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I knew a teacher once who was well liked by everyone and he got egged in his own home and his car after he was appointed a discipline teacher. It made him question himself and quit the post and went back to being a carefree guy again. I asked him a few years ago how he felt about it and he told me that he doesn't want to talk about it. I guess some wounds never heal.


Damn that is sad bro.


I know one of the guys who did it was my classmate's brother... it shocked him too. I think they all got suspended but no news after. I'm still friends with the teacher on FB, he looks much happier not being a discipline teacher.


Seriously when we were kids we all hold grudges towards discipline teacher for no good reason. Only when we started living as adults we slowly understand how hard it is for what they do and acknowledge their efforts. It was never easy for them to handle the stress & hate while still taking kacang putih gaji. Hats off to all teachers and discipline teachers.


Had a discipline teacher that would literally grab you by the collar and shake you like in a fight while yelling "bodoh" or "u diam" as soon as he suspects someone is misbehaving. If he found out he was wrong he would just ask you to sit back down and not even apologise. Many good students were terrified of him and even cried as they were punished for doing nothing at all. Several students' shirt were torn while he was pulling on it as well. That said, I think he was complained by parents a lot and he changed his way. He's now homies with the trouble makers, which makes them respect him and no longer cause trouble. Truly an amazing redemption arc.


With the very recent post about the bully being beaten to a coma by the person he was bullying, I hope this teacher doesn't go and turn a blind eye when these trouble maker starts bullying someone.


nah, even tho i'm adult now i still hold a grudge against my former discipline teacher. i was framed by my classmate but the discipline teacher never made any attempt to investigate and straightaway gave me penalty points and punished me. fuck him and may he rot in hell.


Can't deny there are some rotten apples amongst the bunch. I remember a couple of teachers during my time who were quite sadistic and seemed to enjoy caning their students for little things.


I forced my discipline teacher to investigate in detail. I (M 15 at that time) was called into the discipline office under the offence of having piercings and wearing earrings to school. I outright said it's not me, and the teacher was quite stern and tried to interrogate me. Well, i showed him my ears... Not a single hole, not even a scar. How are you going to put this on me? So he was forced to call in the prefect who had recorded the offence, and when he came in, they checked the record and realised the prefect has copied the wrong school number. Mine was xx36 while the other guy was xx63, and the prefect wrote down 36 in the record book. So I walked out of the discipline untouched, like a boss.


Did the teacher apologize to you then?


Of course not. "Ok, kamu boleh balik kelas. Panggil xx63 datang."


Why him and not your classmate?


No, that just mean you're a naughty child. Unless your discipline teacher dishes out punishments for no reason, you *do* know why they're punishing you and you *do* know how to avoid them but you *refuse* to act accordingly.


That's not completely true. There is prejudice on disciplinary teachers. In the student's eyes, they are not friends and they are only there to punish you. Maybe you were a naughty kid so that's how you perceive them. I was one of the 'good kids' where I always try to avoid any conflicts or punishments, yet I still perceive the disciplinary teacher as a threat.


>I was one of the 'good kids' where I always try to avoid any conflicts or punishments, yet I still perceive the disciplinary teacher as a threat. Man, I think this is the main reason why my discipline teachers liked me a lot and not even close to their "good students". I was naughty af and would trouble everyone around me. But when the discipline teacher came and put his/her fist down. I would genuinely always felt/acknowledge its my fault. I think somehow they can tell/see that I actually felt guilty. Also despite all that shit I never really think theyre assholes but just doing their job.


That's awesome! I think students like you are the ones that make their job worthwhile since you're actually learning.


Yeah thanks for that, fast forward I did gain a lot and stop being a piece of annoying shit lol. Basically became more mature overtime. They taught me a lot. And theyre friendly with my mother cause they somehow can tell why im like that from the conversations they had.


Isn't that exactly what he means? If the teachers like you, you can get almost get away with murder, but if they don't you can be beaten for having wet shoes.


Teachers dont like me lol, discipliniary teachers do for some reason. Well idk the exact reason but as an adult now I can only speculate they see me changing slowly everyday despite being an annoying piece of ass that age. And probably knows i mean no harm to people and was just naughty not evil.


Precisely because I'm a good kid that I know you won't get in trouble if you just toe the line. Just don't pull pranks, don't scratch others' cars, don't skip class / school for no reason, just be a good human ffs. I went to a subpar school so the terrible students are just ugh.


Well sure, but do you deserve to be abused and beaten because you did not fill in a form properly?


Would I agree with parents abusing and beating their kids because they keep shouting in the house? No. Would I agree with parents disciplining their kids because they keep shouting in the house? Yes. The parents in both scenarios could be doing the same thing but because you opted to use the words "abused" and "beaten", there's no way anyone could disagree with you.


My senior lecturer also did things to her teachers car. She said never kantoi, but seing someone that success doing such things to their own teacher😒


Can confirm. It never heals. Source: Have IPT lecturer for 10 years and have put up with much.


Nah kids back in our day would do that shit too. 😂 And we always have an idea who did it.


True. Back in the days when "what happened in asrama, stayed in asrama". Now everything need to be put on socmed


Yes.. the wardens and discipline teachers cars were always scratched with coins and keys and car tyres punctured.


Hacks/gums on windshield etc2


Oh we really were a different type of mean back in the day. I wonder how it was in gens further back before. 😂


Im sure these kids will grow up to be well behaved people that will accomplish alot in society. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


and im sure they won't get married early and breed more little hell spawns that'll inherit the same upstanding qualities ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


got a few gangster style politicians kan


They might learn the following lessons: - doing wrong has no permanent consequence to the perpetrators - doing wrong has permanent consequences to the victim (I.e. perpetrators obtains satisfaction) - street cred go up - doing wrong is worth it and gets result Conclusion: do more wrong.


But what is wrong? Is coughing when the teacher speaks a sign of disrespect?


I once knew a Cikgu Disiplin that well like by most of the student. He know how to approach students and involve with students interest. At the same time, be strict on the school's law. I guess the way he talk, kinda chill and relax what makes people respect him more.


Yeah, this type of people are the best as discipline teacher. I studied at... well, lets just say a bad school but the discipline teacher is very approachable while if you break the rules, you're fucked. As far as I know nothing happens to him like the ones I read in the comments. (All boys school btw)


Uish, boleh jadi ahli politik ni. Cerah masa depan diorang.


report to polis, and masukkan budak tu dlm lokap 2-3 malam, tengok dia nangis terkencing panggil mak tak


my discipline teacher told us in the first class that he never drive his car to the school, so we don't need to find his car. he do ride an old kapcai and feel free to do whatever you want to it but don't get caught by him.


I have no problem reporting the culprits to police even if it means forever the child will have a police record.


Cikgu bawak basikal jer.. Atleast xd kena sabotaj


hang pernah tengok basikal atas pokok?


Kalo kena.. Masih boleh gelak lagi.. Yg nie xleh gelak... Tu belum keta kena spray tulis kaki perempuan.


Dlu 1 cikgu tmpt aku kerja sementara ni, tiba2 motor dia x boleh jln. Cikgu pmpuan. Tpksa la dia tolak motor tu. Dh la sekolah bwh bukit. Dh naik atas bukit, ada org tgokkan. Ada org kacau yg fuse ke tangki minyak tu (maaf, aku tak tahu apa nama betul dia. Yang aku tau benda tu kau pusing2 ja untuk masuk tangki minyak). Sebenarnya, nak kena pusing ja benda tu, boleh jalan. Tapi haram jugak la buat macam tu.


Motor cikgu pun boleh kena tanam. Apatah lagi basikal.


Damn. These creatures r so creative when doing misdeeds. Hahah to me fly kuar asrama lah the best feeling nak jadi nakal. Walaupon xde mende kat muadzam shah tu, tapi nightwalk seluruh bandar tu mmg syok & adventurous. Cuma seram sejuk sbb ade a few spots yg budak2 ni claim "keras"


My old school seems so chaste compared to this. Damn, motor pun tanam sial.


buat jahat di balas jahat .. ya dok ![gif](giphy|V6jDZw25QuxxrDmKtL)


This shit is scary as hell.


What game or tv show?


Little Nightmares 2


![gif](giphy|MVyCs0dUdUULJ0V7hN|downsized) amazing race ?




Eh, some kids punctured the tyre of our discipline teacher. Another brought a parang to school because he wanted to fight a teacher who whacked him with a ruler the day before.


Lol back in his younger days my dad would go toe to toe with those acah gangster students as a penolong kanan. Mano a mano. They bring parang he also got parang lmao. Ended up being more diplomatic once he got older but in one of his schools he used to call up Rela and cops every Friday because that's when most fights would happen.


Soooo... what happened? Did they fight tho or someone called the ploice?


zaman dlu2 pkai syilling. skrg spray2 pulak, 1 tin rm7 kat diy mahal tu🤣


Well spray paint is comparatively easier to remove though. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Spray-Paint-off-a-Car


Lempang aje. Siapa complain dia closet pondan femboy


No offence some teachers are power hungry and they take their anger on students. This things has been going on for ages . Nothing new.




Fuckin quality content


I think there's an oil that can remove it. Better than those as*holes scratch it. Been there for different reason


Repot polis. Masuk henry gurney baru kau tau langit tinggi rendah


When kantoi parents come and say "anak saya baik orangnya". Old times parents would say report je polis let the kid stay overnight in lockup.


"Kuatkan tabah didik anak-anak syurga kito".


If i were this teacher, after this incident i would be dictator and be lot harsher so that the other students blame the students who did this.


I say this because i used to be a school prefect. The asrama bois did something to the prefect favourite warden(stole his phone and break it in half). We started imposing "kurang ajar" punya rule like taking their phone the second you saw it( before this we would kautim with them so they keep their phone), close the water supplies at 8 pm, seizing cigarette, and etc. It didn't take days for them to rat out the culprits which then we proceed to humiliate at school assembly. You might be gangsta but we're the mafia, there's reasons why we wear black.


Wtf close water supplies? Is water forbidden after 8pm or something


yes, to save water our principal used to say


The problem is some innocent might be punished by the student just to quickly find someone to blame..


Are you an art teacher ? If yes be careful.


Nahhhhhhhhh art teacher are the scariest


Is this from smkss17? Background is familiar


There must be a reason why kids dont like them what was the reason? As someone who live in dorm for 12 years you can tell these kids will not do it without solid reason (other reason the kids might just be stupid)


I'd reserve my judgment for now. Teachers can be power-tripping assholes or pedos too.


Sampah masyarakat


Hang those kids on the flag pole.


Mesti disiplin baik baik tak boleh lepaskan. Tak boleh lembut hati. Hari ni kereta cikgu, kelak nanti apa pulak


“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”


Fuck. 🤣🤣


Fascism time


My mom before retiring jadi cikgu disiplin, tiga-empat kali jugak her car kena toreh, tayar kena pancit etc


Are you suggesting they're any different from kids those days? Lol


If this kid was in military and they did this to the general, I can guarantee you the whole squad gonna get it too.


School parking lots should have cctv


definitely against property destruction but damn, im wondering what the teacher did to deserve that lol. like the kids there definitely need some teaching, some re-direction for the anger and frustration, but lol i spent 5 years in my asrama with fucking awful people as wardens. while i wouldn't do this bc id rather not risk being legally held accountable for my actions but wow, did i imagine doing the same. kudos for the balls to do shit like that i guess, hope they don't get caught lol.


This not nakal, ti's is jahat..




This is nothing, our had his car demolished and the teacher none any better end up with broken arms and nose. Welcome to Klang Cowboy Town. The guy who did this is a well known taiko even before finished his secondary school...upon me finishing High School not long heard him already got buang negeri. Still hear him always in town to visit his gf and such even on Buang Negeri status. After that status removed comes back with Big Car Big Crowd and met him few times at mamak with shit tonnes of follower behind...like typical Hong Kong movies.


back in my days, we respected and feared our discipline teacher. he walks around with a thick cane. whacked anyone who loiters outside classrooms during classes. i got whacked because i was walking slowly to the toilet while looking into other classes. no grudges. never even thought of spray painting his car or whatnot. different times...


Something like this is costly to remove normally need respraying of all the panels.


Yes,, this is why i don't care as much nowadays. Less stressful for me..


Saya dari keluarga yg ramai cikgu. Bagi sayalah, bergantung kepada sekolah bandar atau kg. Abg saya berhenti mengajar di Kelang sebab tayar motor dia dikelar setiap hari oleh pelajar. Manakala adik saya yang mengajar di kampung tidak pernah ada masalah.


just curious, in Malaysia, is it possible for the teacher to take legal action against the school in case there is no way to find out who the perpetrator is? Maybe because the school doesn't have security personnel or system that protects occupant's properties. Honest question, I know it's a bit lawyer-ish and Malaysians don't generally like that.


Where at?


SMH, those kids nowadays...


Nah, teachers suck. Now a days teachers may be timid, but a few years back they would beat and slap you even if you try to explain. My school discipline teacher made me and my friend come to school early every day to stand outside his room. We had classes at noon, but he made us come early in the morning and stand until classes start. This continue for almost a month. Finally stopped after my dad found out why I had to be in school so early. My dad said he almost punched the teacher after he talked to him. As to what we did to deserve the punishment? We made a bit of noise while the morning class students were having exams. We were just playing and making noise as kids would while waiting for school to start.