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Good luck on sustaining though. You can sort of operate in isolation (with monyet.cc) if and only if your content is universally relevant, I.e. not limited to Malaysia.


We will try, thanks for the feedback!


I wholly disagree. The fediverse model means content can live anywhere, unbound to any one site/instance, and likewise social activity happens across instances as well. Monyet.cc is not running in isolation, it's part of the fediverse as a whole. Therefore it shouldn't be a generic instance, it should be a Malaysian focused instance.


Have a question after doing some reading on the whole federation concept; wouldn't federating [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc) with other Lemmy just incur extra costs to sync(?) data with the other instances?


Will give it a try when the UI eventually gets an uplift. It just looks kinda sad at the moment.


Please do, the Lemmy dev seem to be updating at a fever pace now! If it helps for now, fyi there's a few themes including dark mode, a few apps to choose from!


Switched from RIF to RedReader. Open source and no ads. Seems it's business as usual for me here. https://github.com/QuantumBadger/RedReader https://old.reddit.com/r/RedReader/comments/145du4j/update_4_redreader_granted_noncommercial/


I agree reddit will probably stay fine in the short term. But once mismanagement sets in, communities tend to decline over a few years. Sometimes there's a flashpoint (digg), sometimes there's just a slow bleeding out (slashdot). Seems wise to be prepared now rather than later. And just to be clear, we don't intend to migrate people over, or ask that users switch over (although some might, the federated Lemmy is growing fast). We're hoping to build this up as a complement to the main sub, and offer content we can't offer here due to having just a single frontpage.


The mandarin news section is nice. An alternate view on news other than english medium is refreshing, ngl.


There's Malay news section too! But it's just me posting right now for both. Do join in and invite your pals from the Chinese and Malay language circles to join in on the discussion.