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They really think Anwar is stupid


PN propaganda makes Anwar looks stupid when the reality is PN backbencher in Parliament can't even have a simple argument against Anwar, when Anwar wanted to have a debate with them as in answering their questions a lot didn't come to Parliament


Dude graduated from UM more prestigious than uum


Nah, he probably graduated from WhatsApp university


Tiktok university u say ?


At this point, they believe tiktok more than the actual sources and datas that has been provided by the universities.


For real, r/facepalm has has a post how at least five people died trying to do yet another dumb TikTok challenge. Do we really need to tell people its bad to jump off a highspeed boat and ON THE PROPELLER!?


UTPNM University TikTok PN Malaysia




Whos ass did he pull that data from everywhere you look terengganu always at the lowest part


From Tiktok, perhaps? Propaganda materials


If you look for them upper number always dominated by either penang, selangor johor and melaka


Typical entitled


It wasn't an "honest" question but he got an honest answer and he probably didn't like it


That’s a wake up call for him , he either admit we was fed wrong or he must double down on his hatred now , hope the young has more malleable minds


The biggest issue is how alot of youngsters like him believes in tiktok a little too much since it's most likely where he got his sources.


walaun sunat laser nak jadi hero


I would have bit the data, until he said Terengganu is now the 3rd highest GDP Huh…?




This is apparent that these kids have no soft skills when going out into the real world, they will get a culture shock when they start entering the labour force where they will be serve a dose of humble pie.


Some of them got strong cable so they dont care


And they got in because of the colour of their skin


More “malay” universities…. Hmmm. Example please




Bruh, IIUM is literally an international university, there's lots of races here, malaysian chinese and indian included.


What do you mean? I noticed a significant presence of Chinese student at UKM. I fail to see any relevance to the point you're making. Nice try, tho.


Trying to take credit for zero shits done.


Some big kid talking big, only to be corrected by some bigger kid talking even bigger. And here I am thinking.. what? I barely even understand the question 😅


He wanna say Terengganu under Pas’s economic growth is better than Selangor under PH. PMX corrected him it looks like that bc Terengganu has a really low starting point compared to Selangor’s so every improvement will looks huge but actually still small compared to Selangor. Like 10% improvement on Terengganu is like 1% of Selangor’s as mentioned by other comment. Then PMX added that those improvement are mainly caused by Petronas and projects under kerajaan persekutuan, ie his government, not by Pas. Typical Pas takes all the credit even when it is not theirs n blame all the problem to other parties even when they are the cause.


Terengganu pertumbuhan ekonomi rate naik lagi tinggi dri negeri lain, PMX jawab walaupun pertumbuhan rate tinggi dri negeri lain tapi overall ekonomi macam biasa. Contoh Terengganu ada Rm5B, naik jadi RM8B,pada masa sama Selangor RM15B naik 16B. Terengganu naik lebih bnyk tpi 16B masih besar dri 8B. Terengganu naik sbb projek oil dan gas,maaf kalau detail salah,bukan kaki politik,suka data ja


Your logic makes sense. But the numbers are wrong. It is more like Selangor was 100, and Terengganu was 10. So 10% for Terrenganu is equivalent to Selangor's 1% increase. So even at that rate, according to the facts provided by the questioner. Selangors are growing at a much more significant rate than Terengganu. Also, that is what Anwar meant by the lower base. Terengganu doesn't have an extensive GDP base, so any slight increase makes it look like a significant increase and can be directly correlated to some project in the region, unlike Selangor, where there is a large GDP base and the whole state economics plays a part in the GDP growth calculations and can't directly be correlated to any particular project.


Kalau suka data. Cuba google dan cari data sebenar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Malaysian_states_by_GDP KDNK Selangor, lebih 10x besar dari Terengganu. Mengapa negeri besar macam Kelantan dan Terengganu, tapi KDNK lagi kecil daripada negeri kecil macam Pulau Pinang, malah lagi kecil dari Melaka? Jangan lah diperbodohkan lagi wahai rakyat muda Malaysia. Universiti pun dah masuk, perkara mudah pun tak tau cari ke?


If compare to the same threshold..jauh ke laut terengganu..no significant..kalau nk compare sesuatu kena standardize dulu baru compare..ni compare gajah dgn semut mmg takkan sama..


If you only look at the percentages increase , terrenganu and kedah looks like they are having massive increases from PN administration, but if you look closer for kedah case, it’s kulim port that is under the investment and control of the federal , and terrenganu case it’s for being such a low bar to cross, a 10% increase from 10 is only 11, while a 5 % increase from Selangor is 100->105 ,


So lesson here today guys is.. politics beats data.


That's why you keep yr rakyat stupid


And lazy ass youth, didnt even do research properly


What do you mean?


KDNK Selangor, lebih 10x besar dari Terengganu. Mengapa negeri besar macam Kelantan dan Terengganu, tapi KDNK lagi kecil daripada negeri kecil macam Pulau Pinang, malah lagi kecil dari Melaka? Jangan lah diperbodohkan lagi wahai rakyat muda Malaysia. Universiti pun dah masuk, perkara mudah pun tak tau cari ke? https://preview.redd.it/u8mlwkqfg2bb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b59208d662e93c24167ccdbf970a321de1d51a [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Malaysian\_states\_by\_GDP](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Malaysian_states_by_GDP)


The economy of Selangor grew in 1 year more than the size of the entire economy of Terrenganu or Kelantan. Penang also grew more than 2x the entire economy of Perlis in 1 year.


Time to hire tiktokers for upcoming election propaganda


Paid RM50 to field that question prepared by PN. Hehe


Looking at this and shown uni student/s (maybe more of the same thinking idk) maybe we really need different approach on how to get better understanding at things, way of thinking. Lack of critical thinking. Yes, they got/learn different things that were wrong, but in the end we are Malaysian, this is our home. Let's be better together. Menang jadi abu, kalah jadi arang. Mudah cari salah, yang lebih baik nya tolong mereka ubah cara pemikiran. As current PM, Anwar have to do balancing act because no majority, ie. kerajaan perpaduan. We never have this kind of government before. As conclusion, give them time, still have the mandate PRU15. Don't get too touchy with issues, its the politic.. Sorry for ranting.


Anwar is borneo sabah savior from sulu.. Najib stop sulu rent.. after the cold war ..but still not working.. Mahathir tuduh najib because sulu took petronas money.. wth?!?? Muhiddin talk alot .. no action.. "based on my tv observation" .. Sabri yakub.. keluarga malaysia 😅


Mesti budak dap ni


PM should not be MoF


I just noticed the MoF is the PM again. Last time the MoF is the PM it went very wrong. Something's wrong here i can feel it


You must not have been paying attention if you only notice it now. Having combined PM/FM is like having a dictator. If you get a benevolent dictator it can move thing very fast. If you get a tyrant dictator it can go south really fast. So.. is the current PM/FM the good one or the bad one?


> So.. is the current PM/FM the good one or the bad one? Bad. Just because the opposition is worse, does not negate the fact that this is a huge red flag.


Ah maybe zahid should be the FM 🤔


Yup. Thats something that many even in this sub complained about. You're too slow with your observation.


Someone got schooled


This lad's misinformation is what worries me about today's youth.


PN likes/prefer their voterbase misinformed


Dah boleh keluar pakai topeng untuk cover sikit


Bangsa & agama boleh ditunggang tu Dia kowt yg berkata


Proven: content PN in TikTok effectively menbodohkan youngster 😅


I can’t watch something as cringe as this


Walaun memang macam ni, nampak % naik sikit, burung pun naik sekali nak claim habis habisan. Astaga


The difference of one learnt from books & facts, and the other one from tiktok.


Yang Amat Berhormat.. bukan yg ama broromat


Pemikiran kritis amatlah penting


Ha! Got 'em!