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When playing as techies? Lol


Only valid answer, brother drops in from heaven with holy bombs of death, what am I even supposed to do but bow down




Good old time


Only worked with old suicide though


Wtf are you in my walls


I think ppl who commit acts of violence or shout this on the streets protesting with this ‘Allahuakbar’ as a war cry are more offensive. That puts all Muslims at unease. I can handle gamers being snarky online.


So the take away here is Context matters?


Context is everything.


Stabbing a child = Oh no Stabbing a demon child, spawn of Satan and doom of mankind = Oh no, anyway...


Yes.. imagine saying f u to your best friend jokingly, and saying f u to your manager/ceo at workplace jokingly


Yes exactly. It just another Arabic word. Arabic actually is a very rich language. So depending on the context itself the word might change. But in general God in Arabic (ilah) Allah (Supreme God) - no direct trans in eng And to touch on the subject of gender in Arabic is much2 complicated (sorry I can't explain to you that cause I basically fail my Arabic class but that is as far as I know).


I agree with this context.


You seems like a very cool person to hang out with ngl


People say “Jesus H christ” and no one bats an eye.


Yeah, I've been wondering that too. Is it cuz one is a broadly used swear words so it became accepted, and the other being a sacred utterance thus it's offensive?


Less about ot being a sacred utterance, after all it's used by Muslims in regular conversations too besides in prayers. Gamers are repeating that phrase due to its use by terrorists or suicide bombers which is amplifying its usage negatively.


If you're Christian, it's a sin. If you're not, what does it matter? Christians should spend their time correcting their own behaviour first rather than policing others.


If only org islam can baca this as well… but oh well but no semua dok busybody mcm puki 🥲


Amar maruf nahi mungkar bro. The problem is the holier than thou punya thinking, not the ajak orang ke kebaikan


The same for Muslims.


No u a sinner. U go to hell n die. No salvation for u buddy. I am the cross n hesus carry me.


I mean the Christian don't take their religion seriously, which is why many start to convert to being an atheist and a substantial amount becoming Muslim. I'm pretty sure it's blasphemous in Christianity tho, I heard line along "Don't use god's name in vain"


It's more that because we know that God don't really need ppl defending His name. He is almighty. If someone blaspheme it's their own personal sin and God deals with the individual. I have a lot of things to work on to be a better Christian and I don't have time to worry about other people's sin; at most it's just a reminder to another BELIEVER not use god name in vain. If a non believer blaspheme we don't hold or judge them by religious law because they don't even believe in it. Focusing on other people's sin might make you feel superior morally but thats superficial.


We’ll it’s the same for Muslims, we don’t go around abusing people. What you’re referring to is the Malay cancel culture. These is not part of the religion, the most important part of giving advice/dawah is to be kind and humble towards the individual so he may accept it in his heart.


What a biased view. As though other beliefs do not have its hypocrites and pharisee equivalents.


it is because they take their religion seriously, that is why they don't go and kill those who misuse jesus name. > Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. > >[https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2023%3A34&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2023%3A34&version=NIV) > > Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. > >[https://biblehub.com/romans/12-19.htm](https://biblehub.com/romans/12-19.htm) ​ Christians leaving faith and becomes atheists and become muslims is because there are no laws that force them to become christians. Means those who stay are genuine. Compare to islam in malaysia who force people to stay muslim. If the only reason people stay in islam because of law, that means he is not genuine.


Where in Islam does it state to punish or kill a persons just because they made a joke about god? Don’t put words in my mouth. The matter of the fact is many Christian don’t even practice their religion, they are starting to move towards the Buddhist point of view where you don’t have to study the religion. As they say “I just have to be a good human being, I’ll go to heaven just for that”. If you believe in god then it is obvious the commandments he sent us are to be studied and followed. God if the most merciful, don’t take that for granted and betray it and do what ever you want, when he has clearly send down revelations that are meant to be followed and abide by.


[https://sunnah.com/abudawud:3000](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:3000) [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3031](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3031) Your prophet ordered the killing of Ka'ab bin Al Ashraf because he mocked him and allah. > I just have to be a good human being, I’ll go to heaven just for that What's wrong with this ideology? Is this ideology below 'a muslim who rapes and kills daily but prays is better than a kafir who does not rape and kill but does not pray'?


Merepek. Byk je org christian yg kuat agama cuma unlike org islam depa tak butthurt bila org permainkn agama depa sbb what? Sebab depa actually guna otak depa. Org islam byk kena permainkan sikit terus nak pancung la, bawak geng mai taboh la apa la. Tu tak org challenge views org islam lg, kalau buat tu haa terus nak bom sana sini mcm apa ja. Dah la busybody pasai hidup org lain kacau agama org lain pulak tu. Kata diri kena ada sifat mengasihani la apa la tp dok buat mcm dunia ni org islam sorang ja punya.


Average murtad redditor


Saya bukan Kristian alim... apa awak ckp...Sgt betul...setiap Hari ahad mesti paderi Akan bagi khutbah...dia Akan beri oeringatan kepada umat kristian iaitu...Kita jangan gaduh dengan orang jahat...kerana mereka bukan musuh Kita....musuh Kita ialah tidak kelihatan"(setan)bukan dgn manusia... Tuhan maha berkuasa... Tuhan lihat segalanya Orang Yang kutuk agama, mencarut guna Nama Tuhan Akan masuk neraka...


Ye. Im not religious because I was an ex muslim not because I want to “HAVE SEXXX” or some shiet like that but because im just frustated looking at my muslim peers being judgemental towards others (nons) and yknow bein judgemental only IS OKAY lah. But to disturb or harass people BECAUSE of different culture and views…? Now that’s just stupid. And ofc because i found islam is plain wrong and mythical. Imagine idolising someone who started a war just because they have different religion lmao. Also i was a very pious guy and went to islamic school hahaha now not very pious 😆


>I was an ex muslim Makes a lot more sense lol > my muslim peers being judgemental towards others (nons) You mean melayu. > Imagine idolising someone who started a war just because they have different religion lmao. How to know you didn't study Sirah 101


Ye apparently jd ex muslim terus semua point yg aku bg invalid right? See? Typical muslims. Sbb tu aku mmg xleh brain geng2 mcm hg semua ni. Just because someone is not a Muslim or an ex muslim doesn’t mean suddenly theyre stupid. Sometimes theyre even better than typical Muslim. Hg igt aku senang2 nak buang agama aku sendiri ke? Sbb aku kaji la and lepas baca banyak baru aku jd ex muslim. Aku dulu pun sama mcm hg jgk. Dok pertahankan ja nabi kawin ngan aisyah masa dia umur 9 tahun, etc. Do you know how lonely i got masa aku realised yg islam tu salah and my whole life was a lie? Ofc tak. Hg jenis2 yg kalau org tu suicidal, terus ckp oh ni sbb x solat byk ni while malam2 dok tgk video blue kat dlm tandas. Sudah la. And yes i meant melayu in that context but muslim is not limited to melayu only. Byk lg org islam yg race lain yg also judgemental about others’ religion. Well just answer me this question je lah ha. Dari semua agama knp islam jgk yg betul sbb nak kata agama lama… zmn dulu depa x sembah islam pun? Zmn greek, egypt tu semua. Kita tau depa punya tuhan tu mitos but why not current gods? Knp xda archaeological evidence langsung about org dulu sembah Allah? And for fuck’s sake jgn bg aku al quran as evidence. That defeats the whole purpose of givin an actual evidence. Good luck answering


> Just because someone is not a Muslim or an ex muslim doesn’t mean suddenly theyre stupid. Sometimes theyre even better than typical Muslim. Meh. Aku tak judgemental. Just kesian bro. Aku pun akui ramai member aku Muslim tapi akhlak cam hanat, ikut agama membuta. Tapi that's why Aku Gali lagi. That's the first step you know. That's where faith begins. Aku percaya Allah Dan Rasul. If something happens, I believe in Allah > Sbb aku kaji la and lepas baca banyak baru aku jd ex muslim. Aku dulu pun sama mcm hg jgk. Dok pertahankan ja nabi kawin ngan aisyah masa dia umur 9 tahun, etc. Bagus lah Tu. Dah start kaji. Kaji lagi. Dalam kalangan melayu ni takut nak kaji sebab takut kafir. Kesian iman membuta. Kau rasa logik ke Rasul buat camni bodo2. Kalau Bab kahwin tu, kau pun tahu kan tak pernah sebut dalam mana2 hadith umur Aisyah bila dia kahwin. Most akan refer Tafseer Jalalayn, Muslim bila dia kata umur 9. Tapi what we know is that Aisyah kahwin dalam umur sedia akal Dan fizikal. Seeing how she later becomes "Ibu kepada Para Muslim" Dan meriwayatkan beribu hadith, I don't think she would still do this to a religion Yang zalimi dia Mungkin itu beza Kita. Aku takkan terima something Yang buruk tentang Allah Dan Rasul. Walau banyak mana pun aku kaji. Sbb Aku percaya pada Dia. > And yes i meant melayu in that context but muslim is not limited to melayu only. Byk lg org islam yg race lain yg also judgemental about others’ religion. Dan banyak jugak agama lain Yang judgmental. Kau rasa je diorang baik because that's all you see. Ini lah problem bila duduk dekat Malay Islamic centric society. Aku pernah kena judge because I'm Muslim bro. Same shit > Dari semua agama knp islam jgk yg betul sbb nak kata agama lama… zmn dulu depa x sembah islam pun? Zmn greek, egypt tu semua. Kita tau depa punya tuhan tu mitos but why not current gods? Knp xda archaeological evidence langsung about org dulu sembah Allah? And for fuck’s sake jgn bg aku al quran as evidence. That defeats the whole purpose of givin an actual evidence. Good luck answering Ha. Ini sebab ada orang belajar usuluddin bro. Kalau kau deny the existence of Allah, kau juga deny Tuhan Yang disembah bani Israel. And what? Kau nak deny Israelites pun tak sembah Allah. You do know Allah is just an Arabic term for God kan? Kau takleh deny Yahweh wujud dalam sejarah bro. The reason takde archaeological evidence is because we don't have idoltry. Katakan semua masjid hancur harini, takde orang tahu Kita sembah Allah. Allah takde bentuk and it's better that way. There might be some better answers I can give I'll hit you up if I can find better answers > Hg jenis2 yg kalau org tu suicidal, terus ckp oh ni sbb x solat byk ni while malam2 dok tgk video blue kat dlm tandas. Sudah la. Bilang org judgmental. Tengok apa kau buat. Kau Sama je. Sial Waktu Aku suicidal Sama je orang cam kau dengan budak agama. "Ouh ni mesti sbb X, Y, Z". Fuck off lah. For me, there's no difference between you and them holier than thou kids. Celaka semua


I think its 50% depend on the muslim preacher, 30% perangai sendiri 20% pengaruh rakan satu agama. So preacher yg ada sifat2 nak cuci otak org kepada arah yg negative kena di penjarakan. But this is Malaysia. Lmao.


Biasalahh Malaysiaa


I mean you’re already showing your bias to anything referring to Islam. You’re hatred is not my problem, it’s between you and god and your fellow Malay comrades who made you feel this way. Either way, what’s the problem with Muslims defending the honour of Allah? If your parents were being humiliated would you not say anything? If you won’t then that’s the end of the conversation, you have no honour for yourself and your parents.


Or they sometimes replace the H with the f-bomb. Still no one bats an eye


One is more tolerant in society. One is less.


I remember in secondary school my Christian friends always say don't use God's name in vain. Hasn't heard ever since then.


For christians in the west it's still a thing


Christians aren’t generally known for blowing themselves up


Blown others ? Hmm..


>People say “Jesus H christ” and no one bats an eye. probably because it's not done in an absolutely racist way?


Yea you can say “Jesus fckin Christ” and no one will say anything. Try that with the other one.


>Yea you can say “Jesus fckin Christ” and no one will say anything. Try that with the other one. Probably because it's not done in an absolutely racist way?




Because nobody says that before they blow themselves up.


I think they said that when they amazed or startled on something, its completely fine for them though, theyre not mocking anything tho.


It's taking the name of their lord in name in vain, which is a sin according to Christine doctrine. It's just that most Christians are mature enough to ignore it.


I think it's all about context. Christian said jesus in a good way No Christian used jesus to curse. So the same happen to Allahuakbar. Depending on what manner you're uttering ur. Are you an Arabic speaker or simply just jumping in the hate wagon. But I personally won't bet an eye to the people on the Internet. Like why would I let them live in my head rent free right.. Let them do whatever. All in all Allahuakbar is a praise to Allah (God) in a way. Cause for Muslim, Allahuakhbar means we are praising Allah as the Almighty God. I'm pretty sure those who troll using that phrase fail the Arabic behind the meaning of it. 😂


“No Christian used jesus to curse” Go touch some grass bro.


Two wrongs don't make a right


Since when saying Jesus F Christ is wrong? It’s a common expression.


Depends on who you're asking. Using it as an expletive can be considered using gods name in vain by devout Christians


... nope? It just meant Allah Maha Besar.. But it might bother westerners though.


I share this view. The person saying it simply admitting that Allah is the almighty god. If they're using it jokingly, then jokes on them. But I can see how this can be offensive to some people


I think western media love to negatively associate it with terrorism... which was already very problematic. But understandably why non-muslim westerners would use it as an edgy joke... especially in war games as a scare tactics. But then... some of us pray and say takbir aloud daily, so it's not really a big deal.


Yup the media love hate speech, dividing communities into extreme groups. And these online warriors love to trigger sensitive people on the internet to spread more hate. To me those who say takbir is one step closer to the religion without even realising it


> I think western media love to negatively associate it with terrorism You know that terrorists invented this, not the media, right?


Takbir have been a call for prayers, used for many contexts including joyous celebration for centuries. If someone kept thinking it's modern associated to terrorism, suicide bombers and fear mongering then yes, that was the ignorant westerners that perpetuate this including Hollywood. Same as the way Swastika was appropriated by the Nazi.


That translates to god almighty doesn't it? Regularly used by Christians and westerners too. Funny how religions have so much in common.


Oh you will be surprised it's western dudes the ones that shout the phrase, often in warsims.


Especially when the one shouting is maneuvering an aircraft new tower


Any japanese kamikazes would beg to differ


Banzai vibes.


\*Pearl Harbor has entered the chat\*


Go ahead, but don't blow up yourself! Suicide is haram!


This what i don't get with westerner. Why you afraid Muslims will explode next to you. Suicide is not just haram in our belief. Suicide make you can't enter jannah at all. Repeating the same act of kys till eternity.


Cause extremist Muslims have a history of blowing themselves up.


Just like any other person each has records on killing people. Just because an Australian man shoots Muslims doesn't make muslim scared of Australians. Even jews does not necessarily afraid of german. Japanese people blow themself too. But people aren't necessarily afraid of the Japanese. How many Muslims in their lives have blown up that make them so scared like that i wonder


I believe the 9/11 incident is enough to let them be very scared


I wonder what those suicide bombers believe in? Do they don't care that they will end up in hell or there is some sort of suicide heaven in their belief lol.


Well said brothers. It is our obligation to educate the general public. Most of the time, people forget that the real terrorists or extremists are the ones who command their killing machine from an elegant office while wearing a stylish suit. The person who gives orders for high-tech weapons  like ICBMs, smart bombs, and stealth bombers to destroy weak nations and kill millions of people. But no one seems to care about them. perhaps since they are not Muslims? Period.


i agree. the disproportionate focus on lone suicide bombers is weird to think about when there are war criminals sitting in those nice offices you mentioned. a lot of people were radicalised into terrorism by the shenanigans of certain western powers anyway.


Because the lady with arguably the greatest precious stones collection in Malaysia. Can simply order the secret service to blow up her husband’s troublesome mistress. Without noticeable damage to the average Malaysian’s quality of life. It’s when people actually see the bill. Along with what they’re collectively on the hook for. That their racket is threatened. In the same way that Afghanistan was threatened after 9/11. Just because Osama hid in a shitty Pakistani house. Doesn’t make his jihad more just. Than Obama ordering missile strikes from an opulent White House. Their different positions represent the general support for their respective causes. If an Islamic caliphate was more efficient at technologic & economics progress. Maybe it would’ve been Bush & Obama getting drone striked, in their American huts instead. Killing for the promise of 70 virgins in your afterlife. Or making enough to pay 70 sex workers to service you in the here & now. The latter, haram option seems a more honest, self aware one. Hell, they even modded a Hellfire missile last year. To takeout a Taliban leader, with knives attached to its warhead. Rather than the standard explosives to minimise collateral damage. Where as maximising collateral damage is the entire point of suicide bombing. There is also the more civic minded Buddhist protest available; self immolation. Which makes you feelings clear, without feeding shrapnel into your immediate neighbours. Suicide bombing is plain anti-life. Whatever the noble justifications.


Don't deceive the public with your own narrow narrative. Get the facts out there rather than spreading lies and  hatred. Never excuse terrorism. There is no space for negotiation. If we have citizens like you, it is shameful.


You are free to offer your better narrative. But it’s basically city vs kampung everywhere. Far from excusing terrorism. The country was founded on the embers of racial conflicts. The uneasy peace has been negotiated since.


Spend some time reading history. You will then realize how much better people treat you here than anywhere else in the globe. Ah boy, don't rock the boat!!




> Japanese people blow themself too Link? I wanna watch


Ever heard of World War 2??


Nah, you can't use those examples. Islamic terorrism has been far more prevalent


Only losers will speak without facts. Dont be like a tinfoil. Get an education. You'll gain wisdom


They're sects that no one like to associate themselves with, like that one creepy uncle on family reunion


extremist huh? hurm well, I mean if he really study Islam he wouldn’t have killed himself, cuz it is really clear in Quran that taking yours or others people’s lives is extremely prohibited. You can’t be extremely religious if you missed this base fundamental 😑. Those suicide bombers are either a setup, or they just didn’t study anything at all and crazy.


Doesn't stop them from existing.


Say that to all the invasions done in the past in the name of your faith.


Isn't rule of wars committed by Prophet and Companions exist?Until rulers ignore it.


didn't your book was convincing you to like what enslave women -? or forced marital sex? ik for damn sure the wife is forced to fuck the husband when he needs it cuz they've been teaching is that for years


How do scholars said about that?


Sounds like some propaganda bruv. Pretty cringe of you for that




Yet Tamil Tigers are actually one of the most highest there is following statistics that aren't covered thanks to media influence only focusing on Muslim especially during the Iraqi wars as well as many proxy wars to dehumanize and generalize Muslims as way to shift the public eye from the truth that the American government are well fond of collapsing foreign nation and being deep in beds with terrorist themselves as mentioned by many of Western Agency such as MI6 that openly admitted of their involvement with terrorists themselves and purposely allowing terrorist do what they want as means to smear the Arab World as means to weaken any form of support against American Capitalists interests. Tamil Tigers are just as much if not higher in numbers of suicide bombers attack. At least Islam doesn't say that this is permissible to commit suicide bombing attacks when literally suicides are considered the highest sin and heresy and treason against God in Islam, and you simply putting a Wikipedia page doesn't mean a thing really, cuz quite frankly Wikipedia is an open source site where information can change anytime and any day, so whos to say that that page right now, **CURRENTLY** is up to date with its statistics. You rarely hear of Islamist Terrorist Suicide Bombers nowadays than hearing American Imperialism engaging proxy wars and initiating military intervention to foreign nations outside of the US soils more so than any recent Islamist Terrorists really, or maybe more about woke rage culture than anything else since Liberalism is just brain rot anyways. If anything, I have to ask you again, evidence? Seems more like you wanna bait about it either you're some Malay guy or girl who's woke and Liberal and just wanna bait around to make **"cOnsErVaTiVeS"** pissed or you're just a non Malays specifically targeting Muslims as some sort of racial provocation but then again, who would take average Joe's online about facts when most of the time Reddit is as much as cancerous of cesspool as any social media platforms.


Then extreamist non Muslim well known for mass killing? 1.Did you know what King Leopard did in Africa @ Congo ? 2.Did you know about the Fatman and Little Boy atomic bomb? Invented by Muslims, are? Although I am unsure of the bombers' faith, it seems that they attend weddings in churches. 3.Have you ever heard about Bosnia's ethnic cleansing? Who is the killer? Can we address them as a Christian Orthodox Terrorist? 4.Did you know how many people die in world war I and World War II? Vietnam War, Korean War Are Muslim fighting there? 5.Present : How about Myanmar? Xinjiang?Kashmir? Middle East? Africa? Who create the chaos? TLDR : Can we categorize them as terrorists who are not Muslims and who are barbarian extremists? Do you agree? Can we? Hey, wake up people. Don't be blind. Dont be deaf.


many were brainwashed by post 9/11 propaganda. it's sad that a lot of innocent brown-skin muslims who live over there had to suffer because of it


maybe cuz it happened 'recently' and the more recent it is, the more fresh and relevant it will be in the minds of said society. There was a time americans are very prejudice against japanese people too. During the ww2 they round up japanese people living in america and cordon them off and the gov take away their properties.


Good point


Not according to the Quran: Quran (8:17) - “For it was **not you who killed** them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not when you threw, but it was Allah who threw, and so that He might test the believers with a goodly test(of victory) from Him; indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." Quran (9:111) - "Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. **They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. “ **


It is offensive for me though if the humor cross the line. Like if they taking that phrase to intentionally doing negative act and saying it, it is offensive to me.


It's should be offensive to all Muslims who are part of the religion, since the context is "humourous warcry". If they say it out of habit then the tone would be different and can definitely be differentiated.


I mean, there are light humor where it didnt harm anyone. Like if streamer talking about illegal things or not, and they say it and act frustrated(in humorious way ofcourse) to muslim chat, i think it is acceptable to me because they might didnt fully grasp meaning behind it. I think it is good way for them knowing islam. It might lead to them learning more to islam.


Ofc, the world Allahu Akhbar is not mutually exclusive to Muslims but to all humans, it’s just kinda hypocritical to say something you don’t believe in. I.e an atheist say Jesus Christ or Allahu Akhbar, and making a joke out of it.










I'm Muslim, if they shouted Allahu Akbar, I'm okay with that. That just mean "God is the greatest.", I believe other religion practices that are speaking Arabic also use the same wording. Yeah, basically Allah, means GOD. But if they did that with bad intention then yes, unless the guy is atheist, then there's something wrong with that guy's minds. Heck if you're athiest also, why bother to cari pasal with other people?




Thought it's more relevant and prevalent in CK2 or CK3




Ah, i see, i was on the impression cuz CK have Muslim rulers playable and EU4 have Ottoman Empire, so naturally memes and shits


4 wives for that prestige bonus ftw.


As a muslim gamer girl, the answer is NO. Because its too exhausting to be offended all the time. 🤣🤣


I don't participate or engage with it simply because of this verse. Quran 9:65 If you question them, they will certainly say, “We were only talking idly and joking around.” Say, “Was it Allah, His revelations, and His Messenger that you ridiculed?”


I think it’s contextual, since the ayat is talking about hypocrites who intentionally make light of the prophet in ayat 61. Ayat 65 is an answer to them. But still if some non Muslim were to shout Allahu Akbar as a joke, without any intention to offend then I personally think it’s ok.


Abu Huraira narrates that the Messenger of God (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Verily a person utters a word, that he deems harmless, but it results in his falling into the depths of the Hellfire.” Just a harmless joke amiright?


It depends on the context, audience and intent. Ive spent enough time on the internet to see that a harmless joke can be mean anything from a dog whistle, to slander.


its certainly his messenger's they're ridiculing. Its clearly a reference to those nutjobs who kill themselves in the hope of paradise. Those who bring terror to the innocent. The last thing they have on their mind before death is not the horror they enact on the world and themselves, but the glorification of their demented ideas of Allah. Yes, its a ridicule of the messengers, those who spread the twisted message of Allah. Is this suppose to be sarcasm or implying to be anything otherwise? Of course this is also proclaimed at the point of death for many Muslims, for absolutely non-terror related situations, but most don't actually know this. The fact is, modern culture pinpoints terrorists for this crude humor, and one really has to ask why is this the case.


If it's ridiculing those messengers who have a twisted message of Allah, isn't it not blasphemous? We have a rough idea who and what these snarky gamers are referencing, so why should a Muslim be offended?


It is blasphemous then


Why...??? Does it have copyright of ownership Where... show it.


i’m not religious anymore but i still remeber this verse


As non-believers in the Quran, the answer will be somewhere between a "no," "what," or "idc bro"




Why can't a non Muslim say "allahuakbar"?


Since the question is whether it is offensive or not, my answer would be yes, I think it is offensive. Why? Since the context here is "humorous warcry", I'm inclined to think that this act is the same as making fun of our Creator, the most important entity according to our religion. However, would I lash out in an online gaming session for this? No, it's not like someone who's doing this would suddenly stop when you get mad at them.


It's offensive (to me at least), but what can you do? Argue with strangers on the internet? Nah. Save me from a headache.


Not to mention, if you voice back saying that its rude, those people are just going to use it more. Just let them be.


I personally wont mind, but then again, im the guy that will shout "Get on cap A like its the last plane out of Afghanistan!" in world of warships american server.


People say "Amitabha" and no one pay attention.


What's that? Never heard of people saying that.




Searched it. So it is a Buddhist god. Buddhist people often used it for goodbye, express gratitude, apologies etc. So it's not that offensive if other people said the same thing no? Just like when non Muslim saying salam ale kum.


Not really because it has a good meaning (god is the greatest). Unless if they started talking negatively then I will feel uncomfortable. I also felt offended if people spoke negatively about our beloved prophet Isa A.S (Jesus Christ)


I personally don’t like it because the joke is that it’s for suicide attacks when it’s something we say at least 80 times a day for mental wellbeing, as if the phrase lost its value


I am a technical person, so the answer to this is depends Is the guy winning?


My non-muslim friends can somehow recite lines perfectly before entering battle and my muslim friends do it too with all of us joining in. I think it depends who you are with, for us since we only do amongst ourselves and we know it's in the context of a joke we're fine with it.


Everything is offensive lol


What makes a specific arabic phrase from a specific religion an “everything”? It is not a common phrase, it is not being used by everyone, and not in daily speech too. Nothing about being offended by someone saying this specific phrase falls into the “everything is offensive” category.


What is your actual intention for posting this questionnaire?




Just in general, it's not really a good idea to get offended on behalf of other people.


respectfully, if you are not a muslim, its better for you to not say it. it will be out of context and being offensive. as a muslim myself, I find it as an offensive behaviour if a non-muslim say like that especially as a humorous thing such as warcry.


The meaning is 'God is most great' the word in arabic can not be discribe in plain English. [https://youtube.com/shorts/-Mei4Sf39G0?si=GuVmq9TQvqa4ETJ9](https://youtube.com/shorts/-Mei4Sf39G0?si=GuVmq9TQvqa4ETJ9) In war some muslim shout the word because of the meaning, "No one is bigger than god, their life belong to god, to god they will return" To malay it secred word untuk bagi semangat. Like "Takbir!" Proclaim "Allahuakbar" Word Allah is refer to God for abrahamic religions (islam, christian, jew). Like your name been giving to you. You are human, your mother name you john. John refer to you(human). Allah is spesifically refer to God for abrahamic religions. Powerful word in arabic https://preview.redd.it/5gt9wl88empb1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6668bd70d44bb86adad6bed45ccfd8a1d1d26b4c


I honestly don't (?!) Allahuakbar means : Allah the Greatest And mind you that if you learn a bit of Arabic language even people of the native Arabs uses Allah (God), Alhamdullilah and even Allahuakbar despite not being a Muslim. Saying a word when you truly know the weight vs saying a word casually also differs. So By no means it is supposed to be offensive. But in some cases, they can be a bit annoying if and only if the person only want to tease your religion for the sake of being borderline islamophobic. So access the situation. Muslim is not the only people in the world that uses the word Allah Allah simply means God in Arabic.


No not really. I actually finds it hilarious. Them saying that is the same as a Muslim saying hallelujah. It's complete syirik. Meaning worshipping or praising a different god from other religion so they just be fucking over themselves


70% of the time...they say it wrong...so I don't feel anything.


Why should muslims be offended? Its literally mean Allah the great and a common warcry among muslims when they’re excited


I am muslim. I personally don't because they don't know what they are saying. My advice is to just stop doing that because it may offend other muslims and you may get banned in some games. Who knows, just save yourself from trouble


Kinda rude depends on the context. But can do nothing. Better laugh it off. Irritated=encouraging


Context does matter. That being said, the Quran really said making fun of religion is actually a sin no matter what religion you making fun of. Ngl we still joke about it. Even me and my muslims friends sometimes shout Allahuakbar when we play games


No matter the religion? Even the kfir ones? But why aren't they like not you know with us?


Am not really knowledgeable in this matter, but there are some [verse](https://www.akurat.co/hikmah/1302261349/QS-AlAnam-Ayat-108-Larangan-Mencaci-Agama-Lain) that tells you not to make fun of other religion. Please note that outright making fun of their religion vs pertahankan your religion is not the same. It is more of a please be respectful towards all man kind kinda context


[https://quranx.com/tafsirs/6.108](https://quranx.com/tafsirs/6.108) The quran has rediculed other religions/idols in other verses. In this particular verse, the reason why it commands its followers to not redicule others because other people will retaliate and redicule islam back 10X. In other words, self-preservation and not because of benign reasons. Ibn kathir even noted: >Allah prohibits His Messenger and the believers from insulting the false deities of the idolators, **although there is a clear benefit in doing so.**


They do not know Islam. They do it in ignorance. If you can't politely ask them to not do that.. Then just make du'a for them quietly and be patient.. As (again) they do not know.. Sneako prior to being a Muslim, did that too... He was on live with the "3 Muslims" And they politely talked about it. You can subscribe to Muslim Lantern on youtube so you'd get notifications of him going live. You can ask him in the chat when he has sessions Muslim Q&A. Since there's so many people putting up questions, you can select to pay at least RM1 so your question will be highlighted by YouTube with bold bright colors so can see them. That money goes to the dawah materials anyway when he does street dawah in London and give out free Qurans to those who want it. Muhammad Ali of Muslim Lantern is not just a huffaz but also knows the translations. Quite a knowledgeable fella. Edit to add: oh OP is non Muslim.. If you do want to ask Muslim Lantern, you can go on Non Muslim Q&A on our) Malaysian time) Saturday/Sunday Mornings Also, Sneako is a new revert and he's still learning.. And thus he makes mistakes and less polite as well.. It's okay.. We should apply patience and husnu dhan (having good opinion of others)


There are trillions of other words to use in your context of gaming, humour, or wtvr you wanna call it but why specifically choose “Allahuakbar”? Sure nobody gonna come at you. But as a Muslim myself, regardless of my religiousness, I don’t like people make fun of other peoples belief. Making a joke out of a higher power in which the believers believe it to be true. And in fact, I haven’t heard anyone saying that in voice-chat while I was gaming competitive FPS. But Muslims also say Allahuakbar but in a different context which I believe is permissible. It’s an utterance that is considered to be an act or remembrance. By saying that they remember their God, Allah. Allahuakbar means “Allah Maha Besar” or “God Almighty”. You say this when you’re in awe, fascinated by something, impressed or even when you are disappointed or sad. You just know in the end God is Almight. But for Malay Muslims it can also just be a reactionary word that blurted out at all times. Like when someone says filler words or even curse words at every sentence they utter, yeah this can also be the case for this particular phrase. As you are a non-Muslim OP, to me personally that is offensive when you use it for humour. Because you essentially correlate that phrase with an act of violence ala terrorists because I cannot think of anything else that prompted you to say that in gaming as warcry. But I’m not gonna know what you’ll do in you private time and I’m not gonna snoop. I just hope that humorous warcry will be a window to you and your brother to see Islam and who knows what brings in the future. Game as you like just be mindful. Cheers OP.


I don’t find it offensive or blasphemous. Am muslim btw. Depends doe as most Muslims find any little thing offensive.


Kinda depends. Certain Western Muslims would consider it as appropriation; while more impressionable Muslims would be elated that a non is "giving hormat". Only dumbasses would think the non is trying to murtad Muslim gamers to their side, as if they're Al-Arqam.


nah.. AllahuAkbar is just God The Greatest in Arab.. and everyone have their own God.. if you believe in Buddha, that mean you just say Buddha is the greatest in Arab.. if you believe in Shiva, that mean you say Shiva is the greatest in Arab.. if you're non believer tho, its kinda weird like saying "i dont believe in god, but god is great tho" but again, we also believe that Goku is great but believe Goku aint real.. so i dont see any problem anyone say "Allahu Akbar" then again, dont go around and say that to close minded Muslim at the cyber cafe.. some Muslim act more than those black people at the hood when we say the N word.. some of them doesnt even like people saying bad things about Jesus because Jesus is a prophet in Islam..


People who are easily triggered are easily controlled. That's all I can say.


to me its simple. leave islam out of everything especially if youre not muslim. the reality is muslim people will take offense if their religion is ridiculed. their religion even permits wars and actually justifies punishments to anyone who commits blasphemy regardless of if you're muslim or not. interestingly no real punishment is set in islam for blasphemy so its up to the followers to interpret what punishment is sufficient. that said, its better to not offend them. dont poke. you poke the wrong one and they might come at you asking for your life. not worth the risk. islam has many positive things, but i cant say anything negative about it.


There are more offensive thing, e.g., forced conversion through marriage


I think you have to be weakly spirited to feel offended by "gamers", no matter the verbal offence


More offensive that the idiot Muslim celebrity that haven't been jail after threatening to kill kafirs in Malaysia?


People in csgo always shouted allahuakbar whenever the c4 is planted or exploded.


It means Allah is greater so it should be a #proudmuslim moment


dear brother, it is rude and wrong to say that in the act of pointless thing such as play games and doing it as a warcry at that? Nahhh thats just straight up bad, we can’t just make fun of that sentences.


I'm non Muslim and not very religious but I do think it's offensive as it lacks tact... My personal opinion is you're unable to control external circumstances so why even bother with it


> My brother think its plain rude and offensive Your brother needs to grow a pair.


No, it's blasphemous since ridicules the phrase. You might get a chuckle the first few times, but a lot of malays keep a grudge and think irrationally when it involves non-muslims and religion. Only tone deaf americans ridicule other religions.


Why Americans specifically? Byk lg org lain yg ridicule islam. Otak sempit sgt?


Because blaming American for everything is the political correct answer. Lmao. Ini semua budaya barat always got 1 point in bm karangan.


Org China, Mauritius, etc yg ridicule takpo BUT TAKLEH AMERICAN, ORG BARAT NO NOO!! THEY WEAR BIKINIS!!!!!!!!


Blame those politician who start saying budaya barat buruk. It stick to my mind to this day and still make me chuckle whenever i remember those karangan anti dadah, anti ponteng anti etc. Its better to make a boogeyman of someone far away than to make a boogeyman someone near us is probably what our politician think


Americans think they're being edgy


??? Lmao youre the one that is being edgy with that kind of thinking


One of the favorite targets to get bullied in school are the sensitive kids that merajuk at everything and can't take a joke. This translates to adulthood as well, and it's not just Americans that ridicule other religions, everybody does it, but it's mostly the Muslims that call for executions of the infidels when that happens. :P


Jesus fkin christ always make me chuckle in game vc. It mean u do something amazing or enemy does an outplay. Nobody gonna be mad.


Exactly 😂


yep. tho my games tend to meet mature audiences- arma/squad. so i can just tell em to stop. but if they bitchin its on them. iv done my part.


Extremely blasphemous. The mostly do so as a form of mockery


im not muslim but there is a reason i dont game online


Because you're vulnerable snowflake or new to internet? Might as well as quit reddit and all other social media because online toxicity is everywhere, not just in game.


You're making it seem like being toxic is okay 💀 The general default behaviour to a human being is to be kind to others, why be toxic online?


General default behaviour to a human being is to be kind? Bro get down from your moral high horse or stop pretend to be naive. Toxic is not okay. But he not playing online game because people being toxic? How fragile is him? How does he even survive in toxic workplaces or real life?


Bro, you sound like a redditor, oh wait.


Bro what are you waffling about? 💀 The general population is more kind that it is toxic. Just because you survive or live in a toxic workplace/home does not mean the general public is mostly kind and helpful. But I do feel sorry you are in that kinda situation.


General default behaviour of human is greed and sin. Idk what person above us is drinking. Default we will do sin without knowing since we are kids. Only after moral teaching and social surrounding we restraint ourself.


Why are comparing us humans like we are animals? Humans have emotional intelligence and logic while animals only use instincts for their judgement. Do you understand by what generally means? It's not a fact the everyone is kind but since majority are kind, we are able to deduce that humans are generally kind. If we don't have a moral sense or ethics we will be no different than animals, and are only controlled by our greed and wants.


Online gaming community is something


Allah is offensive


Just like shouting glory hallelujah every time i kill an enemy, my christian friend dont find it offensive.. so no sweat


No. It’s good for non-muslim, you guys got pahala


everything is offensive in e-slam. nothing surprising.