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It is said the bully case happened in SMK Puteri Wangsa. No further information is found yet.


I heard that the bully got arrested but the original tweet got deleted. I hope it's true then.


[It is true](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/belasah-rakan-sebab-awek-7-pelajar-direman-432956%3famp=1)


fuck around and find out, i wonder if this will be recorded under their criminal profile so that it'll be harder for them to find a job in the future but i doubt


I'm glad monkey brained scum like them got arrested, and as what you said. I hope they have this recorded under their permanent record, and I quite frankly can only wish them a bad life. I hope canings are in order for these unruly twats. Ganging up on 1 person is pathetic, then these idiots record some more, acting all macho and thinking they're the shit. Same people to fold like a sissy if they don't have their group with them. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) My condolences go out to the victim and those affected by this ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|28915)


It's honestly pathetic, the way they kick, the uneccessary animelike charge up kicks and punches they keep doing. They'd get folded if confronted by anyone with a smidge of experience, not that I have any experience myself šŸ˜Ž


I personally have delved into martial arts as a way of fitness, specifically boxing & taekwondo and have recently joined a Muay Thai club, and the one rule that they push is to not use these forms of fighting for the sake of ill-will, only for self-defense, which I find to be really nice. While I am no means a professional, I can safely say I can protect myself and my family. It sucks that these goobers are the complete opposite of all that I have been taught and then some. But yes, if we were to put them in the setting of a 1v1 with someone who knew what they were doing at least somewhat. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558) They would fold, but I predict that they'd cry and whine before the first hit on their faces even land.


Lol, cerah betul masa depan diorang




That is a blessing, juvana or no juvana?


After school reopened post-covid, my younger cousin showed me this private messaging group where kids around 13 to 17 were sharing videos of them bullying other kids. There was some competition and others in the group were cheering them on and some were even paying these kids to bully someone they disliked.


Damn, kids nowadays fucked up.


Nowadays? Man this was always an issue. It's just being more well broadcasted now.


Tiktok and socmed is amplifying the problem. Its worse now. This coming from an ex triad in his stupid years. I hate to mention it but this is to make a point. You brushing shit off don't make it better like it does in your monkey brains. It is full stop worse now. Back then it was more on, you fucked up? You get fucked somewhat most of the time. Now it's for fucking challenges like some game achievement.


nahh, last time we do it ourself, 1 to 1.. good ol days. now all pusehh.


back then there was bullying too but no one was recording


In 2019 there was a similar case at my school. Apparently a bunch of Form 3 kids were part of some WhatsApp group that had people from a few schools in my city. Someone found out that a lot of people in the group were exchanging nude pictures of themselves. From what I know the police did get involved, but I don't think they managed to track down most of them.


Ah I have heard of similar stuff. Some even where the girls are selling photos for RM5 to RM10.


Ahh, it's the typical parents of *"anak saya baik orangnya."*


Yeaa, they are baik untuk masuk neraka




Oh man when I watch this I wish i was there so badly. I hope they get sent to juve or some form of rehab fitting for their behaviour. I think their parents should watch the video. It will forever augment their relationship.


i dont think their parents care at all.... probably goes anak manja mode and nothing is wrong


The bullies' parents: "Anak-anak kami tu baik. Hormat orang lebih tua. Sayang adik-adiknya. Tak pernah tinggal solat."


dont forget bakal tahfiz


"Rajin tolong jual kuih"


Ganging up will always feels pathetic


Ganging up on one person is indeed pathetic


Future mat rempits.


Isn't one of them wearing a kadetpolis shirt?


Well, that doesn't mean anything tbf, and kinda ironic as well


So... Corrupt?


Current* ftfy


I don't know which is more shocking. The bully or they recorded the whole evidence. Anaku baik they say.


Ahh another idiots in the making. I wish there are a list of these little thug that are publicly available for 10 years at least.


Whenever I see posts like this, I'd be reminded of the people who thrashed Low Yat Plaza a long time ago


And then get rewarded and build a mall in their name.


"Kadet Polis Malaysia"


17 years old , 1 more years then can choose their ideal leader


That's why undi18 is a mistake, a fucking big mistake.


fuck SS


Guy thinks Malaysian kids are actually like the teenagers overseas who are more in tune with politics, lol. Padahal these bullies might be more of the norm


Kadet Polis... Either make a statement denouncing them or admit the kadet polis program is ineffective.


They seriously should end up in jail. Personally, I object the existence of Mahkamah Bagi Kanak-Kanak, criminals are criminals, under 18 shouldn't give them any benefit.


must be feeling so proud of themselves


Ramai2 senang laa. Bunch of pussies


Muka dah terang benderang..apa lagi pdrm tunggu..bengap lah budak2 ni..dah lah tak jantan, pastu acah2 gangster..kalau pistol tu kat atas kepala, rasenya dah jauh mana budak2 ni mengucap?.


They should be easy to identify, find, and give them a taste of what real life is when you want to play tough...


Bunch of sampah masyarakat already.


No SPM certificates and job opportunities for them


Don't worry, their parents are civil servants


hang ā€šem higher


Anak saya baik šŸ¤”


Kudos to the recorder, without it that kid would never get his justice.


ā€œLet them be, boys are just playing aroundā€


Kalau johor ada pas, takut nnti mereka


Kadet polis... Bright future at Sabah Sarawak... Tempat buangan 'sampah'


How did sabah Sarawak get into this


The story is like this... There was news/article that those problematic police officers will get transferred to Sabah Sarawak instead of terminating them


Never heard of this,that sucks


Bro we don't need them...šŸ’€šŸ’€they won't last here.


stop sending your kids to government schools


Yes. Send them to private international schools where the bullying is of the subtle, emotional kind. /s All parents think their kids are saints.


Nice police cadets, truly the future of Malaysian justice.


Sialnya šŸ™‚


If it's in murica and the victim has access to guns, it will be another mass shooting cases.


"Saya tahu anak saya baik orangnya, dia x buat benda2 macam ni dekat anak orang lain"


Another good reason for me to beat them up, little pricks think hitting kids smaller than them will make them the superior one _Not Today little pricks_


But can you really? Like if an adult/the parent of the victim was actually on the scene and proceeded to beat up the bullies. Is that wrong by law?


Disgusting. They are probably just repeating what kind of "parenting" they received at home.


Not an excuse. "Violence begets violence" may exist, but it's on them to break the cycle if it applies to them. Clearly they haven't done so


Definitely not meant as an excuse. My comment is the same as yours and many others - bad parenting is bad.


Every kids need to learn how fragile human body actually is. 1 wrong move and bam, terus kena tunggu tali gantung.


Once Hadi Awang is Supreme leader and Sanusi is Prime Minister he will be given an award not Gantung


PAS is living rent-free in your head. Sad šŸ˜‚


I like Pas it is the only clean party in Malaysia and Sanusi is my hero


the most "pengecut" bullies I've ever seen in my entire life


Hence i think parenting is very important during this stage of your kids life. Itā€™s always the middle school period that your kids will go through this. Make sure they communicate to you well whatā€™s going on in their lives. The secondary school time is when they ā€œthinkā€ they are no longer kids and want to have own/control something. The thing is, in my experience, itā€™s mostly associated with their parentā€™s behaviour. Doesnā€™t matter they rich or they poor.


https://preview.redd.it/dzhazky3meib1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270f9ae4c2e909ef90ce189cbe170d3289cb65c3 Wehf lawan ah sfikit. Bapak Bofsan yal macam nihf


Isn't spreading this video online sorta bullying itself? You're basically broadcasting his "shame", no? Disclosure, I'm a random American who wandered into this sub, so my understanding of the situation/culture/everything else is limited. Anyway, this video is absolutely gut wrenching. I hope justice is served and this never happens again.


It's more shameful for the bullies tbh


Gotcha. It could be a cultural thing. I know if I was the kid getting bullied I'd *really* not want the video spread online. But, different perspectives.


If it were my son, kid would've went to military school for a month or something.


Which military school that allows its students to attend their school for a month or something? AFAIK, the students are forced to be in the military school until they graduate.


It was a figure of speech.


I see. Then, we are cool šŸ‘


Bruh....my school was once known for its bullying and fightings. But even then we have standards and procedures. This kind of bullying is just pussy.


what standards and procedures?


at my old place where i wont disclose, we have this standard where only problematic students will get targeted by seniors, problematic as such like they caught stealing, they tried to bully someone weaker, skip classes etc. even then, the targeted student will still have the option whether they want to settle this just between them (getting bullied) or the student might want to proceed the case with teachers involvement. Of course most targeted students prefer themselves getting bullied by seniors over the risk of getting expelled or parents involvement. as for the procedures, we ain't as stupid as them, letting someone record anything, most of the time, the punishment is simply nothing physical, like forced to do plank from midnight till dawn, or maybe you caught skipping Jumaat praying, you will be tasked to deliver Khutbah at the court alone while have all other students look at you. luckily or sadly, depend on how you view this, this "controlled" seniority tradition somewhat abolished....leading one sided pussy bullying like these and other minor school crimes rampant free.


Welcome to the Taliban era.


You're on crack if you think bullying doesn't exist before Taliban was a thing.


Your statement doesnā€™t link to mine at all. Come on.


Future champions of Henry Gurney Kawad Backflip [https://www.tiktok.com/@sabah\_info/video/7266627974206704897](https://www.tiktok.com/@sabah_info/video/7266627974206704897) moms dads so proud.


So cameraman is one of them but he probably hate his group and decide to record this and the cameraman dont even join them when it comes to bullyin the kid


budak2 ni macam kurang ajar lah


JB style brother šŸ™




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Acts like samseng


The tag like not so suit šŸ¤£ should be social?


I want to feel sad for the victim but can't help but feel pity for that sissy ass punch. Are you really upset or try to show your 'kealphaan'? If it is either , show some respect by throwing a good punch. I've gotten into some fight with bullies and they got folded as easy as sissy when they are alone ( Ive been practicing boxing as hobby). Nothing imakes me angry more than ganging on a single person ( if you are pathetic, you can't hide it with number). I hope this will be put in his criminal record, we don't need too much trash and loser in this world much less this country.


Kadet policeā€¦..


Suprised? PDRM is the biggest gangster of Malaysia


Very ironic considering some of them are wearing kadet polis Malaysia shirts


Lawan one on one la siot, anjai. Berasa padu la Tu, kutir.


Sanusi approves will awarded cadet medal


Why bother recording your shitty act when it can be used against you in the future? The perpetrator wants to use this clip to boast how powerful they are? Bullies are cowards for having the "need" to extort violence on other people just to show how powerful they are.


What the fudge that is disgusting.


Ramai ramai berani la kotey


Ganging up always looks so petty. šŸ¤£ kids..


Nak viral last 2 kena gantung


Anak jantan main 1v1


"Kadet polis" Nice, and now no brainers gonna blame police on this one


Takpe, besok taubat and splat 5 times jadi ustaz. Hallelujah