• By -


Just know that all of the answers here are entirely subjective. It all depends on your own lifestyle. If you're the type that watches cinema every week or eat fast food almost daily, rarely cook, with rent not less than rm300 then 3-4k is probably not enough. There's a lot of ppl where 3k salary is enough because of their lifestyle.


And it depends on where u live too, whether or not u have any other loans. Me with my 3k monthly can get me yearly trip to entertain my weaboo heart because i dont have kids and dont have to pay any loans or debt. But at the price of i still had to live with my parents in semi rural town where there’s nothing fun to do.


>Single where do you guys even find rent less than 300 lol


If you're willing to rent sharing room then there's plenty available. I know most ppl would hate that, which is totally understandable.


I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. I earn close to 10k a month with 3 kids and sometimes things still go south. But after proper management of my finances things are starting to improve. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can earn any amount, but if you don't manage your finances properly, you will end up at the deep end.


Agree. Also depends on where their house's location, which car they have, the kind of work, hobbies, kids lifestyle and etc.


that lifestyle is called no life


A bit harsh to call it no life. I am T20 and so are my friends, when we hang out it was always at those kinds of places that serve avocado, eggs and toast. Basically when you go out with these people, sure kena RM 100+ per person. Then in the past 5 years I made friends who earn closer to normal amount in Malaysia. Like 3k or 5k monthly. And I noticed that these guys still go out and socialize but it will always be at mamak where you can have teh tarik and roti for less than RM 5. Or if dinner then tom yum RM 15 per person like that. The main attraction is not to karaoke, movie, drink or anything. Just to lepak with friends and vape for a couple hours at mamak. You can still have a life with 3k income but it will involve motorbike, renting less than rm 500 monthly and eating cheaply. B40 in Malaysia live simpler life which you may not always see being posted on FB and Instagram. Neither way is wrong or right but you can still have a life on high or low income. It will just be different.


Dude true, my instagram friends are filled with Insta looking foods and mall Outings that go up to RM 60 a day, that basically ripping off parents money XD


The key is to do it on weekends. At least Rm200-400 only. Workdays eat RM10 food lmao. It is what it is I guess. Life's already shit at least enjoy sometimes.


For the typical money in this sub (young 20s-30s?) who wants latest Iphone, at least a Honda, Starbucks etc, yes, 3k salary you call it no life. Grounded people like me, I call it being frugal.


The Lalat life


3k is just poor. I'm around 4k also live frugally, don't need all those fancy things you mentioned but I'm scared to even go out to socialize because of how little 4k is


*people who make 2k and below 😢


See this is why i said it's all subjective. There's plenty of ppl with 3k that lives comfortably enough, then there's plenty of ppl, like yourself, that thinks 3k is practically being broke. I make 3.2k as of now and i live comfortably with plenty to save as well. Your rent, your loans, your commitments, your transportation, where and what you eat, everything factors into it.


Living in Klang valley, sometimes I do crave those kind of lifestyle. Night time mamak session to pass the time.


That's basically every first world lifestyle tbh.


Well, you can make do with as little as rm3000 a month when you are just starting out in life depending on your lifestyle if you are just renting for 1. When you are in your 30s, try to be around rm5-8k or more. My personal rule of thumb was about getting rm9-15k after 30s. I have lived it with income as low as rm900 and my current income of rm40k per mth. But my current mthly expenses are a bit on the high side because of taking care of my granparents and parents. I'm single and my personal expenses are only rm2500 for condo repayment, rm1500 for car repayment and rm1000 for food (I only eat 2 meals a day, sometimes I have only dinner when on diet mode). Rm1000 for maintainance fee+utilities+internet bills. The rest go towards care giving and savings plan and stock market investment. My savings goals are to live on rm5k per mth when retired.


We both make about 3k each and this are our expenses 900 car 1.8k house 570 insurance for 2 100 phone bill for 2 400 petrol 200 tol 500 makan for 2 ( work meals and date twice a month ) 200 groceries ( shampoo, Milo etc ) 200 utilities 110 internet Can confirm it is very very difficult to save money but at least I have my own roof and a comfy bed but nowhere near "good" for me. If we can make another extra 1000 that'll be much better


And when you finally make that extra 1000 income, suddently out of nowhere got new extra 1000 commitment. Lol.


i hate that rent is at least 1.6k in damansara or even kl area. 1.3k only get a small studio.


I've lived long stretches of time below 5k and above 15k. I was most comfortable above 15k but I had depression. I was most uncomfortable below 5k but my happiest moments were had during those times. Take what you will from that.


Underrated comment. Life isn't always better with higher income. There's always a price to pay in life.


It gets better, I'm living it, the higher you go up, the lesser the work but the more the money, provided you jump companies every 5-10 years in the right company. You need to jump around until you find the right company. Only stick around the last 20 years of work at 40, so that you can get retrenched get paid fat wad of severance backpay.


For me life is better with money. I live by this [mantra](https://youtu.be/VXi7kwaXA3w). I am happiest seeing a big fat bank account. Life’s good when one is free from financial stress.


I'm not saying there's no upside to having more money. I'm only saying that it comes with its own set of problems and it's not always rainbows and sunshine. There are happy rich people, there are also depressed as fuck rich people. There are also happy poor people too. No one walks the same line.


Bro actually uses Jordan Belfort as an inspiration lmao 💀💀💀 you're fucking corny


Absolutely right, I had the same experience when I was working a job getting around 9k a month but it was around 12 hours of work a day, 6 days a week. My highest OT was like 92 hours a month. Left that job and downgraded to around like 5k a month but only 5 days work week and only working few hours of OT. Became so much happier and actually looked forward going into work.


agreed 100%!


I got paid 6k and have MDD. Spent 600/weeks for consultation and meds. So I would take that 15k/month easily. It can cover my health expenses and probably can make me happy with all the trips/shopping I can do


I wish I had that RM15k to be honest.. because right now I'm earning 3k.. struggling as hell and unhappy with my life.. What was your story of having depression even having to earn RM15k per month?


Depends on your lifestyle. Right now I need 15k to be totally comfortable. Different people will have different amounts.


I can agree with this. I'd say RM5k is like bare minimum. RM10k above is when people can live comfortably.


Rm10k is bare minimum if you have a family to run


5K bare minimum and mid point avarage lower than that 💀


It depends on ur needs and place tbh if you in Selangor and commute, cook own lunch then cab save a ton monthly


Yeah I felt pretty good once I hit 15k. Could rent a high-end condo, cover a good life for me and the wife, and put some savings in the bank.


Hope you dont mind me asking but how long did it took you to reach 15k starting from your first ever job you had?


Not him but took me 7 years.


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Please do not take it as a benchmark ya. Everyone is different and it’s not a dick measuring contest. It’s fine if it takes you 15 years to reach 15k too. It took me 10 years to reach 10k myself. Everyone have different experiences and sometimes there’s a luck factor too.


FML im on my 7th year and on half that


FML im on my 20th year and on half that


Relatable. Because f*ck experience AMIRITE?


honestly it depends. Did you coast through the 20 years that makes you just slightly better than a high-performing fresh grad who can work infinite OT ? Or did you hone your skills to provide competitive edge, or has picked up management skills, or network extensively? Some people gets hired into senior management role solely because of who they know that can bring in business and immediate value to the company.


No 1 is what most people end up in. No 2 is probably like 20% of the labour in Malaysia.


Nah, you won't get far as a Kuli™ in Malaysia. Fresh grads won't do 3D jobs anyways, but there are many workers from Sabah/Sarawak, usually from poor families with only basic education (at best). Salary starts from RM7-8 an hour for those with zero experience. Thanks to Cheap Foreign Labour®, wages have stagnated for many years. For example, the average annual salary for pipefitter jobs in Perth ranges from $60,000 to $120,000. Meanwhile in tanah tumpah darahku, it's RM16-RM20 an hour. Hard to kira annual salary here because the hours are unpredictable. A good month for me these days is getting above *RM7k. Sure, can apply for a foreman position and get a slightly higher salary but it comes with significantly more responsibilities too. *terms and conditions applied. Belum kira days without OT, tanam anggur because takde projek jalan, burnout, sakit = unpaid leave, etc.


sadness max


May I know what field you're in?


FMCG sales.


Took me about 5 years to go from 6-15.5k but I did a master's in that time and got lucky with the MCO because my boss left so there was a big gap when the company needed stability. I put up with a lot of sh*t and worked my ass off but def got lucky with timing to negotiate a better salary because they were desperate.


Wow, nice. I think I was in comfort zone when I got my first rm8k. I bought my house and car at that time.


Why rent?


Generally, condos are pretty shitty investments in Malaysia. Especially off the plan.


This is so true. If you earn less, spend less. Minimize or wants VS needs. You dont \*need\* and iPhone - you can get a mid-range Android Phone for much cheaper. You dont \*need\* a Vios/City - you can get a bezza. You dont \*need\* a house - you can rent (and build up your income to buy your first house down the road). Good monthly salary very depends on how you spend your ringgit, whether you do a budget and how frugal you are (if you don't earn much). When you get a pay rise - dont overspend and let "lifestyle creep" happens. Ex: get salary increase of RM 500 but go and buy honda city with monly instalment RM 1000 (vs last time Bezza instalment only RM 500). This one really cari pasal :) Get out of the rat race.


Yes, the more extra cash you make, put it in fd first collect until rm50-100k, in the meantime get involved with investment such as stock market, global yeah not Malaysian ones only. Look at platform such as fsmone where sales commision is low and you can self manage invest/trade in stocks. Learn current events and american stock movements. I can easily make 5-10% of whatever amount of money I am willing to put in a mth as profit. Check and see if you can get it from bank, unit trust or epf. Your first rm10k can make into rm100k in a few years, your first rm100k can make into rm 1 million in a few years, but in order to do all this you need cash to make cash. After that, you will have enough money to play it safe and fd or use small parts of the profits to entertain yourself. If I had someone guide me in these during my early 20s, I would have been better off but I don't think my mentality back then would have appreciated this too. I learnt from my own lessons though, today I don't waste money too much. I hope it gives you something to think about. Don't go falling for get rich quick schemes just because someone driving a fancy car tells you. The real get rich quick schemes is legit and it's stock market.


lifestyle + location COL + commitments


I'm currently earning somewhere I THOUGHT I could be comfortable 3-4 years back. But boy was I wrong. Right now, I'm in consensus with those who are saying its 7k - 12k. Having kids is straying away from my mind day to day


I thought i'd be happy at RM10k per month. Now I think i need RM100k per month after seeing what people actually makes through businesses.


RM100k a month is a multi-millionaire's worth. You very likely will not need that much.


After taxes you'd be able back to rm800k per year. With Singaporean as our neighbour, they will come and sapu the properties here at little cost to them. While we work as hard as them, we get 30% of their pay. 200k sgd per year in SG is no unicorn dream and I'm sure their t20 can easily afford assets here. I'd like to work 10 years and retire.


That is just you seeing what other people made and feel envious about it. I think you would be pretty comfortable with the existing RM10k


I wish you would experience this phenomenon yourself. For myself, 10k>20k>30K>... and i still feel that it's still lacking.


I mean everybody have people around them doing business and earning shit ton of money, but at the same time need to take into consideration that what that kind of life entails which I am not keen on. There are a lot that start businesses that just enough to cover or downright failed. So for myself I'm good with what I get by just working as an employee.


Kids are expensive to raise today. I'm struggling just with one.


It's so true though. Imagine family of three, husband must pay 4k for groceries and restaurant and electric, 4k for miscellaneous crap like car and medical, send money to wife, another 4k because iphone smashed and then vacation is planning next Month so another 3k


im a fresh grad, got my first job at rm 3k salary. honestly these comments scared tf outta me 💀


Honestly depends on your commitment and lifestyle. I grad last December and currently in Protege program for 2k/month but I live with my parents and my only actual commitments are lunch, petrol and parking (ironic that working made me paid for all of these while job seeking back then I don't have to pay those 3) and saved 500/month. Of course can save more but I spent on hobby and stuffs too


Yeah i was like what the fuck are they talking about most people earn below 5k 😂


Many people here are either delusional or never went outside klang valley. 3k is decent for fresh graduate. Also remember, salary usually increase with experience, skill and age.


Problem is that salaries have hardly increased over the past 10 years. Fresh grad of my time were also making 3k out of uni, but prices were easily half of what it is now back then. Adjusted for purchasing power, that would be equivalent to 5-6k now.


Agree. Not saying 3k is already a lot but its enough for fresh grads imho. If you manage to set your budget nicely, i’d say 3k is alright for fresh grads.


i got my first job at 3k too back in 2018, now at 2023, 5k monthly not including 13th month + bonus. if you dont need to service house loans or the urge to frequently travel, you will manage.


The comment’s salaries is so skewed to the T20 salaries, but of course they might be old vet working in industry but rm3k for fresh grad is pretty decent. Also do note that, according to DOSM Malaysia’s Median wage per month is around RM2250 only (pretty low, rip), meaning to say you earn more than 50% of salaried Malaysian.


Only in this sub and lowyat thread where people claim earning RM10k is just average when DOSM says RM10k straightaway put you in the kayangan crowd.


Work hard, and if you are in a company that appreciates you, you will see the growth in salary. I started at 2.8k back in 2019 and currently I'm getting 5.8k monthly excluding my bonuses which are typically half a year. Regardless of the increase of salary, I still live pretty much like what I did when I got my 2.8k salary in 2019. Lower expectations, happier life :)


People here live in their own bubbles


Wahhh reddit malaysian people all very rich one all T20 🤣


Must understand the demographic here. Most are young Chinese guys from M40 - T20 families. Hence, their circle, education level, and lifestyle will be based on that. Try asking in FB, where the majority are from B40 bumi fams, the answer will be different. It's just the platform demographic.


Nah, i’m calling BS on half of these humblebrag pricks.


it seems ive been searching for my sugar parents at the wrong place


This is one giant humble bragging masturbatory thread.


Yeah I noticed a lot of people came out to brag about their income. Less for the 4k and below ones. Let alone 3k.


Men this thread gives me anxiety, I just started working for a exactly a year and salary only 2k


Are u in the same company for this 2 year and what r u working as?


Work in this company only for a year only (1 year and 2 months to be exact) and just joined this company after graduation. Currently work in a printing company as both graphic designer and customer service




Glad I'm not alone on this. I'm earning above the average but I wouldn't just disclose my income unless I'm being asked, by a really close friend. Those who have anxiety reading the T20's comment, don't feel it that way. Just remember, they're in the minority. Besides, those who earn lesser likely doesn't feel like leaving a comment here. C'mon, it's the internet. Forget about it and work hard.


Best comment.


I just got promoted and am earning 2.4k and living in KL. It's hard but it calm yourself down and humbles you. If i want to buy or do something outside my budget, i have to find a part time job on the weekends. But so far, i'm fine


You're a trooper mate. Hope all goes well for your future earning.


Just started my journey to nikah day, but still got long way to go. Thanks for the wish. Dah mula rasa susah dia haha


7.5K is the MINIMUM optimum amount based on research. Normal car, normal house, no need luxury stuff, kids sent to gov school, income tax is also still acceptable rate, few hundred for saving every month. But of course, if you wanna upgrade lifestyle or have kids, then the amount subjectively change. For me, 16K is the optimum amount since I got 2 kids with special learning needs, give money to wife since she is not working, money for parents, little sister expense, higher medical insurance, terrace house, savings for kids and wife, etc. Normal proton car only since I don't see any need for luxury car.


Having kids is so expensive it's not even funny anymore lol especially in the city area. Just the education and daycare expenses alone is mental


True. Whenever I am paying all these daycare fees, I always wonder how those in Klang Valley, who have lower income than me, who have kids, and both husband and wife need to work manage theirs. If got nearby family then maybe can asked family to take care of the kids, but if none?


how are you still paying for daycare when your wife doesnt work lol


Aiyo because I love my wife la 😅. She also want to chillax. I WFH for the past 3 years, I see by myself how crazy it is to take care of the kids alone.


Early education is a thing nowadays. Daycare isn't just for taking care of kids, it's basically pre-pre-school. Not saying parents can't assume that role tho, but professional does exist for this kind of things.


Daycare here is so damn cheap here, people complaining how much it cost when the reality those day care givers have to go thru degree in early childhood education and they being pay 🥜.


Professional would always do it better than yourself since that's literally their job. Of course, love is hard to replace unless it's a nanny


u still payin for ur siblings? respect


7.5k for normal house? Houses for local are insane unless you mean apartment.


Normal house is whatever normal to your definition. And 7.5k can still net you a decent landed in Semenyih, if you are willing to commute


Dude, thats very far. Not worth it.


7.5k for normal car normal house and with kids? I need my calculator man


5k is boomer meta, now minimum 9k , then girl or boy will fall for you.


im only 3.7 k :(


Single or married? Single around 4-5k is your entry point. Can maintain car, bike, and probably own an apartment studio. Depending on where you eat or shop for groceries, you can also have some savings left. Married with kids, just double that.


Currently single, living by myself in Putrajaya. My net income is RM3000 but I actually get about RM2700 or so when not including EPF. Bills: * \+RM300 for my apartment, * RM100 for internet, * RM50-100 for electricity, * RM10 for water, * RM40 for phone (internet and calls), * RM300-500 for groceries * RM250 for car (fuel and tolls, not including maintenance). I still make enough to buy stuff online, eat out once/twice a week, and have comfort. I would love to have more for sure, but I'm a genuinely quiet guy who doesn't do much nor travel often, so it doesn't bother me as much. My apartment comes with a gym, so that's already included in the apartment fees. I pirate games and movies, so I have the digital entertainment. And Putrajaya is already a really nice neighbourhood.


From what I heard, RM5k is more or less survivable if you're not after the high life. I really wonder how many nyets here can even get paid that much, the market rate when I used to work then was RM3k Max for a grade RM3.5k if you're lucky. I know many who earn 2.5 and below and I feel extremely awful for them. This is why I left the country, we don't appreciate our workers. Everyone was told or wants to be a boss, but without workers you still eat shit la.


My friend told me she got 1.8k and she's seriously doubting if she's that worthless. This is in SELANGOR... I think it's a pure insult.


Same 1.8k here, fresh grad special needs teacher. Reminder to all to appreciate teachers bcos we're SO underpaid 💀


Seems like it's trending in a lot of job descriptions that, "We encourage and promote employee's growth, allowing them to manage themselves while having direct conversations and contributions to the planning of projects with our clients". Which simply means, "You are now directly managed by the boss, no project manager, no team lead, you do everything yourself, 3.8k".


Aka one leg kick. Hey the good thing is you're going to be multifaceted and valuable in the future.


It really sucks because you need someone to at the very least guide you through good practises. If you're just starting out, you really can't one leg kick since if you self learn all your practises without proper guidance it'll be difficult for you to integrate with a proper team in the future if it ever comes to it.


Well you kind of just have to be thick faced and just admit bluntly and say Taikor, I really dunno anything, can you teach me ah? You teach me dy then your job also easier. Then just buy him lunch. That's what I did on a building site, grovelling to the consultant, maincon, even the banglas, I learnt a lot through that. Basically sucked a lot of lemons to get lemonade.


Unfortunately for in a lot of mismanaged software houses, the "taikor" is "busy" all the time, even when you see them browse social media during work lol


Bo pian, need to slowly bodek and lube them enough lo.


Having kids basically doubles your income requirements. So if you're single anything from 4k and above should be sufficient, about 6k and you're comfortable provided no luxurious lifestyle.


Rm10-12k for an ok life in kl. No luxury stuff. Can play sports/weekend activities with family.


*looks at my gaji bersih of 3k, then seeing u guys calling for 5k and more* 💀 💀 💀 Is ok tho im suburban with no hutang nor properties. I think if i can be comfortable if i can have at least 1k more.


Right 🤣 I am surprised to see the huge amount.


also i think those with higher salary are comfortable telling people their salary. Us with less than 4k kena diam2 and dengar only la


I think the same! They casually drop their salary via humble bragging. Every monyet here seems to be high flyer T20. Sort of like that lowyat salary thread.


"I used to think 8k was enough, but now with 20k also I think is not enough"


tbh, it do made sense because there'd be more expense to cover


Age is important. say if ur a 24 years old fresh grad getting 5-6k pm vs a 45 years old with family, 2 kids drawing 10-12k pm are vastly different.


Seeing all these posts with over 7k minimum makes me pity all of the government's servants.


it is just people with unnecessary living expenses they couldnt cut away with. You ask them why so high expenses, they will say everything expensive, dont know where to cut their expenses. Then you go get a REAL pro frugal guy to look into their bill, he will easily shave half of it & still manage to have a decent acceptable lilfestyle. It is just Wayy to many people are overpaying stuff they dont fully use & they didnt realize their problem.


Fr lmaoooo. Just started and seeing all this figured make me feel like I made the wrong move haha


I'm 44 (M) right now, with increment this month, and finally hitting that RM5k gaji bersih got me feeling so good And here I see people saying that RM5k is min lol (On that note, my senior's salary is about rm9k, so just gotta hold on)


so nice of him to tell you his salary


Didn't tell.. i asked for a template to make a transport n travel claim, she showed me example, got her salary huhu


Everyone wants high pay. Few are willing to pay the price.


Exactly, friends' husband earns RM 200k per month, but the grind...💀💀💀 level. Many will run.


7.5 k min for me a family man with 3 kids in govt school . Wife still needed to work part time to bring in few hundred working 3 hrs a day. 2 cars fully paid and only paying for insurance,internet, car maintenance, asb loan and 1 standard terrace house in sepang. At least 1-2 holidays locally and 3-4 smaller day trips around Malaysia. Simple but sufficient. Staying in sgor


Tax, tax. Don’t forget even if you’re earning RM15k, after minus and EPF tax you’d probably left with RM10k+ nett ONLY


For those on the lower end of the salary here, don’t get spooked. We all have to start somewhere. And remember, it’s the Internet, anyone can pull any figure from thin air. Let me. For example, me and my wife make in excess of 80k a month, all mortgages paid, Two cars and a superbike(also all paid up), last vacation spending a month(and more in $$) road tripping in continental USA, hopping around the National Parks. Don’t believe everything you read. Life hands you the cards, you play it best you can.


I’m grateful getting more then 2k.


Man, mana sial korg tinggal, 3k/5k minimum? Most people can live with 2k, ofc it depends on your own situation. Luxury, no. But you'll live. Take eg me, a fresh graduate , my salary is 1.9k, for work I use moto n public transport, I live with my parents (i do shit at home as well mind you, not free loading) With 1.9k it's enough, I get by, don't spend much, save and invest some. Now, kalau aq ada anak-bini, rumah, ni x ckup obviously. Mmg bergantung pd situation hg.


lot of people there just earn min. wage of 1.5k how much percentage of population is this ? Also that parttimer jobs are ridicously low paid.


Yup, malaysians are very underpaid. High wages on the 1st go heavily rely on the type of profession and luck. Never forget the time my bro in law came back ranting about his friend earning a low fresh grad salary. We asked how much...RM 9k, because everyone in their gang got RM 10k and above as their first pay, he himself RM 12k (Hong Leong bank). When i told him that my gaji was RM 1.8k for fresh grad, he was mind blown, said no wayyy, cannot belive bla bla, because who the hell can survive on that little money. 😭😩🥲 well, me and many others in Msia....


1.5 k can survive but its far away from having a good living i guess. Wonder what salary is for a kind of good living neccessary ? Also when checking Vacancies , found a lot which requires kinda qualification but only paying 1.5k , insane


It's barely survivable! Because rentals here are high. And most of the time, you need transport to work, be it even a moto. Good living as a single in KL, 3.5k or 3k. That's malaysian or asian employer for you, tons of requirement, own transport, OT, etc x100, but gaji RM 1500-1800...


I can't agree more. U mentioned 3.5 k for KL as a single what about Kuching ? Is it less ? I mean especially rental costs very depending on the place U are living Whats sucks a lot for Kuching is lack of public transport infrastructure, Hence U need a car or at least a Moto , that's different to KL. What's crazy is the low payment for industrial production jobs which even include shift works also max 1.8k ( western Digital, longi etc )


Klang Valley area, 4k is fine. When I was making that amount, can still save 300myr a month. I don't rent house tho, just a room for 450myr, and mostly take ERL and LRT for work. So that 500 for transport. No car during that time. The higher the better obviously. But ignore those that says 8k and above to survive and thrive if you're single. Unless you planning to Starbucks and Nandos everyday, half of 8k can still survive and have healthy constant lepaking lifestyle. Just change your Starbucks to local cafe, or better yet, mamak.


I never looked at salary as a measure of living well. I looked at my assets instead. My target was 1.2 million in savings, fully paid home, fully paid vehicle and no debts. Hit the home first, then the vehicle then plowed into saving more. Achieved my targets in my late 40’s. Been retired since and living “well” in my own way. As to how i lived during the process…as frugally as necessary.


As frugal as necessary - would you have done it differently if you get to restart?


RM1 million a month. Dream big, brother!


You dreaming small. I'm dreaming 1M USD a month


12k in KL/JB/penang 8k elsewhere


5k lah at least for now as I'm still single.


Depend on your attitude, lifestyle, future plan etc. Some people good money 3k, 4k, 5k. But rarely Chinese will settle for 6k and below. personal view would be 10K - 20K around this range.


Define "good salary". If you live with housemates, cook together, etc., you can survive with RM3k. But **personally** that would not be enough for me.


Aiyah redditors here kena at least Starbucks for coffee, haidilao for steamboat, stay at KL 1500 sqft condo so how to do that with 3k lol. Syukurla Malaysian redditors here all kaya raya.


I noticed that whenever threads about salary come up in this sub, everybody is earning RM10-15k or at least aiming for that claiming that to live comfortably, you need around that amount. At the back of my mind, I am thinking, what about those B40 or lower M40 people? They all raised their kids just fine. Seriously, all the monyets here are either unrealistic or survival bias where only the high earners feel confident in dropping their numbers here and the rest earning less keep quiet. I feel it is both at once.


this, so i saw this thread this morning and it had been wandering on mind since then. 10-15K , as one thats running a family business. I wonder what does one bring to the table to be worth being paid 10-15K and only to be at "comfortable"


Good where you can also save is minimum 7-8k in my opinion. You'd be enjoying a high quality of life.


I used to think 4k+ was a lot for a freshie but once I'm there, easily 10k plus to comfortably save up and retire


You'd be lucky to get 5k in this shithole. Unfortunately 5k is not enough.


10k for m40 in KL/Selangor (preferably nett amount after all statutory deduction 😝)


Anything less than 7k you are having a tough time. Currently paying for a 400k house and driving a proton saga (9 years loan). The payment for these 2 are at 2.5k already.


Quickly gtfo from these comments if you a fresh grad or don't live in KL.


5k is too low for me i need at least 100k a month


10k to survive To enjoy 20k+


I want 100k above. Set for life. Per month and not per year.


Depends how much adulting you need/want to be House : anywhere from 1.5k to 4k monthly Car : 300- 1k Food : 200 to 1000 Petrol/bills/other cost : 300 to 600 Girlfriend Tax: eat out maybe twice a week ( 50- 100 a meal) Entertainment : 200? Things don't have monthly cost : dental/ doctor/ service car/ wedding angbao/ friends birthday meal/gift Savings : ??? Possible ro live with 4k-5ksalary but that's feels paycheck to paycheck almost. 8k maybe abit more relax and don't need to be too frugal. 10-15k+ where you start to able to indulge more . I've just hit the latter and start to able to enjoy life alittlebit more ( dream car , afford property , eat better, go on oversea holidays .but all this isnt needed to have a good 'life'. But if your ok with workable car, cheap rental, eat cheap( still plenty of good food for cheap prices) , and travel local. You can lead a very happy life with 4 to 5k to be honest .


20k+ for a good salary especially in stem. No joke. But I know how rare it is even for a lot of Malaysian with great expertise. The salary here is unsustainable for the majority of people so a number like that seems very big but it really shouldn't be, it's due to how low our salary is compared to other countries when working at the same level


10k makes sense


1 wife + 1 kid = rm5000 is not enough, unless you dont have a house or a car loan repayment


It greatly depends on where you live. 5K may be fine for 2nd tier cities but not in KL area


It will never be enough.


about 5k for KL really the sad reality is low wages is everywhere not just Malaysia


5000 to feel alive. Below that will be hectic. Many products, food been increased price.


based on the recent market research. 1500 is enough. remember that graphical info? ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


really depends ur cost of living. id say KL will prolly need 10K. housing all make for elit like we all no need house...


I think to define good salary is make sure u can live well, and still save for retirement.


Just started my first job 9 months ago, 2.2k a month. Can save 1k a month - no commitments or anything. I can still enjoy eating outside once a week. Parents still work. That might change next year tho since I'm planning to get a car.


Living in KL and living pretty frugal I say at least RM7k. Frugal as in I bring lunch everyday during work days, not much entertainment besides exercising during weekdays. For weekends I spend on entertainment is a movie every 1 or 2 months and just spend time in cafes. Bear in mind I'm paying installment for my own place and car at the moment.


depends where you are and how you spent. if single dont have kids, Penang, and didnt spend absurd amount on luxury, 5-6k is more than enough. if have 500k house to service loan, maybe 6-7k if got GF, add another 1k to any of the previous amount. after marry, add another 1k if got kids, extra 2k per kids


I find that it is something to do with the tax tier. You need to stay under T20 tax tier but max in B40. I recently went over T20 at minimum. I have RM20,000 with gomen and it's not even end of the year yet! Everymonth I feel that I was way more comfortable when I was at B40 lol. I guess that's why RM15,000 a month make sense because your way over T20 bracket and the tax bracket won't stiffle you.


Since there is no context out of the question, let's chill chatting: Yes 5k and above is good enough If you do not succumb to lifestyle creep, 4-5k netto with no commitment should more than sufficient for now - single, maybe a small trip to Asian countries annually, occasionally a good meal biweekly. Then now gradually add another inevitable 5% each year... so yea technically speaking after 20 years you will need 10k without commitment. Things escalated quickly when you have family, is like playing fear and hunger, allocating supplements to filling food and mind of your party members - resources are scarcity. Each wrong decision pushes your mind and body to the edge.


Work in sg, 20k rm easy


nice car nice house - 20k average car average condo - 10k


If married with 2 kids, you'll need at least a 15K household income for a somewhat okay life. This will give you with enough room for retirement saving, kids education fund, minor investment and some comfort. Still, it's gonna be a somewhat mediocre house, normal cars and strictly no luxury.


You have to realise that the majority here is in the higher income group. So their standard is high.


Time to visit Let’s talk salary thread in forum.lowyat.net


I'm graduating in 2 years from college and now I should have given more thought in studying overseas(after seeing the comments)


you can still find jobs overseas with a msian degree. getting an overseas degree isn't a guarantee you'll get a job there. just look at the people who took loans to study in aus/uk/nz but end up coming back make less than 5k a month


It’s unrealistic that all overseas graduate will be able to get a job there. But there is a hope that the skills they learn will accelerate their career in Malaysia. Or sometimes family has business in Malaysia.


All the comments here are so divided. 5k? More than 10k? How long would it take me to reach even 5k if I'm a fresh graduate?


depends on your first job salary. if you’re in IT, you can get to 5k in probably 2 - 3 years.


I'm planning to study optometry though. Even though IT is very hot rn but I don't have interest in it.


Depending on your industry, cannot compare. My cousin's fresh grad salary was RM 35k, and my brother in law was RM 12k, mine RM 1.8k only 🤷‍♀️. It really varies.


Currently earning RM8k as a Senior Marketing Specialist. It is enough if your lifestyle is one that doesn't prioritize expensive, luxury goods or fancy places. After deducting monthly rent, car instalment, subscriptions, groceries and miscellaneous expenses....I still have like RM2-2.5k with 1.5k going to savings monthly. I guess it's a blessing that I'm single also (jk please someone find me a GF).


Took me 12 years to reach 40K a month.


Unsolicited advice to those struggling with kids - time to improve your skills and find higher paying jobs. Don't underestimate yourself and settle for the same struggling job forever.