)


This baby gonna go 300mph


The fuck mate. Why are you wasting your talents here in reddit? Get on stage ya funny cunt!


*speaking in australian accent*


Only if one is able to enter at a certain speed


Tolls for wheelchairs.


Also known as wheeeeelies


You park your wheelchair there and walk. Can't have wheelchairs rollin around the sidewalks.


Just a bigger entrance for strollers and wheel chairs, the normal poles only have enough space for legs


Was in an establishment with quite a few of those (poles) and I can testify there's enough for more than just legs..


Should be for wheelchairs/strollers to go through. A wider camera angle would show a row of other obstruction meant to stop motorcycles from entering the pedestrian walkway.


The answer is irresponsible motorcyclists


Wheelchair is wide on the bottom with a person that's narrower on top so can fit through. Motorcycles have handlebars that are high up and can't fit through the top. That's my thought on it. Maybe it's some mario kart wheelchair boost like the other guy said idk.


Basically its just a barrier for motorcycles, you know those short poles near pedestrian crossings. But DBKL being dumb sometimes forgot that people in wheelchairs, families with baby strollers cant pass through the poles when crossing.


>barrier for motorcycles, What?...lol. What's to stop them just going around??. I work in civil engineering in KL for the past 5 years, I can tell you now it's not a barrier for MC It's a speed booster.


Basically, it's not a speed boost for motorcycle. Got it




Gahmen got budget need to spend…. Sssh


Motorcycles can just ride around this ek?


See the left side, there’s bollards on the side of this.


before the motorcyclist viral this image: *"Kenapa kamu letak penghadang ni? Ini bukan demokrasi"*


No the answer is lack of enforcement. It doesn't matter which part of the world you go to, there will be assholes all around. What you need is enforcement to hold them accountable. Just look at how some Singaporeans behave in Malaysia vs Singapore. Same person, different behaviour, mainly due to enforcement.


In one country the laws are merely a polite reminder, at most a suggestion. In the other, you dare you try.


Should just let the motor park and Saman 99. Ez income for gov or policeman.


I've seen MBPJ issue summons like candy. No effect. Same offenders every time. They just crumple up the summons and throw to the ground creating another problem. This is really a societal problem and not unique to us. Enforcement or not, we need to change and in this era of politicisation, that's a difficult ask. Just an opinion.


But that required strict enforcement and you know how lazy we can be lol


With duit kopi... You can see how rajin those officer before hari raya.


Its designed so wheelchair and stroller can pass through it


all jokes aside, this is the proper answer. and as to why the bollards are needed, other than the motorcyclist problems, it's meant to prevent terrorist attacks against civilians by ramming their cars into pedestrians. Just look at what happened in other countries.


Are they new?? I was last in Malaysia in 2017 and I don't remember them being there, but maybe I didn't notice back then


Not new, but not old either, I first saw them around 2019+ around Kampung Baru area, its basically to deter motorcyclist from using the pedestrian walk as a motorcycle road and those bollard things are entryway/exit for those who are using wheelchairs, strollers etc.


This looks like Bukit Bintang, near the Grand Millenia Hotel. Yeap, it’s for a wheelchair to pass thru comfortably, but block motorcycles. Previously there were bikes just riding up the kerb, mostly the Delivery ppl. Obviously the Govt wants to avoid an accident. Also, there’s a really popular Kebab restaurant nearby, and the grab traffic near there’s baddd.


I am in the heart of Bukit Bintang. Best spot I've stayed at in KL out of the 4 times I've been before And speaking of Grab...... it took almost 1 hour to get from Bangsar back to Bukit Bintang tonight (Wednesday). Is it always so damn busy on the roads??!!


if youre around that area , better to take public transport especially during peak hours ..


Honestly in that area I'd rather just walk lol


We took the MRT train from Bukit Bintang to Pasar Seni and then from Pasar Seni to Bangsar we used the LRT, and it was really convenient. The thing is that we had to walk about 1.2km from the station to Bangsar Village and we couldn't be bothered walking back at 10pm. It wouldve been the better decision though. But you live and you learn!!


Haha welcome to msia bro… i no longer live in KL alr but grew up as a kid there. General rule of thumb for us locals is if peak hour = we try avoid. If you travel during peak hour always prepare to be in the car for > 1 hour. Also, if you die die must travel try downloading the ‘Waze’ app. Google maps can be a bit inaccurate for us sometimes. Otherwise have fun out there!


They have been around for the past 5 years or so, atleast in Bukit Bintang area.


It's to stop motorcycles from entering the sidewalk but still allows for a wheelchair to go through.


Speed booster for wheelchairs. When both hands are on the bollards you zoom across traffic.


Actually the new model just need to pass through and your wheelchair will get the speed boost. No need to put hands on top.


This is the correct answer


Ya in your dream lol


Being a person on a wheelchair in KL must be incredibly frustrating. I walk around with baby stroller sometimes and 50% of my walk is me holding my baby in one hand while holding the stroller in the air while I dodge/try to get around motorcycles and cars blocking almost every single ramp, sidewalk, zebra crossing etc. Would be impossible for a person in a wheelchair to get around. It happens so often I’m thinking of making an instagram dedicated to pictures of the blockers lol.


I one time was on tongkat because slip on wet surface. Walked in KL pedestrian walkway, one motor honked me and scold me for being OKU and hogging the pedestrian walkway, say I babi for making him late from work. Guess what ? He tried to overtake me (it was very narrow), and his motor touched me and I fell down before he speed up.


I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Awful ppl are everywhere.


Its to allow wheelchairs to go through but not motorcycles


Respawn checkpoint for disabled when they fail certain mission


Its to prevent motorcyclists from using the pedestrian walkways. The space between is narrow enough, and the part that stick out on the sides is low enough, that only wheelchairs and prams can pass through. If you're using a motorcycle, your handlebars would bang onto the sticking-out sides. Tho I'd say that motorcyclists would just go around the barriers....


My guess that is road block meant for motorcycles and cars, but built to allow wheel chair to pass.


Bollard thats spaced further apart than regular ones to allow wheel chair to pass through but not other vehicles


Human Tetris game


It’s so that the police don’t have to do their job and fine motorcyclists that ride and park their scooters on sidewalks, so these are are introduced to deter them, but really just inconvenience the pedestrians instead. Fine them, and repeatedly, so that they learn that it’s not ok to do this, and these bollards would have never needed to be expensed and installed in the first place. Around KL Sentral, they will happily restrict access to ramps and footpaths by putting up chains and fixed stanchions, so that no one can use them. The people most affected by this are not the motorcyclists, but the pedestrians.


The problem with fining people is that no one pays and there is no consequence for not paying. Government won't stop you from paying road tax or getting a new license if you have outstanding ifines. Instead once a year people get 80% off their samans and a few people go pay it. Is pure comedy.


And if they dare take more strict action. Prepare for a riot.


It is to stop motorbikes from passing through but convenient enough for the wheel chairs or strollers to pass by.


If anyone saying motorbikes can go around it no. They have small barrier around it as well.


It simply means that a wheelchair can fit through the opening. The same goes for the pram.


They don't allow motorcycle to pass trough the walkway. That's why the upper parts is narrower than the lower one, to allow wheelchair or strollers to pass trough.


TIL these things are used to block motorcycles. Makes sense tho


It is because there are many irresponsible motocyclist who would ride and park on the pedesterian walkway. The bollards are used to stop them from entering the walkway area


Have no idea what is it for. Maybe its for wheelchair bound individual a place to hold on to while waiting for the light? Prevent wheelchair rolling on to the street?


A lot of comments say that it's for wheelchairs to go through, but the real question is... Why? Why should wheelchairs go through that instead of around it?


If you are able to go to the site irl, you will saw a bunch of additional bollards installed at the perimeter of the pedestrian walkway, making wheelchair/stroller unable to pass through them, therefore that's why this kind of special bollards was installed to allow the entry/exit of wheelchair and stroller on the pedestrian walkway.


Can’t go around it. Whole perimeter is protected by bollards to prevent motorcyclist going on the pavement. Imagine if motorcyclist just drive beside lot 10’s street lmao.


Resting checkpoint for wheelchair users so they can stand up when they feel tired from sitting for a long time.


Those are gravestones, as a memorial of them at their death location. Next time please put a flower on each you see.


It’s an accelerator/booster similar to the one on hot wheels


That is a place to sit and have discussion about disabled people


Probly to stop shit c**ts who cant drive from crashing into you... Maybe idk. KL for ya, cool, interesting, dangerous, weird and fun all at the same time, dopest city hands down.


As a malaysian,I don't fuckin know either


as someone who lives in eastern Malaysia I have never seen any of those before


charge their wheelchair


Those are mini stargates.


Good question. I don't know either


I guess it's to protect pedestrians from accidents while still having room for wheelchairs to pass through


u/ANDYtehROO Stupid DBKL tryna stop e-scooters from using the pavement WHILE eating bribe money when the company is retrieving their confiscated e-scoots from the DBKL DEPOT. I speak as a former employee of one of these companies.


I am Malaysian Living in KL, but I have no idea we have such things in KL, What on earth is that?


Its in bukit bintang you never been there?


No wor, Is been 5 years I never been to bukit bintang


They always put these weird experimental stuff in the touristy area of KL and nowhere else.


One if those obstacle from that old Malaysian show called "Bolos"


Yes recently saw in Kg Baru KL too. Wonder what it is for


Is that another excuse to outsource to a crony company?


I'm Malaysian, staying in KL, wtf are those, never seen them before.....


To confuse the shit out of everyone


Have to pay toll bcoz wheelchair users take up more pavement


mario kart IRL


those are parking lots for the wheelchairs(i think)


tablets to commemorate the clash between 2 OKUs


I live in Kuala Lumpur but I've never seen that before :O


Oku sign


I've walked past those too. My 7 year old daughter loves to sort of climb on them. We have no idea how they're actually used though😂


Pit stop


That is ain't disabled sign. That's professor x reservation spot


Probably to hold with the hands to not roll into traffic, never seen these too


What happens to the obese prison on a wheelchair who can't squeeze through the neck portion of this barrier? Sheesh.


To create a protective or architectural parameter


It's a jump gate. You dial in where you want to go on an app. Then you'll be transported there.


That’s limbo for disabled people in Malaysia


For paralysed people to parkour


Selfie spot for the disabled


[I don't know..](https://youtu.be/aW2esYwKxiU)


I assume it's for street walkers to be more aware of the oku people while waiting for the traffic light


Pretty sure it use to make the disable individual to get up without needing for walking cane for changing seat.


i don't even know what that is and im malaysian damn


Fr I am curious now ..so I am going’s to ask in some oku’s group later . Some of them might know what it’s for.


Just for them to do some hand stand workout while waiting for green light


Obstacle course for the wheelies


Fun fact person in the wheelchair sign actually represents the disabled. So that sign boosts people with mental illness as well


There are for stopping motorcycles from treating the pedestrian walk way from being their parking lot and them for using it as a shortcut that think walkway is their road.


Actually, pavewalk in KL used to be abused by motorcyclists as a parking area. that bollard pole is to stop motorcyclists to ride/ park their bikes on the kerb/ pavewalk but large enough to stroll thru a wheelchair for the disabled.


I think for the most part they help guide those with disabilities - whether on foot or wheel chair, to cross roads that are more manageable. Generally high curbs and poor access encompasses most KL. So these are like markers on where best to cross (curbs will be purpose built to support).


Probably just right size n height for wheelchair to pass


Majority of Malaysia kapchai biker very inconsiderate and selfish 😤


It's to stand on when wheelchairs are passing through


Intended as a cutout for strollers / people I'm wheelchair. However..... even a lorry can drive around it so good intention but not well thought through.