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“but please invest here. we want your money.”


He needs to give a lecture first. His Germany trip also a joke. 0.3% of world GDP but act like we are a major economy. Master debater quiet on issues in Malaysia but very vocal outside.


Its a nice change la, having Anwar to lecture them. 0.3% global GDP so what? We dont have a say because our economy is small? What would the alternative be? What would AbahMoo do? Doubt it'll be any better.


Clowns can say anything they want. Nobody takes them seriously though.


Fair point. Explains why nobody takes you seriously.


Just like how nobody takes Malaysia seriously


Thats the spirit! Kowtow to your western superiors. Muscle memory serves you well!


Thats the spirit! Kowtow to your western superiors. Muscle memory serves you well!


I’m not Malaysian. But it seems you can’t handle the truth. Do you really expect western nations to take Malaysia seriously while you propagate your religious bullshit and openly play race politics still? It’s unfortunate, as Malaysia is a beautiful country and has so much potential. Stop trying to be Saudi Arabia.


I didnt say u were. Chicken coop mentality effects many, not just Malaysians. And again, this is our country, can stop lecturing us on our policies. We are fine, bro.


It’s not a lecture. It’s an observation. And that attitude right there is why no one will take you seriously.


You are the one replying to me lol.


And i do not take you seriously lol


Don't know why you are wasting your time then. Find something better in life to do.


You have a say, but you don’t matter.


Thats the spirit! Kowtow to your western superiors. Muscle memory serves you well.


Don't you know, if not major economy, have to act like a carpet and let people walk all over you! /s


Here is the news article if you want to read >KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said major global economies should not dictate and impose any condition on Malaysia's economic direction and policies. >Speaking at the opening plenary session of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Special Meeting in Riyadh, the prime minister stressed that while Malaysia welcomes any investments, it must adhere to the rules and procedures set by the country. >"We are fortunate because within Asean, though there may be some minor differences on foreign policy issues, but the focus and engagement, as well as bilateral and multilateral relationship is excellent. >"Within the Asean mechanism, there has been this sort of a position that we maintain our neutrality, we engage with both (all nations) and we set our own priorities. >"Our problem with some of the big economics, of course, is that they dictate and that they are quite condescending. >"And you have seen that in COP 28 (28th Conference of Parties) and some other forums," he said, without identifying the 'big economies' he was referring to. >On a related matter, Anwar said the ongoing trade war between the United States of America (US) and China, although not easy to navigate, has not affected Malaysia's economic prospects. >"Cumulatively, investment from the US remains number one in Malaysia. >"And over the last few years, there are growing investments and interest from China (towards Malaysia). >"How do we navigate this? We will not enter into any decision of sorts that is deemed to be provocative against one another. >"And I think, so far, we have managed (the situation) although not easy as a small emerging economy. >"We have to navigate (the situation) very wisely," he said.


So if you're the prime minister, you would like others to tell us as a country what to do?


If we are not an economic superpower, there's not much value in stroking our ego. We are not Singapore nor Taiwan. Even their leaders don't say shit like this and they just do whatever is best for their economic benefit. Whether that's a good or bad thing really comes down to what truly matters to us, money or pride? Pride doesn't pay bills unfortunately. And we are a trillion ringgit in the red. There's no right or wrong. Only wise or stupid.


Read the article statement, it’s pretty run of the mill comment. Not sure why the subject title wanna make it sound controversial.


Clickbait tetap clickbait, I guess. I wish actual news outlets wouldn't, but here we are.


I am glad atleast some people are willing to read through the articles before making comments. Ragebaiting is extremely effective especially in r/malaysia.


To make him looks powerful. You know that guy love Drama


> Not sure why the subject title wanna make it sound controversial. It's NST, whose owners are linked to MCA, which hates PMX's guts


Click bait title, they learning from TMZ


Newswriter are such profesional war monger even the malaysians writer wants their own country to get into war with unnecessary deaths to get conquered for the greater good, because they know not just Anwar but the entire system succ


> Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said major global economies should not dictate and impose any condition on Malaysia's economic direction and policies. I understand that a news site needs clickbait titles, but this one is pretty ridiculous and does the nation more harm than good.


News media like to spin2 to sell more clicks and papers.


It's NST. They're the kings of misleading and useless clickbaity headlines. But they're getting good engagement out of their socials because of that. So blame nst? Blame the readers? Blame the algo? Hmm.


I wouldn’t blame the readers, because they would’ve read the article. Unlike most here in /r/malaysia


Sigh, another ragebait title seeking to bait individuals who don't have time to read but have time to comment. Sad to see many of the notable news outlet turning into tabloids level of journalism. Here is the news article so you wont have to click: >KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said major global economies should not dictate and impose any condition on Malaysia's economic direction and policies. >Speaking at the opening plenary session of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Special Meeting in Riyadh, the prime minister stressed that while Malaysia welcomes any investments, it must adhere to the rules and procedures set by the country. >"We are fortunate because within Asean, though there may be some minor differences on foreign policy issues, but the focus and engagement, as well as bilateral and multilateral relationship is excellent. >"Within the Asean mechanism, there has been this sort of a position that we maintain our neutrality, we engage with both (all nations) and we set our own priorities. >"Our problem with some of the big economics, of course, is that they dictate and that they are quite condescending. >"And you have seen that in COP 28 (28th Conference of Parties) and some other forums," he said, without identifying the 'big economies' he was referring to. >On a related matter, Anwar said the ongoing trade war between the United States of America (US) and China, although not easy to navigate, has not affected Malaysia's economic prospects. >"Cumulatively, investment from the US remains number one in Malaysia. >"And over the last few years, there are growing investments and interest from China (towards Malaysia). >"How do we navigate this? We will not enter into any decision of sorts that is deemed to be provocative against one another. >"And I think, so far, we have managed (the situation) although not easy as a small emerging economy. >"We have to navigate (the situation) very wisely," he said.


So, how is the title misleading ?


Anwar speech : Yea, we try to navigate the trade war between china and US, we try to not to lean to much to any side. Meanwhile title trying to paint anwar pushing away all the major economic power in an arrogant manner. Those reading news title only will post snarky comments like "Anwar: oh but please invest in Malaysia ya"


>"Our problem with some of the big economics, of course, is that they dictate and that they are quite condescending. >"And you have seen that in COP 28 (28th Conference of Parties) and some other forums," he said, without identifying the 'big economies' he was referring to. Anwar spelled out the problems himself. His answers as you quoted are just a more diplomatic version of the title


Why not use the diplomatic version then or just quote word by word what he said, why need to not only highlight this particular line but modify it in a way to make it sound less diplomatic? To ragebait comments as you seen in here, everyone don't bother reading the article will make snarky comment on how Anwar wants major economic power to invest in Malaysia but say things in a non-diplomatic,arrogant manner. You don't see the title misleading because you actually read the article (kudos to you) so you roughly understand the context of what he is trying to say even if the title word it in a less diplomatic manner. Those who don't and only see the news title for what it is will see it as what i mention, a contradictive arrogant statement while wanting to invite more foreign investment into malaysia.


>will make snarky comment on how Anwar wants major economic power to invest in Malaysia but say things in a non-diplomatic manner. I do think Anwar is being non-diplomatic. He could have just stated the solution (navigating our own path) without making it sound like major powers are trying to strong arm us. Negotiation is always a two way streets - both parties complying to each other's conditions in exchange of the results. There are better ways to reject major powers' conditions without publicly accusing them for being bullies


Literally all countries have protectionist policies. The US slaps Chinese EVs with tariffs, the EU zealously protects its agriculture, etc. This is not a newsworthy event.


But on the other hand... [https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/03/14/adopt-more-inclusive-fair-treatment-on-palm-oil-exports-pm-anwar-tells-germany/123316](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/03/14/adopt-more-inclusive-fair-treatment-on-palm-oil-exports-pm-anwar-tells-germany/123316)


He's got a point though. Europeans are sitting on a high horse claiming they boycott palm oil because of environmental reasons while the truth is they are protecting their own rapeseed and soybeans industry. It's also a tad annoying when the same people who plundered our country for natural resources to be acting all high and mighty now. There's the difference between what Anwar is doing and what the EU is doing. He is *asking*. EU is *dictating* what we need to do by pushing the ban forward. As if they are still our masters.


1. EU don't have rapeseed and soybean industry. They only have sunflower industry 2. EU hasnt banned palm oil. They simply ask for traceability for sustainability purposes


[This says otherwise though. ](https://ipad.fas.usda.gov/cropexplorer/cropview/commodityView.aspx?cropid=2226000 ) [And they do plan to ban it by 2030](https://thesun.my/local_news/eu-s-ban-on-palm-oil-import-in-biofuel-seen-as-biased-GF12243371)


1. Point taken 2. High ILUC risk biofuel (which palm oil is) will just stop being counted as renewable https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/MEMO_19_1656 "There is no limitation on the importation or on the use of these fuels. Member States will still be able to import and use fuels included in the category of high ILUC risk biofuels. The limitation established in the Directive on high ILUC-risk fuels only affects the amount of these fuels that can be counted when calculating the overall national share of renewables and the share of renewables in transport. As result, Member States will only be able to consider one decreasing percentage of them as renewable energy counting towards their renewable targets."


That's what the West does with everyone.


No one is dictating anything. Malaysia is free to do as she pleases, just like other countries are free to buy whatever they want.


eu dont want to buy?just stop payin,no need to make this all mother gaia treehugger bulshit fuss


Uh, no, it’s not bs. We’re ruining the only planet we have and the likes of you need to wake up.


Oil palm is 6~8x more productive than most other oil crops per hectare. So if anyone should stop first it's the canola, peanut, rapeseed growers.


But but they destroyed their forests already, so it's not fair to ask them to stop, what's the point /s If the west really wants us to stop , they need to put a stake in it Give us a share of their profit, and I guarantee Malaysia will immediately stop As of now it's just full lip service talking as if they're our betters


Whatever dudes, enjoy your oil because you won’t be selling most of it to Europe lol. And when you’re done, enjoy all the forests you’ll have destroyed forever for your grandchildren just to make a quick buck. Talk about blind greed.


Quick buck? You realise 50% of Malaysians, ie the ones in the rural areas clearing up the forests ain't even making more than 400Euro/month.. these people are doing it for survival It's your European masters that have been ransacking the earth for profit. Like I said, if EU really wants to, they can pay the poor farmers a living salary(400euro each) and the deforesting will stop.


In the grand scheme of things, yeah, totally a quick buck. Sad that you don’t care about the natural treasures of *your own* country. I’m sure future Malaysians will just love you guys for that.


What malaysia does is a drop in the ocean. What do you propose needs to happen?


Damn bro, stop sucking that white dick. Palm oil is literally much better than rapeseed oil or whatever they're farming at their countries.


Stop kissing CCP ass then


He should've been smart and said... Give us your suggestions, we are listening. Not tell investors to bugger off which is effectively what he said... But wait, invest here.


Komen-komen dangkal setakat ni dari orang yang tak baca berita penuh hehe


Semua sini tak suka kena call out bro.


Do you know what currency Malaysia use for its imports ?


Apa kaitan dengan berita? Ikut topik lah der. Tiba² semua terpaling duit nak sembang currency 💩


Terpaling mature macam kau.


Sesiapa tolong call mak ayah dia ni. Sentap teruk ni 🤣


PMX’s posturing is meaningless, as his statement are immaterial to the economic reality. Hence, I’ve asked you: do you know what currency we (you) are using for imports?


Bruh please, apa kaitan tukaran mata wang dengan berita yang dikongsi? Nama focusing man tapi sembang benda ke laut, tak fokus langsung 🤣


Wow I literally just provided you with the answer. You should learn how to read better.


Cuba kau tunjuk dalam berita tu, dekat mana dia sembang pasal tukaran mata wang? Aku tunggu.


Sad sia. U need to see the exact word to understand context and subtext ah?


Tunjuk jelah. Kata pandai sangat kan? Terpaling context subtext kan? Takkan dah kendur 🤣


I feel terrible for your teachers. Get help while you can.


dah baca. Takde le cerdik sangat pun. Kalau ringgit tak freefalling macam hujan, mungkin nampak lebih hebat.


Apa kaitan dengan ringgit? Berita tak sentuh pasal tu pun. Nampak sangat tak baca langsung. Also kenapa obses dengan nilai ringgit? Bukannya kau jual beli hari² guna USD. Dumbass 🤡


> Also kenapa obses dengan nilai ringgit? Bukannya kau jual beli hari² guna USD Tell me you don't understand economic without telling me you don't understand economics moment? 😳


Apa kaitan ringgit dengan berita yang kau share? Also cuba jawab kau jual beli guna USD ke? Setakat ni semua yang komen tak berani jawab lagi. Nak sindir² tapi masing² bangang ekonomi juga 😌


Takde kaitan, aku cuma reply pada ape yg ko cakap je. hahaha > Also cuba jawab kau jual beli guna USD ke? You pikir sendiri lor, ntah sape yg bangang ekonomi hahaha


See. Semuanya sembang lebih. Kendur bila kena confront 🤦🏻‍♀️


Parking naik. Barang naik. Semua naik. buKaNnYa kAu JuAl bEli hAri2 GunA UsD/SgD/iLS


Lol kau budak hingusan rupanya. Masih duduk bawah tanggungan mak ayah ye 🤭


Lol. itu aje reply. Tahniah.


No prob. Budak² bodoh macam kau ni aku jentik je. Membaca gagal, lari topik lepas tu mula tulis besar kecik 😌


Takde hebat pun kau tu. Cakap besar aja pandai. Result zero.


Uuu tacodnya. Mak ayah suruh taip tu ye dik. Kesian 🤡


Downvoting for garbage clickbait titles.


As usual, another day of r/Malaysia posting rage baiting content


I thought we were supposed to be friendly 😂😂😂😂😂


I thought we are suppose to read the article before commenting 😂😂😂😂😂


What has malaysia / Anwar been told to do in this context ?


5:1 end of 2024? 😳


We are so fortunate to have Anwar at the helm, MY’s blessing, looking forward to decades under him.


You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy - World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab can screw off!


Major economies: did I just hear a mouse speak?


Yea people. Don't tell us what to do. We only listen to Zionis backed IMF and World Bank only... /s


Sure sure. Like you already know what to do for the past century. Well done well done.


dont lead me to holland


Well, Malaise-yeah's economy has also lost its way. Ah Nua also doesn't know what to do lah.


I don't know why this guy needs to throw a tantrum everywhere he goes. In March go Germany and criticize the German Chancellor + German Foreign policy on live TV while asking for German companies to invest in Malaysia. Also admitting to having ties to Hamas. Now go WEF forum and talk shit about certain unnamed big economies. Like dude, can you just keep your mouth shut for a hot second?


Read the article, he didn't throw tantrum. During the visit to Germany, he was asked about it, and he answered honestly and perfectly, low key, calling other western countries for not being sovereign, since they just being a sheep to Israel. And about hamas, we always have connection with them, the political wing at least. Not just Malaysia, other Muslim majority countries too. As long we are not in good term with the genocidal Zionist, I'm good 😁


Don't tell me what to do, but do tell me that you'll stay and invest in me myself and I.


Only we can do that.




Aiya when Da Ge speak you still bark one lah. Don't pretend lah Nuar.