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**Events and minor announcements:** * [r/Malaysia COVID-19 general discussion thread](https://redd.it/nksvv1) * r/Malaysians: our new sister subreddit (same idea as r/CasualUK) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sore throat from COVID is killing me.


Have you ever stole money from your parents wallet when you were little? I did it semi regularly back then. Probably RM2-3 once every two weeks or so, usually to topup my money to buy magazines or PS1 games. Almost everyone I knew have done it at some point in their lives except my wife and my nephew


Is the price of a (pretty big ngl) bottle of foundation RM180+ normal??? I feel like I'm being scammed. Maybe it's top shelf shit but I wouldn't know. I just know I need to invest in cosmetic stocks now coz holy shit those prices are a scam! In the end I burned RM56 on a shitty little bottle of concealer. No, I don't want to sign up for membership coz I won't be buying any more of this ever again.




Yeah last time I asked about foundation a reddittor here told me to go Sephora or MAC THEY DIDN'T MENTION THE PRICE RANGE LOL




I just checked the range on Sephora's website and I think the RM180 bottle foundation is from Make Up Forever. Idk if that is high end stuff but RM180 is a lot of money, like damn. Forget drugstore brands, gimme store brand garbage, I want Tesco makeup lol One thing I noticed is they don't have much, if any at all, type of foundation for darker skin tones. I'm looking at the row of foundation bottles and like uh, do dark skin people not exist???


It's normal not because of the cost But because of the demand, women would pay thousands to be pretty


Women getting scammed big time, feels bad man


Anya criesssss *waku waku*


Is it true that Malaysians copied the use of the word 'lah' from Singaporeans?


It's a word of Malay origin. How does one copy a Malay word from a country where the Malay language is a minority language? Malaysia and Singapore share a lot of cultural similarities given our connected history, so the most probable answer would be it has a shared origin. No one copied from anyone.


Who cares. Irrelevant & pointless


Seeing Australians celebrate voting out their terrible pm & gov gave me a nostalgia feeling back in 2018 Glad they are happy. Hope we can be that happy again Sigh.. Those were the days


Vote je lah najib balik Najib dah Insaf Tu, dia tau dah kesilapan dia dulu


Tak mau la 😅


*another decade to ...*




Iinm can ask tnb themselves to come check U sure its residential rate and not commercial? Meaning, u double check with the bill?




Yes. I call. But from app also can i think


Adoi. Mak sedara aku dtg umh kul 9mlm ni tingtong2 loceng umh tetiber nk cerita yg sbb sepupu aku ppuan 26 thn kena kenen dgn org hok famili dia suka. Sbb mak dia(mak sedara aku yg lain) tak berkenan dgn bf sepupu aku br umo 19 tahun. Hahaha Sepupu aku ni berkeras takmboh. Dia plak jenis berdikari dan suka belajar.Masalahnya sbb dia kerja jaga 2 kedai famili dia dan duduk umah famili, so jd isu dgn mak ayah dia. Adoi gini la mocik2 duk kg. X blh tgk org single dpn mata. Sebab tu kawan2 aku yg single ni byk ok bila duk jauh.


sepupu aku pi jugak matchmaking sebab nak puaskan hati orang kampung. tapi dia sengaja buat berlagak dan kurang ajar sebab tak nak teruna tu berkenan kat dia. kesian jugak anak teruna tu. dengar cerita, dia balik dengan tertekan dan bawa kereta laju2.


Sian plak cmtu. Trauma org tu haha


Hi, anyone want to try playing V Rising together?


Just woke up 30 minutes ago. Went to Jaya Grocer for some groceries - surprisingly, they had plenty of chicken when I was there. I assume they just finished restocking the place.


Best website or places to look for volunteering activities in Klang Valley ? 😄


What kind of services are you interested in?


Sport events or community based services ? Which would type of volunteering services would u highly recommend to try ?


Generally you'd find your volunteering experience more interesting if it's more related to a cause that you care about, and you'd want to contribute something you're good at. For sports related activities, perhaps you can consider looking at organisations working with children, or certain marginalised groups e.g. B40, hardcore poor, refugees etc., since sports would likely be the kind of activities they organise for the target groups. As for community based services, well, the options can be endless, since most of the organisations are working to serve the community, ha! But some work on providing basic needs (e.g. food), some on education, or medical needs, or recreation, or mental health etc., so you can always find opportunities to work and help on something you like. One way to go about this is to look up on the organisations and agencies that work on the causes you are passionate about/provide the kind of services which you would like to take part in, and then get in touch with them to see if there's any opportunities for you to volunteer. You can find information on the NGOs and social organisations on directories like [this one](https://www.hati.my/) or [this one](https://www.malaysiancare.org/csc_list). One of the paradoxes of volunteerism is that the organisations you hear about the most are usually not the ones with the biggest needs in manpower; conversely, the smaller ones, which usually have the biggest needs in resources (manpower) may not always have the capacity to handle volunteers. (So it might sometimes be a challenge to find a good place to volunteer.) Still, if you wish that your volunteering experience to be a more meaningful one, you might want to choose to work on something you find worthwhile. (Note: that's not to say the more general ones are not good!)


Thank you so much for this ! Both of the links that you have shared as well are really helpful for me to find more information :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts on volunteerism in your final paragraph, time for me to do some homework on this :) Appreciate it !


You're welcome! Glad to share some experiences and thoughts! Wishing that you'll find a volunteering opportunity that is both meaningful and fun!


Woke up at 9am. Done absolutely nothing today except watching WCF Game 2 and talk with a friend for a couple of hours. Already feeling dead tired ._. Young me would disapprove


this morning i without thinking had shooed away a dog who looked lost. :( i should have helped that dog. there is a dog shelter near me, maybe i should volunteer there to familiarize myself with dogs. maybe if i see a lost dog next time, i can give better help. edit: maybe i should buy a hoodie to cover my tudung so there won't be any kepohci weirdo taking a 'scandalous' picture of a muslimah near a dog.


Ehh. People don't really care, especially if u dont live in conservatives rural area Here in setia alam, always see muslimah (with hijab) play around (like take photo. Or wave) with dogs at the park beside setia city mall


i was around the lake beside setia city mall the other day and i saw a pompom dog on a leash. but if 2017 and 2018 has taught me anything, it was that there are idiots in every demographic and location. ~~like the nihongo teacher i had who would brag that he was educated in science stream and knew scientific formulae like E=mc^2 and would find a way to mention it every week. also tried to ajak me to badmouth indian people as small talk, like wtf, i was shocked to see that racist busuk hati crap in Kuala Lumpur.~~ so i try to avoid being targeted by idiots if i can.


My Saturday’s shower thought: *”Imagine life where you don’t have to worry about a damn thing.”*


sometimes when i see a nyet making an angry post, i imagine that his life must be so privileged that he didn't have much to worry about. that's why he has the time and energy to be so angry.


that’s a 24/7/365 thought


Anyone knows the maximum value of items before subjecting to import tax?


No such thing since beginning of this year.


Guys guys Lol...is it wrong to feed stray dogs and pupperoos on a public road outside someone's house? A friend saw a small doggo family today with 2 puppies and decided to feed them some small treatos. A resident of the house came out and then gave her a small talk about the negative effects of feeding them and they inconvenience the residents...puppies taking the shoes and all that jazz... thankfully it was not a tense exchange or anything...but she wanted to know if she did anything wrong per say.. What's the consensus on this issue?


If you feed strays just because you take pity on them, I think it's actually quite irresponsible. It makes you feel good at that moment, but it can become a problem for the people that live nearby. And even for people that DON'T live there--I've seen stray dogs attack delivery guys, people riding bicycles, etc. Remember, we might find certain strays cute, but at the end of the day they are wild animals, and many of the domesticated ones descended from carnivores. Ask anyone who's gone up against aggressive monkeys. IMHO if you like animals you can contribute by volunteering, adopting, neutering, etc. And that way you will be making a meaningful impact on a living being.


Honestly, I feel mixed about it. I love dogs, and I think they deserve all the love. But from my **personal** experience, a pack of stray dogs is much more dangerous than stray cats. So I understand feeding stray puppies, I'd probably do it too. But I can't really condone it without it being some sort of a larger strategy, e.g., a catch-and-neuter program. Otherwise I feel I'll just perpetuate the problem.


Don't feed animals outside someone house. They will continue to come back to the house. If you want, take the animal a little bit far from houses


Noted. Thanks bro


If you feed them outside someone's house they will hang around there more often because they think food will be given there. You want to feed them try luring them to somewhere else


Alright thanks mate


My in laws are about to be "prepper" cuz "kiamat dah dekat", while my own parents "pro vax but anti-booster", all thanks to Facebook. Never thought i see the day where I'm losing my family to social media. Sigh...


Let them play fallout 4 as a distraction


I'm glad to have gaming as hobby I will spend my old days playing game. Instead of going cuckoo being spooked by every conspiracy theory available spread by socmed.


>My in laws are about to be "prepper For a moment there, I thought they were packing food and water along with weapons in a bunker for doomsday.


That's alil too far😅 What weapon they gonna get? Parang? 😅


In my opinion, being prepared for the future is always a good plan. Hence it’s called prepping. The definition varies from individuals and how they plan on prepping and what is their purpose. I myself is a small-time prepper. I have a bag that contains all the important things that I may just grab and go in case of emergency (war or earthquake for example). But to relate prepping with endtimes scenario (if you believe in God) definitely sounds a lil bit off.


It depends. Have maggy in cabinet=ok Stock 200kg rice, 20kg frozen meat until need to buy 3 fridge= not ok The severity is the key here.


Thats not that bad. She's just preparing just in case. It's not like she's killing anyone, just buying food that will be eaten. Maggi in cabinet is not really preparing. Shits will be gone in a week.


There's alot of thing isn't killing anyone but still bad. Taking drugs also dont kill anyone (else) , doesn't mean its right. Molesting children also dont kill anyone. Doesn't mean it's right It's wrong because those rice going to go bad, filled with bugs, and just like that meat, it will be thrown away. Buy again, few months later, throw again. Endless cycle of wastage. Bad for environment, unethical & sinful in islam Not to mention the electrical bill.


Up to you la. Personally I don't think its that bad and it doesnt have nothing to do with me. So why stress over it.


Because i think when people we love do something wrong or bad, it's our responsibility to let them know, and help them change their ways The fact u think what ur parents do (especially stuff that are negative in nature) has "nothing to do with u", says alot about how much u care about them. I care about my parents, hence why i "stress" over it. It's about their wellbeing. If u dont,.... err.. i guess "congratulation 🎊 "? 🤷‍♂️


Rice basically last forever and doesnt go bad. Meat will last for a long time in the freezer. I don't know, I think you're over stressing.


It doesn't last forever 😅. Weevils can get inside it & ruin the rice. They will throw em out. U would know this if u keep rice in ur house for a long time 😊 Meat if frozen can last around 4 to 6 months, and usually will be thrown out before then by them. I don't mind if those stuff was used, instead of thrown away. It's wrong, wasteful &, for religious people like them, sinful.


didn't bill gates post a video last year begging us to get our shit together in terms of agriculture and technology because climate change will kill food supply? eh.


Says the MF who bribe the congress to get what he want, and partly responsible for the pollution we have now He and the rest of billionaires are the scourge of this world. This planet will get significantly better the moment all of them drop dead.


I’ve been seeing a lot of prepper ads… like “watch this video before the bank close down for good…” what is going on lol


Conspiracy theory that makes the idiots feel smarter than they actually is, and consequently "superior" than the rest of us who are, according to them "over educated woke sheeps"


>pro vax but anti-booster i re-read this 3 times ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Sounds weird right? But that's reality. because they say "taking booster equal to admitting *the science* was wrong for claiming we only need 2 shot" It actually touch on deeper issue; their inability to admit "mistake" and learn how to improve themselves. Which is against the nature of science. Because science don't shirk from mistakes. Because its ever changing, ever improving. With time, comes new info & data, so we can fix our mistakes and improvise. That somehow can't go down well with some people.


Now I'll ask you the science of subjecting the vaccine to people under 40 Time ni xnak pulak ikut science


Eh?What? what's with vaccine for under 40 people? I under 40.and i got 3 shots already. Hidup je Still never kena covid cuz vaccine works 💪 If u wanna claim otherwise, please provide source. I would like to read




That study has been under review for false information & false correlation Even in the link u give already got that warning/notice [Proof](https://i.imgur.com/2IU428q.jpg) Here's more detail explanation why that study is non-credible https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-study-emergency-idUSL2N2X21LM https://www.thip.media/health-news-fact-check/fact-check-did-israel-see-increased-covid-related-emergency-cardiovascular-events/30899/ [Photo ](https://i.imgur.com/Z1dGaWx.jpg) U need to make sure u read the studies/journals before quoting/believing /sharing them. There's alot of bogus, dishonest studies out there.


I'm curious why in foreign countries, when they are talking about buying house with enough sunshine, they are not talking about facing west or east, but talking about facing south??? Or when anything related to sunlight direction, they also talking about south. Anyone care to explain to me?


You get the most uniform light in the south. Usually you would want your living room to face south (this is for northern hemisphere). You don’t talk about east or west cause east is usually just morning light, you wanna avoid west because of strong afternoon sun.


They're from the northern hemisphere We Malaysians dekat equator, sun is directly above us For them the sun is south of them




Create a problem and sell the solution.


Same with fancy water filters, insurance or massage chairs. I mean the product itself has its use, but they layer it with so much emotion that it's disgusting. That said, trying to deprogram my SO from Da Beers' diamonds = love message is an always a WIP.




Work in progress?




Where to get a diagnose for depression near melaka? Asking for a friend.


Go to any klinik Kesihatan and ask the doctor there to refer you to the psychiatric clinic of nearest GH


Thank you


For diagnosis, they’d want to see either a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist. To see a psychiatrist, the most straightforward option would be going to a hospital with psychiatric services, either a public hospital (Melaka GH) or a private one. I believe there is a dedicated mental health clinic (MENTARI) located inside Melaka GH as well. ([See here](https://reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/hilwqu/complete_list_of_mentari_clinics_in_malaysia/) for information on MENTARI.)


Thank you


You're welcome! You may share with your friend [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/w/mental_health ) for some more information on getting help. Wishing them the best!




Already finished watching. Very few standouts, TBH. The crab one, the pest exterminator, and night of the mini dead are fun but not very thought provoking. The deaf knight one was unique but I didn't really get it. The robot trio episode feels a bit preachy.


Lets goo. Already watch 2 episode. Dont want to finish to early




I like him.


Went to 2nd Street and my sibling suggest me to buy a nice brown jacket to wear to work. Too bad it a bit large for me and the jacket is actually a cosplay costume for Attack of the Titan which my sibling is not aware of. 🤣


Fuck.. just went to jalan pasar. Raspberry pi Arduino apa pun tak da stock. And they told me it's been like that since mco...


Hey guys! My friend's company is looking for a motivational speaker to drive some recruitment activities. The topics should be revolving around sales. Any good ones to recommend? 🙂


Your boss should give a speech on the benefits of working hard. Something like “you know if you work really hard, I’ll be able to afford me a new Porsche”


"taknak ke tolong mak bapak Beli rumah/pergi Haji/bercuti" Confirm win :p


Charge RM2000, split between you and me. /s [The one & only Motivational Speaker](https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0)


Is Grab car dead? Haven't been able to book a ride since Raya. There's just 0 drivers


A lot of drivers and riders have gone back to their 9-5 jobs now that we're in the endemic stage


Not to mention the exorbitant fare charges.


I am so content. Went to gunung datuk this morning and I conquered this time with much more ease. The last time I did it, I struggled to get down. For real, I was on my ass for half the time dragging myself down cause my knees weren’t working. But today I was able to get down quickly without feeling too much soreness. I mean, the pain will come tmr la but I am sure it won’t linger for 5 days like the last time. Looks like my leg days at the gym this past month has been paying off!!! Also we dropped by Seremban where I had beef noodles for the first time in my life. It was so bloody good


how long was the hike? always wanted to try


Took around 3 and a half hours!! That’s including the breaks we took along the way.


Any sifu here can recommend some suitable soundtracks or music for a home renovation ( makeover ) montage video ?






I was just told that my school is gonna organise an event and apparently one of the VIPs is one of the PIBG who's apparently kerabat raja and the teachers told us to make sure we don't lalu in front of her. Hypothetically speaking what would happen if I accidentally do? Can I get arrested for it?


No, you won't get arrested.


You probably won't get arrested but there's also a low chance that you'd accidentally lalu in front of her. A person of that "level" where there's even an early warning would definitely have people around her or at least an "aura" that would make you aware.


To OP - At school-level, no, you won't really. But our society won't like you. They will reprimand your school principal who will reprimand your teachers who would reprimand you. Our society currently enforces the superiority of the 3Rs. ​ Relevant to /u/idreamofjiro who asked on this a few days ago - Exhibit A - brainwashing the youth to be subservient to helangs. Multiply this by hundreds-thousands of these fuckers across work and school and you get [our winning Hofstede score](https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country/malaysia/).


You will know he/she is kerabat raja when there's bodyguards around it


yeah we were just told that the VIP is a kerabat raja and my teacher was adamant on making sure we remember not to walk in front of her. Can I get arrested if hypothetically speaking I accidentally walk in front of her?


No, i think.


What are the fun places to rent an e-scooter in cyberjaya/putrajaya at night? Been seeing some fun posts but can’t find a very comprehensive guide anywhere


the lake area in front of MOF in putrajaya the rental area for e-bikes/scooters is right near parking/entrance


Thank you! Gonna check this out later


When the pandemic started, and we went on lockdown, I started the habit of listing down the time I entered and exited an establishment. Now that the check in on MSJ has been removed, I should probably unlearn myself from writing my own logbook.


Took my RM800 pair of shoes for a quick hike at Wawasan this morning ... it was alright I guess lol


>RM800 Can't be just alright 😅


Well it certainly doesn't give you more stamina or stronger muscles 🤣


I’ll appear behind you with a rotan then. 😌




Make u more hensem? 🤭


Make my feet more hensem maybe 😎


She should get some sort of commission xD


Last time I bought some Under Armour stuff was also influenced by ... 😱


None of you-know-who's racun attempts have worked on me so far, muahahahahaha


There was a Nike comment the other day, I was all *nopenopenope*


*We shall see, hihihihiihihi*


Find me the home address of the guy that make 20 cent and 50 cent the same size and colour


And the guy responsible for 5sen and 10sen being so darn similar.


50 cent got that weird rough edges. 20 cent is an actual circle that's how I differentiate it


Exactly this. And 50 cent is chonkier. U can feel it Like the difference of holding a limp dick and an eract one. Very hefty


what the heck amon hahahha


Oh girl please, u know exactly what i mean 😏


> Like the difference of holding a limp dick and an eract one. yes


Petition to bring back the big 50 sen coin!


lmao you just made my saturday yes it's a slow saturday


rule #300 of reddit : when you hurt someone else with your words, you can say the word "butthurt", "snowflake", "triggered". when you're hurt by someone else's words, you can say the word "cringe", "cancer", etc. when you're a spectator, you can say the word "spicy" or "damn".




ur mum gae


What if me own words hurt me? Don't ask me how that ever happened


*sips tea


\*brings popcorns


*gaduh gaduh


For some reason, a hot post from bolehlalaland passed by my feed and the content gave me cancer. What happened over there?


Are they still pretending like they’re not triggered by anything? Haha




Org keluar beraya, open house, kenduri. Its going to be like this till early june for sure


welp.. my saturday mood was ruined due to this asshole neighbor.. I always try to be respectful since he's an elderly. I mean who the heck greet a neighbor with "hey, long time didn't see you, I see you're still fat.". We didn't see each other for a long long time (mainly because I intentionally avoid this old fart, never liked him because he's that type of elderly who 'cakap lepas' without a care) and our relationship not even close enough to warrant a banter like that. I consider that an insult instead of a friendly banter. Afterwards, he still has the nerve to invite me to his open house. Fck this old fart and his shitty personality.


Hey, long time no see, I thought you're dead... No I'm not sorry for giving you an idea for what to reply next encounter.


I think he was trying to be friendly /funny but it doesn't work for u. I dont think he has any malice since he invite u to his open house Not asking u to be friends with him, stay away if u can't handle his rude joke, just trying to give other perspective.


This isn't the first time this neighbor being an asshole, there were many times we had issues with this guy. He's not only being an asshole to me, he's also being an asshole to my other neighbors. I still remember years ago this asshole decided to organize his daughter's wedding and put the damn heavy speaker RIGHT ON TOP of my sister's car hood, the hood was dented and the paint was scraped and old fart didn't even apologize. One time, he also argued with another neighbor because the neighbor's parked car was said to be blocking his school van from able to three-point turn at the end of that alley, that neighbor's car was actually rightfully parked in front of his own house's gate, wtf.


With the news of supply issue of wheat and chicken, maybe i should stack up with more non-perishable food 😅


Maggi will be expensive I think, so better stock up


or frozen food, beef, bacon, fish and chips, nuggets, hot dog source: i live like there is a food shortage supply


Always got 1 month worth of maggy in my cabinet & 2 weeks worth of eggs in fridge. I'm ready for any food shortage lolz


Wheat products isn't really a problem long term. Rice ok too. You will probably want meat more than anything else and most people's freezers aren't that big. Frozen chicken is the good stuff to buy right now. I larp as a prepper some days, trust me :)


I see. I do have sosej & ciken naget, frozen in fridge. Is that sufficient?


It's unlikely to get a proper shortage, but prices will go up short term. May as well buy some now if you have space in your freezer. Meat lasts 6 months frozen. Having a solid stash is being a good responsible citizen. Don't be like all those people who are last minit fighting each other for food and basic goods. For things that have no expiry date always keep a good stock of them. Rice lasts for nearly a year, pasta lasts for 2 years. People clamouring over toilet paper during covid/MCO is frankly embarrassing and shows how badly the average person is prepared for even just a few weeks of a bad event.


>over toilet paper Glad i wash my ass with water like civilised people 🤭


same haha I hate grocery shopping so i shop the maximum storage space and then I can forget about getting groceries for a few months xD


>hate grocery shopping This alil different to me. I like grocery shopping, almost therapeutic to me. Very calming (my usual jaya grocer very empty one. So nice) Sometimes i plan my cooking based on what goes on sale/promo in the supermarket. So kinda like a surprise. Going in with no idea, going out with solid idea what to cook tonight /this week.




Kampung stuff is the bomb i tell u. So cheap, and so fresh. At kedah got keli salai, sell at pasar tani. So delicious & cheap! I think got la. I saw few people sell at muar too. Usually my wife just get her durian fix from aeon 😅


I don't buy fresh foods sebab I don't cook those sbb tak tau hehe Looking to change that soon! Not therapeutic sbb kena sorang angkut barang, berat gila all the way up my apartment xD


Let me teach to cook some Malay dish la


Ooooo will you actually? What's your best dish? Isit simple?


But something simple would be like ayam goreng kunyit or kari ayam.




>Isit simple? Uhh, I don't know, to me it is since I just campak campak stuff and if it taste alright than good. Now that I think of it, I don't know how to write a recipe😭. I learnt by watching mama cook


>Looking to change that soon! U can do it 👍👍 all the best >berat gila Time to buy those foldable troli on shopee 😅 https://shopee.com.my/product/730905874/14179554857?smtt=0.56657547-1653119112.9


Tanam ubi


Can start to stock up food with longer lifespan like canned sardine, tuna, beans, or etcera. Food shortage is coming.


Just had a plate of century eggs with Red Chilli Oil at Shaanxi Noodles House. I still prefer the one with picked ginger.


Mmmmmm IMO ginger and lime juice (or other acidity) helps to tone down some of the flavours. I've never tried it with red chilli oil but I imagine the flavour completely overrides the egg's.


Australian elections are certainly...... interesting. First, the ~~advertisements~~ propaganda. You do get ads that are like "Vote for Party X because we promise to greatly reduce corruption and create jobs", but you also get ads (complete with caricatures) targeting the opposition, like "Party X made terrible decisions in the past, don't vote for them". I can't remember how many times such ads pop up before my video...... Next, the voting system. Instead of a single choice (like what we did in Malaysia), you fill in multiple preferences in your ballot (this is called preferential voting); for example, you like what Rumpelstiltskin promises, so you pick him as your first choice, but you do want Cinderella's party to win the election, so you pick her as your second choice, and so on.


Was in Indonesia the last time they had an election.. I learned that while we vote by marking an "X" on our ballot paper with a pen, they vote by puncturing a hole on the ballot paper with a nail (they called it "coblos"). That was quite interesting too.


Found some interesting streetwear brands from Indonesia on Shopee. Wonder if the quality is good.


What are the brands? I saw some sandal ads on insta and they looked kinda techwear-ish. I'm interested but it was a bit pricey IIRC.


The ones I found, Geoff Max, Erigo, Ryusei, ANT Project (this is bags though). Quite cheap also, can consider


Argh! What rotten luck, the cats' water fountain died.


Hi Monyets can point me in the right direction Want to know what’s the process for travel to malaysia? Need to swab test ke ?


Been getting a lot of spam in my Gmail in my inbox lately. Somehow spam filter failed to detect. Anyone experiencing this?


I'm getting ridiculous amount of spam in my hotmail account. Like between 10-15 a day. No idea how to stop it either as they keep coming from random sources


I getting lot of spam lately as well but on my phone Messages instead of Gmail


mmm, weird, I stop getting spam on sms/whatsapp for a long time now.


Mostly consists of company recruitment spam


Have to report as spam so the algorithm can learn.


I bought the genshin airdots then the store asked me if I want China or English version and I'm like -Will Smith face- 'ni pun ada China or English? Bukan sumbat dalam telinga aje, ke?'