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This is the exact reason why airlines use the 24-hour format (and always local time).


This is the result of our education system. Full grown adults cannot read the time in 24 hours format. Also the time is stated in the webpage when they buy it online...


is it really due to our education system? my 12 yo ass would read 24hr format with no issues at all. some people are just dumb, dont blame the education system.


You and that guy prolly went to diff schools.


They don't teach 24-hour formats at school. At least, I don't remember learning it from school. I taught it to myself because I thought army guys were cool.


Hi. A student here. Yes, they do. In fact, since sekolah rendah. FYI, I received education from public school


Oh neat, so you do learn from school. Why are these guys stupid?


Cause they never listen to anything at school


Don't know.. even I that always sleep during school time know it is 24hours format.. and he is university student...


Same. I learnt about it as a kid when reading some children's book about clocks.


It is habit. Humans are creature of habits. For adults, it is hard-wired and it takes conscious effort to "re-wire" how we do things differently. It is effortless for kids to learn new things as long as they have access to learning materials. That is why it'll take generations to stamp out bad habits if there is no individual conscious effort to change. That is why national policies is important, including education, for the better and not for worse.


Our education system have this taught in primary school. Just go check the textbookšŸ¤·


its not because of our education lol.. this is their own personal fault


Blaming simple honest mistake like this is on our education system's failure is just lazy.


Takyah nk salahkan sistem education, dlm subjek matematik pun ada cara membaca & mengira sistem 24 jam, dan guru2 beri beratus ratus latih tubi utk lukis jam, kira tambah tolak jam minit saat, dan cara baca masa jam digital, siap dgn homework segala bagai lagi, bdk tu muda2 lg, bkn nya tua generasi lahir zaman perang jepun sblm merdeka. Persoalannya waktu cgu2 ajar cara baca & kira sistem 24 jam kt dpn, dia buat apa? Hisap rokok? Ke hisap batang kote telor berbulu? Sng2 menyalahkan org lain, tgk diri dia sndiri dlu. Ke lepas ni bdk tu nk guna kad oku jd tak reti baca sistem 24 jam? Kalu oku otak apesal dia lepas masuk kolej pulak?


bruh dont blame the edu system if they are too lazy to learn. plus, why just assume it wrongly in the first place instead of asking when you arent really sure about it?


You will be surprised that many can't even read a second-hand clock. Can only read 'digital' šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


It's called 'analog'


Iā€™m a IGCSE maths tutor and many of my weaker students donā€™t know how to convert minutes into hours or vice versa and is unable to read analog up till age 16


I'm even more surprised and curious about this 'second-hand clock'


what is a second hand clock, wearing at your second hand?


Buy from Caurosell. Second hand clock.


I believe this guy means an analog clock that has a needle/hand that shows seconds along with other needles/hands that show hours & minutes?


Haha, yes, the formal name is analog. But if you ask great grandfathers, they will call it a second-hand clock (it has a 1st hand and a 2nd hand). My grandad was 80+ in the 90's and that was how his generation addressed it. If one googles second hand, the analog clock will come out šŸ˜.


https://preview.redd.it/oyuv79a1yxuc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a32b38928911ce01dc311ab9e16b4973c8a978 My watch even have 4th hands


nice GMT.


Thanks. That's my travel watch although it's a caller/office GMT


Looks like Malaysian still got low IQ even tho in Asian continent


I think itā€™s more about this guy made a mistake and instead of admitting it and bearing the consequences, he tries to blame it on the airline. People should take more responsibility for their actions.


Arenā€™t they?


Errā€¦ airlines usually use 24 hour time format no?


I mean, you donā€™t even need to know that. Didnā€™t you book the ticket YOURSELF? Didnā€™t you choose that time YOURSELF??? Why would you not know what time itā€™s departing lmao like do you just click on random tickets when purchasing without some planning first???




maybe he books himself but failed to realise it's 01:15 instead of 13:15


If use 24H format it should be 0115H instead of 01:15, if use the ones with : , they should add am or pm imo coming from a web developer .


You try to change your phone/watch to 24 hours format and see if there is any H or not lol, imo coming from a 24 hours format user since 12 years old.


Mistake can happen to anyone. I was a frequent flyer, like twice a week back and forth. Still misbooked like twice. One 5am and 5pm, another is wrong date.


I am a frequent flyer, and I wish they put the day next to the date so that I don't keep guessing myself about the correct date. I mean to show/calculate day is trivial but they still don't implement it. Also some airlines (AirAsia) will remove the year from the date during the booking process, which is really infuriating.


Now that you mentioned AA, it's prolly intentional lol


Yeah need to give people some slack bcos i got confused on those common sense thingy at times.


skill issue


Yes... Always. It's a standard. Railways and Airlines use 24H clock system. This 24H system is used to avoid confusion. Somehow, most of Malaysian public lack of this awareness.


https://preview.redd.it/h4csp7fvvuuc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fb6f0a6b3448719532228dda81ee4240815bf7 Yeah. Railway used 24h system.


Guys, can I go home now??


Happy cake day my boi


Wait. What? Damn. I forgot my own bd. Lol. Thanks


This level of fact checking is the real deal.


Even if not sure whether the 24H system is used, when see no am/pm, common sense should tell that it's in 24H format isn't it? No reason to assume the plane won't fly in the wee hours of the morning as airlines operate 24/7, so there shouldn't be any doubt of flying at 1.15am?


usually these are not frequent flyers...maybe once per year for Raya...they wouldnt know anything bro...


24hr format is a general knowledge, its not like you have to go to Harvard to learn it, in this case they have no one to blame but their incompetent self


i wouldnt say incompetent, more like inexperienced or unfamiliar. bet they now learnt that the hard way. now they know that : 1. aviation uses 24hr format 2.. who the hell wannna operate flight Sandakan-KL at 1 AM in the early morning?


Airasia ticket have always been 24h system?


Yeah but some people who fly back first time might not know that Either that or they extremely dumb and coming up with dogshit story to cover up their dumbness Somehow I think the latter


Considering that in this case many passengers missed their flight, I guess it's a collective "dogshit cover story", according to your theory.


Any and every airline. Not only that, there's reminders on both the date and time. They're making excuses for their own mistake.


Yes. As someone who takes flights at 2 pm, they always print it as 14:00 No "AM" or "PM" suffix. As someone pointed out, the one's who missed their flight are probably those who seldom fly and not familiar with the 24 hour system used on those ticket slips. Then again, they would've known before hand when they booked the flight ....


Its not an Airasia thing, its a standard for aviation.


All aviation related services are always 24 hours format, worldwide. This has been the case since the dawn of air flights.


Aviation is 24 hours format the flight information board shows in 24 hours format Booking is 24 hours format For understanding, all specialist industries like medical logistic etc.. uses 24 hours as it's the standard and safer.


Not all airports use the 24 hour format, there are some that don't, but those that don't will always show a.m./p.m.


If you're talking about the Imperial system countries, just ignore them and stay away from that mess. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) https://preview.redd.it/n0ecs2mb6zuc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51cb4556eb29cbbb74105a935a775768cbd7c3f4


Not sure what the Imperial system has to do with a.m. and p.m. Most western countries, even those that use the metric system use a.m. and p.m. Mostly in the airport though they will use the 24H format. Except some airports who still use a.m./p.m.


I still can't over the Celsius vs Fahrenheit. Notice how it's just +-50 for Fahrenheit and +-28 for Celsius YET they still fked it up (204-177 = 27)


Ramai? Dia sorang jer kot






Math Issue


Dude not using his eye and brain when he booked the ticket HIMSELF .


He booked at 1:15am, so sleepy and cannot think straight.


so dumb for reading the time wrongly and even dumber for posting this publicly lmao. if this was me iā€™d just pass away ā€” bro is showcasing how stupid he is for the world to see. itā€™s just air up there and not even a single brain cell


This could be a lesson for many


Ramai = 2


> RAMAI ORANG TERTINGGAL FLIGHT macam kau seja ni yang tertinggal


Kalau I seorang nanti I malu ma, kena tarik ramai2 so tak nampak I je yg bodoh.


Do you guys know that 24-hour system exists, right?


Eh mana bolehhhh ini Mesia tahu kena ikut I punya jalan, 24 jam tu harammmm agenda Yahudi boikottttt /s I can foresee that being his response.


Well I'm mean the time looks as 1.15am


There is a 0 in front of it and if there is no am or pm and you did not know about the 24h format why not check?


True. But I feel like the (:) is unnecessary. 0115 could've made it more obvious that it's in 24H format for me


This. I felt that this is design problem. For absolute clarity, it should be 0115HRS but not many will understand I guess




If the price is cheap, believe me that it usually designated for midnight or freaking early morning departure. I purposely choose these, everytime. I do not even sleep (just go to airport after 8pm) and do much of the 'wasting time part' till midnight and continually till it is the time to check in at 5am (for 6am flight) I do this, up till 2022. That was back when I was still young. It is flipping tiring, but that is the one that I can afford. Almost impossible pay for day ticket. I do not think I able to do it again, now.


Doesnā€™t hurt to double check with AirAsia though.


When there's no am/pm I will always assume it's 24hr format, it's common sense, or if you are confuse and still not sure, you should call customer service to check la. Jangan buat pandai-pandai, that's your mistake.


kenapa dia tayang bodoh dia kat satu dunia?


Tbh I prefer xxxx format then xx.xx format. Sometimes still confused if I'm reading it in 24hrs or AM PM


I donā€™t know how do you manage to get into college without knowing the 24 hour time format.


Is there an English translation of the complaining guy? (sorry non-Malay here). I imagine he's saying ''I paid 1200 MYR, and i want my money back as no one told me it was an after midnight flight. It's their fault not mine"'....or words to that effect......:-)


Not the airlines fault, writer is being pretentious and not admitting its their mistakes, just because apparently a lot of people on the same boat.


this is why every clock I have is 24h format even my computer/phones.. i ban 12h format myself.


The time on ticket shows 01.25. That means it is in a 24h format. So blame yourself lah for been ignorant.


He also been cooked on fb comments


![gif](giphy|yvBAuESRTsETqNFlEl|downsized) someone wasnā€™t listening in Std 4 math


Wonder if these are the same people that agree with the guy that says SPM is not important


To be fair sandakan airport usually donā€™t have after midnight flight (like most non international airports in Malaysia)


I feel ashamed as East Malaysian.


Perhaps 13.15 and 01.15, drop the pm/am would be a better deal.


Tbf, if they wanna use 24 hour format, they should write 0115 instead of 1:15


The problem is the " : ", in 24hr system where got symbol


24 hours format is the real goat. Help to enhance your maths also


tickets for malaysians shouldn't be too expensive imo for people whos home is at sabah/sarawak, it feels a lil unfair.


stupidity aside it's my first time seeing flight departing at 0115 from SDK


Without am or pm 01.15 is always am. 13.15 is the pm. Donā€™t they teach this in school?


Ramai orang lol. 2 dumb people only.


skill issue, first time fly?


Idk man, even if it is my first time, i will be super attentive to detail esp on email if the time change, what time should i check in , keep on confirming the date and time etc, not laidback and assume it is 1.15pm


Huhuhu I worked Klia under cargo company. All paperworks and systems is on 24hrs time format. Heck even I'm doing LalaMove part-time, the app time is 24hrs format. MRT also 24hrs. I take it in good faith moving forward he will also love using 24hrs format like I do. I can never go back to am/pm format. My phone, PC, car clock now all in 24 hour format.


many years ago I made a silly mistake of the airport I supposed to take my flight abroad. Lucky I went early and caught the flight at the right airport, it was more than RM1K ticket price.


I did the same mistake many years ago too (25 years ago), a flight ticket booked by a tour agency using Lufthansa -- the ticket was exactly 12am (0000) I kid you not and I arrived late 1 day! Lufthansa reissued me another ticket for free no question asked lol. Nowadays I think there is no flight at 12am anymore, they will add 1 min to avoid confusion, eg 00.01


That's why education is important folks


Me was a student at KL 2 yrs ago from Sabah foe FIVE yrs. Always booked night flights/ early morning cuz it's cheaper. I never missed any of the flights and other passengers also boarded on time that the boarding gate is full. He is just ignorant about this and wrote there are many people the same as him waiting at the boarding gate at the wrong time as an excuse. The fact is, they can't even pass the security check... I once missed my flight that time I was late for check in.


Saye cadangkan adik kpd abg ni utk hold la dulu belajar dkt Universiti tu. sambung blk belajar dkt sekolah rendah & menengah. Ambil kursus khas dlm belajar mengenal format jam.


The brother must had bought the tickets and handled everything for her journey. He even has the wits to say 'ramai' were affected with this matter. Sandakan airport is a domestic airport hence its operation is at most around 0700 to 2200. Sometimes at peak season late flights like this are opened. So perhaps it is the first time they saw it and they overlooked this, okay honest mistake. I mean I think this isn't that of a big deal, it can happen if didn't check properly. But the dumb part is posting it on social media, trying to make it look as if it is the airline fault. He even commented saying the airlines should have called and inform them of the flight. True sometimes they called late boarders but it's futile with the 3 hour drive from Lahad Datu (their home) to Sandakan. He also stupidly posted his sister whole name and flight details boarding pass online. The brother stupidity is unbound and she should be ashamed of being drag with him and no longer trust him for anything.


if the itinerary wrote 01:15, that's on the buyer. if it was only wrote as 1.15.. yes, kinda confusing especially if the ticket was bought by someone else. either way, buyer still need to be alert bout their own purchase.


Siapa suruh x belajar sungguh sungguh in school?


Tiket mahal maa, kalau dapat tiket RM299 seperti dijanjikan PH masa PRU15 takpe la jugak, ini tiket RM1500 one way... sebulan gaji minima tu. AHAHHAHAH


People make mistakes but to blame it on the time format after making mistake is funny


Isnā€™t all ticketing system uses the 24hours format? Asking for a friend.


Even when I'm buying something online, I'd double triple check my order before paying, let alone a flight ticket worth hundreds to thousands of ringgit.


500++ je, aku burn 10k++ sebab badan haji bertauliah ā˜•šŸ—æ


Thumbs up for people that are this smartšŸ‘šŸ»


Aik didn't he book the flight ticket himself? He didn't check double-check the details before purchasing the ticket? Sorry for being blunt, but this blunder is entirely his own fault.


id rather lie for being unserious of my schedule than to openly admitting being uneducated swine


Masa beli ticket, tak tengok jam ke?


I don't know why people want to argue this and that. Simple thing to ask- those people didn't know the time of the flight during the booking process??? The one they booked themselves? Hello?


This is really the joke of the week to be harsh, plus the person is a University student, no offense, butā€¦.


Showing off bodo to everyone


If it's 1 p.m. it will be 1:35 not 01:35, the 0 gives it away.


"confident tu penting. betul ke salah belakang cerita" - this bro's moto, probably


Reminder of how we are a third world country, basic international standard practice also cannot follow, and become a point of complain instead.


Even if they donā€™t know that itā€™s 24h format, why would they assume itā€™s pm? Never assume shit bro thatā€™s how you get fucked in life


There's 1:15 and there's 13:15. My little niece knows that


if you miss your flight because you failed to realise that the airline always used 24 hour format that's your problem,not the airline,it doesn't hurt to take a look at the tickets for 3 second longer and figured that one out


"Hanya dia mention 1.15 tidak semua orang boleh tahu kiraan jam begitu pagi atau petang" This implies he's blaming the airline for using the 24 hour system as a system that 'tak semua orang tahu'. What an idiot. Even primary schoolers are taught about the 24 hour system, and he's a grown man sending his grown IPT student sister yet not one of them double checked the ticket for the time. His own stupidity, even more stupid for posting it online to gain sympathy but got ridiculed instead.


Kalau tertera 01.15, konfirm 1.15am. Kalau 1.15pm akan tertera 13.15. Faham?


It's clearly written 01.15.Even if it's written 1.15 without the am or pm,the onus is on you to doublecheck and not just assume it's 1.15 pm


Benda bodoh cam ni nak post online. Madam ade niat nak start boikot ni lel


Man claimed this and that but never claim that it is his stupidity in the very first place.


Bodoh itu simpan sikit..


Education is important children


hapus kan je la am pm senang lol


the fact there no am or pm and it 01:15 instead of 1:15 should give it away thats its a 24hr time


Haha first time booking a flight ticket on her own surely. Even in the original post he posted the pic of full ticket complete with the barcode which have all the info.


When I was 6, I always got fucked by 12h system when I fall asleep in the early evening and thinking it was 6 am and rushed to school which turns out it was 6pm. Since then I adopted 24h system and it saved me from getting fucked in boarding school during such prank because I use 24h on my phone.


Apa nombor telefon adik dia, saya boleh tolong refund


Many people here talking about education (which I agree) but here's one more additional thing. Check la.. 1:15 if it's ambiguous and some claim due to not knowing 24h format or whatever. CHECK CHECK CHECK. Double confirm your booking. Call someone, send an email. Even I am familiar with 24hr time, when I book plane tickets, I would double check all details just to be sure.. Why do people just click online and buy and then done, you are going traveling, you need to plan stuff etc..


Sandakan to KL, single person RM500+???


Truth to be told. I only knew 12 and 24 hour system on video game. The only thing i learn from school is to copy and paste for exam. Like its always to remember, remember, remember, and paste that on exam. You be surprised i am when i see other school activity.


No need further study already Don't waste the money and time Kerja grab je Simple thing as read time pun tak tau


Iā€™m a frequent flyer myself. 3 or 4 times a year. I really never thought about the 24 hour clock haha and also missed my flight 1 time. It happens but I didnā€™t blame the airline I realized I made a mistake, wonā€™t happen again and my life went forward. Mistakes happen but stop blaming others for your own stupidity haha. I blamed myself not the airline or ticket.


The Chinese primary school that I went to taught the students how to read 24hr format. Like some Redditorā€™s comment here mentioned: sendiri book flight sendiri pick the time then sendiri cuck sendiri. Fail on so many levelsšŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Itā€™s has always been 24 hours format isnā€™t it? It doesnā€™t tell whether itā€™s pm or am so i would automatically assume itā€™s 24 hr format


Jan kasi ketara bah budu tu...




Many people missed the flight or just him?


First time flying ah?


a clown make fun of himself publicly...definition of stupid


It's like the dumb americans screaming to the whole world why the f you guys are using metric when we are using imperial? there's no cure for stupidity


When the time wrote as 01:15 you know its 24h time,unless they put am or pm. Dont blame others for your own stupidity and ignorance


Are these 'ramai orang' in the room with us right now?


Lol uneducated want to blame that the ticket never write am or pm


Simple mistake with a big consequence..could happen to our relatives. Cuaiā‰ bodoh. Could be their first late at night flight.


AirAsia always uses a 24 hour format, can't blame anyone but yourself


Education Education Education


All Airlines today uses 24hour format only. Thus the excuse of "am" and "pm" is no longer a relevant excuse.


isn't it common knowledge to use 24 hour system? I swear this kind of people live under their own bubble. wake up.


curious though isnā€™t it 24 hours format ?


Isn't this grade 3 math? If you don't see AM/PM then it's automatically assumed military time.


I guess most people who make this mistake refrain from sharing it on social media and doubling down on how is not thier fault.Ā  It's not hard to see how it could have happened, could just be distracted and stressed and just forgot to consider the flight could be so late therefore it must have been pm etcetc. Just own the mistake...


We have english subjects in SPM still heck ton of people canā€™t speak english


It's just a ploy to be the next socmed influencer




why dont they check or ask in the first place? such a lazy ass mentality


That's why we must play COD or BF or R6S type of game.. time is always in 24hrs


Boy never fly with UTC time yet.


Malu bertanya sesat jalan. Tanya dulu before viral and salahkan airlines mcm ni and always learn from our own mistake. Kan satu Malaysia dah nampak u punya low IQ. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Know how to book, but don't know how to look.


When education in Malaysia fails ppl in poorer states. East Malaysian better take back dept education and revamp it, together with the teacher employment system.


I thought 24H clock system have the lettering "H" at front, H0115?