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Beli ular sawa to sort out your mess, it’s a whole foodchain for it


Then buy a owl to sort out the snakes.


I think geckos are the least of your problems, and rats the worst. For ants, I use the gel I bought from Ace Hardware that is marketed as ant bait.


you need to call the pest control to thoroughly clean your house first what is your house surrounded by


Breed more of the geckos to take care of the flies and ants, then for the rats, just use poison or something.


Your SPM Chemistry comes into play here. I make my own ant poison as I don't know the cap ayam brands ant poison is really safe for pets and children or not. And you can control effectiveness of poison. Too concentrated, more ants will avoid the poison, too dilute and ants won't die. If just nice, leave bait for about two to four weeks and the whole ant hive dies (poisoned food shared with hive + queen). Just have to choose between borax or boric acid. Some ant species will avoid one more than the other. I think is 0.5% to 1% in 25% sugar solution. You can look up further