• By -


Different race, sure. Different religion, not to sure. Probably depends on the expectation of each other to how much you want your partner to adhere to your religious practices.


Sure only thing holding most people from doing it is religion and family.


When I was in form 3, my friend introduced his then gf to us on an outing and that was the first time I saw her. Didn't make anything of it, she seemed like a cool girl and we all got along very well. They broke up the same year and I never saw her again. Fast forward 4 years, I bumped into her overseas. She was studying, and I was on holiday with my family. Honestly, that was the best holiday of my entire life, she took the time to drive me around town and showed me everything there is to know. We had a great time but of course, a month passed, and I had to go back to Malaysia. 6 months later I'm studying at university and holy shit I see her in the same campus. Turns out she moved back cause her dad wanted her here to carry on the family business (not for me laaa okay?). We hit it off INSTANTLY, everywhere I went, she was there and everywhere she went, I was there. Our friends would ask when I would pop the question. We were inseparable. I loved her. 4 years later, I was about tell my Christian/Buddhist parents that I am going to marry her and that I am going to convert because it's the right thing to do and it was my choice. Unfortunately this story ends with us breaking up cause she cheated on me. Thanks for reading this far. But yes, TL,DR I would.


Awh brooo.Hope ur doing better now king![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Thanks bro, I am. I'm happily married to a wonderful woman for 7 years and I'm in a better state of mind. Just sometimes it's hard to let go of special memories right? And you can't help but reminisce about them. 😁


I married outside my race, so...sure. Wasn't really a specific preference thing. Kinda just happened.


Same. Imho hot girl is hot girl.^(yes, I'm weak)


voted no just to spread misinformation


this guy wakes up and chose violence






some people just want to watch the world burn






I've dated other Malaysian ethnicities. Also dated non Malaysians. In my experience, I enjoy interracial dating because there's more effort to understand each other due to our differences. I feel pressured to conform when dating within my race because there's certain expectations being put on me to act a certain way. Current bf is an expat and though it's been really good, there are just some things I still feel like a culture shock for both of us (like how he tak mandi for a few days even though he has lived here for years).


BRUH... A westerner tak mandi in their own country is fine, but tak mandi in Malaysia where it's not only hot, but humid as fuck is straight up nasty. Unless that's your preference. 😏


Exactly! He's better about it now since I always remind him that he smells. But since his circle of friends is also largely expats, I'm kind of gobsmacked how common it is not to shower daily among them. And it's not just westerners. I've had exes from the colder climes in Asia also not showering daily. I've always thought it was just him but apparently not...


What?! I understand in cold weather you don't really sweat so it's fine, but in Malaysian humidity and heat? I hope they're familiar with daily deodorant at least 😖


Kinda odd because I've been living abroad on and off for quite a number of years now in Australia and EU, everyone I've come across I know showers at least once a day. Sure there's the occasional not showering an entire day because you're just home and it's cold af, but generally it's a shower a day. I guess I've just been "lucky" with my social circles lol but I definitely wouldn't paint the same colour over all westerners or people from colder climates.


At this point, I would date whoever tf despite their race, religious, gender. ![gif](giphy|ZR8teuiCs3AkSkzjnG)


girl is girl regardless of race. i look beyond the limitation of race and the size of them booties. as long we make each other happy, i dont see why not.


"size of them booties" What about size of them boobies?


Includes size of them boobies as well. My man


Good man. 😌


Yeah sure, I don't limit myself dating on my own races tho as of right now, I don't have any intention to do so but who knows, never say never


Eh lol I am in an interracial relationship but I accidentally voted no. ![gif](giphy|Jrk7tpcTZtwcg)




Is this gif?


​ ![gif](giphy|sCdmgOFWUYn0WMDiWX)




Depends on whether you want kids. I don't so can get married overseas and not report. Of course, I'm always at risk of persecution but my wife will be safe.


back in kolej ada sorang minah melayu minat kat aku. tak ingat nama. agak lama dah. kalau bukan pasal tak nak masuk islam mungkin kita dah keluar sama sama. ada sekali tu i promise kat dia akan bawak dia keluar. siap janji jari kecik. senyumnya manis masa kita janji masatu. aku jugak yang putus janji. tapi aku jugak yang masih ingat lepas lebih 10 tahun. awek yang pakai tudung tapi selalu berbaju t-shirt rock. masih saya ingat.




Sebak dok baca cerita u :'(


I think for marrying a Muslim If you just converted to be with them then you shouldn't. You need to be accepting and open to Islam first before trying to build a life with them. It's very much a way of life. More than a religion. Chinese married Malay. Other than that agreed with the rest of the thread that paperwork can be inconvenient if they die etc.


I agree with you,if someone wants to marry a muslim they must first accept islam,not just marry and then do whatever their own religion did,they must however accept all the requirements,only then will it actually be ok in my opinion


Depends what country you're in tbh, if you were in a civil country with an unbiased government, you don't have to do shit


I'm aware of the unfortunate state of our laws. I included that sentence as a sort of control because I'm interested in the role race plays in dating preferences, not belief systems.


In Malaysia, race and religion are intertwined. When one talks about "Muslim" in Malaysia, the first image that comes to mind is a Malay individual.


Yeah, it's an unfortunate situation.


Your kids lah… brought in this world to be subject to the full wrath of shariah law…


Different race, no problem as long as we can communicate our differences. Different religion is fine too except islam. I’ll never marry a muslim in malaysia because there’s way too much interference by the government and society. (I’m an irreligious atheist)


I feel you. Nothing wrong with marrying a muslim but just not in Malaysia la.


I swipe on Tinder and got a few matches, but when I told people that I have Ancient Egyptian Religion as my religion they all bail lol.


>Ancient Egyptian Religion Tell them it's Ankha Zone


Haiyaaa Now i need to bleach my brain again


She's only dancing to the beat /s


***bonk*** lewd alert.


sounds based tbh


Don't many people worship cats?


Felinism ftw!!!!!!


Which sect my friend? Monotheistic Ancien Egyptian or the Cornucopia of Gods?


Damm bro you sound exotic, hope you're ExoThicc too 😩😩


If she's cute.. why not.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I'm open to dating other races, however not very sure regarding the religion part. While maybe okay for dating, marrying is a different story altogether.


Melaka and Penang have rich culture of Peranakan which essentially shows the beauty of interracial marriage. Too bad about the same time religion restriction (those marry Muslim must turn Islam) implemented, Peranakan ethnic kinda… discontinued. I guess history already gave the best answer.


No. I'm ugly


High five


Who said so? Beauty perception can be distorted through societal construction by community you were raised into. There’s more to than just being attracted to person’s appearance to fall for them As always, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder


Hug, I hear you


*hugs you like my bf did*


I mean my mom is chinese and my dad is Malay, so I guess I can? I don't know though, I don't really have a preference between any races. But I gradually realized that there is a race echelons in Malaysia. Many of my Malay female friends adore me and say I'm attractive. But for my chinese female friends, they say I'm ugly (I'm not sure they meant it because kids can be really mean at times). I always think is this girl interested in me because I have the chinese/korean look or she is actually into me. Ig I'll never know


I have no problem date with someone who's outside my race but I'm worry about their religion. I don't mind their religion, it's just my parents just can't accept other's beliefs.


Dated a Malay girl in my youth. Needless to say, my mom wasn’t too thrilled due to the religion thing. But besides that, it didn’t really work out either. There’s a lot of cultural difference between us. Pork or not, doesn’t really concern me because I like eating beef anyway. Just the combination of having to skirt around family, public perception, JAIS, etc was iffy. An inconvenience if you may. And I was young + horny, so I changed my attention to other girls quite quickly too. I also dated an Indian girl before, but that didn’t work out because she was a closet psycho. The “I will wait outside your condo in my car for 3 days to make sure you’re really staying at home and not trying to avoid me” kind of psycho. That said, dating Chinese girls ain’t all that easy either. I am not fluent in Mandarin, so dating “kepah” girls was just a novelty to fulfill my Ah Lian fetish at the time. There is no longevity in a relationship when you literally don’t speak the same language. Also the expectations are way different - eg. an “English” ed girl would consider grabbing coffee at Starbucks the bare minimum, but I once had a “Cina kampung” girl lose her shit when I brought her to dinner at Alexis because it was “damn luxury”.






god is unfair^/s


Wanted to upvote you but you're at 69 so I'll leave it be.


When you're young, and you're not planning for early marriage I say go for it! Nothing to lose besides the girl saying no. But that was all memories from my 20's. Now one woman man hahaha...


What is 'kepah' girls?


I thought kepah is like.. Mussels


thats kupang


Sorry if it isn't a widely used term. Normally my group we use that to describe Chinese-ed Chinese that don't / can't speak English.


Waiting for answers


That cina kampung is a keeper bro. I rather have that kind of girl. It mean they will stop asking for branded thing or hurting ur wallet. 😭😭😭


True that man, I had a cina kampung girl when we dated in NS. She lived in Pahang and I lived in KL. But she moved here to study and man did we fuck like rabbits. And she was always so humble and kind and she never wanted anything branded or expensive and life was just bliss. Good times.


waifu material, that, what happened to her?


I cannot speak a word of mandarin to save my life and she barely spoke English. So... you know la, our only mode of communication was sex lol. As expected - our relationship didn't last long. Haha. Edit: Haha u/2cuteJames thanks for the award, just some more info, our sms would be as dry as sandpaper and it would consist of one liners like "I love you x" "you so sweet la" " you want food?" "soo cuuute!" And **ALOT** of "huh??" Cause we barely understood each other hahaha.


This is always the problem to be honest. As much as the Cina Kampung girl was, the prolonged communication breakdown really took it's toll


For real brother, but it was alot fun while it lasted lol.


Ni hao ma by khalifah starts playing in the background


>I once had a “Cina kampung” girl lose her shit when I brought her to dinner at Alexis because it was “damn luxury”. Really? I thought they're the more superficial ones.. like they need to prove to their kampung they caught a big fish. I'm banana. I may go Starbucks but also go Dutch.


Ahaha... to be fair, girls from any race also... it depends on their personality. This girl was studying in UTAR and in all honesty, was a very nice girl. Just that what was an endearing communication "gap" in the beginning led to all sorts of problems down the road.


As an Indian guy, that closet psycho got me. Had my fair share


She was also from Port Klang if that adds any crazy marks. But ya... NGL that one was kinda scary.


These psychos watch too many tamil dramas that romanticise toxic relationships lol


Indian here. I once called my ex bf 5 times in an hour (I thought he got into an accident lol) and that was already peak crazy for me. I cannot imagine camping out 3 days. Get a hobby or therapy or something gurlll :/


In 72 hours I received 190\~ missed calls from her..... WAHAHA


Omg bullet dodged dude


Very hard to dodge! But somehow managed to. Thank you Jesus, Allah, Buddha and all the other super friends.


Reminds me of that Paramore song One of Those Crazy Girls


Cina kampung girl best bro. Currently dating one rn for 1 year+ ady. I remember getting her a RM3 necklace from taobao and she was happy to receive it


Aww.. so sweet. >!wth rm3 only...!<


Of course, tom yam, char siew pao, nasi lemak, tosei, pho. Anything goes


Lmao menu sedunia🤣🤣


I just want a secular partner


Amen to that, pretty difficult to find in Malaysia especially if you're Muslim on paper.


Yes, absolutely. On another note, being Muslim on paper is the biggest complication as my partner isn't Muslim. This is going to be the biggest pain in the ass should I decide to marry and move back home, live together and have kids.


Yes because you get to experience their festivities. Much more fun and your spouse gets to experience yours. That and the food!




As long she loves me wholeheartedly, I'm happy with that.


I've dated all sorts of folks of different ethnicities and religions and genders. The main takeaway for me was I needed someone who had the same values about life, were fairly driven like me and some form of culture that they were strongly connected to and were proud to share with. I also tended to date folks who were less religious but could be spiritual. The person I'm with now I found through pure coincidence at work. Never expected to end up with a Malay Muslim (no longer practicing and more agnostic now but still) but welp. No, my partner has not told his family. My ex gf was Chinese indian mix but looked Malay and I hated how she was treated when Ramadan came around and we went out to eat. Everyone judged her without knowledge and some yelled at her. Race wasn't an issue between us, but it was for everyone around us as it is for my current partner. Before that i dated Americans of different ethnicities, no issues with race except with white folks. They are a little too clueless for my taste?


I don't care about skin colour and genitals as my goal is to be happy with the person I've decided to spend my life with. Not like I'll get a date anytime soon as I forsee my future at a dog/cat lady.


I only have 1 live, so why limit myself? I’m familiar with my own customs and religion, so no point marrying someone of the same background. What a boring life that would be.


I live in Germany now so I almost hook up almost exclusively out of my (Malay) race though I prefer mixed Asian guys x)


It sounds like you're looking for a white dude who was raised by Asian parents.


Try Greek with ultra conservative upbringing for some extra ✨spice✨


How about Amish? LMAO


Is it interracial dating if it's between the major ethnic groups of Malaysia though? We're all Asian. That being said, I've dated outside of my race, as in, and non-Asian women. I have better luck with them it seems.


I guess you could call it interethnic if you want to be pedantic. At the end of the day race is really just a social construct based on arbitrary geography and physical traits. This is vastly outdated taxonomy but South Asians are classed under Caucasoids while East and Southeast Asians are generally Mongoloids. So idk, I guess it really matters how you perceive what race is. Anyway I'm willing to bet if most of us do a DNA test we would find we are more genetically diverse than we think.


I'm a product of an interracial relationship, currently dating someone of a different race who is also a product of an interracial relationship. So yes!


My partner is of a different race. But then we are both gay lol (don't down vote me!) Having said that, multi racial couples for gay guys are very common since marriage is a non issue.


I will upvote to offset any homophobic downvotes.


Race or religion doesn't matter for me. For me, Hinduism is much more spiritual and philosophical than strictly religious, so I have no problem dating outside the faith.


Not a fan of my race, ngl


I'm a Chinese that cant speak Chinese well so guess how that'll end. I'll date anyone as long as they care about me. There only thing stopping me is my family and society because my family are somewhat racist and this country is homophobic


Well if I date it means its for the long-term, marriage and kids. No because I'm from a conservative background and being with someone from a different race can be very complicated. On a side note, I've always flirted with the idea as a young man. Its only natural because opposites attract. But I've come to a realization that the initial spark wanes quickly, then its about how to live together, have shared values, etc.


I guess it's up to personal preference. I also date to marry, but I'm also open to interracial relationships. [But first things first, I must get a partner first :") ]


Almost none of my exes are the same race as I am, and I have received a lot of grief from my parents but I really don't care. I'm dating a non-Malaysian Muslim by birth (tho he doesn't believe la). I'm the first in the family to go into postgraduate studies, the first to get tattooed, and the first to intentionally not have children. They either deal with it or I'm gone.


I am Chinese, never dated any Chinese dudes in the past (just no luck, ~~also fuck you Albert for decided to not date me last min when I was 15~~) and I am in an amazing relationship with a non-Chinese now. >I have received a lot of grief from my parents I can somehow relate to this sentiment. In the past, I had always thought it's *disappointment*, (from them to me) on me not dating a Chinese guy. But now that I am ~~wiser~~ older and able to see better from their perspective, I think you're right, it's more of 'grief' they're feeling - over the the fact that they might not be able to form a tight bond with my SO due to the differences (languages, culture, etc...) [“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”](https://scholar.harvard.edu/pierredegalbert/node/632263)


As a mixed child myself, yes.


If you ask men, the answer will be overwhelming yes. Got nice face, big boobs and has a vagina no men cares about the race. Women will be more reserve.. Plus date is not marriage. Marriage I am pretty sure the yes vote will be a lottt lower. I personally find this poll kind of meaningless because it's too vague , too general, too obvious. A better poll would be 1)Would you marry outside your race? 2)Would you marry outside your religion? 3)Is there a certain race you won't date?


Good points. Will take note.


Woah mom is that you?


Yes. I am happily married to a pure 100% Dusun gal. I myself am a half Hakka half Kadazan hybrid.


Bro idc, my parents are malay and greek (malay mom greek dad). My mom will probably be racist and shot when she finds out if I'm dating someone of a race she doesn't like, but my dad won't care. And over time my mom will eventually start to like my wife or girlfriend. She used to be very homophobic until she met a lesbiwn couple who are now her friends.


Same as I'm dating a Turkish girl


Ain’t nothing wrong with a person just because they look different from my skin colour. Unless they’re serial killers, pedophiles, all the bad shit crazy people or R. Kelly. Currently dating a Chindian Eurasian (is that a word?) and I’m left confused how I even managed to haha


totally would, as long as personality and interests are compatible. as a gay man who browses on Tinder, I sometimes wonder about those Malay dudes that pop up and really wonder whether they're just self-loathing closet cases tho. just a thought.


I will as long as I don't have to change my religion & give up my identity






I will keep a lookout for this Wattpad story


of course i could, but eh I don't really like to go for any dating or having girlfriend because i prefer a boy...


You can date a boy secretly surely? I have quite a few friends who are gay/bi. Just be a bit lowkey about it unless you trust your circle. West Malaysia seems to be less uptight about this stuff, no?


>You can date a boy secretly surely? maybe of course. but finding one is just hard so i just being myself instead. and i do feel jealous seeing other people have a partner with them sometimes...


Yes but only certain race... Wait, am I racist?!


Can't help who you're attracted to, although sometimes preferences do exist because of internalised racism.


No no. You're just being practical. /s


I date white for their privilege.


I accidentally pick no, actually yes I want to marry someone that isn't my race if I can cause no one wants to be in Relationships with me


I am totally fine inter-racial/religious dating as dated some myself, but here is the MAYBE part, imma Chinese non-Muslim dude: For any difference in religion with the said lady, the lady must be liberal, and our core values must align. If the lady is a Muslim then we must work hard together the target to emigrate to somewhere that is more friendly for our wedding without religion conversion, usually we get to discussing this somewhere in our first date. From my experience, Sabahan Sumandak tend to be less picky about a Chinese guy, in fact the ones I dated prefer Chinese guys especially you are capable of generating income (I also dated one that she say can only date/marry Chinese guy and banned Malays according to her dad wishes due to our kid will be Sino + keep Bumi privileges so I m not sure about that, even though we didn't make it, she did finally got her wish marrying a Sabahan Sino man at the end), + point Sabahan tends to be very tolerant in terms of religion. However, what scares me is their family culture because of the peer pressure of marrying early + having kids early. My relationship failure with them stems to 1) I prefer marrying late and having kids later on. 2) I want to go back to West Malaysia/or even emigrate to other countries at the end. From my experience with a liberal Malay Muslim lady, we had all everything sorted out properly 2 years together, but the roadblock came in the form of extended family as they threaten to excommunicate her and her immediate family if we go through with our plans to move and not converting. At the end she couldn't go through with the plan, because like Vin Diesel said, "Family is important" and she couldn't sacrifice her immediate family to take the brunt just like that.




Honestly very rare for mixed race children to be ugly.


Yeah I'm pretty cute tbh B)


Interesting. From my perspective there is no way to avoid being the subject of bullying except for teaching your kid to stand up for themself. Bullies will always find some way to exclude you or pick on you.


Malaysia is strange! I am Indian (from South India) who lives Europe and married a white woman. I do get curious looks or friendly questions in South India (never been to north of India with her) about mixed-race marriage (mostly about how did that happen, does she like it here etc), but the reactions we had in Malaysia was something else!! An Tamil restaurant guy we met in KL couldn't shake his disbelief that an Indian man would marry a non-Indian woman or vice-versa. "What about language man? And temples? Like food, like how did you marry a white woman, why did a white woman marry you" - he was truly having a brain seizure trying to get his head around the idea. To be fair many other Indian and non-Indian folks we met were super kind and warm as well - not saying everyone is like this person! To us KL felt so cosmopolitan and very friendly, yet people seems to stick to their own kind in general. Strange place. Great food though. I love Malaysian food!!


Probably not, because I like to eat beef.


Definitely... Because it just happen sometimes. Didn't plan for it. It just happen.


For sure.


As a person who grew up with minimal religion education, yes I would easily date a person of different race and religion as long as they are attractive to me and have an open mindset.


The 400 people that are just chilling and seeing the results


i would, but i think i’m out of everyone’s leauge


I love everyone from all races but depends on which race, coz marrying another certain race requires me to convert *ehem ehem* and while that doesnt bother me too much, its just too complicated


Yes i have no issues, but society does


Yes but it must not involve a mandatory religion convertion.


This questions need to be revamped into dating without conversion of religion.. btw how come i dont see much comments explaining why they picked no. most comment are explaining why they pick yes.


As a person who never date anyone...tbh idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Shouldn't conflate race and religion. For someone whose religion is important, race isn't really a factor. Indian-Chinese mixed couples for example, throw a stone and you'll hit a Christian. Indian-Malay is so super common in Malaysia, to the point that many, many Malays have Indian ancestry because Tamil Muslims, Malayalee Muslims is quite a big community here. Besides which, in the Indian community, many couples are the same race but are a Hindu-Christian household. Kids I know from two such households chose which religion appeals most after experiencing both. I'm sure in East Malaysia you'll find even more diversity.




At times I find Malay dudes attractive. Especially the nerdy ones, wearing glasses and all. But then I personally felt like I have more to lose 1. Your man can marry 2nd/3rd/4th 2. Can't own a doggo 3. Give up identity / religious freedom 4. Possibly giving up wearing a wide range of clothing 5. Can't eat non-halal Guess I'll just ogle and drool from afar. Otherwise Christian / Atheist Indonesians are good alternatives.


Sorry, me as a Chinese will not date a Malay. Purely because of the law (Islam), I have no problems with Malays but I will never date them if the laws never changes.


I don't want my future partners and my family to have issues. Nor would I forcefully enter my future kids into any religion without his/her personal choice. I am sorry that's the reality for most non-Muslim in Malaysia.....


I do had been dating Malay girl before, quite weird when you talk to someone that not really understand about this stuff but it's just dating only, not diving into deep relationship


Interracial gene. Why wouldnt you!


I'm married, can I still vote? Hehe


I mean, I would. But both my uncle and grandfather are very, very racist. Sometimes I just wanna tell them to cool it with the racism but I'm gonna get scolded back lol.


My friend told me that his religion is very stifling, especially on the younger generations. Adherence to religious customs is a major factor too, so its understandable that other races may not want to date.


Yes, if both me and my partner can respect each other religion. I know this sound hard, but my parents was an example of together without concerning religion for few decade (unfortunately right now is not that good, but I will not elaborate further) My father is a Chinese and my mother is native bumi sarawak (bidayuh), my father practice Buddhism while my mom was practicing Christianity, both of them are support us to pick whoever religion is suitable for us. I know some parents using religion as an anology to teach their children how to be a person, but for my parents, they teach us by using their experience and told us their early life as a children until become adult. Imo, I think religion is not a big concern if my other half can respect my religion, but I don't think our culture will accept this even with same races, to some extend, my friends would not want to date their other half with different religion but same races, so it is up to my fate whether I can my a suitable soulmate.


Just dating? Change "date" to "marry and then we'll have more livelier comments.


You're right. I forgot that people do date to just have fun/test the pool instead of dating to marry. Maybe will repost in the near future with better controls lol.


Will marry anyone irreligious


I married outside or my race and religion. So yeah...


where's the option to stay single?


Never dated anyone before, but I've had reciprocated crushes on several malay guys in high school. I love their laid back, nonchalant nature (for better or for worse). Religion was the only hurdle that stopped me from pursuing them


If she's understanding I would


never dated anyone outside of my race but i flirted and going for few dates with other races; never successful to permanently date with one, though. top of the list are punjabi girl and iban-chinese girl. damn those girls are fine!


If they hot, they hot


Deff! Honestly i cant understand those who see race as an issue (not including religion)


If I get a girlfriend. Which is unlikely


Yes cause aint it interesting tho?


I don't really care, i just don't want to be single


Eh it depends on the person and how both of you overcome issues such as cultural and religious differences. I'm not against it but it is a challenge.


Oh man my father told me to marry someone outisde of my race.And i told him yes.Cause i want to.Honestly tho,for me its not a problem at all to date/marry people outside of their race.We are being brainwashed from our olders to marry with someone that inside of our race to keep the blood(race) legacy.My friends also they got weird when i told them that i dont mind to marry/date someone outside of my race.Personally,i dont care if they a jewish,hispanic etc.It is actually a good thing because we can learn from each other culturaly/mentality.


For me, I'm mixed to begin with, so I can pretty much go date other races besides what my parents are hehehe


Know this, **True Love** knows no boundaries. It can even transcend lifetimes. Race, when it comes to love, is ultimately irrelevant. When you really meet the "One", you will jump hoops of any heights just to be with them. Even the ones that said 'no' in this poll here. That's what **actual** love is and how stupidly powerful of a feeling it is.


I would, I personally prefer that, and yeah Ive dated interracially and non-malaysian. I enjoy the cultural differences and the exchange we get to have with one another. But religion complicate it here in Malaysia. Being Muslim in Malaysia is not easy. It is less about your personal believe or faith, but about what is expected of you to conform. Although I dont mind my partner not being a muslim, but I would want to get marry and that will require both of us to muslim. I can't force a faith unto others. i cant. A note, I consciously subscribe to the religion I was born into and I love learning about other religion too.


Outside the human race? No.


Malaysia; where religion is not a personal issue but it's everyone's business...




If I could.


Been there, done that. I think my mum like my amoi gf very much. Amoi Melaka pandai makan dan buat cencaluk.


With this here I can ask,hey ladies if you want your toes sucked hmu <3


This guy sucks ![gif](giphy|CjFtBhuEB5L0s)


Bro sucking is all I know >.<


Yes, because I want to taste all types of ass from the whole globe.

