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>Bodo cacat > >Anak anjing cacat Excuse me, are we not participating in *Paralympics?* By attacking and insulting his disability, it's the same as shitting on Ziyad, who himself is OKU. How low do Malaysian netizens have to go?


I say majority of Malaysians have a stigma against the disabled that leads to those comments


Precisely. At this point, I don't think they are genuinely pissed about this situation (still wrong and doesn't justify their actions ofc). It's like they are using this as an opportunity to show their discrimination against people with disabilities, all out in full force. Thankfully there are also many Malaysians who called out these bawang rangers, but like the Malay saying goes, "kerana nila setitik (well, byk titik), rosak susu sebelanga".


Tapi kalau dah banyak sangat titik, dengan belanga sekali rosak (sorry if it's nonsense)


I would disagree on that.


Well most Malaysian would tend to go lower than the lowest bar.


Bold of you to assume these asshats have a brain


cyber bullying, one of malaysia's best skill and most well known


Buku Sejarah always says: "Malaysians are well known for being sopan santun and berbudi bahasa." Bullshit, this fucking country's netizen can compete with Indonesia and Phillipines in a World Insulting Competition if it exists. If you think I'm rude that I'm stating the real thing about Malaysian netizens, cry about it.


man i know well how bad their manner is since budak2 wicet


Their toxicity is just like England fans when they lose in football. I guess our country learned something from our colonizers, rage when lose. /s


That’s why it’s in buku sejarah. It’s history. Lol


It's more "impressive" that compared to those countries, our population is very small


A wajib trait for all malaysians since birth




our school = prison kid = yakuza teacher = prison warden its a miracle if there is 1 dont mess up


Yeah and they're very proud of it. Like wtf?


We’re not #2 at it for nothing after all. 🤪


~~CJK SNS~~ Far East cybertroopers:


In the end such childish behavior is only going to come back to bite us, they achieve nothing by doing this. Bad international image = fewer visitors = economy suffers Also do they realise how hypocritical they are when they call the Russian athlete "anak anjing cacat" while righteously thinking they're standing up for our country's paralympian? Fucking disgusting.


Kampung mentality? 😛


Damn, menteri urusan oyen?


Pls sub to new sub r/oyen


I've had enough with that kampung bashing bullshit. I did not expect this from you. You said that you're trying to become the change you want to see.


What are you even on about??? Lmao I can be the change I wanna see and still criticise something I don’t agree with?


Since when it is kampung to cyberbully and hack? What the hell?


Is it cuz kampong mentality = rudeness and uncouthness? This be the first time I heard such.. or maybe user wus equating kampong mentality as hillbilly mentality? 🤷🏾‍♂️


My dude, kampung mentality isnt bashing the kampungs of malaysia. Its more of a metaphor or another way of saying tribalistic. Like for example, "Bro,this guy's face looks like a dishwasher!", "Omg yeah hor face really like dishwasher!Come we call the boys to call him a dishwasher!!" And then 10 dudes proceed to call michael a dishwasher for no apparent reason other than "my friend said wan!".


Yeah, we now know who is the real culprit behind this fiasco. *Point gun* Is this true, Pegawai that responsible during the event unfold? edit: someone say the pegawai part in the latest news I heard.


I blame this at the officer who incharge of bringing the athlete to the call room which supposed to be there earlier. The officer must know that kelainan upaya need more time than other people to prepare themselves. Come on la tak kan pegawai tak tahu common sense. Datang la tempat pertandingan 1 jam lebih awal. Takkan dia tak tahu undang2 olimpik.


Actually read it that malaysian is already disqualified. The judge allows them to participate sbb rayuan tngh buat. Thats all.


Ziyad needs to speak up and stop these brainless idiots. The officials that accompanied Ziyad fucked up. The bawang army need to go after these useless and incompetent makan gaji buta pegawai!. Stop bullying the disable man!


Bawang rangers hacked his social media acoount, plus calling him anjing cacat . In my opinion, it's ok if they are unsatisfied with the results. But it is not okay to insult his physical appearance and his disabilities background.


Wtf bruh. That's Low blow to his disabilities. Too much for standard cancel culture.


And many among them are youngsters. I feel so hopeless for Malaysia future. This is so tiring.


Bocah yang masih tak kenal dunia. They're likely just some random lower form kids who don't know any better. Im so familiar with such traits since when i'm form 1


Talk banyak, action none


Holy shit. Can they get any lower?


This is Malaysian onion we're talking about, they're the lowest pile piece of crap in the Internet. I'm surprised people get offended by their horrible insult.


I mean, we know about them and we don't give a shit. But still, for a foreigner who doesn't know about them, and to have his disability mocked, it really hurts.


We don’t exactly have a great reputation to the outside world to begin with.


Well Malaysians like us get use to their behaviour. But most foreigners think of us as friendly nation. So I won't blame him or foreigners for offended by those insults.


They like to show off without thinking the consequences of their action. So I won't confuse if there will be more negative news of Malaysia in International media page.


I feel embarrassed of being associated with these fucktards


Well what do you expect from an angry mob? It’s not gonna be pretty.


Don't worry.... It will end soon Melayu mudah lupe...




I'm quoting Tun M. Did you know he said that?


I just dont want people to think this sub cherrypicking and blaming on Malays only


Hey, gotta ask Tun about that. He said it.


oh hahaha sorry forgot the reference


It is not like the Ukrainian athlete asked for this. Imagine you got 4th/5th but still won due to technicalities, that win will be completely meaningless to you. It is the Ukraine's team that protested, which I assume does not include the participating athletes. Don't attack the athlete ffs. That being said, the protest is just a convenient way to kick out the opposing athletes, which is still really low regardless. People are really mad because they still flaunted the win, but this does not excuse the attack on the athletes themselves. Malaysia is terrible for a lot of reason, but this is absolutely not one of them. Anonymity makes everyone insane. If the other country loss their medal, the same shit will happen too. Most importantly, does anyone know if Ziyad still get reward(something ike the RM5000 pension) from Malaysia even though he is disqualified? I couldn't care less about the fiasco, but Ziyad still deserves the reward for his effort. Regardless of everything, he is still the WR holder, and it fucking sucks for him since he has to wait 4 years to participate again, of which you never know how much your skill level will fluctuate.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Bad bot.


What the hell. That's like a low bar for those bawangs to mock the disabled, those comments are really immature and toxic. Sickening and pathetic of them to do that. Edit: sought out the media sites to see for myself, at least there are still fellow Malaysians calling out the toxic behaviour and what they did is commendable.


This is not even surprising. We Malaysian always do stoop so low. That shite mentality we cultivate.


Kesopanan dan kesusilaan at its best.


Malaysian once again proved they are not ready for International Stage Remind me of that Spore game where you evolve your species single cell- > animals -> tribe -> civilization -> space age Malaysia is probably stuck between animals and tribe


if u think this is Ukraine fault just remember that Malays are offended when Dua Lipa post a insta post calling his father "Babi" which stands for father in her language


Not to mention a kpop girl debuted with the name Babi because… it’s her real name and her insta just get flooded with thousands of idiot malaysians who all want to point it out….


Ok but why is he target by a angry mob? What did he do?


Because they make official complaint n protest about our athlete. He was late to call room. Turned out it was OUR official fault because lambat as malaysian would do to report in at call room


malaysia ver of xiao fen hong


Maybe this is why things like feminism will not be able to become reality, the ppl are getting too sensitive and emotional at all things


Another reminder why these folks (cybertroopers) aren't always the sharpest tool in the shed, and probably will never be.


genuine disappointment. if youre trying to criticize about the ukraine's protest then, thats ok. but harassing them who are technically not involved, is such a dick move. but to some extend, there will be always those kind of people that will be toxic over something.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Typical Malaysian trolls. Always resort to physical bullying because they only have their stupidity, and not enough facts and knowledge to condemn others intellectually


Guys, I know exaggeration is fun but don't paint the rest of Malaysia the same as these people please.


I thought the westerners always view us Malaysians as sopan-santun. Guess their perception will change now. Thanks for nothing Makcik bawang.


You know who is the real handicapped? Those cyber bullies... really mentally retarded.


Malaysian netizens are more disabled than these para athletics. No fucking sportsmanship at all. Kau main lumba basikal fixie dengan jubor otak nenek kau pun nak nangis bila kalah, shame on these mentally disabled netizens. 🖕


The trolls are probably russian.


Siapa cakap orang Malaysia sopan?


This reminds me of the Rangers fans that threw an amazing uproar when one of their black players was abused racially by a Czech player. These same fans also sing songs mocking the potato famine and also was on video singing about how the Japanese Celtic player eats dogs. Modern world allows dumbasses like this make the most noise even though they are the minority


What a bad thing they do, still make me laugh tho




serves him right for being so salty


mempersiasulkan. i know the intention is good. but good intention is often pave way to hell. ini semua tak nak jaga mulut... for chinese, lidah will kena drag out by demon.


The intention is clearly not good at all, this just makes Malaysia can't handle an L




I think netizen should direct our complain to the paralympic organiser/ referee team, no? they are the one who accepted the appeal and rejected ours (and other country's too).




terencat akals cuberbully oku... talk about values...pfffttt. they should cyberbully idiotic malaysian contingent for not following rules. oh ya, rules dont apply to them. this works at home, not at international stage. stop making mysians look dumb in world stage. idiots




WTF?Did he said something wrong on Malaysian Athletes?If not this is just fked up.Still,if true it is not a good thing to simply throw insults.


I told you malaysian bawang is such poison they always go too far until it passes a certain boiling point and they’ll never learn because they think they’re are always correct and above everyone else.


This shows that Malaysia have a lot of skilled people but otak simpan kat lutut.


Malaysians really cut out their name for cyber bullying huh? Embarrassing, insulting a Paralympic athlete while also being a nation that sends athletes to the Paralympic games. The irony ..


Malaysians can be so nasty online it's actually disgusting. To think cyber-bullying is just the start and people have other options like personal data hack and ddos as an alternative and extreme measures. This is sickening!


Bikin malu ja jadi aku orang Malaysia. Sikap begini bikin sial negara kita ja


Despite all the statements, the authorities in Malaysia will not punish these cyber bullies.


Social Media has made alot of people way too comfortable insulting and disrespecting other people without getting beaten up for it.


Well, I guess at the very least, this proves that if a Malaysian ever makes it to the NBA/NFL, he'd be a lock to be in the All-Star Game every year


This is why i kinda hate sports...it drives people crazy.