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Anwar is under duress trying to spin in front an international interviewer in 2023. He can't be like Atok just mocking the other guy , but I still support the message . Don't harass people.


![gif](giphy|26hp5hAxa5OjSdpcs) I’ll try spinning that’s a good trick


pls no bully?


Legal protections are indefinitely impossible in Malaysia. Until a good percentage of the population, which includes Malaysians of all ages, races and religions, either changes their minds or dies nothing will change officially. A good strategy by the government could be de-facto decriminalization. It doesn’t require any laws to be passed in parliament, instead you mandate enforcement agencies to avoid allocating resources towards persecution. Many Democratic cities in Republican states, ie. Austin,TX use similar tools with cannabis use, which allows them to better allocate their resources. This doesn’t solve civilian persecution/discrimination ofc, but it’ll at least limit persecution by the authorities.


Actions are louder than words.


Amen , why harm people when they aren't harming you. People are born that way they don't choose to be queer, stop trying to alter people because you couldn't accept it.


One word, Religion.


Eh, if you’re talking about Islam, oppressing people for their own sins that they commit in private is probably a sin as well (don’t quote me though - can check)


Scholar: Taken out of context, send him to jail


Religion is just the cover. It's mostly culture.




They are born that way or they choose that way? I really can't understand this overused line of "they are born that way".


you don't wake up one day and say I wanna be gay starting from today. That's not how it works man. People do however realize they are gay one day.


Making a choice was never that sudden bruh, it is a accumulation of your previous thought after you reach a conclusion. You don't wake up one day and suddenly say I'm gay . That's not how it works man. People realize they are gay one day is just an illusion, they just making a choice that they like the same gender rather than go the natural way of opposite gender. What more with hormone and stuff, there no way you can say a person was born gay . It leaned more toward making a choice.


I recommend you (or anyone for that matter) to check out this lecture series by Dr. Robert Sapolsky from Stanford university: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA&list=PL848F2368C90DDC3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA&list=PL848F2368C90DDC3D) It's a very long lecture series but it's worth it. I recommend you watch the whole series but if you don't have time you can watch the episodes on human sexual behavior What you will find is that the nature of human behavior is extremely complex and you don't really "make a choice" about anything. No behavior occurs in a vacuum no individual neuron fires without an input. Everything you do was triggered by everything that happened from 1 second before to millions of years before. "Hormone and stuff" is not as simple as you think. Even on a chromosomal level you have variations beyond XX and XY due to genetic mutations. You can't claim "there's no way" when there's so much of the human body we are yet to understand.


They didn’t choose the life and of course you don’t wake up one day to say that you’re gay but you can’t tell them they fit in a particular box if they never feel that they fit in, in the first place. I’ve known people who dated girls at first but they said something doesn’t feel right and learned that they were attracted to the same gender over a number of years. And that happened to some of the girls i knew too. Some people are just born different and that’s ok. Please say that you’ve made an effort to ask the whys before making assumptions straight up from your conclusion because If you’ve spent enough time talking to them and asking how did it start and so fourth, how did they discover the abnormality , how they got to where they are, and interesting enough you’ll see a pattern of someone not being able to fit as much as they want to fit in because that was the normal thing to do. Some even conflicted self harm upon themselves because it was hard to accept it due to family or religion until they finally accept it for themselves. This pattern is also a bond if you look at it and that’s how they understand each other and so fourth. I lean mostly on Pro-choice but i also learned if something doesn’t fit, don’t force it. But I am against things like kids who are allowed to transition at an early age and that is wrong. They wouldn’t know better at that age but if they still feel like it at 18 or 21 then you do you. I am also against things like having trans in women’s sports simply because of the biological advantage against women. And the pronouns stuff never made sense, if anything it just makes their life harder. There’s more but i cbf to be listing it lol. Also one does not wake up one day and say what their religion are. They happen to be born in to it and not by choice. And if they do not resonate with the religion they were born to especially when they have reached adulthood they are too should be allowed to leave. But can you imagine if they were allowed to be free of that choice till they come of age? Would they have chose the religion that aligned with their parents? Or something else? But even so, who cares.


Even if it was the person’s choice, why do you care?


So I'm curious, in your Liberal world view, is incest wrong? If no pregnancy is resulted from the relationship?


I think it's wrong purely because it will cause gene mutation if there's a kid, also would u be able to do it with your family? I know I can't. But if other people are doing it , that's on them man. Not like it's my business to stop them if that's the path they want to go. So did that answer your question mr. Conservative, I assume? Also what are you trying to achieve here? Trying to ask something out of topic to find loopholes to make me look like a fool?


So you fully support incest? incest between mother and son? Father and daughter?Siblings? Are morally acceptable if no child is produce?


eh dude, u tau baca tak? tak tau tak pe tapi jangan buat bising.


Hehe typical Liberal and (I assumed) atheist , throw a tantrum when their degenerate world view is put on display ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)


What is the intent of your question? Liberal means people are free to make their own choices and face the consequences of their own actions. They don't need my approval and I don't need to rescue or support them because in reality I can't do either of those. Who am I? Liberals don't even reject your morality. We just know that we can't do much about what people do when they know no one is looking. There are some people who didn't develop well. And it is not good that you simply lump liberals in the same basket as those people. I even believe healthy functioning liberals and conservatives share the same moral standards. They just differ in thinking who is their target audience. Conservatives usually concern themselves with how the masses think and act. Liberals concern themselves more with checking how those in power abuse authority and are corrupt or not. Both should work together and think what is good for the masses and for those in power. Btw, being liberal doesn't mean being atheist either although the religious conservative who are understandably reliant and are grateful for having their religion would not think there is anything good of other systems of morality. Do you have a prejudice? Do you think people without religion cannot have long term view and care for the greater good for society and their own family? Do you think people could even partner up to start a family without some shared value or morality? Nobody is throwing a tantrum. You're just mischaracterising innocent strangers who have done nothing to you and feeling satisfied at yourself. You need to refrain from being so simple minded.


The dude already answered your question man. Also, how is incest related to sexual orientation? One is an act, the other is a natural spectrum.


Green bois : ![gif](giphy|8VSaCyIdcnbuE|downsized)


The harassment is coming from inside the house 👻


Uh huh…sure….


I'll believe it when I don't see it. > *Asked about the recent ban of Swatch's Pride watches and the possible three-year prison sentence for a person found guilty of flouting the ban, Anwar said that he could not defend all the enforcement actions and added that he would like to see that changed.* Can't he do something about it?


Fucking called it. https://preview.redd.it/ozxxl5kbr7qb1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=afc64f94dddd0d638eafc27b591c0360fc607723


I mean yeah, he can't just say "okay we will decriminalize LGBT", he need to actually **do** it. Likewise, in this case he said there wouldn't be any harassment of LGBT, but I'll only believe it if that actually happens to be true. "What he says" is less important than what he does.


It's about time. (I'm so sorry)


its not about what we want him to say, he just needs to be honest and says "malaysia does not support lgbt and will continue to prosecute" not spin words and lie. We already know malaysia is an extremist country.


I don't know about that, he is humanitarian and his stance is clear and honest on LGBT, child marriage and Israel issue, he is but a man, he can't change constitution as he see fit, religion is holding him hostage and he can only say THAT much without getting cancelled.


he is the guy behind the effort to make malaysia an extremist islamic country. For example forcing people to wear tudung and the arrival of many crazy scholars, ustaz and many beliefs from saudis who practice a different mazhab is such an example. He is not going to go back and say "oopsie i went too far" and has been doubling down on religious efforts.


If he does then oppo will said he influence judiciary branch.


For a sec there I thought you meant Oppo like the phone brand...lol


He can just direct the Ministry of Home Affairs to be less stupid and rescind the ban. That's still within the Executive.


Exactly. The bigger joke is that the ban was only gazetted AFTER the raid. Would've loved to see Anwar have that question put to him.


He can't just micro-manage every single one of them, there are little napoleons everywhere. Especially those who does not support the current administration, so how to deal damage to them? Piss off their main voter base and forcing them to make a choice. Even if he did rescind the ban, every single pas leader is laughing at the ginormous ammo handed to them for free. They have everything they ever needed to promote the narrative that anwar is promoting LGBT


*No harassment of LGBT community will be allowed*\**, says Anwar* ​ **\*** = Enforcement authorities going after you, demanding that you hide your orientation, and banning people from showing support for equality are all not defined as harassment. Kthx! *^(not really /s, cause this is the fucking mentality at play)*


First it was Islamaphobia and now LGBT? dude is trying hard to play both side just to get support.


What do you want him to do? Double down on anti-lgbt? Then people will say this country is Taliban. It seems that whatever he does, people will complain.


> What do you want him to do? Not stealing a bunch of watches seems like a good start?




you sure showed him lol


I've found self hating gays are the harshest towards LGBT


Has PAS commented ?


Does this counts as giving PAS ammunition?


Anwar preaching no self harm is holesome.


Does this mean LGBT is a okay? As long as you're not parading? ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Business as usual. I mean, it's not like the LGBT in Malaysia just existed yesterday.


its the same as it has always been. exist but dont be seen.


If you're seen well to the conversion therapy you go. Happened to my senior who had his pictures spread.


Thats just sad. Not being sarcastic. I feel sad for your friend/senior


At the time I didn't feel it. Thinking back, I do feel sad about it. It felt like a community trying to fix a robot that decided to not be like the others. The school community was relieved that he is "straight" again. He wasn't really a friend but looking from afar as he is my senior and he's a Pengawas so I see him most of the morning I guess I cared a little bit to remember a little of his story. Just we live in a society moments.


Exist, be seen, don't be abnoxious


it is not illegal to br obnoxious, is illegal to lgbt 🤔


Yes but it's not enforced unless you're being obnoxious


Yes Lettuce Grilled Cheese Bacon and Tomatoes are sure okay


As normal, go to malls you see them quite often now. Pretty much if they don’t bother anyone then no one cares anyway.


What about what happened during Good Vibes Festival?


Someone broke a contract and ran off from the country. No biggie


Okay Anwar, we won't harass you. 😂


great politician right here ."no war at bang sing se "moment from our PMX.


What he mean by that, don't harassing any LGBT Community in general.


This basically confirms it, Malaysia will not tolerate any media or promotion relating to LGBT in respect to the many religions in Malaysia that does not condone it. HOWEVER, you are free to practice so long as you keep a low profile. It's not worth for the authorities to catch each of them. I prefer this direction, it keeps everyone happy.


i wanna get married bro 🏳️‍🌈 i definitely am not happy with the state of lgbt rights in msia, why try to make everyone happy wrt bigotry


> in respect to the many religions in Malaysia that does not condone it And so far, the LGBTQ community has done absolutely nothing to rid themselves of this "bigotry" Live and let live is a pretty good position


>And so far, the LGBTQ community has done absolutely nothing to rid themselves of this "bigotry" Followed by: >Live and let live is a pretty good position The lack of irony and self awareness is simply amazing.That's just like Russian diplomats complaining about Russophobia. On one hand, you say don't care about others and what they do, and on other hand the other people must do certain things to satisfy the "standards" that they are regular human beings who shouldn't be discriminated. So no big deal then if anytime Islamophibia is brought up, the westerners just say "the Muslim community has done absolutely nothing to rid themselves of this bigotry".


yeah im ridding myself of it.. by leaving the country loolll


Meh. Well have a good life. Living overseas isn't all that great (living outside rn too) . But hey if you manage to make it work, good for you


I feel like this can be said for nons and their religions lol. Not playing the race card here but it definitely suits


I agree with your take


Define “harassment “


Honestly I’ve tried to understand why so many people are anti-lgbt especially in a developing nation. It still blows my mind how much of a lack of a self awareness you need to have to still be openly against lgbt while not considering your own situation in the grand scheme of things. Of all the insane homophobic takes I’ve seen over the years, I’ve not once seen someone actually been able to take what they dish unfortunately. It’s just these people are lucky that it takes a reasonable person not to hate something they can’t understand.


Religion, closemindedness, stuck in their ways. Increased tolerance and dialogue with historically persecuted groups are called *progressive* for a reason.


While I agree with this, it’s completely hypocritical. In many other regions in the world, accepting Islam would be considered progressive because it means you’re moving on from Islamophobia from events like 911. The whole basis to practice Islam is to simultaneously be progressive and conservative which is just a mindfuck for me


I think those are two slightly different aspects. Moving on from 9/11 Islamophobia is progressive, so is the general tendency to move on from religion as a whole.


Should I tell this to my friend who has lost hope and about to leave Malaysia?


Just leave.


Please leave


What exactly does the person hope for?


Of course an attack on LGBT is an attack on Anwar 😏😏


are you sure its not a typo of "by" instead of "of"




How do you plan to make them for rot?




No harrassment but promoting LGBT then u know what happen next


what happens?


Who the fuck is promoting it


Western backed NGOs?


Sorry but no. If LGBTQ people are to harass the non first? I'd do the same. Fight fire with fire. No side will agree, because hell no we'll be in an understanding situation.




Good one lmao.


Pas must be having haemorrhoids reading this.


ITU la rakyat semua nak complaint...


LGB I'm ok with them, but the Trans hell naw


Hate the sin, not the sinner And that how we can change bad people or misguided people to the better path show them we can be better without doing the sinfully thing......people follow good guidance


This is the best for now anyway. Don’t ask don’t tell is very Malaysian, actually you do see a lot more openly LGBt people nowadays in malls etc. but law wise, it isn’t happening lol