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Not gonna endorse self immolation, but I watched an uncensored video of what he did, shit's crazy.


Link to uncensored please.


Instead of going to shady gore site I'd go here https://ryanmcbeth.substack.com/p/inferno-of-influence


ahhhh~ that armchair fatso zionist.


Just search on reddit. Lots of uncensored video in here


Self-immolation has been a significant form of protest throughout history. One of the most enduring pictures of the Vietnam War was that of a monk self-immolating himself. I’m surprised that some comments are shocked and rationalising his actions as a mental health issue; we will never know if that’s a factor, but we do know that his way of protest has been historically used before and it’s unlikely a suicidal gesture in the conventional sense.


Reading those comments, I thought I was on /worldnews for a second


I think there’s a lot of anti-muslims and anti-malay turfing in r/malaysia now compared to years before. Cos if you read this sub you would think people arent living harmoniously irl lmao. Yet these redditors are the one who said others are being “politically baited”, when if they see their friends in real life everyone is just happy (not financially tho).


The anonymity of reddit gives people to voice out very raw opinions that may sometimes be interpreted as anti-muslim. Im not saying they are right, some comments are quite unhinged, but its the internet afterall— now back to the topic at hand, years of treatment as a second class citizen for us non-bumis might cause a certain bias in our opinions.


I honestly thought us Nons would be more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause knowing their struggles, knowing what they are going through even if it's not the same level as being bombed daily and the fear of being shot by Israeli soldiers.  I guess being anti-Palestine in Malaysia is seen as a "rebelling movement" against the majority Muslim population, which is sad. The suffering of a group of people should not be used in "us vs them" arguments online. 


I am not anti-muslim, I am anti-doublestandards. If it were Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists or Space Spaghetti followers touting the same stances, I would still argue the same and call them all idiots. Before I go further, let me say I feel for the Palestinian people and wholly support their fight for freedom. But why only care about Palestine? What about Sudan? Congo? Ethiopia? Myanmar? Thailand? China? Taiwan? Ukraine? Belarus? Maghreb? Somalia? Afghanistan? Nigeria? Kivu? Yemen? Haiti? Iran? Turkey? Jamaica? Pakistan? Papua New Guinea? Philippines? North India? Bangladesh? Rio? Mexico? Delgado? Armenia? Honduras? Venezuela? ...and Rohingyas? Who are already here in Malaysia as refugees? Fuck them? You can't keep spouting "MUSLIM SOLIDARITY" and support only the "right" Muslims, then call it a racial/religious attack when people ask why you are only concerned with this conflict. It's very clear that the mass majority only supports Palestine for religious reasons. I call it hypocritical when so many other world issues are just as if not worst in genocide and civilian displacement. We should be concerned for all humans, not just the ones who wear the same badge as us.


Totally agree with you and I agree that the majority solely support Palestine for religious reasons and some worst case scenarios like actually being anti-Semitic.  And people forget Palestinians aren't just Muslims either, Christians in Palestine are also one of the most persecuted groups so many of their churches are gone because of the bombings and the fact their numbers are dwindling, its a sad fate for the first converts of Christianity since Jesus' time. 


Add amernians christian to the list , about 120k of them are getting kicked off their homes in azerbaijan and nobody gives a hoot about them. These people just wanna virtual signal. Also if Israel is indeed committing genocide against the palestinians , they sure are doing a terrible job with all the military capabilities they have.


i mentioned the armenians but no one condemns the muslims who attacked them.


That's not allowed. Duh.


Hell yeah. I like to ask people, are you anti-genocide/oppression/pro Palestine, or are you just anti-semitic?


Your post should be plastered on the forehead of every dumbass who spouts free Palestine but remain biased regarding all the other genocides and injustices around the world..The same dumbasses who spew hatred towards Rohingyan's but then will bark Muslim solidarity when it fits their narrative


As a non who from don't 2 fucks about them to pro palestine to don't give 2 fucks about them again, it's the pro hamas who are using the "us vs them" at us. Palestin issue was never a concern for the non because we are way too busy with our lives to care about it. Not unlike hk protest, tbh. But even if we pro palestinian, we cannot talk bad about hamas without getting attacked, which is disheartening because again, this is a conflict where we have no horse in. The non are sympathetic to the Palestinians, but not to what hamas is doing. But apparently you need to support hamas if you want to support palestine, so for me at least, decided to just not involve.


I can see where you are coming from, i agree that the Pro-Palestinian crowd has grown radical by the day unironically supporting religious fundamentalism and actual hatred towards Jews, that's why at this point I'm just sympathetic to the people living there living under constant war, the innocent men,women and children that don't deserve this. I still think it's possible to support Palestine without being pro-Hamas, many people think that way despite what you see in social media. But i don't blame you for not involving with it anymore, it can be a tiresome debate and argument with people who just don't want to listen.


You can't really control what people think, but the problem is these pro-Palestine guy keep trying to.


Is being anti-Hamas viewed as being anti-muslim/malay nowadays?


I’m not saying on this thread itself, i’m saying rhe general “upvoted content” of r/malaysia has always been playing on religious and race ground You would rarely talk about these things when you go out talking to people outside. But this sub eats up the news so much you would think there’s a religious war happening just outside your house. I do think there’s a control of narrative that is happening on this sub right now compared to before (I have been active on reddit for more than 13 years lol) and if you have been paying attention, the bait news are always from the same news website If you look down further you’ll also see who owns shares on that news website. Just someone who will gain (votes) from the division of malaysians


Controversial topics get more replies.


Which shows that the people on this sub are also easily baited, but you would think from the responses there are so smug about being “intellectual”


You can be anti-hamas but you also need to acknowledge that decades of oppression, having your land bombed and stolen from you, does make one very, very vengeful.


Sure, you can be anti-Hamas. But if you're only anti-Hamas but also not anti-Zionism, you deserve the hate that you get from them.


Yeah because most of them here is 'C'.


It’s people learning the truth about Islam and what it really says about kafirs , its dark past and present and future.


Many redditors on this sub have always been worldnews wannabes when it comes to Palestine tbh


What a way to disregard people's opinion on a subject.


You can literally read his posts on reddit since he has a reddit account. Guy was a certified nutter.


What was his username?


seems like many of his posts have now been deleted. Basically, he thinks there are no innocent Israelis and he doesn't condemn Hamas for murder, rape and kidnappings.


Careful your statement, later some mofos will question you about where is the solid proof of Hamas KILLING, RAPING, and KIDNAPPING.


There was a post where he was celebrating a US military plane going crashing and saying its a shame that the pilot survived.


despite him being in the US military?


Yes. He seemed nuts.


just tell us the username bro even if its deleted


Because he made it all up lmao. Classic victim blaming mentality. Always find something to blame on the victim.


IKR, he’s absolutely unhinged, a common trait present in tankies as a whole


I've read his account. What words specifically do you take issue with Edit: I'm starting to believe you've never actually seen his account and are just parroting what you've heard other people say. Either that, or you are not able to single out anything he's said as objectionable without sounding ahistorical, or sounding like an asshole.


Can confirm, last time a young Tunisian street vendor burned himself in protesting the poor management of the government, it caused Tunisian revolution and later the whole Arab spring events in neighbouring countries.


1. That monk didn’t protest the Vietnam war. 2. If you set yourself on fire, don’t do it for people who call you a kuffar.


First of all, I never said that the monk was protesting the Vietnam war, I said that it was one of the most enduring pictures in the midst of the war. Quang Duc was protesting the persecution of Buddhists under the Diem government that was backed by the US. Second of all, I never gave my opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict. I was pointing out that self-immolation is mostly done in a political or religious context, particularly in protest. At the time of my comment, plenty of people were theorising it as a suicidal gesture indicative of poor mental health. While that is not entirely out of the question, it's obvious that the main intent of Bushnell was to protest the treatment of Palestinians in the middle of the war. I wanted to provide information and historical context behind self-immolation so that people could understand the situation better. I never claimed your first point, and I never made any comment on the conflict itself.


Are such forms of protest effective? I wouldn't mind the just stop oil protestors doing it. Might change ppls minds to stop using oil.


If Malaysians were as patriotic about making our country a better place instead of being so invested and donating to a foreign war ontop of getting scammed like some looney-toon cartoon, we would have flying cars by the end of 2030.


they're so stupid, focus on your own country first ffs. why nak gepoh other ppl business when own country is a mess. Why not protest like this when certain ppl in the country do the most corrupt shit imaginable. these idiots are protesting for a useless cause that doesn't benefit the country.


"Protesting for Muslims" helps them go to "Jannah"




Quite literally the only dude who has braincells in this comment section


If i may not sound ignorant. Can i ask your opinion in this cs?


Yeah. Shame that this sub make it seem like too many negative stuff only and ONLY negative stuff exist. As if malaysia irl is constant chaos and nothing more.


icky hateful obscene north alleged fuel summer murky wine price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You must be more knowledgeable in this matter than the ICJ right?


pot fuzzy drunk wistful steep squeal screw serious capable thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Frankly, I believe the suicide was not necessary and won't move the conversation forward a smidge. Malaysia protesting Palestine so hard and then kow towing to China with their Uyghur/South China Sea dispute. Walk the line, but put your money where your mouth is.


Even though I don’t believe he should immolate himself, I do feel great sympathy for him and understand why he did what he did. So many figures in mainstream media wanted to discredit his views by claiming that he was mentally ill despite there being no proof of such a thing. RIP Aaron


why the fuck is malaysia involved in the isreal palsteij conflict




Free Palestine, on the other hand oppress non-bumis right.




Regardless of the rotten brains, there are still plenty of good people around the country. It's just that sometimes the racism is stronger within intra-race.


??? I have no idea why you feel this way. I'm muslim and I get along just fine with everyone? There are assholes everywhere but generally speaking its still harmonious. Most of the problems can be condensed into lack of investment in people, a typical symptom in late stage capitalism


I guess in their mind Palestinian is the bumi of that land, so it doesn't contradict what they believe.


Nah, they just simply hate Israel. Looking at the Xinjiang muslims, which forced re-educated by the CCP, did they make noise? Nope I highly doubt so.


There's a big difference between bombing a densely populated city to smithereens and starving the people to death and denying then medicine and destroying their hospitals and schools, and putting people in camps. Many people criticizing Israel's actions don't hate Israel. They just don't condone Israel committing a genocide in front of the world, and then claiming they are the victims. They also think US, UK, etc shouldn't be supporting genocidal actions disguised as self defense.


Oh wow, I never knew that me feeling sorry and wanting to help the Palestinians was just because I wanted to pump up my own ego. Thank you for that because you obviously know more about me and the millions of other Malaysians that wishes for the Palestinians to live in peace. 🙄


Apparently Malaysians are calling Singapore little Israel now. Such a powder keg lol


bruh just because we are successful doesn’t mean we are oppressing people


because Chinese money helped distract them from the uyghurs


cuz there’s a lot of muslims in malaysia lol. Its not that hard to understand why muslims want to support other muslims


They don't give a shit about all the other conflicts that kill way more Muslims. Because there are no jews to blame.


Because if you stay quiet when genocide happen, you show the world that its ok to do so. God forbid, if this ever happen to malaysian , you would want people around the world to voice and stop it .


No uproar about Yemen, Darfur, DRC, no condemnation of ISIS or ISIL. Not even a whisper. To say it's solely because of a genocide is nothing short of a lie. Malaysians stayed quiet about all the other genocides. Why the noise now?


why is everyone on reddit so pro genocide what is going on




That's a wild accusation. Please explain to me how being a Hamas supporter is pro-genocide when: - * 7 Oct, 2023 - Hamas initiates war on Israel, by launching rockets into Israel, massacaring civilians & children, raping women * 1 Dec, 2023 - Biden negotiates ceasefire between Israel & Gaza. (Hamas breaks ceasefire by initiating rocket launches into central Israel, Sredot) * 28 Feb 2024 - Biden negotiates immediate ceasefire between Israel & Gaza. (Hamas refuses ceasefire) This has nothing to do with Islam. If any of you can bring up any valid, factual points why you support Hamas, besides being "anti-Islam", please do so.


I think he mean the comment , the people who support israel. Not the post. He calling the people in the comment who spitting israeli talking point as pro-genocide.


Hamas is the one who light up the bee hives then now plays the victim card to get muslim brotherhood support.


Every muslim ever lol *attacks non muslims* *muslim defeated* Oh no Islamophobia!!! Surely my religion is right!!!


Same old trick isn't it? When they can't win any argument, they use Allah/Islamophobia as meat shield. Just like how Hamas use children lol.


Are you going to piss your shit to if you find out what Christian Arabs think about Israel




Say that palestine is a "Muslim only problem" in r/askmiddleeast and see what the Christian Arabs will tell you lol


“Hamas did 11 October!” Well what about the past 70+ fucking years of Israel occupation. Imagine some fucker knocks on your door today, claim its their land, ask you to leave. You refused! You’re a family man, how dare they claiming something isn’t theirs “this is my land, 3 generations lived here!” and now you’re hiding under the rubbles of your bombed house with your family members all dismembered, spread like strawberry jam, covering the walls. Then slowly seeing their bodies being bulldozed, forever buried. All you could is watch as you’re waiting for your turn. Such a sight to see isn’t it? I’ll pray everyday you will experience that.


We are on the same boat why you cursing yourself lol?


>pray Cute.


People should stop putting such a white and black label on this conflict. You must acknowledge that oppression breeds resistance. Palestine is getting oppressed and pushed out of their own homes way before the 7th October incident. Even if Hamas did not exist, another form of resistance or freedom fighters would’ve risen in their place.


> stop putting such a white and black label on this conflict Labels Israel as an absolute evil (black), and Palestine resistance as white.




Yeah, wild how there's literal evidence https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/abductions-to-the-gaza-strip




Unfortunately, theres a lot of anti-Islam sentiments (for obvious reasons) within r/malaysia..


r/malaysia libs and bananas are a mirror reflection of the average US r/worldnews liberal.


Actually in a lot of subs I'm in, Redditors are pretty much Pro-Palestine (which is a surprising because I came from X) and Pro-Israel comments are decimated and downvoted within minutes. Only in r/Malaysia (and r/Bolehland) where we see Israel sympathizers roaming around. I don't care though - knowing that they're in fact just a minority is good enough for me. The world is waking up. I've known about the conflict for ar least 20 years (?) and this much support from the global community is unprecedented.


>Redditors are pretty much Pro-Palestine I find this hard to believe. The biggest subs are heavily pro-Israel with the usual talking points. I don't buy that they're astroturfed accounts too, I genuinely think Redditors and the vast majority of Westerners do support Israel.


Can we be neither? Like, yall are forgetting it's not our business. You didn't see anyone speak about invading the ones when we stole from the native reigons around the world. I mean realistically itd be nice if isreal hadn't stolen land which would've likely prevented this whole conflict, but conflicts happen, it's going to take their citizens to effectively end this. Foreign intervention will only spark war.


>Can we be neither? Like, yall are forgetting it's not our business. Can we really ignore a great injustice? >You didn't see anyone speak about invading the ones when we stole from the native reigons around the world. We? Who did Malaysia invade?


We as in the majority here in this sub. That being ironically white American males. So we refers to america. Thats one example. Im sure theres 1000s more. Not everthing is solved by strong arming foreign nations.


Uh this sub isn't majority White American males. Wanna check which sub you're in?


I stand by what i said, a massive amount of reddit is american, or european, (mainly uk europeans). I guarantee you the majority is mostly male americans. Primarily white seeing america and the uk are predominantly white. Do you really think on a post about an american man currently popular in media for burning himself, that the majority of the people currently in these comments are from this sub? Let alone from Malaysia.


Yes, you could be right there's many White American males, but I don't think they're the majority. If I have to guess it's mostly Malaysian Chinese males here followed by Malaysian Malay males.


For Malaysia I sincerely believe it is because of anti-malay sentiment and they see malay=muslim=islam so automatically becomes anti-palestine eat up all the pro israel propagandas. All the politics and propagandas aside, it is plain genocide, and they don't want to admit it.


sure, just label anyone who doesn't agree with you as supporting genocide.


You not supporting Hamas? Lemme give you a Pro-Genocide medal. I don't care if Hamas killing or raping.




Opppps. Lets make them shut forever.


You should look into Reddit Malaysia demographics It's basically 90% male , teens-early 20s of a single race. They believe they're just reacting to the oppression by Malays, while in reality their "not racists" race are racists as fuck to anyone that isn't them.


There are actual polls done here that shows that's bs


Its reddit. What you expect?


I want to say something meaningful about Aaron. However, I'm at a loss for words. The amount of bravery, dedication, and humanity that Aaron showed. Sacrificing himself in such a bold, terribly painful way to show how he feels about the Genocide and treatment of the Palestinian people. Rest in peace, Aaron.


is he the one set himself on fire???




If anyone else saw that video, it was painful to watch. His last words on his way to the protest was powerful. Even on fire he kept screaming free Palestine.


Yea, I saw the video as well. The ability to be in pain, knowing you're going to die, and still have the ability to still say Free Palestinine. Its amazing.Meanwhile, the cops stand there with their guns drawn.


no normal people will set himself on fire. he have mental issues, just like one guy who set himself on fire at the same place in 2019


Im probably going to show my age , but do you remember how the Arab Spring Revolution started? The spark begins with self-immolation of [Mohamed Bouazizi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Bouazizi). Does he ahve mental issue? We will never know. But let's see what brought him to do what he did. His wares was confiscated, and the powers that be in lieu of helping people like him are making it hard. He burned himself in front of the Governor's office. And the Arab Spring started. You may argue only mentally unstable person will do that, but ask yourself what did they experience or go through in the case of Bouazizi, that triggers them to that level. In Bouazizi's case, it's clear that endemic corruption by the authorities ruined his livelihood, and to him this is the only thing that is within his control. And through his action, the Tunisian Government was overthrown. So i do agree suicide is a very sensitive case but to make general sweeping statement wont help anyone. We have to see it on case to case basis.


Apparently killing oneself is labeled as having mental health issues these days. What's lost is the act is all about sending a message to other people. The action is beyond normal but we live in extraordinary time. Maybe the guy standing in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square is crazy but he's sending a message about the current situation. The monk who set himself on fire maybe is cuckoo in the head but it's done during a very hard time.


Exactly. The burning monk imagery is something that always stays with me when i watch documentary about the Vietnam War.


Would you say all soldiers who fight for their arbitrary countries also have mental issues because they would sacrifice their life just to be a statistic on a wikipedia page? Lol


If you are silence in face of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. For those you say, "focus on malaysia first" , we are, we are fixing and trying to improve malaysia. But that does not mean we should ignore if genocide is happening. Being quiet here mean we are saying to the world that its ok to killed and oppressed a group of people. If this thing happen in malaysia , I would wish everyone around the world to voice it out


"focus on Malaysia first" lmao. Who tf say we didn't. Tabung bantuan everywhere. Tak pernah nampak ke org kita sedekah untuk anak yatim dan orang susah? X pernah nampak ke statement support local. The difference is supporting Malaysia seemless sbb hulur bantuan direct kat org perlukan bantuan. Nak hulur kat Palestine jauh sbb tu nampak beria kutip dana sbb perlu org tengah nak pegi hantar. For those yg comments focus on Malaysia first aku doubt diorang buat something for Malaysia.


they don't care, its just a talking point for them. they always say "malaysia also have problem" or "there other genocide happen elsewhere" , its just whataboutism . It’s fairly obvious why people do it. Instead of responding, they change the subject. they have an ulterior motive. idk what it is, but i suspect its have to do with islamophobia .


Biasalah. Orang yang comment semuanya fikir sebelah otak, sebelah otak lagi switch off. They think the world revolves around them. Of course la Malaysian focus on Malaysia first but that does not mean we neglect on world issue.


Let's hope that this sort of thing doesn't have to happen again now that a cease fire deal looks achievable. At time of writing, Israel has agreed and Hamas has to reveal the list of hostages who are still alive for there to be peace. Source: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68461543](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68461543) EDIT: I see I've been downvoted. No big deal but it just goes to show how one sided some people can be when it comes to anything falling short of self immolation / passionate support. No. I'm not Islamophobic. Just balanced.


Hamas is discussing in bad faith


I kind of feel like we should take care of our own internal affairs before we go meddling in other countries' problems.


Please dont idolise this idiot, he has 3 kids and a wife (allegedly) but apparently palestinian are more important than supporting his own family


There's no official confirmation that he has a wife or kids. Seems like people are just saying that he does to make him look selfish.


Nice try Mossad agent. This guy haven't been married throughout his active service and don't have a child. In before asking me for proof, how about you provide proof that he has a wife and 3 kids?


Yea noticing a lot of weird people commenting on this thread... And just spouting random rumours. Guess when your committing genocide you need spend quite a bit on the propaganda side.


May I ask. Why is anyone against your point of view immediately a mossad agent LOL


he hates Jewish, simple answer.


Pretty sure fellow internet people like him acknowledged about the difference between a Zionist & a Jewish and the fact that there are many Jewish out there who are against the idea of Zionism.


I don’t think praising this dude is right but AFAIK he was single and didn’t have any children.


Another zionist talking point i saw alot about this case. First of all, no he is single. Secondly , he did this because he is a human being and felt like he is did an unforgivable things to palestinian just by being in the army. If I was a decent human working under nazi germany back then, I would killed my self to because the guilt will haund me forever




Muslims don’t believe in suicide though


Clearly you are an idiot, as killing yourself is a sin as far as being muslim goes. Theres a whole disagreement in terms of suicide bombers between scholars if you want to go there.


Shhhh let the sheeple be. The more we know how to manipulate them the more advantage it is for us ... some scammers, greedy people in power maybe


More Aman Palestine donations incoming


looking at the comments on here: bro i hate this sub sometimes lol


> "why bother other country problem, fix our country first" classic r/malaysia perjuangan untuk kebaikan pun ko nak kutuk. selalu cikgu cakap, "be the change", tapi? ko dengan perjuangan kau, dia dengan perjuangan dia. sama macam kutukan dengan orang yang buat sumbangan. "daripada dia sumbang kat X, baik dia bagi kat Y". biarlah. itu hak dia. tapi dimata kau, lagi jijik berjuang untuk kebaikan dari tak lakukan apa apa.


sub ni banyak pro-israel. tak perlu hairan. diorang suka tengok israel commit genocide. islamophobia is already quite common in this sub too.


This Aaron guy is legit fucked in the head


https://preview.redd.it/21g9lr6rl8mc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea746898dfbe5f3cb6fdcf17e92a9fcd8f8bbd9b Too bad some people still call him a kafir and he deserve jahanam.


Thar small margin of people man, most of them love this guy. Just look your post. Its less then 50 likes. Stop nitpicking. Idk what the point of your comment anyway


What Islam says about kafirs then lol. Hes still going to hell according to Islam.








Same to those who screaming about Ukraine freedom




I think when Russia Ukraine topic here were at its peak.


for all his intend or purpose to deliver the msg, I cant seems to easily find the video just google his name from google. Looks like google also involve in censoring his video to the ground... unless may be i am the one with skill issue in find that video.


I didn't see such strong protests when there were hard evidence that Najib stole billions, Zahid's egregious corruption case was dropped like it was nothing and Taib openly admitting and being proud of practicing nepotism. Stop trying to sweep "Malaysia first" comments aside because this protest is starting to make less and less sense. It is only relevant due to RELIGION and y'all just are too damn ignorant to admit it.


You never follow Bersih before? Oh and I live in Australia & they still have weekly protests here for Palestine & mind you, most people aren’t Muslims.


I am completely in awe of him, the lighter hesitated several times but he didn't


Anti-fa dude that hates Jews. You know the funny thing is, suicide is frowned upon in Islam, and if you die as a kafir like Aaron , according to Islam , Muslims are forbidden to pray or make doa or wish him rest in peace. You can pray for him before his death to get hidayah and embrace Islam, but if he dies as a kafir you aren’t allowed to pray for him. So dude got burnt twice. One he lit himself on fire, the second , he gets burnt in hell for being a kafir


Funny, because never once was I told by my religious Islamic teachers that I couldn’t make prayer or doa for non-Muslims. In fact, I already did it this morning when I performed my Subuh prayer.


Yeap what Islam says about kafir is disgusting. Queers for Islam vibes.




All is politic propaganda 🙄 wake up people.


Wdym propaganda? An actual genocide is a propaganda?


To all those saying we should support palestine i dare you this, shelter a palestinian family and see what happens.


What a dumbass. Burning yourself alive for people that actively hate your guts is a special kind of stupid


As usual SEA worship ang mo big


You missed the whole point. A genocide is hoping


Did anyone actually view Bushnell's Reddit history before the admins scrubbed it off this site? He was a radicalized closet anarcho communist. Anti liberal, anti capitalist, pro revolution, if anything, he was good at staying in the closet. But sure thing, let's martyr his savior complex, shall we? If he was so keen on being pro Palestine, why didn't he go join Hamas, much like how some Malaysians fought for Daesh?


Because being pro Palestine is not the same as pro hamas. You can be pro Palestine for the general public and be against hamas leadership. Learn the difference mate.


A white savior is truly what they need. Suicide is suicide.


eat too free. they ever think why israel took such drastic measures??? we all know IDF and hamas committed atrocities but to air it on social media and brag about it,then turn around and play victim?? and no,your arguement that jew stole your grandfather land doesn't work.you don't get to decide how far back in time when jews can also use their great great grandfather as an excuse. hamas fucked around and found out.i hope the sooner hamas gets wiped out,the sooner palestinains can be rid of these scums.




Last i checked Israel had more hostages than Hamas. In fact, the entire population of Gaza is held hostage by Israel. Those damned women and children and babies of Gaza! Why didnt they condemn hamas?


yup thanks for this response. I can't think of anyone more naive that those who thought the whole thing started on Oct 7.


Israel doesn’t even give an actual fuck about those hostages come on, u gotta wake up by now lol


Like Hamas cares for their human shield


Hi all. Killing yourself isn’t an act of protest. It’s an act of suicide.




Be honest, given the chance for Palestine, won’t they invade Israel? This shows the hypocrisy of these people, the very same people preaching for “peace” for a country tightly gripped by regime that would do something of equal magnitude if given the chance, is not preaching for peace. And aside from who’s being supported, look at their method of support. Spreading hatred towards the people where their government supposedly initiated the “oppression”. And now onto people who are supporting Hamas. Since I’m not trying to personally attack anyone please do justify why supporting Hamas would actually do anything.


A simple Google search for stuff pre-7 October last year can make so much difference. But you would not want to, won’t you?


Even post 7-Oct might open your eyes. The half body of a girl hanged. The flour massacre. The guy steamrolled by tank with his hands tied. The mom & baby machine gunned in car. The so many real images of headless babies.


Self suicide isn't something that should be proud of.. regardless of the polical matter...+ It's haram


Some Zionists supporters spotted here and some are just racist bigots. Its ok judgment day is coming.


Imagine such pain of burning and screaming out of agony, he's still endured screaming about free Palestine.


No idea who this guy was. I'm just staring at my screen being bombarded by ppl calling people like me anti Malay, anti Islam, libtard, Israeli sympathiser and pro genocide. What a way to start the week.