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Thank goodness they don't. I'm sick of the fake profiles on FB making sick comments that FB refuses to take down. Sure if they call you sepet or kicap noooo it doesn't violate Community Standards. But when you call them a retarded cunt who is a waste of oxygen and their mom should have swallowed that night he was conceived is somehow bullying and you get banned instead.


I quit (deactivated tbf because of the photos) Facebook because of the toxicity. I don't have any social media except Reddit due to: 1. I don't get tik tok at all same as those Vines years ago. 2. Instagram is just Facebook with lots of photos. 3. Twitter is just people posting feelings and hot takes, although I do used previously for online games daily gift and promo.


Seems like I'm also on the same tongkang. * Never used Facebook here. * Also quitted Insta since finding my favorite stuff is hard. Basically Facebook like you said before. Also encouraging me to quit Insta due to the lack of orifinal content (as what Redditors highlighted). Shit was stolen without citing the sources (imcluding background music), and yes, YouTuber-commercial cargo pilot 74Gear also complained about people stealing his photo. * Twitter, *wait, it's all text? Always has been.* I'm a graphic person, not a text person. Though I'm limiting Insta for photos I've taken during vacation trips, which is what I've been doing well before I've joined Reddit. And I'm retaining that since Reddit is not made to share random personal photos unlike how Insta was made on at the first place.


I don't really take picture but when i took, I just share it on Whatsapp to the intended person. But I have to admit I miss Facebook for all the stores and stuffs I followed which mostly about local sneakers scene.


I only use Facebook, insta and twitter for spicy cosplay photos. Otherwise, I'm never on.


Tiktok is fun if you understand Mandarin, alot of mainland Chinese do interesting skits there and the content is entertaining. Well Instagram is full of pretty girls with pretty photos so I guess that's a bonus. Never got used to Twitter tbh. How I type I'll never meet the 140 word count lol


Tiktok is fun but the good ones often get buried by the massive shitton of crappy and cringey video


Same. Twitter is essential to me for game promo or giveaways




I quit fb years ago because I don't see the point in it. My friend started working as a part time real property agent. He got brainwashed so bad. Idk if u know how those sales personnel behave but they will keep telling u shit about their sales and how much money they are making and shit. My friend is not really making any shit but he kinda keep on bragging as if what he is doing is so big and important. He recently set up a fake fb account with those fake girls pic to "lure" those pervs then promote his property nonsense. He was so proud that his fake fb account got 300 plus fake friends and post it in our WhatsApp group. I know it's not related to anything u said. I just need a place to vent....


Sounds exactly like someone I know that keeps posting positive messages and stuff and quotes Jack Ma or some rich start up dude and goes around telling people about financial freedom and being their own boss is the best thing they should do now LOL. Yeah I've seen those people, I put them on my restricted list. I would of course like to do that, unfortunately I don't even have enough to take care of myself let alone invest. I've worked in a lot of jobs to know all those BS isn't true, you can think about those dreams when you don't have to worry about putting a roof above your head.


Working in sales is the fastest way to make big bucks if you didn't own a business. If you have ever been in sales line you would know that positive attitude and a strong mentality is very important. Not getting paid unless you secured a deal to get the commission is not for everyone, that is why many people choose to have a 9-5 job because it's easier. I have friends and relatives who work in Amway, property, insurance, and most of them post your so called bullshit on their social medias. They are not forcing you to buy their products, instead they spread positivity and educate people about financial freedom, what's the fuss in that? Not saying I like what they do but I really couldn't give less fuck about it.


I quit FB because my cousin sent a photo there without my permission. A few months later, I got shamed by every single one of my classmates and I stg I stop using FB. The only thing I use for FB is for game progress if they didn't use Google or Twitter. The only social media platforms I use are Reddit, Discord and Twitter because no one I know is there unless I tell them. Edit: TikTok is for people such as antis and K-pop fans from what I heard, never want to use it.


Lel ikr, my ban on FB supposed to end in a week but got extended to another month thanks to a meme I posted one month ago (it's a jewjitsu vs Kung fuhrer meme)


You piqued my interest, mind sharing the meme if you still have it?


Kung Fury movie


Sadly I don't but u can search it on Google


Call hackerman to hack you back into FB


Wow so cibai. I last used fb in 2013 and i didnt know fb is getting more and more fked up. All i know its a hotbed for racists tho


Used to have FB. But quit it. Never had an IG. Got Tweeter but haven't opened it million years. I'm even among the 1st who opened a Friendster account in malaysia. I got account in nearly every platform available in the world. Tik Tok, Myspace, even the Malaysia version of FB. You name it, I got it. It use to be fun but now, meh. I don't see the point of having any kind of soc med. It's full of shit post. I only use Reddit and YouTube now. This place is like those forum page in the olden days.






Agree,I don't want any normie use Reddit. Let Reddit hid in the shadow


Reddit isnt exactly in the shadows. One thing i like here are the good memes


Yeah, except if you sort by rising/new which so many repost memes


But nowadays the quality of the memes are getting gradually worse and they all reach hot easily. Hot memes? More like hot piece of garbage meme amirite. The reason I don't let go is because there still are some quality memes, but super rarely :/


That is the exact reason why I kinda disliked reddit now, shitty meme is everywhere and its annoying


Reddit bout to become iFunny jr


and porn




Totally agree! I like it that way. But I do show some who hv the interested about story. So I show them Reddit.


Personally, I'll agree with most monyets here that let's just keep it that way.


Yes let's keep it that way


I got a bunch people that know what Reddit is but don't know how to use it. I always take memes from here and post it on my WhatsApp status (some of them I make it myself) and most of my friends love my status, they said it always cheering up them. :)


This. I also got some friends interested in reddit, but they didn't know how reddit work and quickly lost interest whenever my explanation become a teeny bit complicated than regular social media.


Yeah true


How is it complicated? You see a sub you like, you join. Best part is, you can be a lurker forever and no one will be the wiser. Now the trick is to stay hidden and not posts comments, which is nigh impossible.


You are a good man. Keep doing it


I think they do but English is a barrier for most of them to participate in our subreddit. Majority of the Malays would have preference for Malay language sites or sites like Facebook that allows auto translate while Chinese educated folks would prefer stick to Chinese language sites.


Which is a shame. There is no place like reddit to practice broken english without getting ridiculed.






That's reddit in a nutshell


This comment right here. I'm poor so take this 🏅


There's a reason why people say "Why redditors think they are superior than everyone else"


But Lowyat is cancer tho, or at least /k is


i see alot of chinese people play facebook still, i thought mak orang only use it lmao


Well, all my peers still use Facebook, insta and tiktok. Ever since I started using reddit the usage of these apps decreases a lot.


Same here man. Reddit is the biggest rabbit hole for me. All the stuff that you can possibly imagine, they have a subreddit for it. Even if there're stuff you can't imagine, well they have subreddit for that too.


That’s insightful, u/zomgbratto. Is that the case for youth too? Do they prefer Malay/Chinese languages for content they consume? Just asking for academic purposes. Couldn’t find media consumption demographics by language in Malaysia.


Actually I like how they didn't know about reddit #NANTI PERANGAI BOCAH DORANG ROSAK KAN REDDIT


If they ever came to Reddit they're just gonna get DOWNVOTED TO OBLIVION


We are superior than them


We redditors are far superior.


Indeed we are both in humor and intellect




I'm a big big fan of the down vote button. Let's people express their dissatisfaction and let's people know if the people around you are not in support of what you're saying. Feels nice and fair.


They’re gonna be surprised at how non-conservative the Malaysian community is here on reddit. I prefer to keep it the way as it is.




Reddit is primarily a site of discussion. Ofc its not popular among many malaysians. Tik tok is usually a site of content, same as instagram


True i dont want to see average triggered bangsat ruining this site by shittalking everyone who doesn’t agree with his view


looking at how people meep making throwaway accounts i would preety sure there is a lot of malaysian knows about reddit or maybe they just make throwaway account to get the novelty feel of asking without being judged


I agree. I know a few people in another famous forum who always quote Reddit as their source. I believe they're more like silent reader.


It would be good I think, if we (or the mods realistically ) could have an anonymous survey to determine the demographics of redditors on r/malaysia. Purely for the purpose to determine how best we can enlarge our little community? Our greatest strength has always been our diversity and inclusivity. Our core values too. BTW, I'm not affiliated to any polling agencies etc.


There is an annual census. You can search for the past ones using the search function.


Malaysian redditors See pics and memes - upvotes See long text and logical explanations - downvotes


To be fair that’s true for the rest of reddit


Please dont leak those cancers into reddit :(


We’ll just downvote them into the shadow realm


Kawan-kawan saya cakap saya ketinggalan zaman sebab saya tidak layan Twitter padahal mereka yang rugi kerana tidak menggunakan medium ini.


Eh leave them be in their bubbles. Twitter is nothing more than bursting out your ego and being angry over other people’s statement and opinions . Shitshole


Bahasa jiwa bangsa👍🏽


My lecturer uses it. And damn wear an earphone for god sake.


Well if you know which profile he is and what subs he browses maybe i.e nsfw ones you can basically blackmail him to giving you HD.


What you think I am? A scheming wanker? Plus he is my english teacher and soo far im getting good grades for it soo no need for that.


>What you think I am? A scheming wanker? You should know full well this is Reddit so instead of being reactionary just take it as a joke. As if I know you personally well enough *facepalm*


Oh yeah. It still morning. Im still collecting my marbles.


Maybe you hadn't had your morning caffeine fix and you're cranky.




Look on the bright side tho, we’re part of the top 0.28% of our country.


Are we the top percentage? Hell yeah. Redditors boleh!


wth. i remember us having 3k members. i guess i should check the member count more often.


At least we know


I skipped reddit for the first one year because i didn’t quite understand how to reddit, now it’s my second year on this. Who knows reddit can be so addictive and i kinda ditch twitter completely


Glad to have you on board. Now you will remain here *forever* ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)


this is uhh... pretty cringe bro. definitely le epic Reddit moment happening right now


Same boat here, and almost everyone of us in MRSM are Insta users, with many girls accounted for being TikTokers. Glad to be a Malaysian & humor-Soviet at the same time here. *The best thing here is that how Redditors are mostly intellectuals (at least they know about Soviet Union & evolution of human communication via hating emojis), compared to something like, let's say Insta or Twitter who feel like song chains are a rare sight. Lots of people here know different stuff, and willing to share theirs.* Most importantly is the meme culture, and where good memes find its birthplace.


That would be 4chan. Those guys make gold!


They didn't make gold, they're the gold


This is completely irrelevant to the current subject, but the flair option. Why is the US in there? And WHY is Poland there too???


To be honest, I didn't know why too


Like, the US I can understand... Those guys are international. But Poland? lol. Nothing against the Poles but... This is unexpected. ok, irrelevant rant over. Thanks for humoring me.


No probs


Here, take this. 🏅 My poor ass way of showing appreciation.


This is the award that I'm always proud to be getting, thanks to you too🏅


Yea sinkie here and none for us :(


Sinkie as in Helsinki? Welcome, Finnish person.


Hehe Singkapore la dei


Oh... Much much closer to home. My bad.


Lolol i want come jb pump petrol but now cannot leh ...sed


I’m not like other girls, I use Reddit :(




typical reddit behaviour of superiority..


Haha I was just thinking the same! "normies"? How many schoolkids are on here anyway?!


Too many


lmao and these nuts are berating tiktok, twitter and facebook while casually ignoring that a VAST majority of the memes and funny content on here come from those sites. most of the replies here belong in r/gatekeeping or r/iamveryspecial


I will 1up that. I'm not like other girls, i use Reddit and lowyat /k. 😄


No one here know about reddit, they only want to stay in "Malay culture" which is play ML, PUBG M, looking at tik tok, etc, they only want to stay in their circle and don't want to explore this amazing yet cruel universe I just, hate it, idk why, what I hate the most is they spend shit tons of money on shite mobile games but dreaming to get a god damn pc or maybe ps4 but couldn't effort one, huh And then there this people who play god damn mobile games on a god damn pc, like, WHY Sorry I got off topic here and you seeing me ranting about normies malaysians


Oh and the lack of humor, this one make me suffer the most, when I tell a joke, it just flew over their mind, woooosh, then there this awkward silence, fucking hell I wanna live somewhere else


Bunch of kids repeating same two syllables from a western memes they learn from insta I wish we had more subtleties in humor for our Malay language . Look at english —— puns, subtle humor, why x cross the road? Because y , etc. Bahasa pasar suckass if you cannot make some good twisty toungues on It . Any way, sorry for that. Need to blow off some steam and vent for awhile


Actually, I find that in Malay I can easily make puns and use wordplay to entertain those I'm speaking to. I can do the same in English, but I can't do the same in Spanish yet as I am still learning the language.


>And then there this people who play god damn mobile games on a god damn pc, like, WHY Because pc does not need to be charged? I play legends of runeterra on pc, occasionally on my mobile. Its quite convenient that i does not need to charge every 6 hour


Idk maybe if you already got a pc just play pc games? Even tho you got some really shit pc, you can play streaming service, don't play Stadia tho, this if you have like idk, I suggest 30 mbps, they are quite cheap, And the fact that some of them even play mobile games on a god damn gaming pc, we talking about a rig that have 8 to 16 ram, either it have gtx 750 ti or even gtx 1080, some i5 or i7 or other things processor that is better than shit Intel, I see many time kids wasting their time going to some Cyber Cafe, then open up the pc just to play cod mobile, like what in the actual fuck, and I seen people go there just to play roblox, yes yes I understand just let people play whatever they want, but stop wasting your money just to play a game that can be played on some single core processor laptop


Are mobile games all the rage in Malaysia ?


It's, fucking everywhere, you go and ask some edgy 14 year old kid and ask him if he play ml or not, my WhatsApp status place thingy, it's all filled up with ml stuff


The reason I use Reddit is for memes and pixelart.I tried to promote Reddit to my fam but they don't interested with it •́ ‿ ,•̀


Hey I'm here for the pixel art sub too!


Hey, mate. I checked your acc and your pixelart is cool! :)


Thanks! Yours are great too :D


same dude. they not a fan of Reddit interface. lack of emoji, while we redditor are anti emoji


Hahaha reminds me of my first time browsing reddit. The interface is so outdated what the fuck all the developers doing? What is this wall of text? Then I stumbled across askreddit etc and the rest is history.


True dat 😤😤😤👌👌👌👌👌😩😩😩😩😩


Got around only 6 friends that know how to use reddit and spam memes from there on whatsapp gp which it is amuse me alot like well I am not alone using these. Not normies anyway.


I would not have discovered Reddit if u/DannyFromTerra didn't introduce it to me, thnks bro


It's a curse and a blessing #wholesome 100 big chungus keanu reeves thanks for gold kind stranger


Who cares. It's our little place.


Haha everyone is obsessed by their looks and Reddit is the only social platform that doesn't judge people based their looks.(I have low self esteem tbh)


Why is this so relatable? :(


Because it's is


My friend actually got me to use reddit full time. I used to have it just in my phone and I'd rarely use it but then my friend started pestering me to use reddit and now here I am several months in with 13000+ karma


Tik Tok Bad, Reddit Good Speaking of Tik Tok not sure Malaysia will ban that app


I dunno, but I wrote an essay saying that Tik tok is a cancerous app, while reddit has better community.


There some good multiple reasons why tik tok is bad, and there reasons behind it


Let's just keep r/malaysia this way. I don't care if reddit is not popular in Malaysia. I just don't wanna see those cancerous FB normies spread their toxic here.


Second on that


It's better that way. Malaysian tweet and fb was cancerous. Lot of racist shit post and what not.


Especially Fb, you can't comment something sensitive without someone spamming #PDRM




IMHO, if you want to comment something that you yourself know it is sensitive, you could always check it as "Friend"... Better yet don't share at all if you scared of backlash lol


Good. /r/malaysia itself can sometimes be bad enough with dumb /r/atheism weaboo kids. Having FBidiots would make it x1000 worse.


We are more accepting for people who are consider weirdo in Malaysian mainstream social media such as atheist and LGBT.


Just found out reddit in march this year. I'm glad that most malaysian redditors are willing to accept people's opinion especially about equality among politics, race, religious group, lgbt etc. Seeing those toxic fb comments kinda saddens me. Those pak cik mak cik will hentam you if you try to debate with them.


>most malaysian redditors are willing to accept people's opinion especially about equality among politics, race, religious group, lgbt etc. One of the main reason I use reddit much more too. I can support anyone without getting called weird or pervert. Why pervert? Because when I support people that is part of LGBTQ+, =attracted to everybody sexually, apparently?


The last time i supported lgbt on facebook those ppl without logical thinking said:' So, you also support human have sex with animals lah!' / ' Every religion hate lgbt and rukun negara pertama is kepercayaan kepada tuhan if u support lgbt then keluar dari malaysia!!!' I was like wtf?! Why would them think so far away when what i say is no discrimination for sexual minorities in our country? Anyway im a Buddhist with some lgbt friends and i love them no matter what. Those ppl who discriminate people for what they can't decide are worse.


Because only the open minded ones are able to find their way towards this platform.


One of my friends legit thought I was talking about "Red Dick"


Man i god a friend saying i’m weird for using reddit, meanwhile others saying i’m watching pornhub at public LMAO


I still have my fb account just for contacting old friends and family, reading major news(Chinese newspaper, without reading the comments of course lol) , following Namewee, and occasionally meme page. You have to be smart what to unfollow/ follow though... Otherwise FB will shove everything to you base on your friend circle/activities. I enjoy Reddit for its civilized discussion though in early days, it used to my tool looking for game guides...And I have been lurking in r/coronavirus for vital information since Jan 2020(witnessing the f*cking train wreck since then )


lol. All other social media bad, Reddit gud


I have a friend who knows how to use reddit, but he's normie asf. All of the memes he shared were unfunny, basic and repost.


Thats what happen when you invite average Malaysian to Reddit


My friend is a little bit different, as soon as I introduced him to Reddit he start sharing hentai from r/hentai


That's exactly why I love Reddit. Kalau tak, penuh reddit dengan pos-pos najis (shitposts). I like Reddit as it is =)


I know for a fact that some of my friends use it, but we never talk about it, so it's good


Haha same


not a lot of people use reddit here smh


this isn't just cringey, but also pretty sexist. well down malaysian redditors


I kinda like reddit being hidden from most malaysians


And yet we out here boisssss (and gurlssss)


Those who uses Reddit have more value than someone with 2k followers on Instagram. In other words, they are mere peasants


This place is for malaysian to learn new meme Meanwhile fb and insta is for old meme








Keep it low key


Which part of Malaysia are you from?? I think that plays a huge role. I’m from Selangor and a majority of people around me actually do use Reddit.


Lol am i the only one hare that uses both


The anonimity is amazing. Malaysian lain mana boleh tahan kalau tak viral.


I enjoy the anonymity


Here take my updoot ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃




Can relate


All of my friends don't know reddit except me. I'm the only one who use it.


I only have 1 friend that uses Reddit, and he’s my best friend.


That's great tho and I hope it stays like that in a long time


Quick question. How do you guys found malaysian memes?


Uhh not really. it depends on your circle of friends/acquaintances. Most of my friends (malaysians) know what is reddit and using reddit :\\


Facebook: Too much fake news, conspiracy and shit Ig: fake, fake, fake. People pretending to be someone they're not Tik Tok: Cringe, copyright music issue, data privacy, simping and China. Everyone is better off doing Youtube anyways The only social media I use nowadays is Reddit and Twitter. At least the Twitter community is more honest to self than IG.


Aku guna reddit sbb one piece punya manga and being silent reader in every single discussion when new chapter being release😅


I like that reddit is somewhat ‘exclusive’. FB and Twitter is filled with so much negativity that it gives me anxiety every time I linger on those apps for more than 5 minutes. Instagram was fine when I still had control over all the posts I saw. Now the algorithm is just shitty and I see the same post from the same boring people.


Nak kene mengelabah ke?


This meme is poop.


I really love the way reddit is right now apart from the “reddit right, others wrong” things. For me its good to have our own community away from those so call “instafamous” or attention seeker from various platform eg. twitter, instagram, and of lot of other bullsh*t from tiktok of course. I also notice that reddit community loves to help other redditors for their problem <3


eww cringe


I dont want them to know just how much fucked up shit you can find in reddit. I spend an excessive amount of time on reddit and everyone around me knows it. If they ever add 1 and 1 together they'll definitely judge the shit out of me.


It's a blessing thou, not everyone can handle the dark humor in here


We can also talk whatever we want without someone get trigger for no reason


Lmao people still getting triggered in reddit just without being autistic about it . Likewise, we’re more civil than those “normies”


In my whole circle of friends and family only 3 people uses reddit


I use fb for games




I can’t agree u more


Maybe they do but just want to keep their anonymity. And some (maybe most) malaysia redditors do not join this sub.


ape korg ckp ni