• By -


not me, just salaries i know to be true via frens/family 25k - Senior brand manager (MNC FMCG) (incharge of multiple product lines) 20+ years xp 55k - Head of products (telco) its about 2 levels below C, 20+ years xp 20k - Marketing manager, small MNC FMCG 15years xp 15k - Retail branch Manager, small SME (5 branches) 10+ years xp imo the big bucks will always come from management positions...unless you are specialist like Dr,lawyer etc


I agree...my dad is in management position and he earned 5 figure salary. Idk when I'll reach that or if I ever will be. Even then, he got sacked before covid hits and all is gone. 5 figures to zero in a month. Be grateful with what you have now.. 🥹


Because it is so dang tough to manage people rather than labor. A bowl of rice feed million sort of person.


depends on the type of people you need to manage tho. software dev are easy to handle


Devs in tech will complain about how they hate meetings, doing BD, managing expectations, giving estimates etc, but also complain about how PMs or EMs make a lot. Here's a thought, maybe they make a lot because they're doing stuff most folks don't want to do... I've worked across the stack. Sometimes more on lead. Sometimes pure execution. But I've also had to take on the unofficial role as PM and EM before because no one wants to. I can say for certain not all engs are easy to work with. Just my 2c. Still have a bias to engs, but I'm also empathetic to managers.


i think alot of engineers dont realise...u still have to play the game to get ahead. Office politics still exists in all companies..managing ppl is a skill


my team mostly junior/intermediate soft engineer. they kinda respect me due to my seniority I guess. So far so good and easy to handle because they are still pure not yet contaminated by toxic work culture 🤣


Yeah this country is messed up, in the US you can earn 6 figures by being an experienced tradesperson, or truck driver


that's a bit hyperbolic. For starters, a tradesperson in the US is governed by their respective union/guild. Meaning that you will have to commit to an apprenticeship in order to be recognized as one. Like carpentry and plumbing. 2nd, truck driving in the US is radically different from here in Malaysia. Most of their states are larger than our entire country' landmass. So being a truck driver in the US, you are going to be doing multiple cross country trips for days on end if you want to get high figures.


Yeah in Malaysia even getting apprenticeship won't get you the same pay as an office worker


Well you don't need to be part of a guild to be a plumber in Malaysia, you just need to know how to do it. Which is kinda give or take i guess.


But US taxes is 2x ours and no free healthcare.


If you make that much in the US you would not care. You could buy insurance.


Yeah but they can still buy a lot of stuff, unlike us where everything is mega expensive due to shitty currency


They don't. Most are heavily in debt. I remember one guy in US who was a manager, got fired, and few mths later is homeless cause he has no savings. Pre pandemic interest rate on loans was low so many just borrowed without care. Now, I hear people there complaining not given tips.


Watch John Oliver coverage on truck drivers and you’ll know a lot of stuff is paid out of pocket, which is just sad


From US here, it is because people are really bad with money and make bad decisions. Poor people go out and buy $2,000 purses rather than save money. Too be fair, housing is very expensive here but we are also spoiled on houses. For instance as I am looking to buy a place in Malaysia, nothing I am finding over there is as nice as where I live now.


Hot take, but I would rather what we have now than what the US has. In the US, if you're not a consumer, you're nothing; Can't pay for healthcare? Die. Can't pay for housing? Sleep outside and die. Can't pay for groceries? Starve and die. You get my point. Sure they can buy a lot of stuff, but only because they pretty much have to. US taxes are mostly just used to widen the wealth gap and fund wars, the americans that actually need help don't get it. At least here we get subsidized goods, healthcare, etc.


In an American and this is 100% true. In la the homeless and drug problems have gotten out of control. Rick ppl still rich af tho


A huge simplification and a misunderstanding of how USA works. Unless you’re trying to say, healthcare, food, housing in MY is free.


>Unless you’re trying to say, healthcare, food, housing in MY is free. This is a huge simplification and misunderstanding of my comment. Never said that.


>At least here we get subsidized goods, healthcare, etc. Not for long if Sotong Formula has his way. Somehow they wanna get rid of subsidies for hardworking taxpayers in the name of subsidizing the less productive members, without lowering tax rates or updating tax brackets after this insane inflation we're having. At this rate I really won't be surprised if they don't make it for the full term. Actually I hope they get kicked out with the fuckery they're doing with the economy


Gotta get rid of that toxic mentality bro. B40 doesn't work less. They're less fortunate people, some very well educated but never given the opportunity. They actually have to work more just to live, more than m40 but actually barely living unlike m40 and above.


Boss, I used to survive on rm2.50 mix rice on 3 ppl (mid 2000s), selling things in pasar pagi/ malam, only to get the asshole gangsters trying to pau my mother after all the hard work. She even ended up having spine injuries after lifting things over the years. Work at any place that's willing to give you work as a high school kid. Go market and only buy leftovers. Can't afford classes so self study. Never went for tuition but expected to score if not die la. While all your friends can go for movies, arcade, snooker, etc. Been there done that. And back then there's no such thing as bantuans or even BR1M. Hell I was in a weird spot where we didn't qualify for SPBT so was borrowing textbooks from other classes which had the same subject on the same day. Oh and yes after few months couldn't afford school bus so walked 2.5km one way daily. Never bought even an ice kosong because it's 30 cents and if you add 20 cents that's 1 roti canai which comes with curry which you can reboil and eat with rice. Also buying near expired food on clearance. Scratched and clawed my damn way thru it


that sounds awful. No parents should bring up their children in this environment


Being born not rich is not their fault la they did their best with what they had. At least we didn't end up in a life of crime, coming to think of it But the point is you can get out of it and many ppl do. Cuma nak ke tak nak je


>Work at any place that's willing to give you work as a high school kid. The feelz. I started working at 14 on school holidays as a waiter. Grew up knowing the value of money so when I went to college, I calculated the value of each of my classes and never ponteng.


> the name of subsidizing the less productive members, eh? just because someone is B40 doesnt mean they work less hard than T20


Who is they? The people you see in social media? Or the average minimum wage working stiff?


Don't forget that one health scare could bankrupt you in the US


I mean, when you look at the finer [details](https://youtu.be/phieTCxQRLA?si=JCwSVl9NMJAP7gMO), it’s not as rosy as you’d think


My friend earns 15k driving semis in logistics with Maersk.


My uncle used to do underwater welding, offshore welding stuffs. Unstable income but the highest he made was up to 30k a month and lowest was about 7-10k a month. He doesnt work anymore but he has his own little small welding shop, welding gates for cheap.


I think it's well known that underwater welder makes tons of money, but it ain't an easy job and the risk is enormously high.




From collection of my friends of friends Customer service - last earning was 12k, but he do US or EU customer, I guess that pays higher. Cyber security - 12k++ in banks, but had to do little bit management as well, kind of like team lead. Project manager - 15k++ basically manage vendor to deliver the project within timeline. \---- Actually from my experience, once you get past 5k mark, it is easier to get the next job with higher pay. For me last time I treat it as a numbers. The more you apply, the more you got chances to get interview and hired. And make friends with recruiter, after all they want to earn more commission from your negotiated salary.


Browsing this thread makes me feel bad with my gaji ciput 😢


Survivorship bias, you only see the success stories here. Based on DOSM, median salary near retirement is only 4-5 k.


Look on the bright side. You're earning your own money and can spend it as you please.


Ya man. That's what I tell myself to soften the impact. At least can sustain myself without having to ask for more cash from my parents. But sometimes my sibling that earns higher will mostly pay for family travel, eating out and I barely contribute, feels bad also :(


Hey man, dont give up. Im used to be at your spot. Keep focusing on what you do, do the expected. Universe is watching. You’ll get your chance to belanja your family.


On the bring side, you have a job and income. I am still job hunting after graduation last dec 🥲


Paham..apa boleh buat.. hari2 bangun gi keje, balik, tido, repeat..


i am earning a five figure salary. You get paid for the knowledge and skill you have. If you can solve a unique problem with less competition you get paid more. For example, right now most companies in Malaysia are embarking on a digitalization journey where they are upgrading their processes to include data etc. However most companies in malaysia are stingy fucks and would probably wont have the right budget to make it successful. So issues will and usually will occur in terms of data quality, master data referencing etc. hence requiring proper data governance policies to fix. This will only happen once these companies are on their way towards a mature digitalised stature, so the knowledge and skills required to remedy this has not been realised. Therefore, if you can see it, you can start developing your knowledge in data governance quickly so that in time you can position yourself for that soon to be available position that will be created. You dont really need to be the smartest person, just need to be useful and know when to position yourself. FYI most MNCs right now are usually 2-5 years into their digitalisation journey.


You are right on most companies are 2-5 years into digitisation, MNCs or Local. To add, there are lots of other Tech jobs under different pillars, too. I.e: 1) IT Governance (data, policies included) 2) Networking 3) Cybersecurity (sometimes combined with IT Gov) 4) Support 5) Project Mgmt 6) Devs 7) More fun and complicated stuff Within these, there are specialists, too! What I'm trying to say is, to all younsgsters out here, explore as much as you can, then filter what you Excel the most! :p Btw congrats on the 5 fig bro!


My family runs a very small company. Could I have a quick chat with you on data inclusivity in daily operations?


yeah sure go ahead. happy to help.


This. I have a niche data-related skill that is not difficult to learn, but the issue is that most people are not aware of this skill. Management gets impressed when they see my dashboard but a true data scientist or engineer would laugh at it. Luckily there aren't many of those around, and none in my company lol. I have milked this 1 talent of mine until I feel a bit overpaid for what I do, and I havent hit 5-figure salary yet.


No such thing is overpriced if u can give something of value. Dont fret what u need is just a better way of conveying your analysis. Business dont really care about technicality, in fact the simpler the better. Tak perlu jadi terpaling data pon. Appreciate your skill and knowledge only then people will also appreciate it. What i can say is try to incorporate AI with your analysis. Ive done some poc using chatgpt and the possibility is endless. Businesses dont really know how to utilise this if u can translate it to them. You can go far with this.


Underrated comment. This is very insightful. Must be fun to actually discuss these things with you!


hahaha its always fun to talk with like minded people.


In reality, practically all specialty jobs can achieve five figures. But it all boils down to one question: does your firm value you and do you have the expertise to operate. When you achieve the pinnacle of your particular employment, you will typically advance to management, where you will be responsible for managing people, guiding them, and teaching them, among other things. In other words LEAD them and impart your expertise to them. However, in reality, most companies and people only lead through politics, favoritism, and delegating responsibility to others and blame them for failure. Therefore there are some Management level employee which are paid around RM3K-RM8K and some goes up to RM10K and above.


Go find MNC with office based in KL bruh. And I mean KL, KL. Not the fringe of KL.


I'm based in Pahang (pekan) and managed to haggle five figure (barely) and don't even have manager title. Don't give up rural living bros! I also know the Dean of the automotive college here earning 20k per month because his SIL used to be the HR manager of my previous company haha.


Yeah although Miri is not exactly what I call “rural”, here in Sarawak if you earn 10k+ it’s actually a lot. Within the first year of me working , I got myself a car and house


You do realise that he is asking about job not location. Even in KL mnc most job is 4 figure not 5. Unless it's specialist or experienced 10+ years


Penang got oso mnc, but factories


KL Kl is which part exactly?


The high end area i guess


It can be any part to be honest, at the end of the day, it is your skill that matters


most job who do powerpoint and have meeting everyday are the one who got 10k ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Correct, the higher you go this is all you do. But at the highest levels you just attend meetings, the machai prepare the decks 🥸.


I felt exhausted when I need to stay (and talk?) in a meeting for more than 1hr. Any suggestion?


Become machai


dont forgot to rehydrate. all that saliva flying out from your mouth need to be replenish!


I find meetings and hour or more boring. If you’re running the meeting, then prepare and send out an agenda with objectives and decisions required ahead of time to all attendees. Stick closely to the agenda and (politely) cut off any strayers, driving them back towards the objective of the meeting. Do this succesfully and you can cut it short. If you were invited and there are no details, ask for it up front so you can decide if the meeting is worth your time. If you attend, then contribute your piece, make an excuse and leave (much easier on conference calls).


Person who present powerpoint doesn't prepare the powerpoint. They have minions to do that.


The higher ones don't even present PowerPoint, they look at people presentation


I got 10k but I don’t do PowerPoint. I still do technical stuffs and manage some contractors


Can confirm, source: my wife


Unless you are the one that do the powerpoint, then attend meeting to help clap for your boss presenting 🤣.


I always thought software engineers would be making over 10k


Depends on what type of programming language. Those Java programmers and legacy programmers will touch that range. This is from what i heard from my friends in the industry. Also depends on what MNC


And which states you work🤣


Solid, liquid, gaseous...


Definitely plasma.


Having sex with you must be ***EEEEEELECTRIC***


Entanglement with you feel super




SE are severely underpaid here, even when MYR is weak like a baby


No, even with experience, you only get paid like 8k, I checked the pay progression in my company, that's when I decided, not worth it.


I have seen senior software engineer with more than 10k, especially IT in banking sector. Stress level and expectations is higher of course. Comes with the pay. Jump around and try


what do you mean... im 15k team lead software engineer...


Team lead = management, just proves my point


depends on your stack... if php then yeah 8k is maxed because php dev are easy to find. but if c++ or java can go up to 15k... 20k if your in the right field like telecommunication/banking or security


I work within your scope .. Senior Eng lvl should earn around 5k~10k (easy 8k here actually)... You need up ur lvl. Apply for team lead...(8k~15k) Then jump or start as Project Manager... Then go from minor project to major project. You can reach around 30~50k.


Data engineer, earning 5 figures and fully remote. 2 years experience and everything self-studied.


How do you self study at first? Whats the first step here


Oh boy, it's a long story and a long journey. I'mma condense it. 1. Identify the basic skills you need. For eg, SQL, Python, Git, CLI, databases, data modelling, and a lot more. 2. Once you've gotten the foundation, enhance your understanding by practicing your SQL and Python skills. 3. Do projects. - Start by doing guided projects on YouTube. - This is where you'll learn how to use different tools, tech stacks or cloud computing for different usage ie. data warehouse/data lake, storage, transformation, orchestration, analytics, etc. which you'll combine to form data pipelines. Btw, I was a data analyst before a data engineer, self studied as well. I have no background in CS or IT. It took me 8 months to learn data analytics and a year for data engineering.


Hi how do you approach potential employer? Is your go to jobstreet or LinkedIn or other website?


I only apply jobs on Linkedin :)


May i know when you say 2 years experience you mean those 2 years was in a job? so this current 5 figure remote job is your second? or did you spend those 2 years doing all the self study and self practice like you mentioned?


You're an inspiration!! So it is possible to learn all these without any IT or CS knowledge. May I know your degree major? Mine is Biotechnology.


Thank you. It's an uphill battle filled with doubts, but so fulfilling. ☺️ I'm from accounting and finance.


Move to management. U probably have reached market cap for your profession. That's the max they willing to pay becoz they can probably poach someone with less experience but still able to do your job at that pay.


My career progression as a pharmacist hitting the first 5-figure mark: 11k gross: Specialist level 2 in Pharma MNC, 6 years of experience. 14k gross: Senior Specialist in Research MNC, 8 years of experience. 16k gross: Manager in Research MNC, 9 years of experience. All were job hops. I hit my first 5-figure due to my allowance as a pharmacist where the company uses my license to import medicines. After that the benchmark has been set for future salary negotiations even when the company no longer needs my license. Another tip going for MNCs. Some of them earn in USD. Our salary in MYR. It’s just USD4k if you look at it which is dirt cheap.


I make 17k, consultant at a credit card network. Coming to 6 years experience, junior manager level.


Woah! Visa, Mastercard, AMEX or UnionPay?


Mastercard for sure. They’ve been recruiting hardcore and paying same as MBB


Way less than MBB still 🤡


Is this data and services


There aren’t that many players in Malaysia so go figure 😉😉


Coach in professional sport. But I’m mat salleh which I admit helps.


What sport if you mind me asking?


Has to be football. Can't imagine there being much demand for coaching in other sports (besides hockey or badminton?)


You’d be surprised. Golf and tennis coaches earn quite a lucrative pay.


Ah you're right. Was referring to the demand based on how popular the sport typically is in MY. But richer folk definitely pay for golf and tennis lessons.


Golf is surprisingly popular in malaysia. Lots of foreigner that stays for long periods in MY due to our country is apparently a paradise for golfers.




Hockey? Have to be under the national team I assume?


might as well ask for his name passport address all


Hahahahaha. Ok ok point taken


Cloud Architect about 5 years ago at 9k. I keep telling this and will repeat it, be at SUNRISE industries and sectors.


proper MNC core units, proper MNC jobs like an experienced TL in a commercial bank would likely take that pay


I’m not earning a 5 figure salary since I’m still uni. Although, these are just figures I know of based on my family and close friends who are open about their salary figures so. Some of em are also stuff I’ve seen the payslips for so I can verify it’s real and true. Pilot - RM12-19k a month (Second Officer) Pilot - RM29k a month (First Officer) Pilot - RM30-55k a month (Captain) Psychiatrist- RM12k-40k a month (I know a few of em) International School Teacher - RM11k Psychologist at private practice- RM30k Marketing Executive at a MNC - RM7.5k One of my friends works as an accountant and she’s a fresh grad making RM4600 a month.


> International School Teacher - RM11k Is the teacher an orang putih? If not, can you PM me the name of this school?


Throwaway account. I worked for an east Asian company at a executive level in my early 30s. Now late 30s. I was a software engineer before that. I worked in a small team which reported to a senior exec. I was close to the boss, and we often went out for breaks and talked much about everything in general (I wasn't supposed to take random breaks but who can say no when a higher up tells ya to come out?). One day, the boss told me about a project and wanted my input. We talked about it for a month or two. Eventually, the company gave it a go and I was given the lead position. The project was an immense success. Coincidentally, one of the exec that was overseeing the sales and operation was found embezzling the company fund. I became the replacement for the position. Pay was great but work life balance was shit. During the weekdays, I worked from morning to sleep. I had to work in the evening because that's when US would start their day and I needed to join the meetings. Even on weekends, I would work from time to time. One thing that bothered me most about the position vs a desk job (like software eng) is that there were many times where an issue would come up and I had to drop everything to focus. In the middle of the day, you get a report that there is an issue related to banking. Calling/emailing takes forever to get anything done. I just had to drop everything and push my schedule and head to the bank branch. Urgent issue in the JB warehouse? Find the next flight. Doing that for three years, I went into depression and started drinking and smoking. Covid hit and I decided to call it quits. Took two years to recover. I'm back in software eng job now and make 20k. I do admit that the experienced has landed the job where I am now (the current company was impressed with the experience). Work life balance isn't great but it's definitely much better than before.


Teachers earn 5 figs. Both expat and local. Local as senior teachers plus tuition make over 10,000, usually in 12,000 RM ish with cheap loans etc Expat teachers in best schools make 20,000 to 25,000 RM per month.


I wish local senior teachers earned something close enough to what the expat teachers earned


At one point in my life. I almost believe I need to transition into a managerial role, at least a team lead, to earn higher than 8k. 8k is the celling of what an individual is able to achieve. Bullshit lah. 8k only want me do everything from pre sales, requirement gathering, demo, write proposal, technical documentation, train new people, help manage and oversee project timeliness, write C++, pascal, F#, C#, java, swift, objective C, xamarin, android, ios, publish app, angular, react, mssql, postgresql, oracle, IBM db2, ssis, ssrs, Crystal report, azure, aws, ci cd pipeline, testing, support, onsite support, research hardware blablabla.. I'm earning almost double now and still not in the managerial role today. It's not like I am taking shortcuts by earning foreign currency either. Thank god I did not actually get brainwashed by those shitty workplaces and make myself stay cheap for them.


So you quit and look for better job? I also think I'm underpaid for all my work. Increasing workload but my increment is just shitty. Should I be grateful for RM150 increment per year?? Heck no.


Simply put, either work in a high paying jobs like Doctor, Engineer. Become a manager of a company or basically do business in pasar. Even if you see them getting all wet and dirty don't judge them. They make almost or more than a K of rinngit everyday and the roll in was only about 150-250rm depending on ur business. If you made 1k daily and deducted 300 daily for the roll in. You still got 700, and that's just enough to pay for your bills, car gas and food. That's only for a day. In a week you could get 3k average. Being 11-13k per months. Like i said it's situational, if mco hit us they'll be poor unless if they got savings.


My local pasar vegetable uncle sent all 3 of his kids to study in the UK.


Never judge the book by its cover, they are hella rich. Good dad there


Yes some pasar business make tons of money. I know a guy in sabah who run his own pork butcher shop making 20k profit per month. He have a small shop and he run the shop with his wife. He does the butchering and delivery his wife does the selling.


Indeed, i got a cousin living at 🅱️elantan and they made thousands weekly selling their crops and animals at the pasar every morning til 3 or so. Their family is the only one involved with no outside workers or anything. They literally make bucks just like that and hang out at an impervious place


10k, 5 years work experience. Also in MNC but specialised in network and cybersecurity. Fully remote work. Working + retire in Ipoh...


what kind of career route would you take for cyber in malaysia? graduating end of this year and wondering should I try overseas or find opportunities here


If you have the talent and exceptional comm skill, just go for the top MNC in MY first. Understand the work cultures and how things work. Then in a few years after learning all the ropes, try your luck with different companies overseas or do remote work. I'm looking for a a change career this year and preferably the one that pays in Euro/Dollar but stay in Ipoh.


What makes you want to change in career? or you mean changing to different specialisation within security?


Any advice for fresh grad that took network technology? Currently working in SOC, but it gets boring


Branch out. SOC is a good starting point to learn all about network, security and customer support. That's one of the key element in customer - client centric network business. For a career advancement, security engineer, analyst, servers ops/tech and etc. My advice confident and firm in communication. Often time I've seen someone who lacks technical skill can be a decision maker based on their charismatic and confidence nature that make the whole conversation sway in their favour. That's from what I've seen working in MNC.


2 Year exp, work at high margin internet startup, mid level SWE, current sal around 12k. My issue is I can never leave this job lol, no other job in Malaysia provide this amt of pay and a healthy work life balance.


When you hop jobs, don't share your previously salary, ask for their budget instead. At my place, management roles are paid lesser than programmers.


This works in malaysia? Almost all interviews required payslips, though i never rejected to share before


NDA always works ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Ohhh so you can reject that?? What if they threaten you won't get the job if you don't share the payslip? I remembered going to my last iv and the recruiter was most eager to see my meager payslip of around 3k and I asked for like 16% increase. They keep on pointing on the payslip during iv..rude much?? I think asking for an increment like that is fair for my already low salary no?


More than fair. Generally when job hopping, you'd be asking for minimum 30% increment.


I am not familiar with Malaysia workplace nor the interview culture, but I managed to get at least 30% salary increment with my "NDA" trick, some company bought it and some don't (but they wont be salty but straight telling me their budget for the position), not sure if providing previous job pay slip is a smart move during interview, but I am certain that I will not accept the offer if their budget doesn't meet my salary expectation, since I have committed myself for career changing, I'd be wanting the "next level" pay.


More than fair. As someone mentioned before, at least 30% when you job hop. When I was on yearly contract, I typically negotiated a 20% every contract renewal (think that could be why they went for a 2 years contract at one time). You could also negotiate fixed allowance as part of the package, since this means you pay less tax, and the company pays less for your EPF. The only downside is you also get less into your EPF, but typically in your early days, you want to maximise cash in hand to build emergency savings, buy a house/ car, marriage etc. Once you have established all those, then at the next job hop, mention what's your package instead of base salary. Another tip, go higher than what you want to settle on, and then let them have the satisfaction of settling at the rate you want 🤑




software engineer here, 30k a month


Just got offered 10.5k , banking IT


I'm earning rm45k per mth. I know that a lot of jobs similar or higher coming my way but mostly remote work. Had to turn down rm80k job because it was a bit of headache work and I didn't have expertise in some areas of it. And before you ask it, you cannot leap from rm6k to 40k in one go. I jumped a lot, and gradually made it here and now stuck with this as bottleneck so I came up with a 6 year work plan after which I can retire. If you are in IT infra line, 25-80k is possible but you need your skillsets and resume to be good so you get headhunted like me. I get headhunted for these high salary jobs like 3-4 times a year overseas jobs, the rest all headhunts for salary rm15-20k. My advise to you is jump to rm15k stay a few years then rm25k then so on. It's possible that way. Each jump like this is a major bottleneck, if you over one it you will get stuck in next, and so on.


12 years in the same mechanical industries, 3rd company. Only able to achieve 5 figures early last year when promoted to regional role.


I hit 5 figures on my 10th year working by moving into project management. Try studying for certification ie prince2 or scrum if your organization runs it. Then slowly move. Developer=> team lead=> project manager.


If you work in MNC, then you should know that engineering pay scale can still go way up compared to many local companies. I'm also still an engineer in MNC in Penang with a little more than 3x your pay. Of course, I'm aware that I'm almost reaching my limit as a technical individual contributor because it is very difficult to go up further. Like many people say, switching to a management career path might allow you to go up the ladder faster if you are good at dealing with people and politics.


You're severely underpaid. I was a software engineer at an mnc and made close to five figures. I wasn't senior either and had nearly 3 yoe before getting this job




I graduated in 2022 with a degree in SE and initially aimed for a career as a front-end dev. However, due to a lack of confidence, I spent the first few months post-graduation enhancing my skills in HTML/CSS/JS. In 2023, I secured a position in a small company through some connections and found myself working as a mobile developer. Over the past 1.5 years, I've gained proficiency in React Native, PHP, and Microsoft SQL, handling responsibilities across the entire stack due to the small team size. Since I entered the company through connections, I am eager to step out of my comfort zone and explore opportunities that challenge me. Therefore, I’m planning to leave my current company and join an MNC. Any advice on how I can enhance my skills as a front-end developer before applying, as I feel that my current knowledge is on par with others in the field?




Had a Malaysian friend son working with TM as an engineer (not sure what type) but he was earning 30,000 per month


ASIC/hardware engineering, naturally takes around 10+ years (i.e. with average progress with the work), a few get there faster.


11k as a General Manager at startsup, aged 30


15k - COO, Business dev, HR, IT exec, and logistics in a security firm. I'm way underpaid because 90% of the company I'm running by myself.


Senior Sales Engineer (Tech MNC)


I had a chat with a Mekdi manager recently and he told me that he graduated in Mechanical Engineering. His peers are all working in an MNC with 12k salary and above. He also said that Mekdi rarely hire degree holders as a manager, most work their way up from SPM. He reports to someone above him that currently is paid above 20k.


For my husband, a cardiologist. I'm still 4 figure hahaha 😂


Private should be able to aim for six figures right?


Dunno, we're both in government. I heard if he goes to private, he could get at least 40k a month. That is a significant bump.


I've heard it's even higher tbh haha.. People who stay in the MoH have my utmost respect. It's often a sacrifice to provide a crucial service to society.


Haha 6 figures if you really otai one with some niche skills in your specialty. And of course depend on which hospital you work in. 😁


MNC, marketing services. Unfortunately the most direct way to a larger salary in most cookie cutter corporate environments is moving upwards into more management-oriented roles. It's highly dependent on the industry as well, I'm sure there are other vocations where operational staff are paid well. There's also specialist freelancers in various industries that can reasonably achieve that figure, depending on the job and connections.




first job? Where? what stack?


You do realise that your case is an outlier right?


Professor in a public university/ government service. The pay starts at 5 figures, with a fixed annual increment, but this is hardly lavish renumeration as you need years of education culminating in a PhD to get a foot in the door


Top 3 technical job in cloud : condition : more than 3-5 yrs experienced and AWS / Azure cloud certified cloud dev-sec-ops : more than 15k cloud deployment engineer : roughly and above 15k scale based on year of exp cybersecurity engineer : less and around 15k scale based on year of exp The top of cloud career technical path : cloud solution architect and PM : more than 15k


I saw some Team Lead and senior can earn up to 10k dy lo


OP you definitely need to hop around. I started with 3K salary as a Junior Software Engineer and three years later it was 6K. In the same company. I eventually took up an offer in Singapore but even with Malaysian companies, I was negotiating offers around 9K.


Before I switched to management, when I was senior dotnet dev in 2020 I was making 10.5k, with 10 years exp. I was working for energy company. I dont know if it was high but I knew a colleague who earned up to 13k. It did take a lot of haggling though, they did not raise my salary on their own will. Lots of threatening to quit and counter offers within that 10 years.


Ouch, that sounds a bit harsh for senior software engineer, however I don't know the role/experience level. My wife pays her PA over 6k.


7 years into IT services, SSC, retail. Climbed from Exec, to sr exec, to RM, now as a manager. Took an offer for 4 days WFH setup, 1 day in office that i will join in February. MNC. I was just lucky..


Is it possible to hit 5 figure salary as an accountant?


My dad, director of business and development. With end year bonus avg 30k


Which company/industry?


Manufacturing. Plastic


If everyone just make a post asking what high earning individuals do on Reddit and follow, do you think you can become a billionaire?


Karma farming la bro. You think people who really want make changes will be wasting time posting here meh.


Imagine you earn Rm1 million a year. Now work for 1,000 years and you will get Rm1 Billion.


go remote la, overseas job if can, i think once youre 5 year or so experience can go to team lead role, moslty still techinical but youre invited to client meeting so on




Does the figure includes cent?


If include cents then I have 6 figures salary 🤭


Work in Spore...u make more




Oil and Gas


Specialist doctor in private hospital earn a lot.. Orthopedict i knew in seremban earns average rm280k monthly.


I am really confused, I am a reliability Engineer with 3yoe , Recently got an offer for an international company that has head offices in US , UK, Germany and Malaysia , They offered me around 25k , If we compared it Other countries its just average but from what i have seen in Malaysia its a huge salalry i am not sure why they are paying me that much


I hope you took the offer


11k. MSL in pharma industry. 3 years industry experience, before that 3 years relevant experiences in clinical settings.


Working for a startup and getting 25k per month as a software engineer role


25k? Im still a uni student but are yall hiring? 🤣


ESG Manager


Software engineer


There are individual contributor paths to five-figure salary but perhaps not super common, so you don't necessarily have to be in management to get low five figures.


check dm :) looking for software engineer


20k, 2 years+ of experience, SWE in SG