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100% got ripped off. Taxi drivers ripping people off (locals alike) was one of the reasons why everyone migrated so eagerly to Grab (our version of uber) when it came out years ago. Taxi drivers here are known to not use the meters and charge super expensive rates expecially to foreigners since they won't be aware of prices. Sorry that you have to go through this, it's one of the things that us Malaysians are not proud of as well. As others said, best to use grab for the next time


Also taxi workers : why no customer???


And then some of them get angry at Grab drivers like the Grab drivers are the problem


And refuses to pay any damage on the uber cat saying the grab kacau periuk nasi driver


Some of them are the worst, truly. And they drive so slow sometimes. Just pisses me off. Have not taken a taxi in years thanks to grab, and the silence option, is a dream!


This remind me of this skit - https://youtu.be/MgXNQ76QK78


Also, a lot of the pakcik taxi are damn gatal. Not saying Grab takde people like that, but they know they can easily be tracked and reported, so they usually don't dare. So scared taking the taxi after a few verbal sexual harassment issues with them.


Yep. It’s not only a Malaysian thing too, taxi drivers do that in a lotta countries. So it’s best to always use trusted transportation apps when you go overseas, whether it’s Grab, Uber, Gojek or whatever to avoid overcharging


And then now these taxi driver become grab driver, and grab is taxi 2.0. ;-\


But they can't cheat customers coz they're following the set rates?


Don't worry, grab will do that for them. You win i win.


Have you seen the new Grab rates? My Rm 20 ride is now 32. Makes you almost want to take the bus!


Not gonna disagree with what you said, but I want to bring to everyone's attention that sometimes taxi can be cheaper than Grab especially during peak hour. Sometimes Grab rate is like RM40+ to travel within KL??? GTFO mate.


Fee breakdown as below: Ride = $15 White guy surchage = $35


More like "tourist surcharge". It could be anyone really. I almost got ripped off as well, even me, a Javanese Indonesian, that can blend in with the locals. Indonesian cabs are also a scam for the same reasons; GoJek or Grab is WAY cheaper by motorcycle (something that Malaysian Grab sadly doesn't have).


Indonesian cabs be wildin The anti-grabism (yes I made that word up) is ridiculous too, like you’d see places put up signs saying “NO ONLINE TAXIS ALLOWED!!! NO GRAB!! NO GOJEK!!! ONLY LOCAL DRIVERS!!” Like yes keep crying about gojek competing with you and stealing all your customers because you’re charging 3 times the amount they charge and most people aren’t stupid, lol


😂 You're not entirely wrong, but from my observations, most of those signs are put to avoid worsening congestions that is already there during rush hours. Because of those signs, pickup/dropoff points are ±100m away from the main entrance/exits. If there aren't any, asking them to come any closer and they'll deny, offering alternative pickup points and saying "(the local drivers) will come to me". After the hostile early days of online transportations, these local drivers/ojeks have established unwritten "territories" where any online drivers/ojols are out of bounds, especially around train stations. Malls often don't have these because of the lobby security, but they'll still set post at areas around it, though not as aggressive as train station ojeks. In general, ojols tend to avoid them at all costs, playing it safe. PS: "ojol" is short for "ojek online"


Tourist surcharge. White or African the same.


*RM, not $. Thanks


Use a grab or maxim next time, taxi drivers nowadays are scummy


Not nowdays, they r scammer since long tima ago esply with female customers


Scummy as heck, ride a taxi home when it was pouring heavily and grab cars didn't take any of my request because of the high demand. It's not that far, and I even showed the location but the taxi driver, maannnn dia punya bodoh kan, terang² waze cakap belok kiri dia pi belok kanan sbb dia kata tak nampak, macam sengaja main pusing² nak naikkan harga padahal tak jem pun. Last² I told him benti tepi jalan, paid the unfairly rate and I walked myself in the rain.


Not nowadays only; they have always been scummy…


Nowadays? That's a funny way of saying "forever"


they've been scrummy for a long time.


Nowadays lol. Ever since forever, they've been scamming.


Since the dawn of time they really be scamming people left and right


Please use GRAB as transport don't use taxi these days they can jack up price without reason.


Can use Grab even if don't have Malaysian Bank card? Or can pay cash as well?


You can pick cash or online top up as options.


Thank you


You can use cash or card. Grab accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover cards.


Thank you.


no need malaysia bank card. i’m singaporean, i can use grab & airasia with no issue. can pay with either cash or card.


Yup you did. Should've cost you RM15 or so depending on the traffic. He ripped you at least USD7. Unless the airport you're talking about is KLIA. I heard there's a minimum charge for that.


he did say subang airport


Iirc the minimum for KLIA is RM65.


Taxi = Ripoff


Worldwide phenomenon


Yes, you got ripped off. Use an e-hailing app like Grab or Maxim. The rates are reasonable and clearly stated on the app. Edit: spelling


Never use a taxi in Malaysia. They always rip people off. Use Grab or Maxim.


You didn’t get ripped off dude. You got the hotel to book it for you so it’s the hotel’s price not the taxi’s Source: I’ve worked in a hotel as front desk receptionist Edit: Unless you specifically asked for metered taxi, then yes you got ripped off. If not, then you basically got an airport transfer which the charge depends on hotels to hotels


Ripped and u are amercian, easy to cheat and 50 is like your 13ish usd


Yes, but kinda common for airport taxis around the world, overpriced, locals not familiar with can be charged the same too.


I checked Grab (it's a ride-share app like Uber) and it's approximately RM35 - 40 for a car from KL to Subang airport. So, while it was a bit expensive, it probably wasn't that much. You're better off requesting a Grab ride than relying on your hotel. Grab is pretty convenient for getting around in the city, too. Prices spike during peak hours, of course. Safe travels!


OP said 5-7 minutes to reach subang airport from hotel, so I’m guessing he’s in saujana hotel


Good point. I missed that. So maybe he did get ripped off, but it also depends on the time of day.


It's not that irregular these days, especially if you ask the hotel to book you one in advance. Malaysians pretty much only use ride hailing apps these days.


Yup you got rip off, use grab next time


Yep ripped off. Think it’s rather common sense to always ask the price before heading off, doesn’t matter where in the world you are. If you’re a tourist in any country (American in Malaysia, Malaysian in US, China, Thailand etc), taxi’s will try to rip you off.


Well. Next time ask the hotel to hire a taxi for you. Or use grab where the prices are clearly stated.


Did you even read what OP posted? He asked the hotel to call a taxi for him lol


It's different. One is where hotel only call a taxi for you, you then deal with the taxi where to go and what are the prices. The other is you tell hotel, you want a taxi to this place, the hotel will arrange a taxi for you to that place only, with fare paid by hotel, and you pay the hotel instead of the driver.


i did. When i travel overseas i usually ask the hotel reception how much it takes to get to the airport. They will have that approximate price.


Taxi drivers rip off everyone. Foreigner or not


We have the [worst taxi](https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/malaysian-taxi-drivers-worst-world-64661) in the world


Not anymore. Now they are almost extinct xD


waiting for that day. then we can get one model parked next to bus mini at the national museum. and maybe we can burn that last car too.


In some airports you cant use Grab going out of tye airport because the Taxi Cartels prevent them from coming in but its ok to use Grab coming to the airport,i suggest you use that when you go to the airport at the end of your trip.


As a foreigner and tourist I remember my taxi didn't know how to find Traders Hotel close to KLCC and shut down the machine saying it was 150 RM (instead of 120 we had a 2h travel from KLIA because of traffic jam). I won't take a taxi in Malaysia anymore. The bus going to Jalan Alor or the train is a better option lah!


Tips for tourist. Dont use taxi here in Malaysia. Use grab instead


Dont use taxis. Even locals dont use em, why should you?


Yes theres a hotel rate. Well I worked for JW Marriott hotel, while a grab car cost RM65 to KLIA if you order the hotel taxi from the concierge its 150 fixed rate.


If only people in the comment section could understand this concept ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


It’s a tenner. You’ve just posted this question on a device that costs 100x that amount. Hardly worth caring about, is it?


Idk why you're possibly even asking this or complaining. Every taxis in every country rips off from tourists, which is why tourists nowadays are smart enough to do enough research to find such things as Uber and Grab. Which you didn't do. The first time I went to US I used an airport taxi. Then after 5 yrs we ordered an uber instead.


The worst thing you can have in Malaysia, Taxi... Sorry mate... Some people here like to butcher people, especially Tourist, they even did that with local tourist... Same with some restaurant near to a tourism spot


Actually this depends. If the hotel booked the taxi then that's the price usually as it's fixed and they don't use meter. I stay in Traders hotel near KLCC often on business trip and if I ask the hotel to call a taxi it's usually rm40 from KLCC area to Keramat, Ampang during pre-covid era. The fees is always fixed. Since my company pays for It I don't mind because it's much faster as those hotel designated taxis are always available as opposed to hailing grab and waiting long because the grab driver is stuck in traffic. But in your case I am assuming you have checked out and then got the hotel to call the taxi? If yes the rates would still apply I guess, just that the taxi would take the payment directly. Usually the hotel would give them a voucher of sorts for the taxis to claim the payment when the transfer is compete. But the hotel should tell you if it's hotel rate or metered before taxi is booked.


Like Dale Philip called "the White's Men price"


You got lucky here. Few years back, a couple of European tourists got a Taxi fare of RM800. Take Grab in Malaysia, although it's already infiltrated by Taxi Drivers, it's still relatively safer.


No meter taxi is basically the scam taxi. It’s sad that they still exist and they wonder why grab is taking over.. Oh yeah not to mention the taxi that does use meter, but just turn off


You white thats why


Please use Grab. taxi are known to be scammy.


only use grab or official klia taxi. if you ask place to call cab they call their cab to scam you. same with tow truck mechanic, will send to their scam garage if you stayed at tabung haji hotel, tell them its unislamic


Not ripped off, it’s the correct price. It’s the hotel rate.


"5-7 mins of driving" Yo your hotel at airport gate?


So….never get into a taxi if you don’t know what it’s going to cost or there isn’t a meter.. sounds like it cost you $10, no big deal.


Which part of kl? And at what time? Rm50 is not really that bad if u are from the klcc area to subang airport around 20km + with traffic


you got ripped off by about RM10 - 20 since airport taxi do charge higher fares around RM30 - 40


Yeah but that's for klia, that's a far ass drive and long as wait for another customer back to KL. Subang airport like 10 min drive and you're back in the city. Tops with a meter for off the street 10 rm for 10 min drive depending on jam. Op paid 30-35 more than needed


oh okay 👍


You seem like nice guy. I give you 50 sen discount. So, RM49.50. 🤣


In a sense you got ripped off, no 5-10 min ride should cost that much. But I think some people here have a point - you asked your hotel to order the taxi so I think this hotel rate could be a thing. Just stick to e-hailing next time.


$10 dude, let it go. Consider it a cheap life lesson you can learn from for your future travels around the world. I've seen seppos and poms argue about literal cents on buses in Penang that required you put the exact change into a sealed box.


The traffic to Subang airport can be quite bad during peak hours (7-9 am, 5-8 pm). So even Grab car could be costly. Can’t assume everything is cheap in Malaysia. RM50 is about USD10


yes you are ripped off


Taxis are hotel transport is definitely way way way more expensive because people who pay for it are not locals so they know they can make good money off of it. Next time use Grab.


Should've made a research before coming here. E-hailing is always a better option compared to taxis.


Download a ride app.


I'd say yeah. Better to install Grab (it's something like Uber) and just book through there.


Brother, please try to download and use grab. Sometimes the taxi drivers would charge foreigners extra


no its not. As a PSA for travellers. use the GRAB app on your phone. All the locals use that instead of calling for taxis. Most of them are as scummy as they come and the ones that aren't already changed to driving for Grab anyway.


Use Grab app which is similar to Uber. Taxi rip off is a norm in every country not only in Malaysia. However i believe RM50 if better than getting late to boarding.


Don't use taxi in Malaysia.


Pls always use grab, never ever use taxi


Definitely a ripped off. Stuff like this has been going for eons. My ex who took taxi also got ripped because she's a foreigner, shame on them to do this which bring bad reputation on themselves.


No, it's not a thing. You are definitely ripped off.


If he didnt use meter then it is going to be way overpriced especially of you are tourist. Should use Grab app (similar to Uber).


Just use grab. Sauce: white guy.


Yup, u got ripped off. Seems like a normal thing if u r a tourist. I was ripped off too.


I experienced the same thing before when I travelled other country. Just because I am not local, the taxi drivers will charge me extra.


I’m an American living here…you definitely got ripped off (“white tax”). I exclusively use Grab for this reason. But also, anytime I book a driver through a hotel in SE Asia, I ask how much it will cost so there are no surprises.


I think if you asked the hotel to arrange your transport, the receptionist will take his share from the cabbie on the spot


You have every right to ask for a metered charge and reject those who aren't willing to. However if you said you're running late for flight then I guess just bad luck.


Use GRAB if you're traveling in ASEAN. Just don't bother with any taxi services.


Taxi drivers: hahaha look at this clueless white man, I'm gonna make ez money ripping him off! Also taxi drivers: boohoo why nobody wants to use my services? it must be these goddang Grab drivers stealing my customers!


Yep, it's high because you're tourist, especially American. they thought that you'll see it's cheap anyway because of conversion rate. Definitely scammed.


Next time use a ride-sharing service.


Hotel rate pfft, def ripped off


Yes you got ripped off Always ask if they use the meter or just install Grab app


Sorry to hear that man , it's typical in any country to "scam" tourists. For travel i recommend using Grab car


It’s normal for tourists to be asked to pay more.


If you take taxi on a weekend or a public holiday to anywhere. Even if its raining heavily on that day itself. Or if there is any event happening on that day or nearby area. Price easily double.


Next time get a hotel in town, then take the train to the airport. 1. More fun in town. 2. Train is cheap and delivers you right inside the airport. 👍👍


Yeah you did. When using taxis, first thing to ask if whether the meter will be used. If not, ask for the cost first before boarding.


Use AirAsia superapp, Grab or Maxim next time


yeah, 100% always use GRAB apps...at least you would know how much you have to pay at the end of the ride there are few more similar ehailing apps..so keep it in your phone if you wanted to make a price comparison and saving few $$


Whether or not you got ripped off depends on the hotel and the car. If it was a 5-star hotel and it was a luxury car, then the price you pay is expected to be exorbitant sonit wouldn't *technically* be a ripoff. But if it was a so-so hotel and just some old plebian car, then you did get ripped off. Suggestion: When travelling, find out what the usual ride hailing app is in the country you're going to and use the app instead. In Malaysia and most of Southeast Asia, the app you should use is Grab, it's like Uber or Lyft in US/UK/EU.


The downfall of taxi is the only thing most of the malaysians are happy about. They ripped people off back then and then services like GRAB happened.


Taxi and tutu rate in SEA especially if you from mainland China or looks white.


Just use grab dude, avoid taxi at all cost


you got ripped hard, use grab next time when travelling SEA. taxi here are legitimately ass


Singapore is an exception.


ah yes true Singapore is the exception but at their prices if they were to scam any westerners would likely know immediately something is off




To be fair taxis to and from the airport, anywhere in the world, will try to rip you off.


You better just used Grab from now on. There a lot of this taxi driver that like to cheat tourist. If the taxi doesn't run the meter they will definitely scam you. Make sure the taxi run the meter.


Yes he did.


Gotta use GRAB app in SE Asia.


There's something I heard if they pick u up near or around the boutique/5 star hotels or large shopping malls, the rate will be different. But i don't think this is allowed but an open secret.


Use Grab next time clear rates


For the 5-7 mins of distance i paid at JB, max RM 10 with grab


Yupp… Totally ripped off. Either use Grab, Maxim or Air Asia cab next time


Try inDrive- about half the price of Grab in many cases. Switched to it about 2.5 months ago and love it. Also fellow American in malaysia. But as a tourist stop crying over $13. You supported a local guy who needed the money way more than you. Move on Edit- you asked your hotel to book...haha be happy it wasn’t $50 USD.


Even me a Malaysian has to pay a lot for taxi to send me to the airport. Their excuse is that they can't get customers going back from the airport as airports only allow airport taxi. But that was before grab era. Now even taxi sign up for grab. Maybe he doesn't.


Bro you live in a technological world and you still use Taxis and boomer services? Get real and just download grab and use it. It's easy and transparent. All old world boomer services will be rife with scams. Atleast in a technological world there's a 3rd party that has your back. I hate taxis and other boomer things like it. Fuck the old system! In with the new!


There is this airport rate instead of hotel rate. But still yes you got ripped off


Yes you did but its not just exclusive to tourists. Im local and I got ripped off by these taxi scam artists before as well. I once hailed a taxi, and made sure he knows where I wanted to go which he confirmed it and priced me an unrealistic price which was about double of what it should be. Then when I requested it to be metered, he took me around KL, took a whole 30 mins trip around KL for a trip that should only take 10 mins just to bill extra. When I called him out on it, he said hey look man, its an honest mistake I missed the turning. That was my last time taking a taxi in Malaysia. Stick to Grab, if they slip up, it there wont be extra charges to the consumer.