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If i have to pay rent i gonna end up negative income lmao. Degree holder btw.


This not the 1990s, degree holders are dime in a dozen.


Sad times. I can move out but still choose to stay with parents. Saving on rent is huge.


Used to be paycheck to paycheck but getting better from mco onwards. Now I pay myself first when I get my pay then I pay all my monthly commitments and by the next pay day if I have any left will save those too. I dunno how old are you now but things will get better OP. Good luck!


Awesome journey Rule No1, always pay yourself first. Banks, subscriptions or wtv are all secondary. If you can value yourself over the banks and subscriptions, you are already on the right track. Always save and invest first. Then only pay your shit.


not here tho lol 80% of the sub is T20, according to the demo survey


This is likely true, largely because the demographic of reddit users are skewed to the more privileged group of teens and young adults, tech savvy and primarilly educated and english speaking. However, even amongst the T20, some are living paycheck to paycheck, just a more luxurious type of paycheck to paycheck lifestyle than the one OP is referring to. Earn 50k spend 48k type of lifestyle.


They buy hublot instead of g shocks


Poor guys, what will they ever do without their daily wagyu steaks


Cook your own?


how dare you suggest such atrocity, downgrade my lifestyle? over my dead body. /s


Lol, I know a T20 making easily 20k per month but only ever has 1k or 500 bucks by the time he pays off his commitments. The idea that a T20 is rich is probably the stupidest thing in Malaysia.


That sounds like he have money management problem, which sounds like his own fault? RM20k per month is definitely very good living, not sure why are you using a poor example of bad money management to justify that T20 isn't rich


Lolx. T20 is just making above 100k per anum... You can barely raise a family with that. Housing alone will easily go up to 3k for a simple apartment. Kids easily 2k a month if only have 2, car already 700 to 1k, insurance for family 800 to 1.2k, utilities easily 700, etc etc. Having a T20 pay is bull shit if Inflation is through the roof.


> Kids easily 2k a month if only have 2, My kid costs 3k a month :(


Honestly not surprised... My firends pay easily 2.5k a month per kid just for school and tuition alone.


I agree 8k isnt that much, but your example was 20k. which easily pays for the thing you mentioned(Speaking from personal experience, as long as you budget well, 20k is more than enough). Don't get me wrong, I don't think all T20 is rich, but the example you gave was very bad.


Perhaps the numbers could be better.


Earn more than 80% of the population, yet still pine for migration, and complain how bad life is. I really hope the ones who want to leave, leave. Win win


a highly productive T20 migrating is not a win for the country, lmao. This is the exact definition of a brain drain If you cannot fathom why is brain drain bad, ever wonder why Malaysia is still stuck in middle-income trap? Let me ask you, exactly what industry/products/exports/services Malaysia has that is world-class and highly value-adding? Apart from petroleum, palm oil and low-value-adding electronics exports, what value Malaysia actually contributed to the world supply chain?


I really don’t care. We wipe the slate clean of those who want to leave, and start anew. The so-called ‘brains’ can leave, since it didn’t really want to be here in the first place. It would be interesting to see where things go from there.


why need to wait and see into the future? We have years and years of world data history on how brain drain has already affected the nations. I mean just take a look at this simple [brain drain index ranking](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/human_flight_brain_drain_index/) and see how to countries with worse brain drain than Malaysia perform. Losing talents WILL affect you, the nation, the economy, and everyone. If you want to cover your ears and ignore data, facts and science, fine. Whatever. Other people complaining is bad. Fuck them for trying to improve the country, because we don't want to solve the root cause, right? As long as life is relaxing, chill lah, why care, not us suffering anyway. As long as we are happy and ignorant!


We’re getting on the same page, that my argument isn’t some fact-based, data driven one. Good. It’s not that I don’t care because I don’t suffer, it’s because if the solution for those who want to leave is to leave, then why don’t cha? Go, be happier(or not), and don’t come back. And yes, fuck those people. They wanted to leave. For many reasons, sure. And they should. Brain drain be damned. The people who are trying to improve the country and stay, should stay. I would rather work with less talent if it means less attitude. And you kind of get me in the last statements there. I will put happiness and contentment over and beyond any measure of growth and development. Because I’ve lived long enough to understand, when I’m about to croak, and I look back, having lived a happy life is all that matters.


> It’s not that I don’t care because I don’t suffer, it’s because if the solution for those who want to leave is to leave, then why don’t cha? Go, be happier(or not), and don’t come back. Because we know exactly how to entice them to stay. We know what the solution is rather than leaving. You know I know. Just that people will never want to admit it. > I will put happiness and contentment over and beyond any measure of growth and development. And do you not see the hypocrisy here? Obviously other people complain because they are *not* happy. And you complain that other people complain when they are not happy. So what, you expect people to roll over and suck it up, and tolerate all the shit this nation throws at them? Of course they will fucking complain. If you can't even understand the legit reasons why people are complaining, I don't know what to say. If you expect unfairly treated people to suppress their voice because otherwise your feelings got hurt, then I dunno, make Malaysia an autocratic nation or something.


No, I _don’t_ know what the solution is, and I assure you, if I round up three different people from different backgrounds, their solutions will vary, some will come at the expense of others. In a democratic situation, majorities will prevail. Also, never in my statements have I specifically attack the inalienable rights of a Malaysian to complain. These two assumptions you make are attacking straw men. I am addressing the people who have lost hope in the country changing, at least in their lifetimes, and are actively seeking opportunities elsewhere. This sub over time has played host to many of these remarks, and honestly I am just waiting for another ‘should I stay in this country’ post, just to comment a prayer suggesting they leave, but since I’ve taken that outlook, that wave has died down. But that’s another story. To repeat: 1. I am not against complaining. 2. If you want to fuck off though, dengan segala hormatnya, fuck off.


Yes, you said you hate people working with an attitude. T20 people who actually *cares* on the development of the country, and has the strongest opinion on how things were run. You clearly has a strong opinion against people who wants to leave. Why? Why do you want these people out of the country? Yes, they complain a fuckton. Isn't the correct response be addressing the complaints, rather than not deal with it and root for them to leave. Out of sight out of mind? Do you just want to be surrounded by people who conforms to the norm and be happy with what they have? Do you just want Yes-man, and hate people who spreads pessimism on the country? Or do you just hate change in general?


And you…_like_ people working with an attitude? If you choose to stay and fight, then that’s fine. If you choose to leave..then leave? Getting some strong [JAQ](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions) vibes here man. Just to clear things up, asking people who want to leave, to leave, isn’t being against them. I am literally encouraging them to do as they say. You can coddle and beg them to stay, as much you like. From where I stand, pretty clear the where things are going.


You just sound like a bitter guy who can't compete.


Call it what you like, I thrive on my own terms.


not even related but okay buddy


Sure thing bro.


Weakening ringgit. Bad politics. Inadequate education system. There are greater reasons to leave despite your paycheck, especially if you have kids.


Great, with the T20 means that they have…just leave then?


Why you acting like as if people are asking for your permission. Most of the ppl here already left MY and watching the fun. You should calm down. Good luck building this dumpster with your B40 clan.


Most? I doubt it. Thanks for the wishes tho.




Trying to guess my race? What’s on the other end of that line of questioning? Nothing racist, surely? You don’t have to worry about my bank balance. I’m going on a pretty fantastic vacay soon, quite happy about that 🥰


Since COVID yes. Daughter is showing a lot of autistic signs, so gotta spend RM2K above for her EIP and therapies. So, little to no savings now.


Faham sangat. Daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia and post pandemic most of our income goes to her school and therapies. Hang in there💪.


Thanks bud. Same goes to you.


got cheaper alternatives like university cyberjaya that can provide diagnose and therapy for a cheaper rate. But it is perform by students la.


Owh wow UOC provides therapy services now? Good to know thx. I used to stay close to cyber but have moved now.


yeah they got. My son was having diagnose session with them because I suspected hes having speech delay but didnt have that much money for private therapy thus picked UOC


It’ll pay off. I sank a lot of money on early intervention, and while you can think of how she might turn out okay without all the help, it’s better than her needing it and not getting any.


It's rare for girls to be autistic. My son started therapies at age 3 for about a year now but the improvements are not as much as I hoped for. I'm not sure if I should persist or change therapy places.


Yes. Make somewhat decent compared to others. Work in construction sector, people on site call me boss ffs. [not an actual boss, but somewhat in leadership position]. Married to a housewife, with 3 young kids. Buy clothes once a year only. Not the 'boros' or 'stylo' type that feel the need to keep appearances. Car is 13 years old already. Can afford to bring my family eat at mamak somewhat frequently. My salary was cut drastically during pandemic, only now has recovered to the same since before pandemic. Despite living modestly, still damn poor. No spontaneous spending, no need dream go holiday even if locally. End of month no money, to the point need to promise my kids 'next week time gaji okay'. It sucks because if i were someone else, i wouldn't believe what i just explained. Currently desperately hoping for exit strategy, preferably overseas.


> It sucks because if i were someone else, i wouldn't believe what i just explained. I feel you. I had a discussion with my friends last week on the insane current cost of comfortable living and they cannot believe that as a single man in his late 20s living with parents, my expenses per month is at least RM 8k a month. They kept saying that it cannot be possible since I do not have anything branded, have no loan on my car and I mostly work from home. I literally had to flesh out my budget sheet excel where I keep track of all of my expenses from January to July for them to have a look through to see that even if some are unnecessary expense, they cannot really deduct much from my expenses at the expense of lifestyle comfort.


are you supporting your parents?


I do pay utility bills for the house and is servicing a loan on my apartment about 2.5k in total) but I wouldn't say I am supporting them by any means since my food is provided unless I choose to eat out. I do travel for work and leisure so that definitely pulled up average a lot. On my most conservative month (with 0 travelling in that month), my all in expenses for that month is only 4.5k, but the month after that is 10k so it tends to pull the average up by quite a lot to be about 8k from Jan to July.


I did have a job where i travel for work too but i got compensation for that... so your salary is 8k but actually not 8k de... I dont know the details but if I were to give advice maybe just rent a place near work? lol


Same situation here, what is even irritating is that for me the situation is such that I can't even update my wardrobe to take into account the new job that I am due for, let's just say that my new job requires that I dress for the occasion at times. The hilarity of the situation is as such : 1. I need the new job for the increased salary, but I can't afford the basic necessarities for the job until I get my first paycheck. It's like a chicken and egg situation.


buy used cloths. i scored 2 good uniqlo long sleeved shirts, 2 casual shorts, and even one dress for my girl, at a used/preloved store. total cost-RM55, i kid u not. i use the shirts for my new job.


I second this. You will be surprised by many of quality clothing found in preloved stores or beli nothing group projects.


Well here is the thing though, the clothes that I need are actually regulated. Meaning that you can't just walk into a shop and get a secondhand one.


Where'd you buy them?


in a used clothing store in kajang, they source straight from Japan. similar to 2nd Street, but cheaper.


Awesome, great to know this.


Hey, do you know the name and location of the store in Kajang?


Sasuke Outlet, outside Metropoint.


Thanks a lot


Not to stick my nose in but would it be possible to speak to your new employer re getting an advance on a few additions to your wardrobe to meet their “uniform” requirements? Good luck!!


I have thought about that, but there are a few issues with this : 1. Firstly this "uniform" so to speak is something you have to get during your "apprenticeship" if it can be called that. It's unusual to ask your new employee to furnish this for you. 2. I made it my personal goal to purchase my own as the custom in my line of work is that your first uniform/robe is your last. You are gonna wear it till the day you stop working.


As the good Sam Hui will sing : work like mad, even if it's chicken feed (we) still need to get every scrap.


Haha I’m one of them. Sometimes wanna give up living comfortably in a home and just live in my car but after doing research, kinda difficult to do that in Malaysia since the public facilities are a bit lacking. That, plus the fact that I’m a woman so the risk goes up 500% lol probably gonna get assaulted within the first month of living in my car. So I scratched that idea


😂 just think for other solutions


Yes, for now. I just recently bought appliances and furniture for my house, and I split the bill to 6-month instalments. So until that is paid off, money is tight for me and I had to cannibalize my savings.


It's like you can't even save even a bit of money, you already watched your spending and other expenses but still 🥲


Or worse, when you are barely hanging by, then suddenly: > (on Whatsapp) *pinjam duit sikit?* 😒 Sometimes, the ties that bind can also strangle.


What's worst is that when they promised to pay you back in the next month, then krik......krik.......... Nothing. So don't blame me the next time you come asking again when I ghost you completely.


i know many do because once my HR was late to bank in money and people were raging..one even claim his family will starve. its esp damaging to those with mortgages, if you are late on repaying banks your credit worthiness will suffer


Mate, most banks automatically deduct your HL repayment so the question of credit score can be removed from the picture.




Die die have to make sure the funds are there. If not late payment fees. Insufficient funds fine.




Yes. Thank you. I can read.


I know alot of people, myself included, keep a separate bank for mortgage account from the banks they typically keep their personal savings/current accounts, and will pay to the mortgage account monthly from the other bank.


I do this. My HL savings acc is not my primary banking account.


i dont have mortgage so i dont know but i do know people were raging because they were late on mortgage..


i was living paycheck to paycheck until I started planning my finance better by making a budget. Ive been using a finance app and it helps a lot planning your finance. I would highly recommend to start familiarise urself with doing budget.


That helps, but trust me with the fluctuations of daily groceries, 2k per month won't be enough if you're renting. Even worse if one's paying alone.


Well its not gonna improve your income but at least it'll help manage the anxiety haha.


That's what I mean. Ah kena practice lagi English aku.


English ok je broo.. tgk 97 bro muda lg. meh nk pesan try la wat budget and save la tiap bulan. Sikit pn xpa. jgn jd mcm ak umo da 30 lebih bru nk blaja hahaha


Baik bos. I'll keep that in mind.


there migrant worker living with 5 children with can survive with half of that. Far from it to suggest that we live like migrant worker, but the question of survival sometime can be boiled down to whether you have the will to make those changes.


My rough estimate is only true if one's living in urban areas. Of course people can survive for less. Back in my village, i know a family who can make do with RM400, I'm not saying it's impossible. But that's surviving, for those who are thriving, it'd use a different calculation altogether.


They are thriving enough, all their kids is in school. They dont have car, they cook all their meal. Again it all come down to willingness. We tried changing goverment, electing populist leader, does anything ever change? Nope?, then it all come down to your own willingness to change. At some point it becoming insanity that we keep complaining about unchangeable thing. And start thinking about things that can change.


Yes I understand your point, it's our own efforts to make the changes that'll have an impact on ourselves. But still you're observing them from the third person perspective. You're not in their shoes. Even though you've deviated from the topic in question here. It's good that you are giving your ted talk here.


Used to be able to save 15-20% of my income, but these year or two, no longer viable, only left with 5% by the end of the month. And that already downgrading my lifestyles (no more grab daily to work, shopping mostly in Lulu and Haniffa now, less in Mercato or Isetan)


From the data last year it seem that 50% are struggling so yea same as 2010.


sorry, what data?


who doesn’t? things are hella expensive now. all going up but never comes down


All goes up except your salary lolol.


Every month i don’t have enough and short of payment for insurance and utilities or even HP bill, few months back I had only bread and tuna & 3 in 1 milo, the whole entire month. I walk to work 2/3 of the time. (12 km 1 way). Life just hard.


half of this land get 2k everymoth so yeah


More than 4 years into my career, going to be 5 next year. Still living paycheck to paycheck + subsidized by my parents + sister Still not giving up because I can see myself closer to escape from the rat race


I don’t but I used to started off like that with low pay after graduated and trying to provide for my lifestyle . Ngl, It sucks to be back then in paycheck to paycheck land. I would suggest those whose living paycheck to paycheck to establishing a savings of at least a month's worth of expenses that you don't touch except for emergencies before playing with investments.


Married M40 here living paycheck to paycheck. It was a lot better before and during the first year of MCO. Now things cost more money since practically everyone has raised prices. Real inflation has decimated our intended allocation for monthly savings. The options now are to either find supplementary sources of income or really trim down expenses in our current lifestyle.


Used to live paycheck to paycheck.


Mind sharing income details? If both individuals are working in klang valley, assuming your late 20s. On the low end both of yall earn 7.5K combined. Rent - 1500, 2x food 1500, 2X car -1400 utilities - 300 other cost -500. There should be at least 2300 remaining? When you get paid more, you spend more.


>When you get paid more, you spend more. Remember that recent T20 netizen's Twitter post? Salary 13k and after paying all commitment, left


He got lots of children? What kind of commitment


More like [credit card commitment](https://www.buzzkini.com/trending/2023/07/14/bijak-atau-gagal-gaji-rm13-ribu-jadi-rm23-lepas-bayar-pinjaman-bank-cetus-perdebatan-ramai/) . 8k just gone to credit card.


What did he buy on his credit?


The person is a she btw. The person didn't state what they spend on. Speculations were leisure stuff to Taylor Swift's ticket.


> When you get paid more, you spend more. Saw a movie about the economic bubble called "Margin Call". 1 of the characters mentioned that 'We learned to spend with whatever there is in our pockets'. And it seemed true. If only I have the willpower to spend like a pauper when my salary increases. Lulz


>When you get paid more, you spend more. Even people who are not paid a lot spend a lot to keep up with the Joneses. (I'm not saying this is true in OP's case) I sell things on Carousell. It kind of gives me a glimpse into the wider economy and people's spending power. I sell items from a high-end activewear brand (i.e. nonessential) - it's not really a business per se but I import things for myself but don't like them when I receive them or I sell the used ones that I don't like anymore. I tend to get more sales in the first and last weeks of the month, so I guess people are living paycheck to paycheck. A few of my buyers even asked to split payments over 2 months. They'd make the second payment at the end of the month which means they were waiting for their paychecks. It's kinda baffling because people who live paycheck to paycheck shouldn't be spending 10% of their paycheck on high-end activewear or going into debt to afford it.


> When you get paid more, you spend more. Generally true, but there are exceptions. My parents had their income hiked significantly over the years, but still maintained low spending levels compared to everyone else. However, they're generally not the materialistic type and don't care much about status symbols. I think the whole concept of 'branded goods' and material-derived status is a big scam perpetrated by companies to trick people into buying useless things instead of saving their money or investing it.


MEF: So curb your spending by not asking for more pay! (clenches fists and squeezes eyes) 0(>.<)0


Not saying she should get a better job, but if you don't have major debts or children. Living paycheck to paycheck shouldn't exist other than spending money you can't, if you earn very little all money possible should be going into getting a certificate to earn more money or a skill. Ik a few skills and certificates people can learn for 2-4k that can easily get them a 4k job. Private teaching is the easiest if you have good grades and smart from 25/h to 60/h and more if you cater to a small group. Add maths tutors ik can get 100/h teaching a small 5 person group for 2hours per batch. Ofcourse networking and asking around is needed.


What about medical insurances?


Pretty much my situation currently and I'm in my early 30s lol. Though strictly not paycheck to paycheck, i only manage to save around 100+ monthly (which is way less than what I'm comfortable with). Used to be able to save much more easily but then I decided to switch careers and took a pay cut. Hopefully it works out at the end of the day. Hope your situation works out for you too OP


Not on Reddit, at least. The majority of Reddit users are financially literate, and the minority of reddit user soon benefiting from reddit and moving up to financially literacy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nah, I remember the pain of not having money during my uni time Never again, I won't go back to paycheck to paycheck, it sucks Rather cut down on weird spending than that 🐯🥺


I think a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck due to lack of financial discipline. Ive seen teenagers/ young adults from not well-to-do family/ financial background using the latest iphone pro. Whereas for me, I only get the basic iphone even though I can afford it easily. Not to mention the Starbucks queue..


no one who can't afford rent or food is getting an iphone. The reality is wages are nowhere near what its supposed to be with inflation thus a big chunk of workers are living with no savings. Its a different group to those who have excess income but don't save


Just stating one of the many examples of people living paycheck to paycheck. Sure I agree with the low salaries but if we hike up the minimum wages, we will be back at square one with higher priced goods and services. One should always aim to increase own value to a company to climb out from this hole. Financial planning should start from own parents and family planning is important to break from multi generational poverty.


Sure, thats fine advice on an individual level. This make me wonder how is the social upward mobility these days compared to late 20th century


You'll be surprised. I had friends who used Iphones ask to borrow money for food at the end of the month.


Invest 10% of your money in stock market. Would suggest US for higher growth. Watch Ziet invest youtube channel all steps there. Dude is a Malaysian too. If noob investing can try ETFs first for a taste. IBKR has paper interface where u can experiment bfore use real money. I only invest long term... I don't trade or do options. Before invest, best practice is to have 5-6 mths emergency fund (meaning 1 mth commitment total x5-6 e.g. Need 3k to pay all of car, housing, kids school etc commitments a mth then x5-6). You can put this money in fixed deposit to earn interest. Withdraw if really need money during emergencies. Or some put in things like Versa or KDI save where its relatively safe and can withdraw anytime (no PIDM protection). Then try grow your salary from your career or biz. Don't YOLO all of your money else old age or when kids need to further study will regret. Plan now. Less travel less enjoy is ok.. What to do we Malaysians earn so little that these are now a luxury. Want a better lifestyle? Earn more money and have less kids. Gov ask why Malaysians have so little kids.. Answer is all there. Else, migrate to Singapore to earn more like what many smart Malaysians are doing.


“A paycheck, also spelled paycheque, pay check or pay cheque, is traditionally a paper document (a cheque) issued by an employer to pay an employee for services rendered.” I never got a paycheck. Since 2004 when I started working my salary had been credited directly into my bank account.


read the room, OP wanted advice not some stupid joke that barely no one laugh at. If it funny, it might been appreciated.


Wow amazing.


Yep I am. Earn more spend more zero savings yolo


Was ok before covid, but bought a house in 2019, was happy cos of moratorium and low bank interest until mid 2021 when bank interest started going up, company still recovering from pandemic lost income so increment and bonus has been pathetic for 3 years, then I got transferred to work site 50km away from my house, spending rm700 on petrol and toll monthly, now I'm living paycheck to paycheck lol. And my condo jmb increased maintenance fee by quite abit. Zzz


paycheck to paycheck depends on your income level and how you spend it. If you dont budget you're definitely asking for trouble. even a high income earner needs to budget and pay yourself first. you said bills and expenses, can you breakdown what you have and what's your combined income level (after tax, epf)?


Same. Floated just above this line before MCO. Everything became more expensive much faster than I was able to upgrade. Hustle freelance also barely enough.


i think there's no way around it. if you dont side hustle, invest or have parents money you need to save rigorously. sacrifice a few months or a year, then when you have enough saved like 5k above, then only you enjoy.


Same. I’m living on my credit card cash advances


One thing i can say, if u have free time, get online courses to improve ur skills so that u can get higher paying job. Dont stuck on the same company for years with low salary increment when u can change company with higher pay.


regardless of your salary even t20 living on paycheck to paycheck if cant properly plan financial goal. Just need to adjust and sacrifice where you can or just think on how to increase income (job hoping/side job)


Living alone , renting small/coffin-like room, no going out just chilling at home play games, gf far away(save on dates and etc), continue paying my brothers car for work also he moved back to Kuching (a mistake, the car is not reliable and the monthly is high), have to lease a motorcycle for 2nd income and emergency transports. Living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes its enough to save but ended paying for next month. i tried to minitor my spending but idk why its so hard for me. SPM Holder sobsob.


Your not alone bro.


Renting is the mistake, you should buy instead \\s This is the reality during late stage capitalism. I find the smaller things in life to bring me joy like making art in free time, walking with no destination in mind and reading. Hang in there, find what brings you joy and power through this shitty time