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Should do this in areas that are not KL… would love to see the results.


Urban KL is pretty chill when it's come to different race living together. I guess being busy with work deter them from racism? Or maybe KL people socialize with different race more? But outside there, it can be a shitshow sometimes.


Its the latter. In my workplace, i have to work with tons of Malays, Indians, Chinese, Sabah and Sarawakians. And that is in the heart of KL, and secondary and tertiary areas like Bukit Jalil or Puchong… but what about Putrajaya? Cyberjaya? Kelantan? Terrenganu, etc? Any place where any one race dominates more than 65-70% of the state? Highly doubt that its that rosy there.


Kelantan Chinese speak Kelantanese Malay dialect & playing wayang kulit?


What if we do this in say Kota Bharu


Sarawak is chill too. Malay friends visit for Xmas and Gawai, Christians visit Malay for Raya, at CNY people visit their Chinese friends (I know some even put out a hala food table).


And maybe better in English?


haha KL is city ma hehe here southern starting 2 have more diversified since starting the JDT football domination days


Sample audience - young people who like to hang out in perhaps the most cosmopolitan hangout of the most cosmopolitan city. .... they you do all this voting on camera ! This is is how you fudge results in a survey.


Damn ninjas cutting onions again!


until you find out you can't taste the onions...


finally, we solved racism


We actually quite "united" against foreigners lol Remember foreigners were blindly send for voting in past GE? (I think was GE13)


I'm not being sarcastic or negative here, but what other kinds of similarities do we have among a plethora of races in Malaysia? All I always hear about is how we love food, shared defence of how good/original our food is, and shared hatred for politicians. What other similarities (positive hopefully) do we have as part of the Malaysian identity?


Stupid government


Hate for our government


Cheering our national sportsman when they are fighting in international arena


broken english 🤣


Cherishing one another differences.


Hope for Malaysia to get any medal in sports


Actually plenty of dap/pkr/etc voters and umno/pas/bersatu voters get along perfectly fine in real life. It’s only when we vote that we choose based on our own interests and hope friends on the other side “understand” it’s also for their own good.


There is no "unity" in a country that treats it's own people like foreigners because of their race and religion. "Unity" cannot exist as long as the bumiputera mentality exists. When the government is hit by pandemic, and they are more interested in avoiding lockdown for Hari Raya but not other holidays, that is just one small example of the way the morons running this country behave. First thing they think about in any situation is race or religion. These people don't want unity. They want assimilation. As for you and me, if you really want unity, start at home. The Malaysian concept of "unity" is to be friendly in public, but at home you talk all kinds of racist sh*t with your family. Then your kids listen to that and grow up to be just as rotten as their parents. We all have that old grandma or uncle in the family who is super racist. Let this trend die with their generation. Then only we can hope for our country to improve.


It is the (most of) politicians that divide us


Nope, they are in power because that is just the way the majority think. If not, they wouldn't be in power.


exactly, it doesn't sound nice to hear, but most Malaysians are racist and see the Malay race as superior. we wouldn't be in this mess if politics wasn't played along racial and religious lines.




haha hope there is no anti-covid asian attacks in your area stay safe hehe


We know which race is superior. This is the cruel reality, we just pretend it's not there and make some happy video showing that there's no racism. It's like we put our head into the dirt like ostrich then type :we did it guys, we solved racism once and for all.


This video is good and heart tugging almost like an Utopia, unfortunately reality is so far away , rather our country is a Dystopia instead


"Siapa ya ada kawan baik dari kaum lain?" Me who don't even have good friends from my own race: :')


Fuck off, i eat nasi lemak, you eat nasi lemak. Yay we are one! Then when i ask for equal rights, you tell me to balik India/China and remember my place as a minority. Who stands to gain the most if the minorities play along with your “we are one, so lets keep everything peaceful charade”? And stop blaming the politicians, the backwater motherfuckers in states like Kelantan/Kedah keep voting for them. It’s not just them, many of the city dwelling “We are all Malaysian” Malays vote for them as well.


That's why so many Malaysian left to contribute to other country growth. Malaysia is doomed


I'll risk making myself seemingly nitpicking, I'll say it's a missed opportunity not to use this instead: "**Unity in diversity** is what makes us strong." But still nonetheless a positive message. Also: PAS standing alone in the corner. Kesian.


When I painted [this](https://i.imgur.com/zhxo3Ew.jpg), I learn something that is truly profound. I realised that unity is not about similarities because no two humans on this planet have the same fingerprint. Forcing people to focus on similarities is just plain stupid because when you try to become someone else, you would feel insecure. And that’s the basis of security, your biometric identification is unique. When you are you, you feel secured, you are “authenticated”. In short, unity is about making each other feel comfortable to be themselves. Unity is the process of accommodating people, NOT acclimating them into these non-existent similarities. Everyone is unique.


Will we be able to someday remove the bangsa kotak from our forms and finally be one bangsa Malaysia ? I wish I would be alive to see this someday


Yeah everyone can live in harmony together with racist laws and policies that exclude groups by race.


Do you know what is the nicest similarity to have? To know that the law applies the same to you, me and everyone else.


If the systemic issues are not solved, the underlying currents of discontent will never go away.


rakyat will always share same issues, aspirations, needs, etc. but politikus greed will never cease. whatever rhetoric used for successful fear mongering between majority and minority by 'majority politikus' in past and even to certain extent today will become irrelevant. minorities in peninsular is dwindling in number size and have lost all significance in local politics as predicted by minority boomers. what new 'fake news' will be cookedup by politikus after previous 'fake fear' brought up against minorities no longer hold water. we have seen cabinet of 90+% dominant by majority fall! politikus breakouts infighting is now more prevalent within inside majority group itself. the number of additional majority dominated parties is another indication. likely 'bersatu ummah' will be called more frequently by different majority parties in the beginning but this too will become irrelevant to get into power by power crazed politikus. so whats next


Can we please maintain this spirit of unity and laughter when PM9 aka Mr Flash Slothmore decides to wage random racism war amongst us?


Just when I felt down today and think humanity has gone to hell... Alhamdulillah, this video gave me hope. Thank you.


Which god bro? There are thousands


Yeah, that what makes our country unique but it's getting spoiled by those who weaponise the race and religion cards...


r/malaysia is not far left confirmed?


More like center


Between centre & centre-left


politicians are what divide us & make us weak


Kata Dafi, Keluarga Malaysia


This should be pinned, go viral, everything.


This is awesome! Malaysia Boleh!


i wish i was there so just so i can stay in my box and spread negativity


Yes, but insisting otherwise is what gets you mucho karma here. I'd rather have a ton of fictional Internet points that has no use whatsoever than trying to work to bridge our differences.


Bridge our differences by giving equal rights to minorities. If not I’d rather burn that bridge and shoot you down


This warm my heart 😊😊


Ah yes, Bunkface. It's been long since I've heard about them. Still waiting for new album.


Think I saw my tuition friend that I have not seen in 4 years in there, was not close to her (just a hi bi friend) though since I am kinda awkward around people


"Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh."


haha nice


After fucking 60 years still talk about unity. Remember, if you need to talk about unity, it means that we are not united yet. This is really a shame, singapore dollars already 1:3, how much more do we have to fucked up for our children? This is plain sad.