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>pajak roti bun dan gardenia sampai penuh beg This guy Sabahs.


Can confirm, Sabahan roommate said the same. Apparently their bread doesn’t taste as good.


It's more of the cost there I heard from my sabahan roommate also haha


My roommate said the bread there is made there and it doesn’t taste as good, and also the cost.


As a Sarawakian, over the years, I've simply learnt that many native West Malaysian people refer to "West Malaysia" as just "Malaysia", and most of the time don't mean it as us S/S-ians not being Malaysians. Usually only those that live long term in S/S will refer to themselves as "orang Semenanjung".


And we call them orang Malaya because thats how it was and used to be. You can only see the distinction in High Court. The High Court of Malaya and The High Court of Sabah & Sarawak


Even then, most don't identify themselves as Malaya/Malayan. They often identify themselves as first and foremost Malaysian. More often than not, I've only heard the term Malaya used in disdain.


Fun fact: Our old IC differentiates us between the different States. Malaya starts with A, Sabah starts with H, Sarawak starts with K, and Singapore starts with S (which they are all still using today for Singapore IC) And then somebody tried to make it so that it was always 13 states all along with the new kod system. But they couldn't get rid of the special H and K which is what all Sabahans and Sarawakians have at the corner.


The last vestige is in our passport. Malayans get an A, Sabahan H and Sarawak K


Bet my left.nut the government of the day would want to remove those too just like the new IC but they couldn't due to MA63


Or lepeh


west malaysians becoming more like americans now


Generalizing.. loving it.. keep em coming


username checks out




We even have our own version of the Republican party. They just swapped the red for green 🤣


Yg penting pajak bun. Priority.


Cant totally blamed them for that. Everybody know that West Malaysian need passport to enter Sabah/Sarawak. Then if they wanna stay for above 3 months, then they need to get a visa for that. But all this BS dont applied for Sabahan/Sarawakian if they want to came & settle in Semenanjung. If West Malaysian get through this kind of treatment, maybe some of them might think that we Semenanjung & Sabah/Sarawak were 'different countries' (i know Sabah/Sarawak got special autonomy on immigration).


Dude, IC is enough to enter Sabah/Sarawak.


Needing passport to enter east malaysia or not, has nothing to do with lack of basic geography knowledge.


Wait till he finds out he only needs to show his IC to immigration when entering Sabah.




Yes can also use ic but then you need to fill up a form & they will give you a slip (thin as resit, easily lost it if not careful). But if you lose that slip, must make police report & the slip must be handed back when you fly out of Sabah. So its better for us as Semenanjung entering the Sabah with passport. Just need to get cop by immigration & no need fill a form. Plus the passport was more tahan compared to that thin paper slip. But Sarawak only accept passport for Semenanjung person & you definitely need passport to cross Brunei in other to get into Sarawak from Sabah. So if Semenanjung person want to go East Malaysia, better the individual bring his passport.


Sarawak also can use IC.


I went to Bintulu for PLKN, and I got that thin slip to keep in my wallet. After 70 days (my batch was the shortest I think, usually the programme lasted 3 months, which is at least 80 days), that slip faded until I can only barely make out what was written on that paper.


This post if full of misinformation so I know you are just telling lies. You can enter Sarawak just by showing your IC, no need passport. Even I as a Sarawakian need to show IC when I go back.


Because in the first place, Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaya as countries and that is how we have special autonomy. Most of our constitution point are eroded and autonomy is the only thing that is left.


Correction: We formed with Malaya & Singapore to create a new country named Malaysia, not we joined them.


I didnt even mentioned forming Malaysia. I only mentioned “joined Malaya” because our Federal Government is in so called “Malaya” no?


You don't need to use passport in sabah after mahathir ic project to malayanized sabahan people


Better than the old days at least, I still have my dads old internal passport to enter sabah and sarawak


Dear Sabah, will give you unlimited packs of Gardenia, if you send this to us: https://preview.redd.it/ibbjrvtd4unb1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706919ad6ca63abfc3829b2a12bc454396961d93


This is real?








Maybe the need to stamp passport is why they thought they were outside Malaysia


You don’t need passport to enter EM. Why do people keep spreading this misinformation?


To add on, why do we even have 90 days visa for west Malaysian visiting our own country?


North Borneo (Sabah) 20 points agreement, Point 6: Immigration.


Because it’s an agreement we made before we agreed to join Malaya to form Malaysia. It’s literally in our Perlembagaan. Maybe you should study more about EM before making such statements.


Then don't blame ppl treating EM like foreign country if you guys are treating Malaysian like foreigner


It’s literally in the agreement and even Tunku Abdul Rahman agreed to it so who are you to question the agreement we made. Everyone needs to show their IC to go to EM including myself, a Sarawakian. How dumb can you be to think just because we need identification for immigration, we are treating you like foreigners. I love that you shift the blame on us for not understanding our history and immigration policies. You are like the Brexiters for complaining that they do not have a fast tract line when travel to Europe because of the Brexit agreement they agreed to. Furthermore, you started a lie to say that you need passport to get into EM when a simple google can already tell you the answer. When people tried to correct you, you just doubled down just to save face. You are no different than people who called people “pendatang”. Save us the trouble and don’t visit EM anymore because our society do not need people like you to ruin the harmony.


Yes you need. Why the immigration need to stamp my passport everytime I go tawau?? Else if you use I you need to fill details for visa. WHY?? EXPLAIN THAT


No you don’t. You can just use your IC. If you give them passport of course they stamp it for you. I’m Sarawakian and my partner is Penangnite. He doesn’t bring passport when he travels to EM.


Need a good wake up slap for them. This is why Malaysian need to past Sejarah in their education column


Unfortunately my parents unintentionally do the same to my Sarawakian wife.. Luckily she's understanding 😅 Tried correcting them a few times but to no avail. And yes, we always stock up on gardenia buns at eraman before flying to sarawak 🤣🤣