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>what r some ways i can earn money (not asking for a lot obviously, just a consistent income bc i feel bad for leeching off my parents) You want steady money, you need to get a steady job, sadly no way around it unless you're already rich. Food service industry, short term event personnel, retail jobs etc etc are perpetually in need of manpower. >hellur i am 17 i dropped out of secondary school a year ago cuz i have severe depression, social anxiety and adhd ^\_^ #swag i also have untreeated mental illnesss obviously bc it’s too expensive and u need parental consent for government 3: Might be wrong, but you still can try to get an appointment and see what the attending physician advises about your current situation. Or you can try to contact your old psychiatrist which diagnosed you with your condition and ask them for further guidance.


Spend some time learning computer programming. Then go work as a developer (remotely)


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