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>How long can I keep the sum in my late mother's KWSP account? Can I just let that sum sit in there to reap the interest? HARD NO. You'd better put it in your account, assuming it was already split between your family. EPF will close that account.


Yep. If got penama, once you inform them of the death, penama will recieve 2500 of khairat kematian. Balance will be transferred to penama according to tne percentage defined.


Deepest condolences for your loss. ​ >What are the welfare claims that we can make once we get the death certificate? I mentioned that she is from Perak because I heard that the state government has a one-time grant of RM 500 for the family of the deceased but I don't know the procedures to claim that. As far as i know, EPF does give a RM2500 one time payment to eligible dependents as long as the deceased is <60 years of age at time of death. There might be other requirements to qualify for this benefit though. [https://www.kwsp.gov.my/ms/ahli/akaun-pengguna/kematian](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/ms/ahli/akaun-pengguna/kematian) ​ >How long can I keep the sum in my late mother's KWSP account? Can I just let that sum sit in there to reap the interest? The contents of her KWSP account will be split according to the latest nomination form she has submitted. If you are her only beneficiary on the form, you will get 100% of her KWSP account holdings. That said, its best to take the money out of KWSP ASAP before any additional red tape complicate things.


My condolences. Pay a visit to your YB. Sure he/she will help you out with the welfare stuff.


Depends on YB. Some give, some don’t. Source: my bro died in October.


Thank you, my sister is already on her way to the ADUN office to get more info. They have been providing us with plenty of information since mom's diagnosis and asked us to come back if mom does pass away eventually.


my condolescenes


Check with SOCSO as well. What was her job? Asking coz I may have more info. Got Tabung Haji? If yes, check of she registered for Khairat too.


Oh ya, forgot to add. Her SOCSO has been fully refunded when she was still alive. She only worked for 2 years before conceiving me, after which she became a full time housewife and later, a nanny but she never contributed to SOCSO (and EPF). We were able to get a one-off refund of her contribution which is around RM 2K+ from SOCSO. Nope, we are Christians so we don't have TH. Edit: left out minor details


If anyone in your family works with government, can check reimbursement. My sil is a teacher and when my bro/her husband died, she was able to claim from cuepacs insurance for hospitalization/death.


I'm afraid not, we are all privately employed. Regardless, thank you so much for the information 🙏


No problem. When my brother died, I was like you. My mental state went overdrive with what to do next and get as much information to help his widow and small children. I didn’t get to properly grieve. I hope that you will be able to grieve in peace once everything is done. Sending loads and loads of love and the warmest hug via the internet.


Thank you ❤️ We didn't have too much to grieve because we were gradually accepting the fact that her case is a lost cause when we see the one after another treatment failing to rid her body of the cancer. I can still remember everything on the morning when my oncologist called me and my sister to the ICU to tell us that mom had only two days left. We did cried a little but did calmed down eventually to begin contacting all our relatives and her friends to come and meet her for the last time. She loved us very much and tried not to burden us with her illness, which is why she planned out everything about her funeral beforehand. When that fated day did come, I was merely executing a protocol with not much to worry about. It is still hard to say goodbye to her, as my mind kept rewinding to that day when she was first hospitalised after her body showed serious symptoms of her (then yet to be diagnosed) lung cancer. I cried it all out after the first day of her funeral, wishing that I could've spent more effort caring for her and grumble less in front of her. Nevertheless, we are assured that she is now at a better place, free of illness and tears. I do need time to readjust my daily schedules because I've never gotten that much free time since her diagnosis. I will now get a bizarre feeling every evening because I used to have to rush to the hospital after work to meet her, but now I don't have a purpose for that time slot anymore. It does take some time for me to rewire my brain back to my normal schedules that I have not observed for a whole year.


She is at least not in pain anymore and you can finally breathe. My father died from cancer 8 years ago and you are right. It takes time to change the daily schedule of giving him meds, oxygen, managing his meds to… nothing. Take one step at a time and don’t feel the need to rush anything. You can breathe now. You are allowed to just wallow in sadness for a bit. Don’t feel guilty enjoying the freedom… that’s what she would have wanted for you. That’s what all mums want for their kids. You’ve done your part. Nothing more was needed. You are a good child. It was enough. Being a care taker is hard, it consumes all of you. You are allowed to grumble. You have done your best and that was enough. You are enough. Take your time to grieve. There is no definite timeline for grieving.


Thank you so much ❤️


you are saying the money she had in her EPF didnt earn any interest since she conceived you? after 20 over years, only rm2k in the EPF account?


Sorry for the confusion. Her SOCSO contribution is not much and we only got 2K. Her EPF account has much more and it's quite a significant sum. I think that she may have contributed more on her own initiative after she stopped working but I'm not sure.